Supreme Pharmacist System

Extra Story4: Jiang Hongyan

In October 2020, after Jiang Hongyan resigned from the advertising company where she had worked for many years, she returned to her hometown of porcelain with her daughter.

The reason for her resignation is very simple. The previous manager resigned, and a greasy male manager came here. A pair of thief eyes were always circling on her moon-hunting and fart-stock. It was fine and she liked to make two vulgar jokes.

If only this is the case, for the sake of her daughter who just entered the fourth grade, she also passed.

But the greasy man probably caught her life. Knowing that she didn’t dare to resist, he became more and more excessive and started to move.

A few days ago, she went to the office to deliver documents, and the greasy man slapped her **** when she turned around, and stretched out his arm to hold her waist.

The anger accumulated in my heart during this time broke out, slapped him on the face, and hit his head with a porcelain pen holder.

The greasy man screamed like a pig, and his head was bleeding.

Although she didn’t call the police in the end, she definitely couldn’t do it anymore.

did not wait for the company’s appointment, she submitted her resignation report on her own initiative and left the company where she had worked for 6 years.

In spite of the resolute opposition of his parents, he dropped out of school and left his hometown with his boyfriend without hesitation, and embarked on the path of pursuing poetry and distant places. As a result, reality quickly crushed their dreams. The boyfriend went back to inherit the family business and left her and her stomach Child.

Because I had trouble with my parents when I left my hometown, and because I was young and energetic at the time, I decided to give birth to the child to raise it alone, and vowed that I would never go back in person.

However, society is not a TV movie, there are not so many inspirational stories, and she is just a high school graduate. The foundation determines the height. In this society that is increasingly testing IQ and EQ, she is only living a nine-to-five. The life of social animals that will never die or starve

And her daughter did not enter a private school and receive elite education as she had imagined at the beginning. Instead, like most ordinary migrant workers in the city, she went to primary school in an ordinary private school.

Everything deviated from her imagination.

Until the 30th birthday, she was sitting on the balcony, drinking her birthday beer alone, and looking at the feasting and feasting of the city in the distance, she realized that she was not the protagonist of life, but the rush of the city.

Back at the door of the old house in the old city, Jiang Hongyan called out “Dad”.

Jiang Hongyan’s father did not come out, but her mother came out of the yard wearing an apron.

Jiang Hongyan looked at her wrinkled mother, tears streaming down her face unconsciously, choked up and shouted, “Mom, I’m back.”

Jiang Hongyan’s mother walked up to hug her, choked up and said, “It’s good to come back…just come back…”



Soon after returning, Jiang Hongyan took advantage of the end of the year to find another job.

I have hardly saved any money in Jiangzhou over the years, and now I’m back, I can’t continue to grow old.

But the current job, although the salary is half lower than in Jiangzhou, but the expenses of the daughter Song Nianci are all borne by the parents, plus the board and lodging are at home, so the balance is more than in Jiangzhou.

Half a year passed in a flash.

Jiang Hongyan is satisfied with her current life.

The experience of those years in Jiangzhou only flashed past occasionally when she was in a dream. After all, there was no home there, and there were no people or things that made her nostalgic. I can’t absolutely say no, but every time I think of it, always It made her feel like a dream, as if it were a dream.

Jiang Hongyan originally thought that this will probably be the case in this life.

If there is fate in the future, marry a man who looks pleasing to the eye and treats her and his daughter well, and leads a plain life.

If you don’t meet your beloved, it’s good to guard your parents and daughter.

But the world is always so unpredictable. After half a month, a major client of the advertising company who had been talking well, suddenly missed the appointment. It was so anxious that it went from the boss to the team leader.

Their advertising company basically relies on this big client to survive. Once the contract is terminated, the company she was staying with will immediately go bankrupt.

The boss immediately went to investigate the situation, and the person in charge of the major client is the boss’s account.

News came quickly. The boss had a stroke. It was quite serious. Although he was rescued, he is now unconscious and his eyes are slanted.

This also means that the company’s relationship is completely broken.

The boss sighed and announced that after he was busy with the work, everyone would take leave and leave without pay.

Many company veterans are also ashamed. They have the old and the younger, and there are car loans and mortgages in the middle to repay them. Now they are suddenly unemployed and they are almost to death.

Jiang Hongyan was also depressed.

It’s hard to find a professional counterpart. The boss and colleagues are also very friendly, and they are close to home. They can be there in five minutes by electric bike. Although the salary is not as good as that in Jiangzhou, it is not bad locally.

If you leave, it will be really hard to find such an ideal job again.

But there is no way. If the related household is not cured, the company’s business volume can’t feed them at all, and her job is naturally useless.

When I got home at night, Jiang Hongyan kept thinking about it.

Then I thought of the boy who healed the scar on her daughter’s face.

