Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 22: Competition

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Naruto lets things between Kurama and Hanabi play out and enjoys himself greatly as a result.


For a moment, he kisses Hanabi more insistently. For a moment, he tightens his grip in her hair and considers it… taking charge of both of them. It would be easy. Hanabi still has a hold of Kurama’s leash, but her grip is slack. Meanwhile, she’s all but melting in the face of his kiss. Pushing her down to her knees and making the two share his cock between them like good little bitches would be so very, very simple.

… But no. Kurama had put a challenge before Hanabi. And Hanabi had accepted that challenge. Naruto doesn’t think it would be fair to either woman for him to step into the middle of this. In the end… he’ll let things happen as they’ll happen and just deal with it, come what may.

That said, Naruto releases his hold on Hanabi’s hair and pulls back from the young Hyuga’s lips. A strand of saliva connects their tongues for a moment as Hanabi leans forward purely on instinct, her pupil-less eyes having gotten heavily lidded while they were making out. For a moment, she doesn’t even seem to know where she is or remember what she’s doing. Then, she blinks rapidly and realizes what’s going on, flushing as Naruto gives her a soft smile but also a questioning raised eyebrow.

Looking down at where Kurama has definitely gotten lax in her blowjob, even pulling back so that she’s sucking just the tip of Naruto’s cock between her lips and doing nothing else, Hanabi scowls angrily and reaffirms her hold on Kurama’s leash before reaching down and grabbing the back of the beautiful dark-skinned kitsune’s head.

“Bad girl. Did I say for you to stop?”

When she goes to push Kurama back down his cock however, the kitsune pulls back instead, making Hanabi grunt at being overpowered. Looking up at both of them, Kurama just smiles as she licks her lips.

“Ah. Mistress got distracted though. Can it really be this one’s fault that Mistress isn’t keeping a firm hand with her? Mistress should know better~”

Hanabi flushes at Kurama’s teasing and proceeds to wrap the leash connected to Kurama’s collar around her hand a few times before clenching it into a fist. This pulls all of the slack tight, causing the collar to grow tight around Kurama’s neck as well as the kitsune chokes. Naruto watches all of this… but has to admit, he’s not that worried. After all the leash and collar were both Kurama’s creations. And she herself is literally a chakra construct. If she wants to choke, she’ll choke. If she doesn’t want to choke, she won’t.

Hanabi certainly seems to take great satisfaction in constricting Kurama’s airways though, reveling in it for a moment before the twitch of Naruto’s rock hard cock catches her attention out of the corner of her eye. Remembering what she’s supposed to be doing here, the Hyuga Kunoichi bites her lower lip for a moment… and then scowls.

“Since you can’t be counted on to use that mouth of yours properly… you can use your chest instead. Give your Master the best titjob of his life with those big fat cow udders of yours. This is a direct order from your Mistress.”

Still being choked, Kurama nevertheless reaches up and frees her massive breasts from her kimono. If Hanabi notices how easy this movement is for the Nine-Tailed Kitsune despite the fact that she SHOULD be asphyxiating right now, she doesn’t comment on it. Instead, she watches in satisfaction as Kurama leans forward, wrapping her breasts around Naruto’s member and returning to pleasuring him with her body.

This time however, Hanabi takes a step back, giving him a suspicious look as if she thinks he’d distracted her the first time on purpose. Hah! Like Kurama needed his help if she wanted to turn the tables on the young Hyuga…

Still, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves at least. Naruto knows he’s enjoying himself, because Kurama’s large breasts feel quite heavenly wrapped around his cock, while also being paradoxically sinfully delightful at the same time. Hanabi, meanwhile, has an expression of grim satisfaction on her face as Kurama obeys her instructions to a T. And finally, Kurama has an amused look in her eyes that only Naruto would be able to see as she stares up at him while making all the right noises to appear as though she’s choking from the collar.

Finally, Naruto can’t hold back any longer. Kurama’s technique is just too otherworldly, even without tongue or mouth to augment her breast play. With a low groan he tips over the edge and seed explodes out of his member, the tip of which is poking out of the top of Kurama’s cleavage. Under normal circumstances, his seed would wind up all over the kitsune’s face… but that’s the moment in which the Nine-Tails chooses to act.

Tilting her head back to a truly abnormal degree, Kurama dodges his explosion of seed completely… and with the speed and force of a geyser, Naruto’s load winds up flying through the air, clearing Kurama’s head and splattering all across Hanabi’s face and naked tits. The Hyuga freezes as she gets completely coated in his cum. This in and of itself would not normally be a problem… rather, it’s the circumstances behind the facial that have her going wide eyed in indignation and humiliation.

