Supreme Beings of Azeroth

Volume 1 – Chapter 03

Chapter 3

At first, living with someone else was challenging; it felt like navigating a maze blindfolded with pitfalls at every wrong turn. Despite that fact, in the end, it was the most fulfilling experience of his life, surpassing even his nostalgic childhood. With all her quirks and imperfections, Akari still made his life infinitely better just by being there. Her presence was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the storm clouds, giving light to his once-dull life. Sure, she had flaws, as she rarely picked after herself, leaving a trail of clothes and random objects in her wake, to which Itsuki said was probably his fault for enabling while chuckling. She was strong-willed and stubborn at times, but she was also loving, caring, and supportive, always asking about his day and helping him forget the hardships of life.

She could instantly pick up when he was in a bad mood or too tired and did her best to brighten his day. Akari always ensured he didn't neglect himself for her sake, always giving back what she could. She wasn't lazy by any means; Akari was hard-working, only somewhat disorganized— a reflection of her boundless energy and enthusiasm more than anything else. She was only in need of narrowing her attention to immediate tasks.

In just three months, Satoru had moved in with his girlfriend and adapted to their new life. His free time became their free time, filled with such moments as watching shows or playing games together. Akari no longer neglected her well-being; she now took proper time to rest and recharge, which only helped her body further. Although she still actively sought out lucrative roles to voice, especially in the indie market where any one game could become a smash hit overnight, she also attempted to find game studios that weren't solely focused on designing hentai content, even if most of her portfolio consisted of such.

Like every other day, Satoru rushed home after a quick detour to shop for food and household supplies, as he was eager to unwind and share the evening with Akari. To his surprise, he found her sitting on the sofa, her entire body trembling like a leaf; panic seized him, rooting him on the spot, he felt his heart drop, praying that the worst wouldn't happen.

"Did something-" he hurriedly asked before his voice trailed off as he started peeling off the protective suit as fast as he could, almost ripping the fabric in two as he hurled it to its hook. His movements were frantic. He could see the weight of her distress pressing down on her shoulders, Akari looked like she could use some consoling, and it was his utmost responsibility to ease her mind, to be the rock she could cling to amidst the storm.

"So, you remember Alien Hunter Galaxy?" She asked, her voice shaking.

"Of course, What is going on?!" The game she was referring to was one of many Akari had voiced over the past few months. It was a fun adventure game with a lot to do, from casual eating to fast-paced shooting. She had embodied the voice and face of the main heroine, taking a leading role in the game's production.

A small indie team had poured two years of passion into making the game. Unable to pay her much, they offered a percentage of the profits, which turned out to be mere pocket change according to their predicted statistics. Despite this, Akari was happy to help them, especially since she liked the game a lot and had played it almost to death in its beta and after its release. Plus, cash was cash, and she voiced out her parts whenever she had spare time during her work hours.

"So… an influencer picked it up and made a viral video… the game has sold more copies than I, and the devs, ever anticipated," Akari patted the spot next to her on the couch, her eyes wide with both excitement and disbelief as she shook.

"That is good news, right? Extra money won't hurt." Satoru rushed over and embraced her, offering himself.

She leaned in close, her breath warm against his ear with tears in her eyes. "Two million copies and it's only picking up the pace by the hour. They will send the royalties to me at the end of this week," she whispered, her voice shaking so much he could barely understand her.

"Wait, you mean-?"

"We're freaking rich!" She squealed in his ear, her voice piercing the air with uncontainable excitement.

Satoru winced, his ears still ringing from her outburst, as his girlfriend squeezed the breath out of him with all the strength she could muster.

"That's great, you can finally have the operation!" he gasped, his voice strained under her ecstatic embrace.

"I will! But first-." She pulled him into a fervent kiss, her delicate lips capturing his with a fierce passion.

"Shouldn't we go to the bedroom?" He asked, knowing Akari wouldn't calm down until she had drained every bit of energy out of him and then some. Despite the limitations of her body, she was plain insatiable at times, demanding more than any man could give.

"Wait… first we celebrate. We just need the birdbrain home." She took a deep breath in a bid to steady herself. "Horny can wait… I think."

