Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 6: The Talk

The impulse to flee is incredibly strong, Kushina can’t deny it. At any moment, Kurama could expose her presence to Naruto and give the whole game away. If that happened… Kushina’s not sure what she would do. Curl up into a tiny ball and die of embarrassment and humiliation, maybe?
Except… Kurama hadn’t done that yet. She COULD expose her at any moment, but she HADN’T. Instead, she’d all but let Kushina know she knew that the other woman was listening in. But she hadn’t said a thing to Naruto. There had to be a reason for that, Kushina figured. For some reason, Kurama was keeping her secret.
Even still, the urge to retreat, to run away from sheer embarrassment overload, was almost overwhelming. However, the Red-Hot Habanero did not flee. She did not run away. Kushina Uzumaki wouldn’t have become the Fifth fucking Hokage if she were the type to run from her problems or flee from her enemies!
With that in mind… she and Kurama needed to have a talk. ASAP. Letting out an explosive breath, Kushina does at long last pull away from the door to Naruto’s bedroom. She licks her lips as she stealthily rises to her feet and uses the cover of Kurama’s incredibly noisy squeals of orgasmic ecstasy to slip away. However, she doesn’t go far. She stays in the compound, waiting until everything is said and done.
Eventually, she feels it. Naruto’s Chakra Signature leaving his bedroom. For a moment, Kushina freezes in place when she realizes that he’s coming right towards her where she’s currently sat in her study. She only just manages to feign nonchalance in the instant before the door opens and Naruto pokes his head in.
“Hey mom, I’m going to head out for a second if that’s okay?”
Kushina blinks at Naruto, taken aback by his… maturity. Before she can second guess herself, she’s tilting her head to the side.
“… You’ve never asked permission before, Naruto.”
Of course, the instant the words are out of her mouth, she regrets them. Now is not the time to be questioning her son, even if he IS acting strangely! She needs to interrogate that damn fox, and Naruto being out of the house is exactly what Kushina needs in order to actually get some one-on-one time with the Kyuubi!
Naruto just laughs and shrugs his shoulders as he runs a hand through the back of his head.
“Aha! Guess, uh… guess since you’re going to be my Sensei now, I figured I should at least let you know my whereabouts. Hey, should I start calling you Sensei in general, do ya think?”
He says it half as a question and half-teasingly, but Kushina… Kushina jumps on it.
“Y-Yes! Ahem. I mean… yes, you should address me as Sensei from now until the end of your Apprenticeship, Naruto.”
It’s silly of her. It doesn’t change the facts after all. But… it separates things one more degree. It wouldn’t be so bad for a teacher and her student to… engage in certain activities. Right? Oh fuck she was so fucking screwed…
Naruto gives her an odd look with those blue eyes he inherited from her father, but ultimately shrugs and nods.
“Alright then, Sensei. Are we still on track for me to take the Academy’s graduation test tomorrow?”
Kushina nods, having sent a couple messages already.
“We are. They were a little surprised, but they’ll have things ready for you.”
“Great! Then I’ll be back later!”
As he turns to leave, a sudden thought strikes Kushina, and she quickly calls out to her departing son.
“W-Wait! Naruto!”
“Huh? Yeah, Sensei?”
Ugh, why is she already falling in love with having him call her that? She’s such a terrible, twisted individual. Still, she focuses and asks the question that has just ran through her head.
“What about the fox? Will she end up following you when you leave? Or… what happens to her?”
Naruto tilts his head to the side at that, an expression of amusement appearing on his face. It’s the look of someone who thinks they know something that the other doesn’t. Kushina knows exactly why he’s amused, but it’s not like she’s going to tell HIM that.
“Ah… Kurama will be resting in my room for the rest of the day, I suspect. I wouldn’t worry about her. We’re still connected, like I said… but she doesn’t have to be at my side twenty-four hours of every day. The distance that we can be separated without her snapping back to my soul is greater than the length of Konoha.”
On the one hand, that was exactly what Kushina wanted to hear. Naruto was going out and Kurama was staying in. Meaning she could have the private conversation she wanted to have with the Nine-Tailed Fox. But on the other hand… the full ramifications of what Naruto just said hit the Fifth Hokage like a ton of bricks. Not only was the Kyuubi out of its cage… not only was it running around as a sexy kitsune bitch seducing her damn son… but if Naruto was telling the truth, Kurama could go anywhere in the entirety of Konoha and do whatever she wanted without his direct supervision.
