Sword Pilgrim

Chapter 281

Episode 281

A feast of swords pouring down like a meteor shower.

The ash-stained swords all radiated sharp anticipation and aimed at one sword.

A pure white sword.

The swords that flew aiming at Balterus swam like schools of fish in the sea and crashed into him relentlessly.

-Damn it!

Every time that happened, Balterus showed his anger and smashed the swords with his body that had turned into a sword.


Then, the overwhelming number of swords gathered and attacked Balterus even more relentlessly.

-damn! damn! damn!! don’t kill them all!!

Millions of swords charge at Balterus. Before he knew it, Balterus, who changed into a human form and held his sword, began to deal with tens of thousands of swords with one sword.


In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of swords all shattered and scattered around him.

Little by little, scars form on Balterus’ face and body.

Squeak Fit!

Blood splatters.

Her clothes are torn and her eyes are bloodshot.

But Balterus didn’t care and threw his sword away screaming.

– I’m only at this level! I think I’m going to get hit by this level! I will be the god of the new world! He will become the god of the new world!! I am a sword! I will be the father of all swords!

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of sword hilts all rushed at him.

Numerous swords gathered. Each of these swords was dyed by him.

Earth, sky, water, fire, and all life was gathered together as a sword.

A number with no end in sight.

Waves from the tip of the sword, like waves, continuously shot towards Balterus.

– Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Balterus let out an evil voice.

He had to end the feast of these swords even by burning all his strength.

At the end, there will be a golden cloth that shines brightly. If you break through this, you can become a god in a new world.

It took dozens of minutes to cut off the rain-like swords one by one.

Balterus’ flesh fell off and his lofty divinity began to chip away.

and soon.

-ha ha ha!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

An ashy sword prepared by Callius.

Hundreds and thousands of swords remained in the space, all fragmented.

It had cut all the swords.

Indeed, it was the true face of a person who deserved to be called the true sword god.

– Cloth of gold, cloth of gold is in front of his eyes…

Balterus gasps and stretches out his hand.

I see a bright golden light in front of me.

If I stretch out my hand like this, it’s close enough to touch…



There was a shadow that covered the brilliant light from which the golden light flowed.

A person like an incarnation of ash with gray hair and eyes.

Callius, the god of scabbard.

He stood still, holding a sword sheath.

Balterus, who didn’t feel strange even if he collapsed, bit his teeth hard and raised his sword.

I aimed at Callius with a sword that would not be strange even if teeth were chipped and cracked here and there.

A sword held in a trembling hand.

Callius looked down at him and said.

“A sword will quickly become unusable if it does not meet the proper scabbard.”

If the scabbard does not fit snugly, the seams allow air to pass through and moisture may build up, causing rust and ruining the scabbard.

Like the sword that Balterus holds now.

-I don’t need a scabbard…!


Whatever happens now, it doesn’t matter.

Callius held out the sheath in his hand.

Then, all of the ash swords that had been shattered turned into ashes and began to flow into his scabbard.

The remnants that were sucked in at the moment of apologetic created a single sword in an instant.

It was a time when Balterus’ efforts quickly became futile.

-Why why… why!!

Seeing Balterus screaming, Callius remained silent.

-How could that be?

became stronger in an instant.

I understand.

It absorbed the entire unified world itself.

An existence that turned everything into ashes and took it and became a perfect god.

He knew better than anyone else that the power he contained was incomparable to himself.

But understanding with the head and understanding with the heart are different parts.

– How can you do that!!

“Because I believed I could.”

-Is that the only way to do it!

“Of course not.”

What can you do with just your thoughts?

Colliers had noticed a long time ago.

Why did Balterus just leave him alone?

When the scabbard was made, Balterus stayed still despite all the gods against him.

Because he’s the type to stand by?

No, Callius knew Balterus too well.

“I prepared meticulously and it has only come true now.”

Why did you choose the sword sheath?

It was to accept a lot.