"Are you sure? I know you," He chuckled in response.

"Yes, there is one thing I want to do before that." She glanced at the door, and as if on cue, it swung open with Itsuki barging in, hastily removing his protective suit and filter while hanging up Satoru's.

"Shit, I didn't make it in time," he groaned. "Sorry sis, traffic was a nightmare."

"It's fine. I expected that you would fuck this up!" She hissed, her eyes narrowed at her brother.

"What are you two up to?" Satoru inquired, confusion furrowing his brows as he observed the odd exchange between the siblings.

"She can tell you." Itsuki dropped a small box into his sister's hands and disappeared into his room, adding over his shoulder. "No banging in public spaces!"

"Umm…" Satoru grew only more confused, his mind racing to catch up.

Akari looked at Satoru, her eyes sparkling with mischief and excitement. "Just a little surprise," she giggled, presenting a small, crimson box in her delicate hands." I was thinking we should make it official before it hits big. You know, so all sorts of shitheads out there don't get the wrong idea once I'm in the public eye. I want to be seen as a taken woman." With a delicate motion, she opened the box.

Inside lay two gleaming golden rings, their brilliance reflecting the uncertain glow of the room. Akari didn't need to say anything else; her intent was clear, and he understood what she meant even if wearing wedding rings weren't a widespread tradition in Japan. Not that he had ever dreamed of having one, given his economic status.

But with the kind of money, Akari would gain from royalties, she would be able to afford her operation and much more, and the attention would garner her more clout in the video game elite circles, leading to more popular game companies reaching out to her with more money offers, which could give her even more time in the spotlight, and the circle would continue. No wonder she was utilizing her newfound wealth now as she was.

"This is kinda sudden. Are you sure?" Satoru asked, his voice filled with overwhelming astonishment and confusion at the sudden proposal.

"You still wanted to be with me, even after I was seen as nothing but a burden in the future, so now I want to share with you my success," she replied softly, her words carrying a tinge of vulnerability. "Please… say yes and let's get married before I have to appear in public events." She glanced downward and awkwardly mumbled, high-pitched, "I told you, you're never getting rid of me."

"Then I don't have a choice anyway do I?" He kissed her gently, taking the smaller ring and guiding it onto her ring finger.

"Nope! You are mine forever." She giggled excitedly, catching her brother break into a smile as he spied on them from around the corner as Satoru leaned into her.


"I'll probably have to visit in a hazmat suit from now on, knowing that no surface will be left undefiled, now that I'm leaving." Itsuki sighed dramatically while shaking his head. "I expect my first niece or nephew next year."

"You keep running your mouth and I will make it my mission to defile every surface of your new place when we visit!" Akari cackled like a maniac, her laughter delightfully echoing through the room.

With the operation being successful and numerous active physical therapy sessions done and scheduled, Akari had regained most of her former mobility, and was now capable of even power walking. It was a testament to the power of money in solving nearly all problems known to mankind, and just how different those with money versus those who didn't were. Satoru also benefited greatly, seeing his wife growing more active, no longer writhing in constant pain, and becoming more adventurous in their intimate activities as she showered him with affection. She still voiced her frustrations about not being able to do everything she wanted, but there was hope that with time it would all become a possibility, a vision discouraged by the doctors they could now afford to visit.

Not even the best doctors in the world could undo the damage to her body and a prolonged recovery time was needed for pain as severe as hers. Perhaps if only she was even richer, they could've afforded the miraculous medicines the richest had, but it was progress, and it was hope.

"Not if I manage to mark my territory first," Itsuki teased as he openly abused his superior reflexes and jumped forward, appearing beside his sister.

Before she knew it, he had his arm around her neck, pulling her closer, and roughly ruffling her hair with affection.

Akari screeched and attempted to elbow his side, but her brother dodged the assault with ease, anticipating such a move as he laughed out loud.

"You goddamn bastard!" She growled, taking a step in her brother's direction.

"Welp! She's your problem now, Satoru. I do not envy you one bit." Itsuki teased, only adding fuel to the fire as he danced away.

"The only one we should pity is Hirori, she'll have to deal with your sorry ass," Akari shot back, her tone sharp with sibling banter.

