Supreme Pharmacist System

Chapter 38 - Technology transfer

    Sun Ronghai is the R&D director and senior researcher of Kangfeng Chemical Pesticide Co., Ltd., Qinchuan City, Eastern Province.

   Today is May Day. He was supposed to be on holiday because the company had a problem with a university research institute in Jinling, so he drove to Jinling in the morning.

Basically, chemical companies will cooperate with university laboratories and research institutes, and universities will sell them to chemical companies for industrial production if they have researched new results. This way, universities will benefit from the benefits and reduce the company’s R&D costs, which is a win-win situation. Situation.

   Sun Ronghai talked with the person in charge of the Jinling University Research Institute for a full hour, and finally solved the problem.

   University leaders have a meal, go ahead, and Sun Ronghai and his assistant solve the lunch problem by themselves.

   I ate in the college cafeteria.

   While eating, Sun Ronghai took out his mobile phone to scan the industry news, and accidentally saw unread new emails in Ali’s mailbox on his desktop.

   He opened the mailbox smoothly and glanced.

   From: Mr. Zhou.

   Time: April 30, 23:15.

  Hello, Director Sun, I am a student of Jiangzhou University. Recently I am doing genetic improvement experiments on rice aphids…

   Seeing the beginning, Sun Ronghai pursed his lips and smiled.

  Like this kind of emails, he receives a lot of them every month. They are students from universities all over the country. When doing experiments, they occasionally discover something unexpectedly, and they think they can sell them for a good price.

   In fact, 99% are whimsical, and the only 1% has many uncertainties, such as the ownership of scientific research results?

   So like this kind of email, he usually ignores it at a glance.

   But obviously, Sun Ronghai was wrong.

   He saw at the bottom of the email and found that in addition to a contact number, there was actually an attachment, and the remarks were experimental data.

   Sun Ronghai was afraid of the virus in the attachment, so he clicked to download after he turned on his mobile bodyguard. He has a lot of important information in his mobile phone, and if he gets hacked, it will be too late to cry.

   The attachment was downloaded soon, and Sun Ronghai clicked to open it, eating and watching.

   The appendix contains detailed experimental data, including which chemical drugs were used, the experimental steps and processes, and the final results of the rice aphids. These are all clearly written.

   Only one formula is needed to produce insecticides directly.

   Of course, I want to rely on experimental data to reverse the chemical formula, this is possible, but it is not necessary, because the formula is too low-level, the reverse research and development costs are often more expensive than buying the formula directly.

   So no chemical pesticide company will do this kind of loss.

   As for the more valuable formula, I went directly to register a patent.

   After reading the experimental data, Sun Ronghai was surprised: “Hey, this looks like that.”

   The assistant sitting opposite asked, “What’s the matter?”

   Sun Ronghai handed the phone to his assistant, “Look at it.”

  The assistant took it over and took a closer look, and said unexpectedly: “Well, it’s not bad, but I don’t know if the effect can be as good as what he said?”

   “Huh!” Sun Ronghai nodded, thought about it and said, “Our company does have shortcomings in this area, and we need to add some new products next.

   In this way, you will call to find out later, and then ask about the price, if it is suitable, we have eaten and take a look. “

   “Good Mr. Sun.”

   The south gate of Jiangzhou University.

   Zhou Wen is having lunch with Shen Xue. Shen Xue tells Zhou Wen stories about what happened in the obstetrics and gynecology department. Zhou Wen tells her about the strange anecdotes encountered by the testing center. The atmosphere is fairly harmonious.

   Just when the meal was almost finished, the phone in Zhou Wen’s pocket rang, and when he took it out, it was a strange number.

   “Hello, hello, who?”

   “Are you Mr. Zhou, I am…”

   Zhou Wen heard that it was a pesticide company, and his excitement almost jumped out of his throat. He did not expect that he had just sent it out last night and received a reply today.

   hurriedly took the phone out of the hotel, “Hmm, you said…”

   Hearing that the other party asked him to make an offer, Zhou Wen added 15% and quoted 400,000 yuan based on the market conditions he had learned before.

   “Your price is too high, I can’t help you report it.”

   Zhou Wen calmly said: “400,000 is not considered high, right? Would you like to quote a price for me?”

   On the phone, Sun Ronghai’s assistant Hu Lin said with a smile: “Well, I won’t go around with you anymore. The price is 100,000 yuan.”

   “What, only 100,000?”

   “Don’t get excited, listen to me to finish.

  400,000 is not impossible, but only a large chemical group can afford this price, but you have to know, how can such a large company buy a low-level formula like yours?

   So your offer is seriously inflated.

   Let’s make a discount and count it as 200,000. This is a price that a small chemical company like ours can afford.

   But this 200,000 is not the price you get. It also includes various fees, such as patent registration, rebates, etc., so the real price is about 100,000. “

   Zhou Wen: “… Assistant Hu, I don’t know how to say it.”