Embracing my people who will one day perish, and the country and armed forces that divide and repeat battles.

In order to embrace the broken sword at the end.

Why did he even accept the giant?

Because they needed their bowl.

The moment he accepts all of them who once mediated until the Great War of the Dragon Demon, the bowl of Callius becomes so huge that it can contain everything.

“You looked at everything and didn’t see it.”

Balterus was watching everything.

But Balterus couldn’t see it properly.

Because he thought Colliers was incompetent.

No matter how hard he struggled, he thought that in the end he would not be able to compare.

“That’s it.”

Balterus’ hands begin to tremble.

Blood rises to his head and he starts talking at will.

-I could have been a god. I was able to become the god of the new world and create a perfect world!! Not an insignificant god like you, but a perfect god!!

“What do you think God is?”

– God’s reason for being is to create creatures in the world and protect them!

“Then ask. What did you protect as a god?”


Balterus was speechless.

There was no jaw to protect him.

Because I had no choice but to turn everything I was holding into a sword.

“What can a guy who has never protected anything do as a complete god?”

-you! Didn’t you make me like this!

“Even if I came this far, it’s someone else’s fault. yes it is my fault So I’ll have to fix it.”

-I will become a god. real god!!

two swords collide

The moment a single sword collides, it turns into pure white pieces and collapses.

and soon.


A sword lodged in the heart.


The black Balterus’s that was stuck in his heart.

to the heart of Colius.

Balterus put on a bewildered expression at the sight of him getting stuck so easily.

But it soon turned into joy.

-ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! I swear by my ability and it looks good!!

“I guess you don’t have the ability to learn.”


Callius’ hand grips the blade.

Like the subsword just before, the blade of the sword lodged in the heart of Colius begins to turn into ashes.

This time, that wasn’t the end.

The divinity that Balterus barely left behind. Even all of that began to be sucked into Colius.

what you have achieved

And when everything that had formed him was sucked in, Balterus screamed.

– A giant sword! sword!! No no!! rather! rather kill me!!

“New World is good. It’s a good sound. With you as the foundation, I will also create a new world. I will sit there and watch all of my people. You become the cornerstone of the world I will create. That is my reward and punishment for you.”

– No eh eh eh eh !!



Balterus’ new form turns to ashes.

Balterus, who screamed and disappeared in vain, soon closed his eyes as if he had given up on everything.


The new type of Balterus completely disappears.

The first god and the one who was called the sword god disappeared without leaving anything behind.

In the space of the lost universe.

What remains is the huge gate and the ruins of the building that Balterus guarded.

Colius’ new model moved to the door in an instant and he reached out his hand.

A door that opens slowly.

It was filled with a transparent coffin and liquid, and had a single body.


It was the body of Colius before he was alive.

It was a body without a soul, just a shell.

“I don’t know why he kept this even after he killed him.”

How much do you care for it?

It has been stored tightly so that it is not even scratched by anything.

Callius narrowed his eyes as he looked at the empty shelled coffin.

Was this all meant to mock?

Or was it to remember the past?


“It’s probably fine.”

Now, that’s a good story.

Callius turned everything to ashes and looked up at the sky.

in the vast universe.

The golden light was still there.

Since the divine light has disappeared, it should close on its own, but the golden cloth is still open.

As if you have something to say.

[Is that your decision?]

A shape made of dazzling golden light.

A voice with unprecedented power, as if familiar somewhere.

under the golden sky.

It was a question directed at Colliers.

“I have what I need. There is no reason to go anywhere else.”

【It’s not a sword, it’s a scabbard… that’s interesting.】

A wave of lost power.

At the end of the final voice, the existence of something completely disappeared.

【The Desire Pavilion is now yours.】

A flame dwelled in the ashes.

Looking at the gray scabbard in which the golden flame was burning, he understood everything.

“…was it something like that?”

How could Balterus, who was just data, become a god with his own self?

Could what was only a virtual reality actually become a reality?

Why did he give the sword to Balterus?

