Supreme Pharmacist System

Chapter 254 - Eri

Congratulations, get biological gloves×50]

【Thank you for participation】

[Congratulations, get mosquito-free spray x1]

【Thank you for participation】

There are 6 silver boxes, three items are opened, and the box opening rate is 50%.

Zhou Wen then shut down the system to sleep…

After only less than three hours of sleep, he woke up at six in the morning.

The primary gene fortifier is indeed very powerful. Zhou Wen now has a higher alcohol volume, and he can drink three to five catties of white wine without being drunk…Of course, it cannot be compared with the legendary national first-level accompany.

The strength has increased, and he can lift a weight of 100 kilograms with one hand.

The speed has become faster, this has not been tested.

These are all visible changes.

The other is that the energy is getting better and better. In the past, only by eating biological gum can you stay energetic.

But now I only need to sleep 2~5 hours a day on average, and my spirits will be very good all day.

Get up, brush your teeth and wash your face, and then run around the villa area.

Zhou Wen had just drove Ma Guanhua around in Yuhujiayuan before, and he hadn’t looked at it carefully, nor had he seen the scenery here.

When I was running today, I discovered that the environment here is really good, with red walls and green tiles, shaded trees, and large artificial lawns surrounding the beautiful Golden Lake, which looks beautiful.

There are also well-equipped sports and fitness areas, as well as open-air table tennis tables, badminton courts and so on.

Residents in the villa area who wake up early are already exercising.

Zhou Wen stopped and pulled up on the lever.

There was also an old Mediterranean man who didn’t look amazing, walking with him.

Zhou Wen makes one.

The old man makes one.

Zhou Wen makes another one.

The old man followed to make one.

Zhou Wen did 20 standard pull-ups in one go.

The old man was also very fierce and did 15 pull-ups.

After coming down, the old man panted and said: “Now… the young man has… it’s rare to see someone with your physical strength. Have you practiced?”

Zhou Wen was also a little panting, shaking his aching arm, hehe smiled and said, “Yes, I have practiced!”

The old man gasped and laughed: “No wonder… Now young people like you usually do two or three, and some people can’t even do one.”

Zhou Wen smiled, “Master, you are also very good!”

The old man showed a reserved smile and asked casually: “I haven’t seen you before, did you just move in?”

Zhou Wen nodded, “Yes…”

The two chatted with each other. The old man pointed to the beautiful three-story building in front and said, “That’s my house. Come and play when you have time.”

Zhou Wen smiled and nodded, “Okay! You go slowly.”

After the old man left, Zhou Wen wiped the sweat from his forehead and did push-ups on the low bars.

Compared to pull-ups, push-ups are much simpler.

“1, 2, 3, 4…75, 76, 77…100.”

Zhou Wen, who used to be half tired after doing 20 standard push-ups, now does 100 standard push-ups in one breath, standing up only slightly panting.

Not far away, the middle-aged man with spectacles was stretching his waist and twisting his neck. Seeing from the beginning to the end, his face was full of envy and jealousy.

When he was young, he was also very physically strong, urinating in the wind, and now he is eroded by wine and wealth.

The past can’t bear to look back!

After Zhou Wen passed the incident, the two men nodded in a tacit understanding.

Zhou Wen walked slowly back to Villa 21, took the phone key, drove a low-key Tesla Model X in the garage, and went to a nearby noodle shop for breakfast.

Chen Zhiyuan came over halfway through the meal, and he also moved to live nearby.

Chen Zhiyuan gave a good face and came over and asked, “How was the battle yesterday? Did you win or lose?”

Zhou Wen said amused: “Nonsense, can I still lose if I go out?”

Chen Zhiyuan: “Hey, stop bragging! If you want to say that your paper must be awarded, I believe that when it comes to poker skills, you are far behind those professional gamblers.”

“Don’t believe it!”

Zhou Wen didn’t go to slap, and paused for a while and asked: “How about the EU…”

The news that AIDS specific drugs are about to be launched continues to be hot.

Those who are deeply affected by AIDS are rejoicing.

With the news that AIDS specific drugs entered clinical trials, the number of patients who signed up for clinical trials reached a staggering 100,000 in just one hour.

Then the data continued to climb.

At the same time, a number of domestic heavyweight CRO companies, such as Yaoming AppTec, Tagore Pharmaceuticals, Kailin, etc., are in contact with Huanyu Bio, hoping to participate in clinical trials.

Because once the AIDS specific medicine is really effective, then as a CRO company participating in clinical trials, it is certain to get a share of it. Secondly, it can also increase the company’s brand image invisibly and bring many potential benefits.

Of course, the right to choose now lies with World Bio.

At the same time that the domestic and even international medical circles were attracted by AIDS specific drugs, the domestic aphrodisiac drug market also experienced a magnitude 12 earthquake.

One of China’s 100 compulsory pharmaceutical companies, Longkang Pharmaceutical, has just launched the aphrodisiac drug “Purple Love God”, and its sales continue to rise.

In less than three months, without advertising, relying only on word-of-mouth effects, single-day sales were tens of thousands from the beginning, and then 100,000, 500,000, 1 million…

On the last day of 2019, the single-day sales reached an astonishing 2 million RMB mark.

Don’t underestimate this data.

2 million a day, 365 days a year, is 730 million.

As for Jin Ge of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical, its sales in 2018 could reach the 800 million mark.

In other words, only calculated according to current data, the annual sales of Ai Li Shen has reached 91% of the domestic aphrodisiac drug leader Guangyao Jinge.

But you must know that the annual sales of Guangyao can reach the 800 million mark, which is based on 500 distributors, 1,000 chain pharmacies, 3,000 single pharmacies and overwhelming small advertisements.

And Eriksson?

At present, there are 30 dealers in the district, plus more than 100 chain stores in cities around Kyoto, to achieve such sales results.

It can also be seen from this point that the potential of the aphrodisiac drug market is still huge. People have a huge demand for aphrodisiac drugs. The reason for reluctance to buy aphrodisiac drugs is that they are only worried that the effect will not be good or that they will be deceived.

The sales data of Ai Li Shen quickly attracted the attention of domestic aphrodisiac drug giants, such as Guangyao, Combination Medicine, Zhuyao, Changyao, etc., these domestic aphrodisiac drugs have bought to Ai Li Shen for research.

Naturally, it goes without saying that all companies are shocked by the effects of Eilishen.

The same formula, just a little improvement of the process, the effect has reached more than three times the original.

No wonder sales can be so scary!

Compared with Ai Li Shen, their company’s aphrodisiac products are simply rubbish.

After realizing that their products could never compete with Erigo, these big companies immediately tried to imitate them.

But it is a pity that Zhou Wen blocked the imitation road early.

Of course these companies will not sit still and watch their market share be eroded by Longkang Pharmaceutical a little bit. They have taken various measures to deal with it.

But this is something later.

Kyoto, Longkang Pharmaceutical.

Looking at the continuously rising sales data sheet, Xu Yuting was naturally overjoyed, and it also proved how wise she decided to win Ei Lishen at any cost!

Discussed with a group of company executives about how to deal with the counterattacks of major aphrodisiac companies.

At this moment, the Chief Technology Officer of Longkang Pharmaceutical said: “Mr. Xu, can you discuss with Universal Bio, and let our company participate in the joint clinical trial of anti-AIDS drugs…”

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