Supreme Beings of Azeroth

Volume 1 – Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The entrance of Stormwind City was an awe-inspiring sight for all who visited the city. Behind the immense gate that stood open, inviting people to explore the city freely, was a majestic stone bridge with five larger-than-life statues with vague and lauding descriptions of the most notable heroes of the Second War, where Ainz could determine who each statue represented. They were the ones who had led the army through the dark portal to stop the mad warlock Ner'zhul, hellbent on creating more such portals to other worlds, and in the process were lost in action when the dark portal closed for good during a decisive battle at the other side, with no way back and presumed dead.

The first two statues depicted the commander of gryphon riders, Kurdan Wildhammer, and the force commander of the Alliance Expedition, Danath Trollbane. By his comparatively shorter stature, it was easy to denote that Kurdan was a dwarf.

Next were the statues of Archmage Khadgar and Ranger Captain Alleria Windrunner. Khadgar was one of the most renowned mages in the world known for his unrivaled ability among his peers, and Alleria was a well-known high elven hero even before the invasion and was one of the first of her kind to join the alliance.

The last statue depicted General Turalyon, a paladin of The Order of the Silver Hand, and the man who had slain the leader of the Horde, Orgrim Doomhammer in single combat.

As Ainz and Buku walked past these statues, Ainz explained who each figure was to his wife. They were met with curious gazes of passersby as the city buzzed with activity, given that pretty much everyone knew the stories already. Caravans with goods moved in and out of the city, and adventurers returning or departing who couldn't care less. However, some were notably more tense than others when passing by them, a notice of possible concern for Ainz.

{ Earth had war after war with just humans present and there are so many different races. I think the moment they discover a nuke, it'll be game over for the world, } Buku commented.

{ Not if we can do something about it. If we're to live forever, let alone in peace, we'll have to make sure Azeroth doesn't suffer the same fate as Earth. I don't know how, but we have to try and prevent nuclear wars, unchecked progress, and unbridled corruption. If we can't do it, we might get stuck in another hellhole, and there's no guarantee of a third chance. } Ainz shared his worries. He couldn't help but remember their world, his thoughts swirling like dark clouds, where the destruction of the environment had continued at an ever-increasing pace to the point where the surface of the Earth was hopelessly polluted beyond anything humanity could do. The governments had basically ceased functioning, and the police remained only in name, mere pawns for mega-corporations and rich trillionaires to run the world.

{ Even more reason to build our own empire, to ensure we stand at the top. We just need to figure out where to start. Ruling over humans might prove to be difficult once they figure out we aren't like them. Hey, do you sense it? I think someone has started to follow us. } Buku's attention suddenly shifted from statues to the passing crowds. Ainz quickly snapped his attention back and focused his senses on the throngs of people.

{ … Yes. But I can't pinpoint from where. Someone well-hidden is lurking around. Probably local powers taking notice of us. I have no doubt your stunt was reported to the leaders of Stormwind and probably the leaders of every other major settlement in the region. } Ainz confirmed her suspicion.

{ Eh, for now, let's just play the roles of upstanding and heroic people and let them think they can rely on us to solve their problems. Gather a few favors while minimizing responsibilities. } Buku suggested as they crossed another gate.

Stormwind City was a marvel of craftsmanship for a so-far mostly medieval world. The architecture was grand, with towering spires and sturdy stone walls that spoke of wondrous aesthetics and durable defense. The buildings themselves were built with finely hewn stone, and adorned with intricate carvings. Richly colored banners fluttered in the gentle breeze as the tiles making up the rooftops glinted in the sunlight like a sea of jewels. The streets were alive with activity, sights, sounds, and smells, signs of a bustling and unsuppressed populace. Cobblestone pathways weaved through the city, lined with bustling market stalls and stores.

The city was just as busy inside as it was from afar. The large sign declaring that they were in a trade district was unnecessary; anyone with eyes would have instant confirmation after seeing the thriving market restrained within. The rows of houses, from where the merchants hawked their wares, had colorful signs advertising every imaginable establishment in their path. From cheese houses and alchemical shops to armor vendors, weapon experts, and everything else, a citizen of the kingdom would only ever need to shop here for their entire lives. The air was filled with the chatter of townsfolk and the occasional shout of a street performer entertaining a crowd, a cacophony of organized chaos.

Buku's attention was caught by a man loudly advertising a wine shop, yelling at the top of his lungs through a cone. The man was standing on a crate and handing out colorful pamphlets to people who approached him, beaming with smiles. She gracefully pushed through the crowd, eager to gain something from the exchange, her husband following her.

"Greetings and welcome to the Stormwind City, miss. Can I interest you in sampling our fine wines? My sister runs a shop by the canal not far from here." The man, having surely noticed her, leaned down with a pamphlet in his hand, smooth with experience.