Realizing that it was all inevitable, he reached out and grabbed the scabbard.

Then, holding the flame like a hilt, he slowly drew the sword.

The sword’s name is Balterus.

Using it as a cornerstone, ashes quickly gathered. The ash soon clung to the sword and gradually increased in size.

What used to be a fist gradually turned into a moon and transformed into a planet.

The earth sprang up, the waters sprung up, the heavens were formed, and buildings sprang up.

It soon took off its gray color and showed its original color, and soon, people in the form of people appeared on it.

“What is it? I’m sure…”

“What happened?”

people who came back to life.

They looked at each other with bewildered faces. Then he remembered how he died and raised his guard.


Strangely, the spirit of victory did not come to mind.

I wanted to kill him so much, but now I don’t even think about it.

Took. rattle.

Who did it start with?

People started dropping their weapons one by one. Swords and spears starting to fall to the ground. shield. axes.

People paid no attention to the weapon they had treasured all their lives rolling in a dust pit.

There is no need to fight any longer.

When hatred is forgotten, the lost people come to mind. people who died. No, I lost it with my own hands…


“Lefi! How can you…!”

I hear someone’s sobbing.

son who died in his arms.

A brother who was found with a cold corpse.

Even friends who pierced their hearts.

The lost were alive and running towards them.

As if everything was a dream.

People started crying as if they had a terrible nightmare.

Those who are lost and those who are reunited.

In the meantime, only Emily was looking around with anxious eyes.

Didn’t see.

I couldn’t find it no matter how much I searched.

He must have been there somewhere, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Where the hell have you gone?

Seeing that they survived, he must have won.

Why is he invisible?

“…! mom…!”

As Emily frantically searched for Colius, she saw a woman with pink hair.

She was sitting on a rock, staring at the blue sky.

“Oh father? Where has your father gone?”

Emily asked in an anxious tone.

Clearly, she must have felt the same way as he did, but why is she just staring at the sky?

do you know something

Could something be wrong?

The fear of it made Emily’s voice tremble.

“Don’t worry.”


“Aren’t you the kind of person who suddenly disappears and then pops up again?”

Ailee stroked Emily’s hair and said. Her words, soft and confident, seemed to calm Emily’s tremors.

Actually, she was right.

always he was

Even if I followed him despite asking him to stay in the north, he appeared intact after disappearing on his own.

“Is it like that this time too?”

“then. Whose father is he?”

“Where has your father gone?”

“well. Could it be that he went on a pilgrimage?”


A sword that has lost its scabbard. A sheath of lost swords.

It has been put together again, but the sheath should still have room.

He might have set out to find a sword to fill himself with.

he is original.

Because he was a pilgrim.

* * *

A classroom at a university. The voice of the missionary teacher on the blackboard and the lecture table written

[About the existence of God]

fills the spacious lecture hall.

“Sword God Esther. There are many other gods such as Ailee, the creator. Not only the God of Arms, but God dwells in everything that exists. The god of fire, the god of the earth, the god of the sea and water, essential for our survival. And even the god of air.”

A student raised his hand.

“Professor, which god do you believe in?”


A wide variety of emotions were contained in the grinning smile.

“I believe that there is freedom of religion no matter what god you believe in. But it all boils down to one thing.”

“Which one?”

“In the end, the God of the sword sheath who holds them all in his arms.”


The professor, who took the attendance book, announced the end of the lecture and headed for the exit.

A path through an endless hallway.

The hurried footsteps slowed the professor’s pace by one tempo.

“professor! I have a question for you.”

“Yeah, what is it?”

“The professor said that the main god restored the fate of the world to destruction, but if that was true, why didn’t he make it a perfect world?”

The world is still experiencing various problems. Dragons lurking around the world.

and the fallen ones.

The madmen and witches they produced.

“I don’t know what God wills. If I had known that, I would have become a god. But… if you think about it, I think I know a little bit.”


