S*x Recompense System

Entry 40: Kneading A Mother’s Knots

“Wow…! I still can’t get over how dashing my son looks.” Grace gushed, as she combed over the shorter hairstyle of her once-bummy son, who accepted her petting with a contented gleam in his eyes. ‘Style’ being the keyword here, given the fact that he hadn’t ever bothered much with his hair- especially not for the last few years. 

“Tell me! What brought it on, honey? Might you have a girlfriend, now? Aww, my cute baby boy is all grown up now.” Spouted the older woman, as she pinched the cheeks of the boy she was sitting behind on the sofa, with Samuel sitting on the floor and leaning his head back in between her thighs.

She was particularly happy about the fact that she’d get to spend her only day when she had the morning and afternoon off from work with Samuel, and so she couldn’t help but continue to fawn over him. She loved the changes he was making by way of his maturity, and while she’d never say that she disliked the way he looked previously, she had been regretful that Samuel’s lack of regard for his looks had caused him to devolve into a sloppy mess. 

“Come on, mum. I told you last night, I haven’t got a girlfriend! I just want to feel different… you know.” He noncommittally replied, understanding that his mother was only joking around with him. Had he been a teen the comments would probably have irked him, but as an older adult, he loved the attention he was getting from the woman he alienated previously and still dearly missed. 

“Yes, yes. That’s what they all say.” She replied with an eye roll out of view while looking back at the relatively shorter hair on his head. The hair at the top was slightly longer than the sides and had a vibrancy and lustre about them that made her wonder if Samuel had begun to use the hair-care products that were advertised in the late-night teleshopping.

She couldn’t believe a trim could make such a drastic change to the boy’s hair since she was sure Samuel’s hair hadn’t looked nor felt as voluminous and yet soft for the past week they’d seen each other. But she put the thought down to having been a product of the poor lighting, as today was the first time in a while she had properly interacted with him in the natural autumn lighting streaming through the windows. 

“But this hairstyle… it’s very unique, sweetie. Did you visit a new barber?” She asked as she ran her fingers up and down the bristled back of her oldest child’s head. She’d seen men going for short sides before, but she hadn’t yet encountered such a gradient finish. 

“Yep, I tried a new place quite close by, actually. It’s a hair salon though, but the woman who gave me the cut was really friendly.” A look of recognition flashed through Grace’s eyes, as she recalled the establishment Samuel was talking about. 

“Well, it’s always nice to find a good barber. But did you visit the place with this style in mind?” She questioned.

“Sort of. I spotted the look on a random TV show and thought it looked sharp. Why? Don’t you like it, Mum?” He covered up the slovenly lie by throwing a question back at his mother, while donning a fake hurt look as he tilted his head up to look at her.

“I like it very much! I’m sure whatever look you experiment with would come out great on you, my child.” She giggled, as she hugged his head.

“Oh, that reminds me. You didn’t ask me for money, right? How did you pay for the haircut?” She asked curiously. Until then, her children would either ask her for cash whenever they needed it or borrow money right from her wallet and inform her later. 

“Mum, I’m an adult now. Don’t worry about it. I’ll deal with my own finances.” He remarked off-handedly, not expecting his mother to take his word for it with nothing to show. And as expected, her incredulous look explained her thoughts on his statement, but it was followed by a profound gaze as she looked down on her son who had his eyes closed in serenity. 

However, thinking that he might’ve been taking the responsibility gig a bit too far, but afraid of making him feel like she was belittling his efforts, she reminded him that she was there if he needed anything from her, to which he grunted in response. 

Sundays were her ‘respite days’, as she only took a short evening shift from 5 pm to 9.30 pm so that she could spend a bit more time with her kids. While the day didn’t serve its intended purpose for the past few years, it at least let her cool down from the long full-day shifts she had every other day of the week. Her 80-hour working week- discounting travel times- was no joke. Especially since it had been 80 hours week-on-week for years now. 

Samuel just idly sat as he felt the ministrations of his mother’s hands, while also internally marvelling at the wondrous effects of the increase in a single point in [Facial features]. Just remembering the face Tasha had made after Samuel claimed the reward for mission 5 when she finished with the haircut made him want to giggle like an idiot, but he held himself back so his mother didn’t think of him as a mental patient. 

Leaving behind many compliments to the woman for a haircut well done, he promised he’d be back again. And this time he would make sure he was back with the appropriate amount of dollars from a successful trading venture in the next week. 

But putting aside the hearty memory, Samuel focused his attention back on his mother again. They’d just cooked a meal together, with his mother mostly doing the cooking while teaching him what went where and different dishes to try his hand at as they’d both eventually gotten bored of his limited repertoire of cuisine in the past week. 

After eating lunch, they inevitably moved back to the living room. Samuel didn’t have much else to do these days besides looking into and refining his trading plans for the next week. But he’d spent most of the day before doing so, and would also do so when his mother left for work later on top of experimenting with [Fast Track], so he was willing to indulge in his mother’s presence in the meanwhile. 

“Ah, right, mum. Why don’t I give you another massage? You seemed to enjoy it the last time.” Samuel mused as he brought up the suggestion with his mother. The pair had been thinking over what they could do together, as there was only so much TV they could watch before growing bored. Faith was also out since late morning. 

