Supreme Beings of Azeroth

Volume 1 – Chapter 07

Chapter 7

Marshal McBride slowly stroked his mustache, lost in thought. When he first met the pair of adventurers, he hadn't expected them to be this effective. The bag brimming with candles demonstrably proved that at least a hundred kobolds had been killed, proving their immense capability. A massive boon for the town. Everyone knew that no living kobold would part with their candle, they would rather leave their children than abandon their sacred object. Together with the other groups out there, the kobold camps would be cleared out in no time.

"Good job," he finally stated, his voice gruff but approving. "Let's get your payment sorted." he picked up the bag and beckoned Ainz and Buku to follow him towards the marshal's outpost.

The outpost stood out as a fortress of stone and mortar, its walls thick, designed and built with practicality in mind. The exterior was weathered with age, a tapestry of moss and ivy creeping over the gray stones, whispering tales of countless seasons past in the crevices they inhabited and the scars they bore. The building didn't require many repairs after Stormwind was reclaimed from the orcs over two decades ago, as even the brutish creatures found the sturdy building useful, meaning it was mostly in its original form. Inside, the building was a blend of austerity and functionality, with few decorations. The entry hall was lit by bright torches mounted on the walls, their flames casting a warm, golden hue across the room. McBride's office, with a small living space, was modestly furnished with a sturdy wooden desk, cluttered with maps, scrolls, and a few personal mementos. A small hearth crackled in the corner, its fire casting dancing shadows on the walls lined with shelves of books and ledgers. Adjacent to the office were the barracks for the stationed soldiers, the vault for armaments, and the crown fund, heavily fortified with iron and reinforced wood.

"Appleton, do the count and report!" McBride barked an order at the young constable sitting on a box, polishing his crown-issued sword with a bored expression.

"Yes, sir!" The young man stood up and saluted, his previous lethargy evaporating in an instant.

"It won't take long. I would like to ask a few questions if you don't mind." Marshal informed the pair while he led them to his office.

"Not at all," Ainz, who was unintentionally towering and imposing them with his stature, answered in a deep and polite tone. It wasn't just his manly tone that turned the heads of local maidens but also his tall stature and wide shoulders. This man was built like a warrior yet had the skill of a mage, an intriguing combination that suggested he could do both.

If not for the man's stunningly beautiful and equally intimidating wife, he did not doubt that some of the bored daughters of farmers would throw themselves at Ainz. While she wasn't particularly tall for a human woman, she had an aura of authority and possessiveness around her unrivaled in the town. He had no doubt that she wouldn't hesitate to get into a fight with any woman who as much as looked towards Ainz with a lecherous gaze, her blades would surely see blood.

The whole situation had the marshal on edge. This couple of exceptionally skilled people had accomplished a bounty that would have required at least twenty others to do at such a speed, yet they didn't even know what a kobold was in the first place. By comparison, the second most competent group present in the valley had only brought back thirty candles and were now exhausted and ready to spend their hard-earned money in the tavern, burning their cash for booze. That group had three members, four if the hunter's pet was taken into consideration. Yet Ainz and Buku had shown up with a mountain of candles, not even breaking a sweat and treating the whole thing as a beginner's exercise, which suggested at a bare minimum triple the capability, if not more.

Marshal McBride sat down in his wooden chair and motioned for the couple to take the guest seats, which they did.

"I'll cut to the chase. As the marshal overseeing these parts, I cannot ignore the sudden appearance of people like you. While I would be happy to provide you with work for as long as I can, Northshire lies in the peaceful corner of Elvynn, a serene jewel in the Kingdom of Stormwind. But beyond these peaceful borders, the kingdom cries out for heroes to lead the front lines of civilization. Monsters, criminals, and all kinds of dangers are lurking around everywhere in other parts of the kingdom, where your talents are desperately needed at every point. So I have to ask, what are you two planning to do?"

"We want to travel the kingdom and perhaps venture beyond to help the common folk before we settle into our new lives," Buku replied, her voice tinged with determination. "For now, we have no way back home and, truth be told, there isn't much of a reason to return. Our homeland is a small island nation and life there wasn't particularly great, nor do we possess the means to return."