Itsuki was about to retort but was interrupted when a notification beeped on his phone. "Looks like they have finished packing the stuff. I have to go now."

"Love you, sis." Itsuki embraced Akari, who hugged him as tightly as her back managed. It was no bear hug, but it was noticeably stronger than a few months ago.

"Remember to invite us once you're settled," she reminded, her tone turning somber.

"It's not like it's the end of the world. I still live in Tokyo," He replied reassuringly, releasing her from the tight embrace.

"Take care of her, buddy." He patted Satoru's shoulder, put on the protective mask, and prepared to leave.

And just like that, the apartment Akari had shared with her brother for three and a half years was now hers and her fiance's. Alone, except for each other.

"It will be strange without birdbrain around." She commented with a touch of melancholy in her voice.

"You can video call him later," Satoru reminded her gently.

"No freaking way! He should be the one who calls first." She rejected the proposal with a huff as she closed the door.

"You're being stubborn again," Satoru chuckled before wrapping his arms around her from behind.

"No, I'm not. If he misses me, he would call, not the other way around," She grumbled, leaning into his embrace.

"So what are we going to do today? You have nothing planned?" Satoru had become his wife's assistant for the last two months after quitting his salaried job, due to her insistence, when she hit it big as a voice actress. This change helped tremendously in keeping his rather disorganized wife on track, while also helping distribute funds between the couple. She had already forgotten about a few, less important interviews before he had to step in with a reminder and a few promises of affection later.

"We could watch something dirty and then start defiling the surfaces. The couch can be our first victim," She purred as she glanced into his eyes mischievously.

"A sound plan." He agreed, reaching under her shirt to gently stroke at her sides.

"Mmm, let's get to the couch first, I want to savor the moment." She broke out of his grip, grasped his hand, and led her husband towards the living room.

She pushed Satoru down onto the couch, settling in his lap while browsing through the many hentais she had bookmarked for later use. "How do you like this one? A couple got isekai'd and are young again."

"Just how many isekai-themed ones have you bookmarked?" Satoru asked, chuckling upon seeing the long list of smut his wife had picked for their enjoyment.

"A few… You know I like the genre, imagine it; We get sent to another world, I become your brave knight, and you, my handsome wizard."

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" he said, amused, raising a brow, a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Nope, you always play casters anyway, so I get to be the knight with a boob plate and everything," Akari smirked. "You know, I should get a 3D-printed set. Something easily openable, and we could order a robe for you."

"Sure." He agreed without hesitation. She liked to cosplay, and he benefited greatly from it, as she happily portrayed his favorite characters anytime he asked her. And since she enjoyed it, relishing in the attention, she was always on the lookout for more opportunities

"Great." She pressed the confirm button on the hentai she had chosen, and the TV flickered to life.

And if on cue, like all the times before, they were greeted with an advertisement for World of Warcraft.

"Just what the hell is with this ad?! Why am I seeing it everywhere?" Akari complained with a groan in her voice.

"I am not sure. I have noticed it as well. Have you checked the game's homepage by accident?" He asked.

"Nope. Some stupid algorithm has decided that we need to play it, I refuse to be influenced by ads," she grumbled, crossing her arms defiantly as if the screen could send input back to the company from her sheer disappointment alone.

"I don't think playing an MMO is a good idea. It would take too much time and effort to get to an acceptable level."

Akari broke into laughter. "You, out of all people, don't want to play an MMO?!"

"Well, I found something better." Satoru chuckled, pulling her closer. He ran his fingers through her lush, cascading, raven-black hair, as he gently massaged her scalp with his left arm. He knew exactly where she liked to be scratched.

"Mmm, I won't argue with that." She sighed contentedly, leaning into his touch, a content smile gracing her face.

The invasive ads, as annoying as they were, had become a part of their daily life. After the short interruption, the show finally started. As such, the first few minutes were spent showing a couple navigating their ordinary lives, eerily similar to Akari and Satoru's, but in a nontoxic and non-dystopian world, stated to be in the past Earth. Then came the big event; the two protagonists were transformed into powerful heroes with exaggerated features of fantastical extremes. What followed was the first raunchy sex scene, barely related to the plot which ended with the couple breaking the bed and apologizing to an innkeeper.