At that time, she really thought that the other party was secretly taking out the precious medicinal materials from the research institute for her daughter to use. It was not until a long time later that she knew that the person turned out to be a famous biological virus expert or a university professor.

When she read the news on the Internet, she thought she was dazzled.

It was not until I saw the other party’s identity information that he was a doctor from Jiangzhou First People’s Hospital, that I was sure of all this.

Jiang Hongyan couldn’t help thinking, wondering if he could do it?

With this thought, Jiang Hongyan found Zhou Wen’s Wei signal by a ghost, and involuntarily sent him a message.

“Hello Doctor Zhou, are you there? I want to consult you about something.”

After the message was sent, it was like sinking into the sea.

Jiang Hongyan couldn’t help but laughed at herself. How could such a big person remember her if he didn’t know how busy he was every day?

And she once sent some messages of gratitude and inviting the other party to dinner, without exception, none of them responded.

It’s probably the same this time.

But just when Jiang Hongyan thought that the other party would not reply to the message, the phone vibrated slightly. She looked up and the first message of Weixin showed that the other party had replied to the message, and replied: Yes, what’s the matter?

After Jiang Hongyan froze for a while, she knelt on the quilt with excitement, poked up her fart, covered her head with the quilt, and laughed a few times, and then struck out her messy hair twice like a madman. The excitement was suppressed.

then quickly responded to the message, explaining the situation briefly and clearly.

Jiang Hongyan waited and waited. After waiting for a full five minutes, they replied with a message saying: “I’m only going to have a meeting in another place now, and I will go back to Jiangzhou about three days later. I will help you by that time. Which hospital is he in now? Say hello to you.”

Jiang Hongyan read it word by word, more excited.

It doesn’t matter whether it can be cured or not, it is important to remain as enthusiastic about treating her daughter as before.

“I am not in Jiangzhou anymore. I am now back to my hometown of Porcelain Capital. The friend of my leader has been transferred to the First People’s Hospital of Hongdu, the provincial capital.”

What Jiang Hongyan did not expect was that Zhou Wen responded faster this time.

“I’m having a meeting in Hongdu. Tell me his name, and I will check it out when the meeting is over.”

Seeing Zhou Wen’s reply, Jiang Hongyan was naturally surprised and delighted, thanking him again and again.

Then she left, borrowed a car, and drove to the provincial capital.

Of course everyone is happy if it is cured. It doesn’t matter if it is cured. Zhou Wen has cured the scar on her daughter’s face. She has never had a chance to be grateful. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she invites the other party to have a meal.



Under the stunned experts, doctors, nurses, and family members, Zhou Wen relied on two silver needles to restore the sanity of severe stroke patients in just 20 minutes, which was simply breathtaking.

Then the patients and their families are naturally grateful.

Especially the patient, after he realized that he was walking around the door, he became excited and incoherent, expressing his gratitude to Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen smiled and said, “You don’t need to thank me. If you want to, thank the lady next to me. She invited me over.”

The patient and his family were thankful for Jiang Hongyan.

Jiang Hongyan smiled and said the name of her boss, and the patient’s family suddenly realized.

Then Zhou Wen turned around and left without waiting for them to ask anything.

And Jiang Hongyan also left immediately.

The patient and his family didn’t think of one thing until this time. The experts from the provincial hospital and the chief physician of internal medicine at the scene were very kind to the young doctor from beginning to end.

This is a bit strange.

These expert doctors are usually very arrogant, and rarely see them when they are so humble.

“Director Xing, who was that young man just now?”

“Hehe, you are lucky.”

“You are lucky.”

“It’s indeed luckier, if he happened to be in Hongdu, you happened to know that little girl…”

The patient’s family members were confused, and it took a long time to learn an amazing news from a chief physician.

That young man is actually a health doctor led by Zhong Y, also known as the imperial doctor!



Jiang Hongyan invited Zhou Wen to have a After the meal, he took Zhou Wen to visit Hongdu in the name of “Landlord”.

After   , he stubbornly dragged Zhou Wen to go to China for two days.

Zhou Wen is young, strong, healthy and in high demand.

And Jiang Hongyan has not been close to a man for a long, long time, and she looks extraordinary and has a particularly good body. Few men can not be attracted to the proud capital of a pair of women.

Therefore, under Jiang Hongyan’s initiative to seduce, two days later the night, the two naturally had a relationship.

Afterwards, Zhou Wen became addicted and out of control.

Jiang Hongyan is a ripe peach. She understands the psychology of men very well, and takes care of Zhou Wen’s thoughts. Moreover, she doesn’t like holding a shelf like young girls, so she can put it down.

let Zhou Wen fully enjoy the machismo spirit and the ultimate physical pleasure.

No wonder people say that fewer women have three good…

Jiang Hongyan and Zhou Wen have maintained such a relationship until Song Nianci discovered their secret…


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