Sword and Snow

145 : Fresh Air

The overall atmosphere of the Basin was fairly subdued when they returned from their visit to the Elders’ compound after they had passed judgment on the offenders. Even Avuri’s cousins, who didn’t actually take part in any of the fights, were more quiet and somber than usual. Without much discussion happening, it seemed like everyone was contemplating off in their own little world - at least for a few days.

But as the days rolled on and with the most pressing parts of the Deposits’ issue behind them, Emery and Avuri were in a better mood than they had been in weeks. Avuri’s cousins bounced back quickly as well, and once they did the whole of the Basin seemed better for it. The kids, who had been feeding off the somber energy for a few days were beginning to brighten up again too.

Talya and Gray had mostly kept to themselves for the week while trying not to get in the way. They didn’t want the dreary atmosphere to take over entirely, so they tried to keep things from dipping too far, but mostly let everyone deal with the recent events however they needed to.

Ieji was Ieji from start to finish, although they had opted to have a few more private conversations with Emery over the week with little outward changes. Emery was happy to help Ieji work through some of their own feelings over what had happened.

In the end, everyone’s mood had mostly recovered by the end of the week and life went on. Family dinners, which had continued through the somber mood, were back to the boisterous affair they had always been - especially with guests around. Chores were regularly getting done again. Squabbles and teasing and pranks were happening again.

The return of a more ‘normal’ life helped everyone heal.

And a week after that, things were about as normal as they could be, with a few exceptions.

For the moment, Ieji and the cousins were sticking around. Ieji for just a bit longer, but the cousins indefinitely for the time being. Eiry had evidently asked them to stick around because she had some sort of offer for them, but hadn’t had time to actually sit and talk with them yet. The Elders were still dealing with a fair bit of fallout in the city from the whole fiasco. Talya and Gray were obviously sticking around for several more months, too.

Vale hadn’t returned yet, but that wasn’t unusual. He was often gone for weeks at a time. Usually more when it was travel involving other dragons, and not just his own meanderings. Emery didn’t really expect to see him back for another few weeks, most likely.

But with everything finally back in place, she felt like she didn’t want to continue to sit around and do nothing for the time being.

The group of adults had grown too big to sit at their kitchen table for a meal together. So, as it was, the entire basin was eating every meal together outside in the dining pavilion. And one morning while everyone was eating, Emery simply said, “I think we should have a party.”

“I’m in favor.” Avuri said, following up. Given their connection, she already knew what Emery was going to bring up. “I think we could all use a breath of fresh air after the last few weeks.”

“What kind of party were you thinking, exactly, Emery?” Mica asked, leaning in over the table excitedly.

“Please, nothing too rowdy.” Talya said, already sounding exhausted. The weeks of lower energy from everyone having taken their toll on her mood in turn.

“I was really just thinking of like…I don’t know - a big barbeque, maybe?” Emery said. “Just get everyone out here to relax, have fun, and eat good food.”

“I think it’s a good idea.” Glenn agreed. “We’ll keep it somewhat low on the intensity and just have a good time.”

“Maybe do some big games for everyone?” Cove added.

“Oh, please, no.” Avuri said, rubbing her forehead. “The last time we did something like that with all the kids, things got destroyed. We basically had to rebuild the outdoor kitchen.”

Emery looked down, her ears a little red. “I keep telling you that was an accident.”

“Accident or not, I still can’t believe you did that!” Avuri huffed.

There was a beat of silence before Gray leaned toward Avuri and whispered, “...What did she do?”

Avuri glanced at the clearly cowed Emery then back to Gray. “It started with a game she was playing with the kids. They were playing with a ball and hitting it with a stick. That somehow devolved into the kids throwing fruit at Emery while she knocked them away with the stick.”

Emery looked away, trying to play innocent as Avuri continued, “And then that somehow turned into her cutting the fruit midair with her knives.”

Mica breathed, “Oh, that sounds like fun,” under her breath, which earned her a narrow-eyed look from Avuri.

“And somehow that ended up with her launching a blade of air that cut straight through two of the pillars holding up the roof over the outdoor kitchen. The entire thing collapsed!” She said, theatrically throwing up her hands. “I still have no idea what would possess you to throw out a technique like that in the middle of a game!”

Emery continued to look away, but Lia was sitting at the table behind them. She had been one of the kids that were throwing the fruit and instigating the whole mess. She spun around in her seat and was nearly shouting when she said, “Momri, you were out there too, did you not see it? It was so cool!”

Avuri slowly turned in her seat to look at Lia. “Oh?”