   The gap between imagination and reality is too big, but he feels that what the other party said is probably the truth.

   Assistant Hu laughed and said, “Don’t feel unacceptable. The main reason is that there are too many similar products on the market, and the price cannot be sold. Our company just lacks this category, so…”

   His subtext is, otherwise, don’t need 100,000.

   Zhou Wen thought for a while and said: “I have three formulas in total, and they have good killing effects for different generations of aphids.”

   Assistant Hu said unexpectedly: “Really? Are you sure it’s all your research results?”

   Zhou Wen: “Of course, 100% sure.”

   Assistant Hu thought about it and said, “Well, let’s meet and talk in the afternoon…”

   chatted a few more words, Zhou Wen hung up the phone.

   When he returned to the hotel, he realized that Shen Xue had already settled the bill.

   Zhou Wen looked at this line and wanted to transfer it to her immediately.

   Shen Xue refused: “It’s only about 100 yuan in total, no need. Last time you helped me so much, I haven’t thanked you yet.”

   Zhou Wen said: “One yard returns to one yard.”

   Shen Xue thought for a while and said: “Then… please invite me to the movie, I haven’t watched it for a long time.”

   Shen Xue was a little embarrassed after she finished speaking, feeling that she was a little too proactive.

   Zhou Wen didn’t notice Shen Xue’s expression and hesitated: “Watching a movie…”

   “What’s the matter, do you have anything?”

   Zhou Wen thought for a while, from Qinchuan to Jiangzhou, how can it take an hour, the intermediate service area will delay a little more time, almost can catch up, he nodded and smiled: “It’s okay. Let’s go to the movies.”

   Today on May 1st, the movie theater is full, and it can almost be called one after another.

   Zhou Wen first went to the automatic ticket machine to get the tickets in line. They watched the newly released “Later Us”.

   Waiting for him to line up to pick up the tickets, Shen Xue had already bought Coke popcorn and was waiting for him.

   “This woman can really save him money.” Zhou Wen was a little amused.

   After waiting for less than ten minutes, I started queuing to check the ticket…

   When the movie came out at half past two, many women’s eyes were red, and some student-like girls were sobbing.

   But Shen Xue didn’t react at all on her face, even her expression was a little boring.

   Zhou Wen walking beside, smiled and asked, “Isn’t it pretty?”

   Shen Xue nodded straightforwardly, “Yes.”

   Zhou Wen: “Where is it not good?”

   Shen Xue pondered for a while and said: “It’s…too fake, the heroes and heroines are too hypocritical, there is no sense of substitution.”

   Zhou Wen was so funny.

   Shen Xue asked: “What are you laughing at?”

   Zhou Wen said with a smile: “Little girls or boys who have not experienced the beatings in life will be moved by the scenes portrayed in the movie, and the feelings built on this basis will become more precious, so they will be moved to cry.

   People who have experienced life-threatening beatings, such as you, will clearly see the mixed sentimentality and disease-free groans at a glance, so they feel that there is no sense of substitution. “

   Shen Xue nodded and asked: “So why are you laughing?”

   Zhou Wen: “It’s not easy to laugh at you like this.”

   Shen Xue covered her mouth and “chuckled” and laughed.

   At that moment, the phone in Zhou Wen’s pocket rang, and UU read to take a look. It was the assistant Hu.

   “Hey, hello, where have you been…”

   Half an hour later, Zhou Wen, Sun Ronghai and his assistant, three people appeared in the laboratory on the third floor of the First People’s Hospital Testing Center.

  Because Zhou Wen did not register a patent, such technology transfer has certain risks to both parties. He is afraid that the transfer fee will not be charged for the technology, and the other party must also be afraid of being cheated and buying fake technology patents.

   So just to be safe, Zhou Wen brought the other person to his work place.

  Sure enough, when Sun Ronghai saw Zhou Wen working at the First People’s Hospital and he was a full-time employee, he basically believed him.

  Because they died of no more than one hundred thousand yuan, Zhou Wen didn’t need to defraud them with a promising future.

   Then Zhou Wen showed his research results in front of two people, which is to kill aphids with chemicals.

   There are three chemical formulas for different kinds of aphids.

   After Zhou Wen gave a presentation, he answered several questions raised by Sun Ronghai, and it was over.

   Sun Ronghai was very satisfied with the killing effect of the drug, and the two sides found a tea house near the hospital and began to negotiate the price.

   The negotiation process went smoothly.

   The first chemical formula of rice aphids was given to 120,000 after many negotiations.

   The second chemical formula of Myzus persicae is 50,000.

   There is also a chemical formula of cotton aphid, which symbolically gave 2,000 yuan.

   A total of 172,000 yuan, and Kangfeng Chemical Pesticide Co., Ltd. withholds 20% of personal income tax.

   Both parties signed a technology transfer agreement on site.

   Sun Ronghai was very refreshing. After signing, he immediately called the company accountant and transferred the money to Zhou Wen…


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