"You surely can." Buku flashed a radiant smile and accepted the small piece of paper adorned with an address and a coupon for a complimentary bottle of Pinot Noir with their first purchase, sliding it into a pocket.

The location of the wine shop wasn't far away, only about a five-minute walk from their current location in the district. Ainz saw no reason not to visit a wine shop and let his wife have a few bottles of the stuff, counting the prices around the store meanwhile for further reference. He wasn't the biggest fan of wine, preferring beer instead, but the local beverages were simply too good to be ignored.

The tail was still on them and as much as Ainz tried to find the culprit using subtle detection magics and radars, the spy was incredibly well hidden. He let Buku go inside and rampage through the shop, spending their money on a whole host of drinks while he stood outside and scanned the scenery.

Sensing no magic present, he had to conclude that the spy was using special abilities to hide his presence, or at least magic he hadn't yet learned about. Just because they could use every magic didn't mean they knew every magic.

'How could I locate you? I'll have to look into summoning undead that can detect invisible targets. There are so many new ones in my arsenal that I've yet to test.' His glance fell onto three men in full plate armor slowly approaching the shop. They were clad in the same armor as the city guards' uniform, their blue tabards decorated with a golden lion plated on top. Two were wearing helmets and the third, clean-shaven with short black hair, held a determined expression. His bushy black brows moved ever so slightly as his dark brown eyes firmly fixated on Ainz, the two making eye contact.

'They're staring at me. This isn't good.' Ainz thought to himself, For now, the best course of action was to try and resolve things without violence and assume that the city guard only wanted to talk.

"Good day sir, I am Constable Werner Harding, am I speaking with Ainz Ooal Gown?" The man greeted him with a salute, speaking in a loud, clear voice befitting a soldier.

"You are, is there a problem, constable?" Ainz asked while sending Buku a quick message { City guards are questioning me, be ready to run. }

{ What the hell do they want? } Buku emerged from the shop with three bottles of wine in her arms, her eyes giving the three men a questioning glare.

"There indeed is a problem, and the Crown would like to recruit you and your wife to help deal with it. The tales of your capabilities have reached this city, and we believe you would be capable enough to help." The constable's voice was firm, yet there was a hint of deference, acknowledging their rumored potential.

Ainz's eyes narrowed, "And what exactly does the Crown require our assistance with?"

"What does agreeing to help entail?" Buku joined in on the conversation, her tone hinting a bit of caution and intrigue as she slid the bottles into a sack.

"First, I will require an oath of secrecy on the matter. If the news of this problem spreads, the city populace might take rash actions. Do I have your word that you won't discuss, what I am about to reveal with anyone?" Werner demanded, his tone only growing harsher as the soldiers behind him grasped their blades.

Buku exchanged a glance with Ainz, their minds aligning in a silent agreement. { They are in deep shit and want us to save their asses. Do you think we should? } Buku inquired. They needed to be on the same page before answering.

{ Assuming you're correct and they're not setting up a trap to make us serve Stormwind against our will if we refuse to help, we might take a hit to our reputation. It seems part of our abilities is already common knowledge, and we have established a reputation as strong fighters. } The air around them seemed to thicken with tension as Ainz and Buku hurriedly deliberated. The constable's gaze was unwavering, his eyes searching theirs for any sign of agreement or defiance, unaware of the communication going on between the two.

{ Sure, we can play heroes for now. I do wonder how hard it is to even harm us. } Buku nodded, letting Ainz proceed onward.

Finally, Ainz broke the silence, "You have our word that we will keep this matter secret."

Werner's stern expression softened slightly, a hint of relief flashing in his eyes, "Thank you. The Crown appreciates your cooperation."

He glanced around, took a deep breath, and then lowered his voice, his soldiers having already formed a containment around them. "The city guard has lost control over stockades and the prisoners are in open revolt, trying to break free. Most of them are Defias Brotherhood members, and likely have hidden support in the city, as crime rates have risen in the last few days, keeping the guard away from resuming control over the prison and catching those responsible. If those murderous thugs get out, they will not hesitate to indulge their sick urges with honest people. I have lost ten guards inside, six men and four women, and I dread to imagine what was done to them."

"Grim business, indeed. If we agree to help, what would you ask us to do?" Ainz asked.

"Everything you can. The warden has given clear orders to stop the riots by any means necessary. Between you and me, I would just put them all down like mad dogs. But even little things like healing the wounded guards and helping to hold the door intact would help, with your wife's abilities of blessings tremendously so. A lot of fine young men and women gave their lives to protect the citizens, the more deaths we can prevent, the better."

"We will solve this problem for you, but we will do so on our terms. Make no mistake, we wish to help but we will not become pawns of the Kingdom." Ainz replied.