“Ah… my perverted Mistress got all messy.”

Suddenly ignoring the constriction of her collar like it’s nothing, Kurama rises from her knees, towering over Hanabi as the other woman takes a step back. For all that Hanabi’s clan prided themselves on their ability to see everything… Kurama had tricked her, not with a formal genjutsu, but with a far more physical illusion. She’d let Hanabi see what she wanted to see.

“Allow this worthless kitsune to help, Mistress~”

But Kurama was clearly done playing. In an instant, the collar and leash are gone as she tackles Hanabi to the ground and begins all but attacking the young kunoichi’s face. Hanabi squawks and squeaks as Kurama licks his seed off of her cheeks… and then moans when the dark-skinned red head dips down to her breasts next, putting her experience to work in overwhelming the inexperienced young woman.

Naruto just sighs. Maybe he should have helped Hanabi. Or maybe he should have just taken control himself. Because Hanabi trying to dominate Kurama was only going to ever end one way, wasn’t it?

“W-Wait… y-you damn f-fox! Ah!”

“Oooh… Mistress really is perverted. Look how wet Mistress is~”

“S-Shut up… f-fuck!”

Hanabi’s cry echoes through the training grounds and for a moment Naruto worries Kushina or Mikoto might hear and come searching. But neither appears even as Kurama dips a hand down to Hanabi’s crotch and slides two fingers up into the young woman. In mere moments, Hanabi’s hips buck upwards and she’s squealing as she cums all over Kurama’s digits.

Any remaining resistance goes out of the Hyuga at that as she shudders beneath the taller, more developed kitsune. She recognizes she’s defeated. Naruto frowns when he sees tears begin to well up in Hanabi’s pupil-less eyes. He almost steps in right then and there. But then… Kurama surprises him. The kitsune brushes her thumbs across the edge of Hanabi’s eyes, wiping away the tears before they can even fall. Then, she holds Hanabi’s face, whispering to her though still loud enough for Naruto to hear.

“Ah… none of that now, Mistress. Tis okay. You’re simply still young. You’ll grow up into a fine, fine Mistress one day, I’m sure.”

Naruto raises an eyebrow, even as Hanabi looks back at Kurama incredulously.

“W-What? But I failed… you… you’ve completely turned the tables on me. Why still call me Mistress?”

Here, Kurama purrs as she slowly begins sliding down Hanabi’s body. Her hands move from the young woman’s face to her tits first.

“This lowly kitsune is not worthy of standing at her Master’s side as his equal. She never has been. And while you are still weak for now… I sense potential in you. Potential to become something greater. You just need to reach out and… grasp it.”

Descending from Hanabi’s tits, Kurama kneels on her hands and knees between the Hyuga’s spread legs. Hanabi’s clothing is in complete shambles by this point, allowing Kurama to dip her head down and apply a long lick to the young woman’s cunt before saying ‘grasp it’. As she speaks those two words as well… Kurama twitches her fox ears meaningfully, causing Hanabi’s eyes to widen in understanding.

Slowly, tentatively, the Hyuga Heiress reaches down and carefully cards her fingers through Kurama’s hair. She’s blushing profusely… but also smiling ever so slightly. She doesn’t give an order, but Kurama begins to lick all the same, eating Hanabi out in a rather submissive manner despite how easily she’d turned the tables on the young kunoichi.

Hanabi moans, tilting her head back and letting her eyes drift shut in pleasure. Naruto, meanwhile, stares at the scene, slightly bewildered by Kurama’s behavior. But also… immensely aroused. And maybe it makes a little sense why Kurama has gone this route with things… because even as she’s eating out her ‘Mistress’, the Nine-Tailed Kitsune’s fluffy fox tails are all splayed out and waving in the air… along with her exposed dusky ass and glistening pussy lips nestled between her thicc thighs.

Well… Naruto certainly wasn’t one to turn down an invitation like that. Chuckling to himself, he kneels down behind Kurama and gathers her tails on either side of himself, splitting them down the middle so he can watch Hanabi’s face contort in pleasure from the experienced tongue delving deep past her folds. Meanwhile, Naruto himself thrusts into Kurama from behind, impaling her on his cock and making her moan up a storm into Hanabi’s cunt. This in turn sets the young Hyuga off further, resulting in quite a lot of… noise as the threesome fucks their way to release.