They’d chatted about how their past week had gone, with Samuel leaving out a few… obvious details. He had confided in his mother that he was slightly struggling with catching up to speed with the level of his studies this year, just to include an element of vulnerability in their conversation. While it wasn’t an outright lie, it also wasn’t as big of a deal as he had made it out to be to his mother. But with the way she had reacted, he was certain it had been the correct thing to say. 

For a woman who had been distant from her children for the past two years, she wanted to feel somewhat like a responsible and present parent again, and having her child tell her about their issues gave her that contented feeling. She’d happily told him that he shouldn’t stress over it too much, as she assumed the issue was a lot smaller than Samuel made it out to be. She knew both her children were academically smart, though she could never have guessed Samuel was referring to his 20-year gap since education.

Since eating lunch, Grace had been feeling the effects of languor kicking in. Before spending the Sunday with Samuel, she had been doing some of the weekly housework by way of shopping and a spring clean of the house to rid of all the dirt which had accumulated over the week. And now, she was quite tired and thought a short nap before her shift would be a good idea.

“I’d like that, Samuel, thank you. You have magical hands haha. If I fall asleep, don’t bother continuing though, alright?” While informing him to wake her up at an appropriate time before work, she lay down on the sofa today at Samuel’s request. It would make for a better sleeping position for his mother while also making it easier for him to give a full body massage. 

She was wearing a pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt- the kind you could see the cleavage through when the woman bent over- which made it easier for Samuel to be able to access her tense muscles and rugged joints for the massage. 

Getting on his knees and in a comfortable position, Samuel rubbed his palms to warm them up, before easing his way onto his mother’s shoulders, while simultaneously activating both the [Mind Read] and [Pleasure Point] skills. It would be his first time using the enhancements from the [Pleasure Point] since he hadn’t bothered in his previous encounters, so he chose to try them out in the mellow circumstance that was the current time. 

[Mind Read (Level 2/3)]

[Description: Be able to see the emotions of any individual as a colourful aura around them. Can also directly read the inner thoughts of anyone Host is having sex with.]

[Pleasure Point (Level 3/3)]

[Description: When active, will allow Host to be able to visualise the erogenous zones of any individual. Additionally the value of an action Host does is quantified and is displayed as a counter. Finally, Host may enhance the pleasure gained from an act by up to 1.5 times (factor is subject to change as Host levels up).]

Immediately, a bright yellow hue encapsulated his mother, who melted comfortably into the sofa. An instinctual understanding of the colours allowed Samuel to interpret the waves of serenity oozing off of the woman who surrendered her body to Samuel. Mixed within the yellow were also strands of lime and light blue, which the young adult attributed to Grace’s trust in him and the pensive worries that plagued her even as she tried to rest. 

Watching the blue strands marring the otherwise serene countenance of his mother, Samuel rashly amplified the feeling exerted by his hands to the maximum of 1.5*, to ease the woes of the woman. Inadvertently, however, it resulted in a sudden influx of the dark greens of surprise and distraction, which replaced the serene yellow, as Grace was brought out of her relaxed state, and quizzically raised her eyebrows.

‘Fuck. She’s probably wondering why my technique improved so abruptly.’ 

Realising he had jumped the gun a little, Samuel reduced the amplification to 1.1*, and chose to incrementally increase the value every few minutes so that there wouldn’t be any further unexplainable changes.

Luckily for him, his mother had been too tired to open her mouth and question the feeling. And given that she’d be conked out in a while, he reckoned she would put the sensation down to her imagination once she awoke. He was off the hook for now. 

Taking in a deep breath after the little episode, Samuel immersed himself in the message as seconds and minutes ticked by, as the young adult became engrossed in the movements of his palms against the smooth surface of his mother. By now, he had moved onto Grace’s slim, arched feet, which had all the signs of wear from walking around frequently. The hind foot was particularly worse off, denoted by the slightly tough exterior. 

Gently running his hands along the length of her sole and heel, he used his thumbs to work out any knots or hints of tightness present. As he did so, he noticed her toes start to curl and uncurl with each movement, in a show of the tension being released, as the muscles began to relax under Samuel’s tenacious touch.

Moving on from her feet, Samuel’s hands travelled along her pretty feet towards the digits of the foot. The curious young adult bent them at the phalangeal joints, manoeuvring them as he wished while his mother began to succumb to senselessness. 

‘On the topic of fetishes, if the system hadn’t laid it out obviously enough, I can tell there’s something about leaving my mark on a woman that makes me feel satisfied. But I wonder if I have a foot fetish too? Would I earn SRP from sucking on some toes… I wonder?’ He questioned while considering whether he’d be able to stomach putting the dainty, white toe into his mouth.

‘Yeah… no. Sure, they’re pretty, but I don’t think… it’s the sort of thing that’d get me going. I have seen some hot toe-sucking scenarios in films though, so it’s definitely not off the table, hehe.’ Moving his gaze away from the narrow foot of his mother, his eyes trailed up and beyond her ankles, to where her smooth shins lay bare and on display. 

