System Break

Chapter 149: The Lions

The protectors from Salastria were known as the lions. They'd run from the city then slowed and stopped next to the whitecloaks. There were five - as was the way with all cities - but following them were several adepts who were protectors in training.

Of the five protectors there were four older men ranging from mid thirties and above, to their leader - who was in his sixties. The leader was an old warrior with grey hair and scarred face. One of his eyes was white blind but he moved with the ease and confidence of the younger protectors. They wore the cloaks with the colours of Salastria - saffron with a black lion.

The fifth protector was a young woman with flowing blond hair and striking blue eyes. She was lean with a stern expression which contrasted her smooth tanned skin. The adepts numbered an additional seven, with four young men and three young women. They all wore long swords and shields.

The protectors themselves wielded a variety of weapons including spears, two handed axes and elegant longswords. The leader's sword was slightly curved with an ornate guard and it tapered towards the point. It's pommel was in the shape of a lions head and heavy enough to counterbalance the weight of the blade.

The leader of the protectors stopped next to Ying - the leader of the whitecloaks. He surveyed the scene of corpses and lack of standing adventurers.

"It went as predicted," the leader said. His tone was a mix of patronising and amused.

"Protector Brione it is not finished," Ying said and pointed.

The old protector looked at the ongoing battle before him with his one good eye. "They are forestfolk - they are not one of you - what are they doing here?"

"Did you invite them to attack it?" the young woman asked.

"Let the men speak Peppin."

If looks could kill Peppin would have massacred everyone watching the battle with the Gargscarab. Her blond hair and beautiful face took a backseat to her bright blue eyes which blazed with intensity.

Ying shifted nervously. "Sir. These are the forestfolk who won the tournament. They have a treaty with your duke."

"Our duke," Brione corrected. 

Ying stiffened. "We are guests not citizens of your city."

Brione stared then looked back to the battle. "These are adventurers?"

They watched Gisael and Sakaala precisely penetrate the small sectional gap with softer skin. Then all their eyes were drawn to me.

The serious young woman gasped, and the adepts became animated when they watched me slice the legs from under the Gargscarab. 

"How…," one of the protectors began. 

Brione held out a hand. "Watch closely," he ordered. "This is a rare opportunity to see one of their elite in action and we never know one day we may have to face them."

"Holy," Sandor said. "How did he dodge the tail?"

"He parried it," Ying said.

"He parried the fucking tail?" Mal queried.

Brione bristled at the commentary. "I see only nine of your guild. Did you face it and run?"

Ying grimaced. "Something like that but in hindsight we had no chance of prevailing. We went first and were naïve."

Brione's smile spread beneath his thin moustache. "That was our sentiment exactly."

"What techniques does it have?" Peppin asked.

"It?" Ying said. "That's Benzhi or Protector. You could call him a forest monster and he won't mind, but he's not an it."

"Several body techniques and qi blade," Brione said. Then I dodged the tail magnificently. "And some sort of awareness."

"That's some battle sense," Peppin said. "How did it sense it?"

Ying sighed but did not correct her again. 

Sandor rubbed his chin. "Is it just me or is he stronger and faster since the tournament?"

Ying glanced at Sandor then said, "It's about the same."

Peppin clapped cheerfully. "Oh it is a goner now."

A pincer came down towards my prone form. It had sliced adventurers in two or clasped them and dropped them in its mouth.

The grabbed me before I could scramble away and lifted me into the air. I dropped my glaive and placed my hands on the chitin claw. My muscles bulged as it lifted me towards its mouth and my qi flowed. I strained and struggled but with all my qi enhanced might I could not defeat the grasp of the gigantic mucus powered pincer. I lifted both my hands and glasped them together. The qi gathered in my forearms as I brought them down. The wood in my arms was swathed in my qi and I sent it forth as I struck.

A loud crack went with the bruising of my forearms. But the wood was strong, stronger than the chitin and it split. I bashed it again and again. Then I pushed and the chitin on the claw and it gave way. When the pincer broke I fell to the ground underneath its mouth.

I hit the ground running with one aim - my glaive. The other pincer was slow to react and but the time it tracked me I had my glaive in hand.

I shouted. "Come get some bitch." And I flew towards the pincer. The glaive was behind me with a full backswing and ready to strike, but at the last second I veered to the left and under its head.

Before its tail could react I sliced the other front leg in two. It's head lowered now that both its forelegs were halved. As it struggled and adjusted to its shorter legs I ran out of its reach and circled around to Ying.

The protectors and adepts stared. Most of them with open mouths and I noticed the blond who stood near Ying.

I dropped my glaive and picked up one of my spears. "Thanks," I said.

No one spoke and the blond was staring at me. They all were, but she was the one I noticed. 

"Hey beautiful," I said. "If I die - you can have a turn then."

Then I ran back towards the Gargscarab.


"Was it talking to me?" she asked.

"I believe so," Brione replied. "That is an interesting weapon. May I take a look?"

Ying shook his head. "Not my place to say yes or no. You can ask him later."

"What if he dies?" 

Ying laughed. "Want to place a wager?"

"Wait," Brione said and pointed. The adepts gasped. Peppin's eyes narrowed.

The qi powered spear drilled up through the chitin undercarriage. 

"What is it doing?" Peppin asked.

"Amazing," Brione said. "He chopped down its legs so he could easily reach its belly. Now he uses the spear to stab through its armoured belly."

A hole opened up where the spear stabbed, and the qi spiralled up through the chitin. The Gargscarab was oblivious do the danger or unable to react. It prodded forward as I drilled a man sized hole in the armoured undercarriage. Mucus drained out onto the ground like a broken pipe.

"Eww," Peppin said.

Brione's thin lips twitched. "The green liquid is like its blood. But look at what he does with the spear. His qi strike level is high - It's his qi doing the most damage."

Peppin's eyes widened as I disappeared into the head. "What the …"

Ying was surprised as anyone. "Holy, he's inside it."

"What is it doing?" Peppin was repeating herself.

Brione's single eye stared intently. "I'm not sure. But he seems to know what he's doing."

Trik waved to all the adepts and protectors. "You need twelve to take it down – he's virtually alone."

Peppin glared at the rogue for a moment but her eyes were drawn back to the Gargscarab. "It will drown in the mucus."

Brione shook his head. "The hole was large enough for it to drain and he gave it time."

The Gargscarab shuddered and fell to the ground.

Most of the onlookers gasped but a short frightened shout escaped Peppin's lips.

They stared for what seemed like an hour and then a hole appeared at the front of the Gargscarab's head. The hole grew larger and larger until a bright blue orb popped out.

"I can't believe it," Peppin said. She put a finger beside her lips. "It's smarter than I thought."

"Do not speak to him that way dear," Brione said. "You are talented, but I fear you may lose against him."

Her lips pursed and her eyes flashed. "Yes, father."

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