"I see, so it is safe to assume you don't have any affiliation with continental nations?" His response was as routine as the scratch of his quill on parchment, scritching away with the same sounds as it had for years past. He grabbed a blank parchment and penned a standard letter of recommendation, one that could be presented to any crown official if need be.

It was paramount that the pair remained under watch by the nation. In the best-case scenario, they could be valuable assets against the nation's adversaries; at worst, they could have nefarious agendas, necessitating swift and decisive action to neutralize them.

"No. We have little knowledge of the rest of the world. Hence we wish to travel around to know the world better," Ainz explained.

"Wanderlust, the siren's call of all adventurers." the marshal chuckled in response. "Here is a letter of recommendation to bypass standard evaluations and undertake more dangerous tasks if you so feel or require it. One more thing, be sure to read up on the local laws before leaving. You can find a book in the Abbey's library, Brother Paxton can help you find it, our customs may be different from yours."

"We'll do just that." Ainz nodded, accepting the letter from the marshal before tucking it into a pocket.

"Excellent. Let's get you your payment and you can be on your way." He stood up and led them to the main hall. The constable quickly reported a bounty of two hundred forty-five candles in the bag, which amounted to two gold and forty-seven silver coins as the reward. He retrieved the funds from the vault and handed over the silver and copper coins, as gold in the area was impractical.

Once the pair was out of sight, he returned to his office, feeling the weight of concern still hanging over him like an ominous storm cloud. He pulled a bottle of rum from the cupboard, its amber liquid shimmered like molten gold as it beckoned him. Taking a swig, the warmth spread through him, though it did little to dispel the gnawing sense of unease that Ainz and Buku could cause lots of trouble if left unchecked. But such concerns were not for him to solve. If they indeed were a threat, the nobles and the operatives of SI:7 could deal with them.


The first order of business was to pay for the skewer the kind lady had given it on credit, and Buku, with a grateful smile, added a few copper coins on top as a generous tip for the woman's kindness before promptly purchasing a few more to gnaw on.

The payment of over two gold coins in this world's standard currency was a windfall, allowing them to take things easy and not worry about funds for a while. They would use these as needed, only using their Yggdrasil currency if desperate. Buku let out a contented sigh as she devoured another succulent skewer of meat, savoring each tender bite with an ever-constant expression of delight on her face. She then turned her attention to a honey muffin she had purchased from another stall, its golden surface glistening with sweetness, begging her to take a bite out of it. Her true form, a formless slime with an insatiable appetite, allowed her to indulge in as much food as she liked so there was no reason to worry about her figure. She reveled in the sensory delight, each morsel a tiny celebration of her unrestrained indulgence of mankind's delicacies.

"This is so good!" She gushed after taking the first bite.

"Is it?" Ainz asked, still baffled. He couldn't get his head around the concept of honey. Sure, the artificial taste was sugary and somewhat pleasant, but natural honey was supposedly made by bugs called bees, and the whole idea made him queasy. Buku, unlike him, was ready to taste pretty much everything once and only then make a judgment if she liked it or not.

"Here, try it." She stated, tearing off a small piece and holding it before his mouth.

"I… that is real honey on it…" He leaned away, his apprehension clear.

"Exactly. It tastes fantastic." She pushed the piece closer to his lips, her persistence unwavering.

"Buku, I-"

As he tried to make more excuses, his wife used the opportunity and popped the piece into his mouth. "Just taste it!"

A sweet sensation enveloped his tongue, a tad overwhelming in his opinion but pleasant nonetheless. Ainz slowly chewed on the piece, the airy texture of the muffin mingling with the rich, natural sweetness of the glazed honey.

"See?" she declared, her smile triumphant.

"It's too sweet," Ainz commented, his face scrunching slightly.

"You just don't know what good stuff is," She huffed.

"On the plus side, there will be more for you," He replied with a sly smile.