“From God’s point of view, even those who are fearful and harmful to us. I want to be like my children. Neither human beings nor dragons and depravity. After all, you are a child of God.”

Only then did the student let out a small exclamation and bowed his head.

“thank you. Professor Lutheon.”

After greeting the student with a smile, Lutheon went to his desk and looked out the sunny window.

Then, he lit a cigarette and brushed the ashes out the window.

The ashes were blown away by the wind.

“It’s been 20 years since then.”

Many things have changed.

Birth of many gods.

Familiar names gradually filled the vacant place of God.

Even gods that did not exist were created.

As the world has expanded so much, not only Gods of innocence, but also gods created by human aspirations have appeared.

Unlike before, the gods revealed themselves to the world and helped and received help from their followers.

It was not uncommon for gods to fight each other.

A lot has changed.

But there are things that haven’t changed.

“You’re still fighting.”

There are still quarrels and wars between various regions in the news.

Various weapons still shine on the battlefield, and in fierce battles, heroes are born and lost repeatedly.

“Well, that would also be life.”

Lutheon looked up at the sky and said.

“It is a life of atonement. There must be your will for bringing me back to life. So show up. Because I want to atone for you more than anyone else.”


A strong wind takes away the long ashes and scatters them.

Scattered ashes are blown away by the wind and soon land at someone’s feet.

The man touched one of the swords stuck in the gray earth.

“Can you call that an atonement?”

Cynical, he put his finger on the sword and muttered.

Soon, a difficult danger befell the blond man of the world reflected on the black face.

It was a sudden terror.

blonde guy.

Lutheon spat out curses and took out his sword and spear from the scabbard and engaged in a fierce bloody battle.

Only then did the man smile with satisfaction and walk while touching the tens of thousands of swords.

Black One World.

It contained one destiny.

The man was the one who created the world, bestowed destiny, and collected many swords.

Some call him a god.

Also called pilgrims.

-Pilgrim of the sword-




This is Nang Seon who wrote Sword Pilgrim.

The first thing that came to my mind when I was thinking of what to say was apology.


I think it would be a good idea to start off by apologizing.

Rather than making excuses, I would like to express my sincere apology.

Sword Pilgrim was not able to bring out the fun of the material properly due to my obvious lack of skill. sorry.

To give a little excuse, it was my first time writing fantasy, and I felt it while writing it, but now that I think about it, I don’t remember seeing the fantasy genre properly. So, the limit came sooner than I thought.

The fact that the qualitative quality was very low also came from this part.

I am a person who enjoys challenges in my own way, but I have not been able to do challenges that I do not enjoy.

The part I enjoyed writing was the Northern War episode.

It was up to Karaktu, the orc commander.

Unfortunately, after that, I only felt the limits of my capabilities and felt sorry for them.

I’m careful to tell you.

Those of you who know my previous work may have noticed, but Callius is a sword.

I ended up writing a story after being sealed in a sheath by the protagonist of the previous work.

But even that doesn’t seem to be working properly.

I am very sorry for A-gum.

But what has already passed has passed and the story has come to an end.

If there are times like this, it’s a pity that there are times like that, but I have to let go.

It is said that the past is beautiful only when it remains in the past.

I must quote that too.

We express our gratitude and apologies to those who followed until the end of the insufficient work.

However, since the next work has already been conceived and all I have to do is write it, I think I will be able to see you again soon.

I desperately feel lacking, but whenever that happens, the desire to write becomes intense again.

The fact that there are deficiencies means that we can grow further.

I would appreciate it if you think that I have become a writer who can take a step forward by using the sword pilgrim as a stepping stone.

I would appreciate it if you would think of it as an opportunity to create a better work, not a disappointing one among the many works I will write in the future.

Finally, I heard this story a while ago.

‘Life is originally suffering.’

Pain is an indispensable part of your life.

In the midst of that pain, I hope that my work can be a handful of joy for you, and I will cut it short.

Until the day we meet again.

I hope you are happy.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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