System Only Gives Me Useless Gifts

255 - The Queen

“Save Earth?” Li Yun’s head tilted to the side as he asked a follow-up question. “In what way?”

“By preventing a collapse in the barrier protecting this world,” the Queen Mother replied.

“What does that mean?” Li Yun didn’t think the barrier was physical like the ozone.

“The barrier is meant to protect the laws of this universe,” said the Queen Mother. “Without the barrier, the existence of this world will become unstable and fall into chaos. There are gods in the other world who is seeking to break apart the barrier and enter this world. Their world has become unstable and they need to expand into other worlds to maintain their balance. The barrier is also preventing me entering the Spirit Realm. The information that we have gathered are from warriors who have returned to the Dream Realm.”

“What is it like in the Spirit Realm?”

“It is vast and extremely volatile. However, it is where warriors are able to gain power and knowledge of the universe.”

Li Yun thought back to the Woods. “If the Spirit Realm is dangerous, then I don’t plan to go anytime soon.” Li Yun saw little benefit. He had a life on Earth, was there a point to explore the Spirit Realm? “Are there rewards?”

“Ah, rewards,” Queen Mother appeared to remember the requests from the other humans. “How typical of humans. You will only work for either reward or to protect yourself.”

“I imagine it is the same for you.” Li Yun wondered what made her any different, “Are you a god or immortal?”

“Humans have called me a god, among other things. We simply maintain balance in the universe. Without balance, we cease to exist.”

Li Yun thought it was ironic that even the gods were struggling for survival and only humans could save them. “How much time do you have left?”

“2,212 years.”

Li Yun choked. He couldn’t believe she gave him such a far off date. He would be long dead before the apocalypse. She was using the same tactic as Nostradamus, use a far off date that it wouldn’t even matter if it was accurate or not.

“To you, it is a long time, but to us gods, it is simply a blink of an eye,” the Queen said.

“If you’re a god, couldn’t you create new realms?”

“We are not the god of creation. We are simple entities who live outside of space and time. Many of us are concerned about our own existence, and we need humans such as you to help us realign the future toward a different path. If you succeed, we will bestow you the power to see into the future.”

“That’s kind of useless,” Li Yun said. If he saw into the future, the very act would affect the future itself, rendering an alterate path and future. And if the future was already determined, then what was the point of knowing? “Are you really a god? You’re pretty limited in what you can do.”

“Upholding the laws of the universe isn’t that simple,” she replied. She was neither upset nor offended by his comment. She knew her ability was limited, but within the world of the compass, everything was at her command. “How about I give you the ability to view the essence of voids?”

Li Yun had no idea what that even mean. “Even if you grant me with the powers of an immortal, I do not know if I have the ability to help you out. I would rather return to the life I have now.”

“Before you turn me down, you should know that your existence is a different from normal humans,” she said cyptically.

“What does that mean?”

“Out of all the infinite life forms in this universe, you have been granted with a special power. Unlike other humans, you can use your own power to return back on Earth. I will guide you to reach that goal.”

Li Yun wondered if she was talking about his seed. “So if I agree to help, you will help me unlock the seed? And then all I have to do is gather information about the Spirit Realm?”


“What sort of information do you need from the Spirit Realm?”

“I need to know the details on the gods in the other world,” said the Queen Mother. “Unlike the gods of this world, the gods of the Spirit Realm aren’t restricted in the Dream Realm.”

“All right, I will agree, but only if I learn how to use the spiritual seed.”

“In order to unlock the spiritual seed, you will need to pass my test.”

“What sort of test?”

“Simple, defeat me.”

“A god versus a human, that sounds rather unfair.”

“I will restrict my powers to the level of a beginner seedling grade.”

“What does that even mean?”

“In the path of cultivation, there are nine steps, from first to ninth step. You are at the 6th step in the seedling grade.”

“I am?” Li Yun wondered if it had to do with the amount of AP his seed had been absorbing. “All right, that’s a bit more fair. What is considered a win and loss?”

“When a person dies or admits defeat.”

“Isn’t death a bit much?”

“Only the dream version of you will die. You will lose energy, but your physical self should be fine.”

“All right then.” Li Yun had assumed that his physical body would be fine from Shang Cang’s narration, but he had to be sure. Dying in a dream was still a frightening thought.

As soon as he agreed, the name above her head turned red and she disappeared from sight. The next moment, she appeared from behind and penetrated a sharp slash into the back.

“You’re still weak,” she murmured.

Li Yun felt like his heart ripping in half. It wasn’t his physical body, but the pain he felt was ten times worse than the time Fatty Wang almost yanked out his arm. As his body disappeared, he felt a light and airy sensation as though he had turned into clouds. A moment later, he reappeared back to the beginning of the plains.

“Damn,” Li Yun said to himself. He didn’t even have the chance to bring out his weapon.

He summoned the sword, and it appeared. Luckily, he didn’t have to start completely over. It took him quicker the second time to reappear in the ice pavilion.

“Do you want to try again?” The Queen Mother was waiting for him to return.

“Really? Don’t you feel that this trial is a bit unfair?” He asked. “Who knows how many thousand years of experience you have, and I only have twenty-five years?”

“You are incorrect, I have been guarding the realm for millions of years,” she replied. “Human existence and history is far more complex than you know.”

“Millions?” Li Yun wondered if she was talking about the others. However, Li Yun fel that time was slipping and he needed to return.

“Come back when you want to retake the trial,” she said, reappearing as the compass. “Just a hint for making it this far. To us gods, we do not see time as existing in the present. We are able to see the movement of time from a different perspective. It allows us to know the direction you call the future.”

Li Yun suddenly realized the meaning behind the location of the landmarks in the compass. They were the general coordinates of a particular block of space time as seen by the ancients.

“You understand that your concept of living in the moment is simply an illusion. An experience based on your own limited perception.”

“Then if you can see the past and future from a different perspective, then isn’t the end already set in stone?”

“Yes, but only in terms of this particular realm. Outside of the 8th realm, there exists an indefinite amount of realms and possibilities. However, the realms where humans could survive are limited.”

“So the knowledge of feng shui is based on the coordinates you have given?” asked Li Yun.

“It is mostly due to my calculations,” she replied, but smiled that Li Yun understood her hint. “Other gods have used different methods to steer away from the path of destruction.”

The gods had given the prophecy and coordinates to the ancients to warn them of an impending doom to the world.

“Do you know what is the cause of the destruction?”

“I know, but it will not benefit you to know.”

Li Yun sighed. He had a feeling she wasn’t going to reveal everything. “How do I leave this place?”

In the dream world, he still had some control of his body and could wake up simply by opening his eyes. However, the world inside the compass was determined by a different set of rule. When he was inside the woods, there was no way to judge the flow of time. It seemed like an endless night. He somehow managed to escape, but he did not know how it was triggered. He could only assume the time limit was up.

“There are many ways to escape from the artifact realm,” said the Queen Mother. “One is for the body to naturally wake itself up. Two is to find the true artifact within the realm and activate it. Three is for the creator of the realm to release you.”

The Queen Mother summoned the wooden compass to appear in front of Li Yun. “Take it.”

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