"Whatever. Let's rent a room and get some booze." Buku pulled her husband towards the inn. She was in too high of spirits to sulk about Ainz's 'lack of enthusiasm' for sugary things.

{ I think I have poison immunity, and so do you. } Ainz reminded her.

{ So I can't get hammered? Wait, all passives could be toggled on and off… yup. I can turn off my poison immunity. }

{ Hmm, for tasting purposes we can try turning it off. } Ainz agreed. It was better to experiment in a safe zone like the one they were in with not many people around knowing them.

The tavern was a haven of rustic charm and bustling energy, of organized chaos and chaotic organization. A room with a double bed cost only twenty copper coins, which they quickly noted for price comparisons. Since it was still afternoon, they settled in the tavern area which was filled with locals and adventurers alike, chatting and cheering. Tavern maids weaved expertly through the throng, balancing platters heaped with frothy mugs and clinking bottles, their dishes and appearances pleasant to the senses.

People drank, ate, and generally had a good time. In one corner, a larger group was singing hearty songs, partially off-tune but entertaining nonetheless. In another, a group of younger men engaged in organized arm wrestling, slapping down copper coins as bets with each new contest. In the dimmer, more intimate corners, young couples enjoyed their time together, exchanging shy smiles and subtle touches.

Ainz and Buku chose a smaller table with only two seats, a perfect spot for some quiet relaxation relatively alone. Buku was quick to order several mugs of ale, a large bottle of wine, and plenty of delicious-sounding snacks to complement their drinks.

The food and drinks alone made this new world feel like a paradise, offering them a taste of simple, unspoiled pleasures they had only dreamed of before, even if they knew that technically it was inferior to what Earth could've offered during its prime. They blended in seamlessly and enjoyed what this less advanced civilization had to offer, all of its ups and downs in the dishes, from the slightly burnt edges of roast meat bits to the slight sourness of the wine.

The first few mugs of ale went down quickly, their laughter and conversation flowing as freely as the drink between the two. The tavern's ambiance only grew more enchanting as the evening wore on. The flickering lanterns cast a warm, golden glow over the rough-hewn wooden tables and the lively faces of the patrons and customers alike. The air was thick with the aroma of roasted meat, fresh bread, and the earthy scent of ale.

Despite her body's new constitution, Buku's cheeks flushed a soft pink, suggesting she had turned off her resistances. She moved her foot along Ainz's leg with a subtle, playful smirk, her intentions unmistakable. Ainz knew that look very well - Buku, with her newfound strength, was ready for a night of adventure surpassing all the enjoyments of the day they already had experienced, and she wanted to visit the bed as soon as possible.

Ainz finished his drink as Buku gulped down the last of the wine, shoveling the last few tidbits into her mouth. She placed the empty bottle on the table and leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and lust, "I want a proper test run of my new body."

"I think that can be arranged," Ainz replied, a knowing smile spreading across his face.

"Then let's go. This day has been long enough," she agreed with a sensual glint in her eye.

The tavern's warm, lively atmosphere seemed to hum with anticipation as they stood and made their way to their room. The night was still young, and the promise of adventure loomed ahead, making their hearts race with excitement.


His new race ensured Ainz wouldn't tire without sleep, a blessing for sure for the great relief from one of humanity's worst (or best) constraints. Buku was happily sleeping and mumbling. It had been only an hour since she had drifted off, yet the sun was already painting the room with its early morning rays. Ainz lay beside her, mentally going through his spell list on the remnants of the bed, internally sighing.

Buku had become plain feral when they hit the bed, even more ferocious than before by magnitudes. His robe had been torn to bits just from her getting it off of him and her armor was tossed all around the room. She surely didn't hold back trying to find the limitations of her and his new bodies. And while the experience was divine, Ainz couldn't help but worry about explaining the wreckage to the innkeeper when they eventually checked out. It seemed likely they would have to depart hastily, never to return to this area, out of sheer embarrassment and fines.

An hour later, Buku stirred awake, slowly sitting up and stretching languidly with a satisfied yawn. "Now this is what I call a great first day."

