Sword and Snow

Quick Cultivation Primer

Within the world of Sword and Snow, Cultivation is the central power system. It’s a fairly simplistic version of a classic Cultivation setting, but I believe it may be worth it to condense the most useful bits of information for readers in one place. Thus why I’m writing this! I want anyone who reads my work to be able to understand what’s going on, and something like this should help! There is also a quick breakdown of common Cultivation related terms that I use frequently at the bottom of this page if you’re new to the setting itself!

To begin with, let’s talk about…

Stages and Realms of Cultivation

Basically, the stages and Realms are as follows, in order.

Qi Gathering

Core Formation

Human Realm

Earth Realm

Sky Realm

Heavenly Realm

Celestial Realm

Qi Gathering and Core Formation are often completed in early adolescence. Most people in the world, more than 95%, go through these phases, but many never Awaken their core. With a core formed, the body can passively gather and use Qi for daily tasks. Improves endurance and strength.

‘Awakening’ one’s core is what sets someone on a path of Cultivation. This opens them to the Human Realm. Around 55% of people will Awaken their Core. The majority of those will be stuck in the Human Realm for life. This is usually reached by teenage years. At this stage, normal illnesses and such are less likely to cause long term effects to the body. Quality of life improves greatly; however, lifespan is still largely unaffected. Within the Wisteria Family, this stage is usually reached around a child’s 10th birthday. This is also when your Qi senses awaken.

Most Cultivators reach the Earth Realm as a Young Adult. Roughly 15% of people will reach this stage. 90% of people that consider themselves as Cultivators will reach this stage. At this stage, aging slows significantly, allowing people to live a couple hundred years. Most Cultivators at any given time are at this stage. Significantly less sleep is required.

Roughly 5% of people, or 30% of Cultivators will reach the Sky Realm. Power begins to set those in the Sky Realm well apart from other people. This is where higher ranked Sect Disciples exist. The Sky Realm is usually viewed as the baseline for true Cultivators. This is where Domains awaken. Further, the Sky Realm allows Cultivators to alter their Qi and specialize further into their own unique Qi signature which will create much stronger and individualized techniques.

Roughly .3% of people, or 2% of Cultivators reach the Heavenly Realm. This is a full Realm apart from others with regards to both power and lifespan. The Heavenly Realm is where most Sect Elders and Leaders and the like live.

Beyond even the Heavenly Realm is the Celestial Realm. Any Cultivator that reaches this Realm is likely to be a renowned hero or villain. They are often known by title or name and the number that reaches this Realm is small. There are, perhaps, 25 or 50 active Celestial Realm Cultivators at any given time. It is not widely known what happens at this Realm as those that reach it are usually solitary and don’t share their experiences with others. What is known, however, is that after some time at this Realm, Cultivators often disappear. It’s suspected they ascend to some higher existence, but no one knows for sure.

Qi Deviation and Demonic Qi

Qi Deviation is at once incredibly simple and needlessly complex. Put simply, Qi Deviation occurs when Qi within someone’s body go haywire and cause damage. The complex part of it is the specifics on how that happens. The process can be something as simple as a small leak in someone’s meridians (the ‘veins’ that carry one’s Qi throughout their body) that lets Qi into the rest of their body uncontrolled. It can also conversely be as complex as someone’s emotions warping the Qi in their meridians into an incompatible form that damages the body.

Qi Deviation is merely a catchall term for when something goes wrong with the Qi inside someone’s body.

Ultimately, demonic Qi is simply natural Qi that has deviated and rampaged out of control. For most people, having their Qi deviate is a near death sentence. Unless they somehow manage to get it back under control - which is obscenely rare - or someone else intervenes to quell the rampaging Qi, it often tears the body apart from the inside out. It’s this bodily damage that causes the unique smell associated with demonic Qi use.

Cultivators that make use of demonic techniques forcefully deviate their Qi in specific ways for specific results, usually for more raw power. And most demonic techniques are designed around some kind of failsafe that would force out the deviated Qi once the technique has run its course. They still aren’t safe, but are far less likely to end in accidental death than uncontrolled deviation.