“I… I see.”
Naruto, either ignoring how faint she looked or not registering it, just smiles and nods before giving her one final wave and leaving her study. As she feels him leaving the house and then the compound entirely, Kushina lets out a shuddering breath… and then rises from her desk, raw determination filling her visage.
It’s not Kushina Uzumaki who stalks through the halls of her home towards her son’s room with purpose and resolve dogging her steps. It’s Konoha’s Fifth Hokage, with all the responsibility and dedication to her village that that entails.
At least, that’s the mindset she’s managing to maintain right up until she throws open the door to Naruto’s room and exposes the sight of Kurama laid out on the bed, naked and freshly fucked by her handsome son and his big, fat cock.
Seeing the Kyuubi looking properly fucked silly, her eyes lidded shut and her body splayed outwards and covered in sweat while Naruto’s seed leaks from between her thighs… Kushina lets out a shuddering breath, her eyes wide as she takes in the sight. For a long, horrifying moment, she finds herself staring at Kurama’s well-used sex. She’d heard it all, how Naruto had pinned Kurama down and driven her into the mattress again and again.
But hearing was one thing. As they said… seeing was believing.
“Oh-ho. And so she arrives~”
Kushina stiffens, as Kurama’s voice lets her know that the Nine-Tailed Fox is not nearly as… out of commission as she seems. Her eyes dart up to the Kyuubi’s face in time to see her grinning at her through a heavily lidded gaze. Reacting to the danger she detects in that gaze, the Fifth Hokage immediately reaches out and wraps Kurama up in her Chakra Chains.
Naruto isn’t there to stop her this time, and her Chakra Chains have always been her strongest weapon against the Nine-Tailed Fox. Now is no different it would seem, though privately Kushina doesn’t know for sure that it’s because Kurama is weak to her chains… or if it’s because the Kyuubi simply doesn’t fight back. Because… she doesn’t. She lets Kushina truss her up in no time at all, making no move to struggle or break free or stop the bondage from happening.
Finally, Kurama is spread eagle on Naruto’s bed, her limbs all locked down, including her tails. As she lays there, seemingly helpless and utterly vulnerable, the Nine-Tailed Kitsune certainly doesn’t LOOK afraid. She just smiles at her, a vulpine smirk that sends shivers down Kushina’s spine.
“You always were a scared little girl, Kushina Uzumaki. Always afraid of the unknown, of what you didn’t understand. Feel better now? Are you happier talking to me like this, while you hold all the cards?”
Kushina grits her teeth as she takes a step forward.
“Shut up. Just… shut up.”
But Kurama doesn’t listen.
“Of course, we both know you don’t hold all the cards, do you? We both know you’re not exactly maintaining a moralistic high ground, where the two of us are concerned.”
She’s practically spelling it out. Kushina snarls, taking another step towards the bed.
“Be silent! I had to… I had to be sure! That you weren’t a threat to my Naruto! That is ALL! And you… you aren’t going to tell him anything!”
Kurama’s eyes dance in amusement. Even locked down as Kushina currently has her, Kurama looks completely at ease. But then to be fair… she’s the one who’s actually holding all the cards. And they both know it.
“Riiiiight. You had to be sure. That’s why I smelt your arousal growing and growing while Naruto fucked me into this very bed. As he plowed me silly, you got off on hearing him put me in my place and dominate me with his big… fat… co-mmph!”
With a somewhat panicked thought, Kushina uses the Chakra Chains to cover Kurama’s mouth, silencing her. For the first time, the kitsune looks somewhat irritated. She growls a growl that reverberates clear through her chest and makes Kushina’s bones rattle. But Kushina holds her ground all the same… for a moment longer, anyways. She holds the chain gag in place and stares Kurama in the eyes with an expression that makes it clear she’s not going to be intimidated by her former passenger.
Then and only then does she let the gag pull away, returning Kurama’s voice to her. There’s another beat of silence between them all the same, and then Kurama is half-smirking, half-sneering at her.
“You’re right. I’m not going to tell him anything, Kushina Uzumaki.”
Wait, what? How could it possibly be that easy?
“You are.”
Kushina’s eyes widen and she freezes in place at Kurama’s words. The trussed-up Nine-Tails cackles at the look on her face.