"Would you like it if I had a pair like that? Motorboating looks like fun." Akari commented teasingly, grinning.

"Yours are great as well." Satoru went for a diplomatic answer as his lips twitched into a smile.

"As a curator of your waifu folder I, in fact, know you like them big," Akari giggled.

"Using this information against me is unfair," Satoru protested.

"I was just thinking I could get mine a few sizes bigger for your enjoyment."

"You don't have to do it. You're perfect as you are. And your pair is fantastic."

"Sure but I mean I could get them even better just imagine the-" Akari began, only to be interrupted by the synchronized beeps from both their phones. "Really? Which asshole sensed I had free time?" she added, her voice betraying a hint of annoyance.

Satoru just stared at the message while his wife continued her rant. "The story designer wants to change the lines from seven hundred and six to seven hundred eighty. The revised script is in the attachment sent along. The game director wants the new lines done by morning so we can update the test version ASAP."

"I dream of the day when I can deliver a foot up the ass through the internet!" Akari fumed, clearly vexed by the interruption.

Despite having minor celebrity status, Akari lacked a strong enough presence on the internet to take the risk of losing her current job as the game she worked on promised even more exposure. The chaotic, and most of the time, inhuman work schedules of game developers never took into account the fact that people had lives outside of work. They had dozens of coders, if not hundreds, but she was just one person.

"I'll get the coffee going." Satoru sighed, standing up and stretching his limbs.

"I'll make it up to you after the recording session is complete. Get the cream and sugar ready. I'll send them an invoice for that shit," Akari replied as she gave him a quick kiss, standing with a slight wobble.

"Careful!" Satoru cried, grabbing at her.

"I'm fine. Lost my sense of balance for a second there. Besides, I have my strong man to catch me if I fall." She winked, flashing him a smile as she slowly walked to the bedroom, where one corner had been turned into a small recording booth, with a microphone and padding.

There was no point in arguing with her about it, after all, Akari often stretched the borders of what the doctors had said she was allowed to do. At least she listened to his concerns most of the time and heeded some of them.

As these emergency recording sessions went, Akari needed to be fueled by caffeine and sweets, which he would provide as she worked. Their time together could wait for a few hours, finances came first.

As Satoru prepared the coffee, he glanced out the expansive window that dominated the wall of their apartment. The transparent material was stronger and lighter than any glass from the past, made of nanotechnology none of them could wrap their minds around. Their apartment was situated on the 80th floor, not quite the highest but in the upper portion of their relatively short skyscraper.

The view from their apartment was both awe-inspiring and disheartening, with the skyline dominated by impossibly tall skyscrapers, a testament to progressive ingenuity and overpopulation of humanity. The sunlight that filtered through was muted and sickly, struggling to penetrate the thick layers of pollution, if at all. The ground below was a labyrinth of crowded streets, shrouded in the perpetual smog of human waste and greed. Automated drones zipped through the hazy, toxic sky, their mechanical hum providing constant cacophonous background noise.

The aroma of the coffee, artificially made since all-natural plant life had died years ago, snapped him out of his reverie. Satoru turned away from the window, looking around their miniature kitchen, compact and efficient. It was designed for minimal use since cooking had become effectively obsolete, replaced by readily processed food produced in factories. He noticed the small cleaning robot diligently cleaning the coffee grounds that had spilled, its small, extendable arms moving with precision.

Satoru returned with the coffee and sweets, placing the cup beside her. "Here you go."

He would pass the time assisting his wife while daydreaming about getting isekai'd to a fantasy world and going on a great adventure together. As good as life was now for them, they still lived in what amounted to a hell compared to even what past humans had experienced, let alone those of the wealthiest, and no amount of wealth they could ever get their hands on would change that. The dream of walking through lush fields under clear skies was an unattainable one, but a dream nonetheless.

Editing by NabeisWaifu

Proofreading by IAMTHEPLOKOKIOPO, LionLover, Ainz-sama, NabeisWaifu, and Nervy, miraculous-trash, fvvck

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