With the right technique, control, and enough willpower, however, a Cultivator can force all of their Qi to deviate and either let it subsume their body or fight to control it. Those that successfully manage to regain control after a forced deviation like that are called ‘True Demons’ as they have a level of control and use of demonic Qi that is unparalleled.

It also causes the signs of demonic Qi use to be permanent. Warped bodies, bony growths like horns, varicose veins, and a slew of other physical changes become apparent quickly after the body adjusts to its new Qi. The body also no longer produces the distinct demonic Qi scent as the deviated Qi no longer harms the body.


Domains are, essentially, just an area surrounding a Cultivator’s body that is saturated with their unique Qi. It requires the Cultivator to be of the Sky Realm, at which point their Qi saturates their body as well as the air around it. That cloud of Qi can be controlled by the Cultivator, and it usually affects their surroundings in some ways as well as give them a measure of control within that cloud that is beyond what someone could normally do.

For example, Emery’s Domain allows her to alter the sharpness or dullness of things within her Domain at will. Or Avuri’s Domain allows her to freeze or manipulate ice more freely and quickly within her Domain.

Domains can also be used in a variety of other ways, but that will be explored in the book itself.

Dual Cultivation

Dual Cultivation is known by a wide variety of similar names, including Paired Cultivation, Bonded Cultivation, etc. It is simply the act of two Cultivators coming together to meditate together and help each other advance their Cultivation. In its purest form, it can be used for great gains by both sides as working together to cycle their Qi through both bodies at once can lead to much greater gains than normal.

It is also, unfortunately, more than often misused. When one participant has more power than the other or is simply more selfish, the imbalance can lead to one side benefitting much more than the other, or even outright stealing the other’s Cultivation.

Furthermore, the intensity of the act often causes feelings of attraction and need to arise, which often lead to those involved being physically intimate. The entire practice is often even offered by courtesans because of this, as it is often very pleasurable to both parties if an understanding can be easily reached.

However, the practice is also widely looked down upon and avoided for those reasons. However, with the right circumstances, it is a powerful tool to be used. Married Cultivators that share a strong bond and trust between them will often take advantage of this practice.

Basic Terms Glossary

Cultivation - The general term for drawing in ambient Qi from the world to gather strength. The practice leads to a stronger, more resilient body among a myriad of other positive effects.

Cultivator - The term for people who practice Cultivation with the express purpose of growing stronger and disciplining themselves. They are usually thought of as warriors or even heroes.

Qi - General term for energy that exists naturally in the world and most living things. It can be gathered and condensed within the body to gain strength and power. It also fuels most martial techniques and abilities that are far beyond normal human capabilities.

Cycle - There are many similar terms that refer to the act of moving Qi through one’s body, core, and meridians. The act has several purposes; purifying the natural Qi one takes in to strengthen it, making your Qi active and ready to be used for a purpose, cleansing and repairing the body, and more.

Meridians - Essentially a network of blood vessels that run Qi through one’s body. They are roughly designed in a looped network that allows ‘cycling’.

Foundation - Refers to the Qi Gathering and Core Formation stages of Cultivation. Usually performed in childhood, Qi Gathering is the stage in which the person meditates to gather and internalizes enough Qi to fill their meridians. Once their meridians are filled, they can begin to gather even more Qi to condense into a controlled shell (usually located roughly below the sternum) called a core. These are collectively referred to as the Foundation, as they are potentially the most important part of a Cultivator’s journey. A strong foundational period will lead to easier and safer Cultivation later in life.

Realm - The term for stages of Cultivation after the Foundation stages. Moving from one Realm to the next is a substantial jump in power. Far more significant than even years of experience between two members of the same Realm.

Core - The solidified mass of Qi near the center of one’s body. Also referred to traditionally as a Dantian.

Sect - A group of Cultivators gathered under a single banner. Often a martial arts school or some similar type of group, but can also include warbands and the like.

Array - General term for an inscribed series of symbols that can conduct Qi. When Qi is run through an Array, it usually produces a specific effect determined by the pattern of the Array. Can be used for simple things like creating water or more complex things like localized climate control.

Tael - Term for mortal (as in non-Cultivator) currency.

Storage Ring - An artifact that uses an advanced Array to bend space to store things within the item. Not always a ring, though they are the most common.

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