Werner nodded, relief washing over him and his subordinates. Better to secure their help for now and establish a line of communication than coerce them and earn their enmity, "Great. Let's not waste any time. The stockades are located under that keep." He pointed at a towering stone fortress just further away from the canal, glaring at the place.

{ I wonder how it'll feel to kill humans. The old me would have got physically sick at the idea. } Ainz shared his feelings with his wife as they began to follow the constable.

{ Killing has been easy so far, fun even. I don't think dealing with humans will be any different, rather I'm more curious to find out if they even can harm us, you know, with passive protections and high-tier physical nullification, I can probably not worry about direct attacks at all, and as long as you're careful you shouldn't either. On top of that, I can heal myself. Let's go grind some XP. } Buku started to grow excited, her voice tinged with dark excitement.

{ I'm not sure if XP is even a thing. We likely cannot even gain any resources as the guard would probably notice missing corpses. We should negotiate for payments in coin instead. } Ainz responded. It came as a huge relief that Buku was eager to discard the old moralities and that he didn't need to pretend for her sake.

The people of this city meant nothing to him, sure, but Ainz didn't want to make them suffer for no reason, yet there was no attachment to them either. Human life held no higher value than any other living thing in his mind. It was merely a resource, meant to be utilized to the fullest potential through almost any means possible.

They had discussed their moralities already in the forest, but until now, they hadn't killed humans yet, and he had to admit to himself that the idea made him feel no different than killing an animal or stomping a bug. Luckily, Buku was quick to embrace their monstrous nature and found enjoyment in it as well.

As they approached the keep, the constable sent one of his men ahead to warn the warden present. There were a lot of city guards around the keep, likely in preparation for the worst-case scenario while also subtly keeping the occasional citizen away.

But it was only the tip of the iceberg, as within the stone building they found a desperate fight for control, guards rapidly ascending and descending the stairs leading downward as a handful of priests scrambled to heal the wounded and bless those re-entering the combat zone. The thick scent of blood and sweat permeated the air, mingling with the acrid smell of fear both could distinctly sense. The standing guards were armed to the teeth, their armor dented and scratched from the fierce clash, and those were the lucky ones. Clerics shuffled among them, their hands glowing with holy light, murmuring prayers and spells to close gaping wounds and mend broken bones. Cries of the injured and the relentless shouts of orders filled the air, clashing with the cacophony of blades, armor, and stone shrieking mere meters below them.

{ These men don't look like they just shanked at will, someone has given them more serious weapons.} Buku noted, her eyes scanning the injured and the dead and noting their grievous wounds.

{ If there's some conspiracy going on, it's better for us to feign ignorance and look out for potential enemies we'll make by stopping this riot. } Ainz once again chose caution. All witnesses could ever confirm was that he and Buku were called in to help without any inside knowledge of how the riot started, nothing more.

"There you are. I'll get right to the business and the reward can be discussed later." A man with an eyepatch and shoulder-length dark brown hair approached them, his thick mustache soaked in sweat, giving off a rugged edge to his stern demeanor as a shortsword swung by his side.

"Are you the one in charge?" Ainz inquired.

"I'm Warden Thelwater, in what manner can you contribute? If you can fight, I prefer to send you both down there. My men are getting exhausted." He pointed at the stairway leading down into the darkness.

"We can clear the whole thing for you. Just tell me, should we try to spare any lives?" Buku unsheathed her sword and picked the shield off her back, Ainz pulling out a stave.

The warden eyed them with skepticism before questioning, "You plan to stop the entire riot on your own and ask if someone should be spared? Missy, there are four hundred armed men down there, most of them seasoned killers." He dragged the back of his hand over his mustache, wiping away the sweat.

"Unless there are champions among the prisoners, we should be able to deal with them all," Ainz assured the man.

"If you can do that, I'll pay from my own pocket if I have to. If some of those scum choose to surrender, then sure, you can let them live, but I won't lose any sleep over it if you don't. The rest would be put to the gallows for this anyway for the murder of our guards!" The warden exclaimed, cutting their conversation short as he rushed over to help carry another heavily wounded guard onto a stretcher.

"Let's go kick some ass," Buku smirked, taking the lead with a swagger in her step as her blade began whistling. The whole operation was bound to be messy, but not only would they get paid and recognized as upstanding heroes, but they would also get some target practice on test subjects that had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Ainz had a whole array of spells he wanted to try out as well, ready to blast them to smithereens.

Editing by NabeisWaifu and aidan_lo.

Proofreading by IAMTHEPLOKOKIOPO, miraculous-trash, Ainz-sama, fvvck, Malguis, I AM THE STRING CUTTER, and aidan_lo.

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