Surviving as a Plagiarist in Another World

Chapter 58

Chapter: 58

[“Now I’ll tell you the answer to my question. The Party seeks power solely for the sake of power itself. We aren’t interested in the interests of others. We’re only interested in power, pure power. You’ll soon understand what we mean by pure power.”]

[“We know that no one seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end.”]

No one seizes power with the intention of giving it up.

But at this very moment, in Harren, the person in power was using that power to relinquish it. In a way, this was an opportunity. A last-ditch chance to prevent anyone from “seizing power for the sake of seizing power” in the future.

And the conclusion reached by the various intellectuals of Harren—those bureaucrats following the Lazy King—was this.

“Republicanism is not an alternative! Even if you fully hand over the rights of this land to the people, they won’t become their own masters, just like this book, 1984, tells us!”

1984 is a book about totalitarian dictatorship, but…

At the same time, the system in Oceania depicted in 1984, which was the closest to a “dictatorship” than any other country, was actually a one-party dictatorship extreme version of democracy.

All the citizens lose the ability to criticize and surrender their fate to a single party and a single state where the party endlessly repeats “dumbing down” in the name of the people’s united will, thus completely separating politics from the will of “a few individuals.”

Therefore, republicanism couldn’t be an alternative since it would make the citizens, who lack the ability to criticize, the masters of this land and their own lives.

Purely power-reliant authority rots from within. So, some kind of reference point was absolutely essential for power. The kind of reference points defined by law, reviewed through statistical methodologies, and enforced administratively.

“But neither can we accept a system where a small council of aristocrats monopolizes power!”

“We can’t become the masters of Harren!”

However, whatever reference point you pick will eventually get “stale.”

Those exercising power in an old system will refuse to recognize the world’s changes, and as a result, they will wield power to cling to it, dragging down the noble land of Harren.

Elitism by a few cannot be a long-term alternative.

Thus, the conclusion of the “Lazy King’s followers” was this.

“We will make Your Majesty’s authority lasting and immortal! Become the true master of this land, deeply rooted through the ages, so that no one will dare to usurp power in the future in the name of ‘descendants!'”

“Hmm, is that… really the way to go? To turn me into an ‘uncontrolling Big Brother’? I feel like I’m being scammed here….”

The Lazy King. Making this great king, who doesn’t want to do anything, the eternal master. If this country of the Harrens can only belong to one individual—the Descendant of the Dragon—then it would be better to serve just one master forever, thus nullifying the sanctity of the Descendant of the Dragon.

To rule, yet not govern.

This was an extension of the existing constitutional monarchy, but—

“Your Majesty! Be our eternal master! Become the Eternal King!”

The existing constitutional monarchy allocated authority to the “Descendants of the Dragon.”

It was to be vested in an individual—this lazy personality known as the Eternal King. Even if he dies, nobody would dare snatch it away simply because of dragon’s blood.

He would remain their master, never to descend from the throne.

Thus, it becomes crystal clear that all “authority” derives from the Eternal King.

[Big Brother is Watching You.]

“Then we shall faithfully follow, prospering Your Majesty’s land and making it magnificent forever!”

And the actual “power” was exerted by bureaucrats who belonged to the royal family.

They oversaw all administration and create or abolish new administrative laws based on existing statistical methodologies.

As for selecting officials, competence is the only critical factor that matters; nothing else is questioned.

If someone attempts to prioritize something other than ability—say, lineage, friendship, or power—they are deemed traitors trying to infringe upon King Natae’s authority.

Thus, it is made clear that all “privileges” must be justified by demonstrated competence.

[“In philosophy, religion, ethics, and politics, 2 + 2 can equal 5, but when designing a gun or airplane, it darn well better equal 4.”]

“If we use the law for any purpose other than for the prosperity and peace of Harren’s people, may the noble Harren folk condemn us! May Your Majesty personally place an axe into the hands of the Harren folk to behead us!”

Monitoring and auditing these cabinets is up to the People’s Assembly, which has been reorganized from the existing parliament.

They are elected by the will of the people of Harren and will create laws to judge both civility and criminality so that the Harren people can judge themselves and their officials.

They must adhere strictly to the people’s will, ensuring that processes are transparent and conducted fairly.

Thus making it clear that all “justice” stems solely from the people’s judgment.

[“You’re being heard, you’re with yourself, and you will remain with yourself going forward.”]

“Your Majesty!!! Proclaim an ‘everlasting oath’ to overwrite the ‘old oath’ with a new one!!!”

Following this, various opinions arose. Discussions about a judicial system that dispenses justice based on law, about transparency in the media so that all citizens can assess their situations objectively—.

It was a separation of powers.

The higher the power, the more it needs to be thoroughly transparent and monitored by more people.

It was a system that splits and separates powers so that each arm keeps an eye on the others.

All this power clearly derives from the “Eternal King,” thereby preventing anyone from consolidating or abusing it again.

Of course, this isn’t the ideal setup.

Each power could be in constant conflict, tripping each other up and dragging each other down. Or conversely, as time shifts, one power could become so inflated it devours others.

But it definitely wouldn’t be the worst outcome either.

If that’s the case, then for now, that’s good enough.

And the Lazy King also—

“…So I really don’t have to do any work, right?”

“Just rule, Your Majesty!”

“…Sigh, sure.”

He was quite pleased with the fact he didn’t have to lift a finger.

Of course, until the new regime was firmly settled, he’d still need to unleash his “dragon powers” and roll around like a cow—but once that was knocked into place, it seemed like everything would keep rolling just fine after that.

After all, dragon descendants are long-lived! Thinking of it as preparing for retirement wasn’t such a bad idea.

And thus—

As the lord of all Harren, King Natae wielded the most exalted power of the dragonborn.

“…I, Clement Le Mans, King of the Kingdom of Harren and rightful master of all Harrens, hereby promise.”

To name that power.

“I will remain your lazy master forever!”

And that’s how the promise was made.

Now, even in death, King Natae found himself tied to the Harren Kingdom.

“Oh boy, I feel like I’m dying because of all these tasks you keep throwing my way! I almost want to quit the throne!”

“Why’s that my fault? It’s because you love the Harren people too much.”


“Didn’t you say you were super busy, so why do you keep coming here?”

“Finding you is my job; there’s no other scholar in Harren quite like you.”

“I’m not sure how I can help.”


“It’s hard for an unwise person to assist a wise one; I’m merely sharing what I know.”

“That ‘what you know’ is knowledge that none of Harren’s scholars possess.”


King Natae had a few concerns he wanted to air out.

I just happened to casually mention knowledge I had picked up from books: future policies, economics, econometrics, behavioral economics, psychology, the history of social thought, policy studies, public administration, social theory, along with various criticisms, problems, and side effects.

But I couldn’t be sure whether what I had read in books was genuinely useful or if it held valid references to credible information.

When it comes to non-fiction, I hadn’t exactly been a critical reader.

After all, books are often distorted by the author’s ideologies or beliefs, so I was basically slinging out information irresponsibly.

Judging its practicality and formulating policies was all up to Lazy King’s capabilities.

“Maybe you should just join the cabinet?”

“That seems unlikely.”

“Yeah, I figured. You’re a citizen of the Empire after all.”

“Oh, not for that reason… I’ve got urgent business back in the Empire.”

“Huh? What’s going on?”

“My brother’s getting married.”

I sent the manuscript of 1984 to Sion, and a few weeks later, he replied.

[Master, Master Eric’s wedding is scheduled.]

[You must return by the day before the wedding.]

It’s been quite a while since I was reincarnated in this world.

My brother, who used to brag about being a god like Don Quixote, was now getting hitched.

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