His hands quickly followed suit, as he began working on the calf muscles, using firm but gentle strokes to knead out any tightness. Samuel could feel the warmth of his hands seeping into his mother’s muscles, easing them into a state of complete relaxation, while also eliciting a healthy count from his sex skill, promoting him to move on further. 

Working his way up to the knee, he used circular motions to soothe any pain or inflammation that could be present from all the running about he imagined her to be doing as she dealt with the issues at the hospital, and to and from public transport for lack of a personal vehicle.

Soon he grew bored, as his hands trailed further up, to her thighs which were exposed due to the shorts she had on. Using long, sweeping strokes, Samuel continued to drive his palms into the muscle to release any tension held in the tissue. Feeling Grace’s leg becoming more and more relaxed with each movement, and subconsciously taking note of her breathing which became deeper and more even as she sunk into peacefulness, Samuel’s hands couldn’t help but wander as he noticed the bales jumping from [9]s and [10]s to upwards of [16].

Convincing himself internally that he was doing it to please his mother alone, Samuel hadn’t even realised his naughty hands were moving in between her legs, to target the inseams. The supple, creamy white skin that was protected from the sun by the clothes she wore daily, alongside the bouncy texture of the increasingly fatty region, served to entrance the young adult as he zoned out of the massage. 

The ticklish sensation brought about by Samuel’s large and thick hands trailing between the rejuvenated insides of her legs, however, caused the woman to unconsciously tense her legs, causing Samuel to suddenly break out of his trance and hurriedly look up at his mother’s form.

‘Fuck! What was I just doing?’ Noticing the even breathing of the woman laying on the sofa, Samuel berated himself for getting too absorbed in the act, and nearly alerting his mother to his unholy thoughts. The look of contentment and relief as a consequence of his handiwork had prompted him to stray beyond any mental boundaries he had set for himself. 

‘Oh, god.’ Looking down at his legs, Samuel was sporting an extraordinarily hard boner, which left a prominent imprint on the side of his trousers. 

‘Ah, shit. It never used to be like this. Who knew a bigger dick would be so much more trouble?’ With all the blood having rushed to his nether regions, Samuel tried to adjust his boxers to hide the boner, but to no avail, as the print remained as obvious as ever. 

He just couldn’t get the thought of his mother’s supple and smooth legs out of his mind. It was so sinfully wrong to even be getting a boner from his own mother, but the young adult couldn’t help it. 

As a very young teenager in his previous life, he’d occasionally fantasise about his own mother as he stroked his meat since there was very little else material to do it over. He’d quickly grown out of it though, as thoughts of his classmates and teachers began to take over. 

But now, decades on, Samuel’s dirty thoughts went back to considering his own mother as a woman. And the adult was no idiot. No matter how many times he’d tried to deny it in the past, he just couldn’t get away from the fact that he’d developed an Oedipus complex. 

While it could have been a sexual attraction which prompted the development of such a complex, as Samuel’s 38-year-old mind became attracted to a woman of his own age, he knew it was more than just that. Much, much more than that. 

It was a primal desire to possess that which he strongly believed belonged to him. To take what he lost previously for his own, and to protect it from any harm that could possibly befall it again. To make his mother his own woman. 

‘Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Stop thinking of taboos, man.’ Shaking his head to expel the urges within him, which unfortunately caused his penis to swell even more, Samuel tried to push the thoughts to the back of his mind. But, he miserably failed, as the young adult soon just accepted the fact. 

‘I want to have sex with my mother… don’t I? Haa…’ Sighing in resignation, Samuel stared at his mother’s sleeping face, which looked so blissfully peaceful right now. In his mind, he contrasted it with the unresponsive face of the woman who had fallen into a coma from the dying moments of his previous life, and he just accepted the feeling. There was no running away from it now. 

‘But… I certainly won’t be doing it in her sleep. No… I’ve got to be careful about this. I think… I want my mother to have feelings too. But how would I go about this, I wonder…?’ Having resigned himself to an incestuous fate, Samuel began to ponder over how to go about doing things. 

He really didn’t want to use the system’s potions to alter his mother’s brain in any way. He could fuck with everyone in the world’s brain with the system magic, but not his family. Sure, there were times when he’d have to use it, but for something as superficial as making his mother fall for him? 

‘Not a single chance. It either happens, or it doesn’t. No tampering with potions.’ Putting thoughts of potions aside, Samuel began to think up plans of naturally having the relationship progress in a certain direction. He’d read loads of erotica in the past and tried to think of ways that were subtle and not too overbearing so that he wouldn’t make his mother too uncomfortable. But they also had to somehow sprout within her some sort of feeling beyond Storge love, so he couldn’t quite rule out leaving her feeling uncomfortable. 

Looking at it from her perspective, accepting the fact that you were sexually or romantically attracted to your son would be a hard thought to stomach. So while Samuel didn’t intend to be too aggressive, he would need to bring his mother out of her comfort zone one way or the other over the course of the next few months to make his mother fall.

But as he was thinking up some rather steamy plans, Samuel hadn’t realised yet another dilemma was just moments away from befalling him once more in the form of his little sister.

— — — — — —

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