System Break

Chapter 178: Hook, line and sinker

The Red Queen wore tight red leathers with contrasting dark and light tones. Her top was cut to accentuate her cleavage and not for protection because her shoulders and arms were almost bare. The exception being the spiked, long red leather braces she wore from her wrist to her elbow.

Her sword was strapped to her back because it was too long for a hip mount and it rested under her long auburn ponytail.

We stood in two lines because there was only fifteen members present on the lower floor. The four swordsmen - who formed her inner council - flanked her with two at either side they faced us with predictable smug or sneering expressions. The high backed leather chair was in the centre and she perched at the back of the seat with her feet on the arm rest. Her long shapely leg was on fully display despite being encased in leather.

She released a long loud sigh of exasperation. Her eyes scanned us slowly before she began to speak. "We're embarrassed every day and it just gets worse. Today I had to face the master of the adepts and was belittled in front of everyone. The adepts, the Chancellors trainees and us. Who do you think is the butt of all jokes?"

She looked at us sadly and the simps felt sorry for the embarrassment they caused her.

She gulped. "We are far below the others in performance it makes me want to cry."

She wiped a fake tear and continued. "We were invited here because we were the best." I peered to my left, because the Reds weren't the best, but I suppose she wrote off the forest with some logic which suited her narrative.

"We were welcomed with open arms, given teachers, lodging and advice. And yet, the new trainees surpassed us within a month. Five of them collect more cores than we do combined and all five of them reached my class before any of you."

She was full of self-pity, scorn and gratuitous self-aggrandizing all the same time; it was quite an impressive display of narcissism. 

She jumped off the chair, pointed and shouted, "You must do better." She paced past her swordsmen who seemed immune to the same criticism for some unknown reason, and she stopped dramatically. "Train harder and hunt aggressively. No more trips to the north where the monsters are weak, you must go south."

Nervous looks passed between the Reds. She sensed the hesitation and it just made her angrier. She screamed, "If you're a pussy I want you out. Just die and don't come back."

I fought to control my expression. It was hilarious because she actively recruited pussies to adore her and now she was frustrated because they acted like pussies? What the fuck did she expect.

She seethed until she calmed a little. "Cerbrus," she said, and her right hand swordsman stepped forward.

He cleared his throat and began. "You will hunt in a single group, go south and chase down the largest cores in the marshlands. You will be provisioned with camping gear, equipment, and rations to stay out a few days. Then you will come home and train for another three before heading out again. Jerome will lead your group and we'll take Vengance in ours."

I didn't know who Jerome was, but I could guess from the pro level pouting. I had a million questions, but I kept them all to myself. I would hang back, watch, and keep my mouth closed.

Jerome's pout continued unabated, and he said, "We head out in three days. Training in the quad from dawn tomorrow. Today is your last day of rest and relaxation."

The Red Queen walked off thoroughly impressed with her marvellous plan and I quietly moved to an angle to catch glimpse through the door to her ground floor office. She slipped through with the four swordsmen behind her and the Vengance joined them at the behest of Cerbrus.

There was always someone in the doorway, but I saw a plush carpet, desk, and bookshelves. There were barred windows but on the outer wall and another locked door. But I didn't need to break in to study their plans; they were inept, simple and see through. 

The last person who should be training us was Jerome when they had an academy full of masters who taught adepts. As Leonell had proven - I could learn from the teachers and I was streaks ahead of these idiots.

Waylander was looking downcast, and I saw an opportunity. He was surrounded by five others from the reject group, and I approached him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We have to try harder; we're letting her down. She ..," I tried to tear up a little. "She inspired me with that speech. I'm going to give it everything now…" I paused again to find my words. "I really admire the way you always giving it your all to improve and I'm sorry for being a dick."

I smiled at him weakly. Gunt was turning over a new leaf - people can change - just watch me. 

Another pushed me from behind. "Fuck off Gunt. This sucks that we have to carry you and I won't be surprised if you die badly in the swamp." He heaved a mock sob. "I was inspired as well." Then his face brightened, and he grinned. "When she said just die and don't come back all I could think of was you."

Gunt was a weak bastard but my body reacted without a conscious decision on my part. Well maybe a little, but I gave it a pass. My fist rocketed up as I turned and caught him on the chin before he knew what was happening. His only reaction were his eyes widening in disbelief.

I thought quickly to cover my persona. "How dare you twist her words. She wants us to succeed or die trying." Gunt may be a weak idiot but he adored her. That adoration would be his motivation to surprise everyone with his growth.

He was flat on his ass and I didn't even use qi. Gunt was a weakling so what did that make him. They stared at me as I stormed off towards my room. I got changed into a dark grey cloak, grey shirt, and black pants. Junior even had supple black leather, lace up boots. I would have dispensed with them and gone barefoot, but it would be too conspicuous, so supple leather it was.

When I exited my room Waylander waved and smiled at me before he entered his. Hook line and sinker.

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