Lia nodded, excited by the memory. “She said she could slice a whole bunch of fruit at once. So we all got ready and tossed the fruit at the same time, and she cut through them all at once in a line! It was so cool…But her technique kept going and cut through the support pillars…”

“So she was showing off and didn’t control herself.” Avuri said, turning her stare on her wife. “Last time we talked about it, she said it was accidental.”

“It was accidental!” Emery said. “I wasn’t exactly planning on the technique cutting that far.”

“So then how, exactly, did you manage to not call the attack off in time?” Avuri asked pointedly.

Emery clammed up immediately, looking away. “I uh…I got distracted.”

“By what?”

Emery looked away, her ears turning red, but she didn’t respond. Avuri kept her stare on her and prodded her again. “Well?”

Emery took a breath and reached out with her Qi to respond through their Domain. “You, dumbass. I take it you don’t remember what you were doing when the whole thing went down.”

“I…do not remember, no.” Avuri sent back.

“You were playing with some of the younger kids and Kal yanked your robes open. Thus the momentary distraction.”

Emery covered her eyes with her hand, trying to hide the minor embarrassment that was overcoming her. Avuri, for her part, laughed. Everyone stared at her as she cackled, trying in vain to regain control of herself.

“What?” Mica asked.

“What’s so funny?” Glenn asked, confused.

Talya was busy hiding a small grin behind her hand and whispering to her husband. Gray snorted at whatever she said. She had been there for the whole thing and found it hilarious.

“Alright, alright.” Avuri said, still struggling to calm down. “It’s hard to get too mad at you for something like that…”

“Yeah, yeah.” Emery muttered. In an attempt to change the subject, she said, “We can get some kind of game going. Let’s just keep it controlled, alright? No throwing techniques around, I guess.”

“Well, that kinda ruins some of the fun, doesn’t it?” Cove said. “Especially when most of us here are Cultivators, even the kids. We can keep everything to Earth Realm level to avoid any real danger, but techniques make most sports more interesting.”

“We’ll see.” Emery said noncommittally. “I guess I’m not entirely against it.”

“Good.” Glenn said. “I agree with Cove. Sports with Qi being legal are great. Have you ever watched an official Dodgeball Qi League game? They get intense.”

Mica scoffed. “I’m not going to disagree, but they also get messy, destructive, and rather…competitive.”

“All the more reason for us to do it.” Glenn continued. “We have plenty of space over at the playground for it, and we have more than one medical capable Cultivator in attendance.”

“I’d rather you not hurt my kids, Glenn.” Avuri said flatly.

“Oh. Uh, sorry.” He apologized.

“It’s alright.” Avuri said, a slightly devilish glimmer to her eyes. “We’ll keep it to the older ones. And we’ll kick your sorry asses.”

The insult seemed to light a bit of a fire under Glenn. Cove and Mica came to his side, acting as support. “Oh, really?”

“Really.” Emery said, sliding in next to her wife. “We’ll take Cierra, then pick teams from there.”

“We accept those terms.” Mica said, reaching out with a hand to shake on it. Avuri took it and gave her hand one firm shake.

“Guys, guys!” Fia, who had been sitting next to her sister, shouted to get the attention of the room. “There’s gonna be a Qi Dodgeball game in a few days! Mom and Momri are taking on Momri’s cousins!”

Shouts of excitement and cheers went up throughout the pavilion.

“Alright, everybody, calm down.” Emery said, standing. She motioned everyone to calm down. “It’ll be a few days. We’re going to have a big barbeque with everyone, and we’ll do the game then.”

Some of the kids quieted down as asked, but others redoubled their cheers at the news of a party. Emery gave a short, sharp whistle - everyone went quiet immediately.

“Thank you.” She said, “Now, everyone just finish your food. We’ll start working on putting the party together in a few days - so save your excitement.”

Everyone settled back into their seats obediently. But not before Cruz gave a final, extra loud whoop. Emery shot daggers at him with her eyes as he sat back down, looking mildly cowed. He got knocked around by his siblings next to him a bit as he settled.

Emery sat back down to grins around the adult table.

“I think this will be really fun.” Mica said.

“Agreed.” Emery said.

“You think we could get the Elders and Vale in on this?” Cove asked thoughtfully. “They’re great fighters, but are good at controlling themselves. I’d love to see what they could do at Earth Realm levels.”

“We can certainly ask them.” Avuri said.

“I know they’ve been busy lately,” Emery said, “but I’m sure they could spare a day to relax and have fun. Everyone needs a vacation.”

“Surely getting the Elders involved in our little game won’t blow up in our faces.” Glenn said, rolling his eyes. Mica matched his eye roll.


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