“I spent over two decades inside of you, bitch. You think I don’t know you? You think I don’t know what you’re like? I watched you court the boy’s father. Once you decide you want something, you’ll stop at nothing to get it. It’s really only a matter of time.”
Kushina trembles as the Kyuubi’s words crash over her, wiggling their way into her mind like the insidious earworms they were. Only a matter of time. Courting Minato. But… n-no. No!
“I-It’s not right… he would never accept me…”
The moment the faint words come from her mouth, Kushina knows she’s again said the wrong thing. And judging by the wide, wicked grin on Kurama’s face, the kitsune knows it too. ‘He would never accept me’ instead of ‘it would be wrong’ or ‘I don’t like Naruto that way!’ or any other one of a thousand ways of rejecting Kurama’s charge.
She’d just all but admitted to the Nine-Tailed Fox that she wanted… that she was feeling nonplatonic things for Naruto. Fuck. She really was so utterly fucking screwed.
“Don’t worry, Kushina. You’d be surprised at what Naruto is willing to accept. After all, he accepted me, didn’t he? Monster that I am. Killer that I am. But… like I said. I’m not going to tell him anything. I’ll keep your secret, little Hokage. And you’ll thank me for doing so as well.”
Kushina growls at that, instinctively tightening the hold of her Chakra Chains as she glares daggers at Kurama.
“And why would I thank you for shit?!”
In response, Kurama just snickers.
“Because I’m already saving you from your own recklessness right fucking now as we speak, bitch. Don’t you know? Naruto and I share a connection. That means he can see through my eyes and hears through my ears if I want him to. It means he knows everything I experience… unless I block him off. You’re lucky that I’m so nice, little Hokage. Or else he would know every word that’s passed through your lips, and that you’ve got me all tied up in order to make me keep your secrets~”
Kushina blanches at that, having not even thought of that. Of course that would be the case. Naruto and Kurama were still bound together, as Naruto kept reminding her. She… she’d been an idiot…
“Of course, I can keep blocking a little while longer… if you’d like to get a taste.”
Kurama’s eyes dart down the length of her body, to where Naruto’s seed is still leaking out of her freshly fucked cunt. Kushina’s gaze follows her, only for the Fifth Hokage to blanch and pale.
“W-What?! D-Don’t… don’t be ridiculous! I would n-never!”
The Nine-Tailed Kitsune just laughs at that.
“Me thinks the little Hokage protests too much! But fine! Then you have five seconds to get out of my sight before I stop blocking my senses from Naruto’s perception! Five! Four! Three-!”
Kushina panics and promptly unbinds the Kyuubi from her Chakra Chains, fleeing the bedroom at breakneck speeds. Kurama ceases her count and cackles behind her, said cackles following Kushina all the way back to her study.
… She was so fucked.
The next morning, Naruto arrives bright and early to the Academy after checking in with his mother one last time about where he needed to go and when he needed to arrive in order to take the graduation test. He had to admit, he was feeling pretty good after fucking Kurama silly and then doing some reconnaissance to finish out the day.
Konoha was pretty much how he remembered it in this timeline. With his two selves pretty much merged at this point, Naruto wasn’t surprised by some of the changes that he noticed from his previous timeline. At the same time, his greater breadth of experience allowed him to see the true nature of some of the things he’d previously taken for granted in this timeline.
All of that was to say… the more things changed, the more they stayed the same.
“Naruto. I hope you’re ready for this test. Apprenticing under your mother is no small honor, so you’d best prove yourself worth of it.”
Like for instance, Iruka Umino. The man was still an Academy Instructor in this timeline, but Naruto hadn’t had the same relationship with him that he had in the other timeline. It was a lot less confrontational, given that in this timeline, Naruto hadn’t been ostracized by the village at all, meaning he was a LOT less of a pain in the ass.
Oh, he was still a pain in the ass, don’t get him wrong… but still less of one. That all said, it was nice to see the man again, and at hearing his strong but nevertheless warm advice, Naruto smiles and nods.
“That’s what I’m here to do, Sensei. Shall we begin?”
Iruka blinks, but slowly nods.
“I’ve got the paper test for you to start on right here. That said, there will also be a physical spar later, once you’re done. I figured I’d give you the choice of whether you wanted it to be against me, or if you wanted me to call in one of your classmates.”
Oh? Now that was an idea…

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