She looked around the room and then at the remains of the bed with its splinters littering the floor. "We might need a stronger bed next time. You did have a Create Greater Item spell, right?"

"I do, but-"

"Don't worry darling. I'll handle this. Though we might need to make a quick exit!" Buku declared, standing up and stretching again. "I wonder if they have bathhouses. Hey, we need to find a lake or river and wash up."

Ainz smiled in response to her contagious energy, she had slept an hour and was more energetic than she had been with ten on Earth. Buku was positively shining and so giddy, he couldn't help but catch some of her infectious good mood. He followed suit, selecting a fresh low-tier robe from his inventory in a similar style and color since the old robe donned was no longer suitable. Perhaps when he practiced his magic more he could repair it, but otherwise, it was saved as scraps.

As they descended the stairs into the tavern area, all eyes turned towards them. Before anyone could open their mouths to comment, Buku hurried over to the innkeeper, pressing a golden Yggdrasil coin into his hand. "I am sorry about the damage. This should be enough to cover the costs."

"You know lady, some folks thought you were summoning a demon up there! Your husband is a lucky man, that's for sure." The innkeeper, a man in his forties, remarked with a chuckle, accepting the coin and giving it a curious bite. "I'll be damned, this is real gold. This will be enough."

"They left the room? Get a priest to exorcize the room!" A loud woman's voice echoed from the kitchen, followed by murmurs from across the room.

"It would be easier just to burn everything," added another gruffer voice.

'Perhaps I shouldn't go all out until we have proper privacy. To hell with it.' Buku grabbed Ainz's biceps and led her husband out of the inn with a triumphant smile, devoid of any shred of shame or regret whatsoever. They would be the talking point of the valley anyway, might as well leave two kinds of legends behind.

The idea of people being envious of Ainz for having a wife like her fed her already sizable ego to reach new heights.

{ So, what are we doing today? } Buku asked casually, as if oblivious to the many eyes following their every move.

{ We need to check on local laws as the marshal suggested. } Ainz replied, his expression stony. Unlike his wife, he didn't take the commotion they caused as an achievement, choosing to move on.

{ I was thinking… You know, if we're truly powerful, we shouldn't just bend over and work for others. We should carve out our own place. Adventuring is fun and all, but sooner or later, someone will try to put collars around our necks to make us their bloodhounds, believing they could given our relatively low status. Artemel did mention something about us creating our own Empire. } Buku sent a message as they walked towards the abbey.

{ I think for now, we should learn as much as we can about the world, then decide upon our future. It is safe to assume that we no longer have a limited lifespan, so caution is necessary. } Ainz replied thoughtfully.

{ Sure. But you know, I would like to be an Empress by your side on a throne. But it's not just my decision, what would you like to make of our lives darling? } Buku expressed her ambitions.

Ainz knew Buku thrived on adoration and being in the limelight, so ruling over a realm would fulfill practically all of her wildest desires. Unless they became famed adventures, but the pathway and goals to that were unknown. For him, however, things were different. Deep down he knew what he wanted, he harbored a longing. Despite seemingly moving forward, he couldn't shake the memory of his and his friend's masterpiece, The Great Tomb of Nazarick, even if they couldn't recreate it completely in this world. Perhaps he could obtain it once more.

{ Rebuilding Nazarick in this world seems appropriate since we both carried our guild name to this world. } Ainz suggested to Buku, hoping it would be a good idea.

{ Uuh… that is a fantastic idea. That would be the name of our Empire and instead of a plain boring castle, we would have an impenetrable dungeon as our seat of power! } Buku instantly latched on to the idea, gleeful as they walked onwards.

Would such ambition be possible? Ainz couldn't say for certain, but the goal resonated deeply with him. Besides finding a way to bring Itsuki to this world, creating a kingdom with Nazarick at its core felt like a monumental objective worth pursuing. It just felt … right.

Editing by: NabeisWaifu and aidan_lo.

Proofreading by IAMTHEPLOKOKIOPO, Ainz-sama, Malguis, miraculous-trash, fvvck, and aidan_lo.

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