Naruto wonders why his mother and auntie haven’t come back out to stop them at this point. But a quick check of the compound with his senses shows that the two are nowhere nearby. Huh. Maybe they were called to work or something? After all, Kushina is the Fifth Hokage and Mikoto is the Lady of the Uchiha Clan. So it makes sense they might have had to leave.

Probably for the best. This yard is isolated enough that he doesn’t expect to attract anyone with the noise, so with Kushina and Mikoto elsewhere, things could get as raunchy as they wanted. Or rather… as raunchy as Kurama wanted, seeing as the kitsune was masterfully controlling the pace of this entire encounter from the bottom despite having named him Master and Hanabi Mistress.

Still, it’s all fine by Naruto, so long as no one gets hurt too badly. And to his surprise, Kurama had handled Hanabi masterfully so far. The Hyuga Heiress had been on the verge of tears, but now she’s having the time of her life. And so is he.


“Fuck… we shouldn’t be watching this…”

Mikoto scoffs at that, even as they observe Naruto, Hanabi, and the Kyuubi’s threesome through the Hokage’s Crystal Ball. After coming to an agreement on how they were going to handle the Kyuubi, Kushina and Mikoto had prepared to return to their pupils… only to discover them already in the midst of a situation.

Thinking quickly, Mikoto had gone ahead and pushed Kushina to retreat for now so they could keep a close eye on things from a place where Naruto wouldn’t expect them to be keeping a close eye on things.

Yes, they were back in the Hokage’s Tower, specifically in Kushina’s office, utilizing the Crystal Ball’s ability to observe any part of Konoha and the forests around it to watch Naruto fuck the Kyuubi while the Kyuubi eats out Hanabi.

Glancing over at her red-faced friend… and now more than friend, Mikoto just smiles.

“You should be glad we are, Kushina.”

The Fifth Hokage scowls at her for that, brow furrowing.

“W-Why? It’s perverse. I agree that we need to take down Kurama… but this is a step too far, s-surely…”

She doesn’t sound certain of herself. She knows peeping is perverted, but it’s obvious she doesn’t want to stop or she would have already switched off the Crystal Ball. Instead, she complains while watching right alongside Mikoto. Smiling wickedly, the Uchiha Matriarch leans into Kushina’s side, her fingers sliding up the red head’s thigh and making her friend squeak in surprise.

“Did you not see how the Kyuubi handled my apprentice? She let Hanabi think she was in control… and then she usurped that control in an instant. But that wasn’t even the most insidious part. No, the most insidious thing the Kyuubi did was make Hanabi grateful to her after the fact. She humiliated my apprentice… and then had her all but thanking her mere moments before.”

As Mikoto speaks, she slides her fingers up inside Kushina. The Fifth Hokage doesn’t try and stop her. Instead, she’s staring at the scene in the Crystal Ball with wide eyes and an open mouth.

“I didn’t… I didn’t even realize. But you’re right. She’s propping Hanabi up. Because she knows she can control her…”

Mikoto just hums noncommittally, continuing to finger Kushina as they watch Naruto plow the Kyuubi silly. For all Kurama’s machinations, she’s still getting fucked by Naruto. She’s still getting dicked down nice and hard by the well-built blond man. Licking her lips, Mikoto envisions Kushina in Kurama’s place for a moment… and her in Hanabi’s. Sure, she wants Naruto to fuck her as much as the next woman, but Kushina should go first when the time finally comes.

That time isn’t here quite yet though. First they need to deal with Kurama. First, they need to deal with the Kyuubi-shaped obstacle in their way.

“There’s a lesson to be had here, Ku-shi-na. The Kyuubi is a dangerous adversary, to be sure. If we want to take her down… we need to not only work together but be ready for every single one of her tricks.”

Kushina whimpers and lets out a wanton moan as her hips buck up against Mikoto’s questing fingers. As her digits get progressively wetter, Mikoto licks her lips, her Sharingan blazing as she commits everything she’s seeing in the Crystal Ball to permanent memory.

There’s an argument to be made for going after Kurama as quickly as possible. But there’s also an argument to be made about holding back a week. Mikoto can think of pros and cons for both. She can think of reasons to do one or the other with ease. And she thinks… she thinks Kushina is especially open to ideas right now. Whatever she argues for, she’s sure she can convince her Hokage of the merits of her suggestion.

Opening her mouth, Mikoto makes her choice.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] "We should put the Kyuubi in her place as quickly as possible, lest she catch on" - 73%

[ ] "We need more time to observe the Kyuubi from afar so she can't turn the tables on us" - 27%

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