Superman’s Saiyan little brother

Chapter 1: The Second Spaceship Descends on Kent Farm (Edited)

In the vast and chaotic cosmos, a streak of light flashed by, passing through countless vast and chaotic worlds. Each world either expelled, dodged, or hid from the light, as if none were willing to accommodate it.

It wasn't until the light passed by a great omnipotent universe that a light exclamation sounded. Following that, a force of attraction absorbed the light into the great omnipotent universe. In a moment of daze, it seemed as if a golden dragon and a handsome man nodded with a smile.

"Marvel's great omnipotent universe, Joseph," the handsome man introduced himself.

"Dragon Ball Super's omnipotent universe, Dragon God Zalama," also greeted, his presence slowly fading from the light.

"Dragon Ball Super? Originally a traveler? And has condensed some of the different racial abilities of the Dragon Ball world? Interesting, such variables are indeed interesting! Investing in it might save a lot of effort..." Joseph 's gaze moved from the light to the central multiverse cluster of the great omnipotent universe, pondering for a moment before saying, "Hmm, a Saiyan spaceship, then let it be placed in this universe."


On a clear night in 1992, in Kent Farm of Smallville Town, Kansas, USA, twelve-year-old Clark Kent sat on the ground, gazing at the starry sky with a look of longing and confusion in his eyes.

"What are you thinking about, son? You are at the age of growth, and it's not good to skip sleep!" Jonathan Kent, with the typical appearance of a farmer, sat next to Clark, laughing warmly and boldly.

"I always feel like the stars are speaking to me, as if they want to tell me why I was sent to this place..." Clark appeared somewhat poetic as he continued to gaze at the stars, murmuring softly.

"You will find the answer, Clark. It may take a lifetime, but remember what I said, don't rush, and don't show your abilities in front of others. People fear what they don't understand unless you are truly ready to proudly stand before them and face everything!" Jonathan rubbed Clark's hair, speaking earnestly.

"Today, you saved Lana and the others. You must have felt their panic and unease. I know, you couldn't just watch them die in front of you because you are a kind-hearted child, but..."

"But one day, I mean, if there comes a day when you haven't figured out how to stand up and face everything, even if it's me dying in front of you, you should not choose to save me with your abilities!"

"Dad..." Clark's eyes flashed with panic, and he looked at Jonathan in disbelief, wanting to say something but feeling choked up, unable to speak, while Jonathan watched his son lost in thought.

He remembered that night in 1980, when a spaceship landed near Kent Farm, and Jonathan and his wife, Martha Kent, found a baby inside.

The childless couple thought it was a gift from God, so they adopted the child and named him Clark after Martha's maiden name, and thus Clark Kent became a member of the family.

The Kents originally thought that Clark was just an ordinary alien child with no difference from a normal human, as he indeed looked exactly like a human.

But at the age of nine, Clark suddenly awakened his abilities. Countless voices entered his ears, and he could see through human bones and organs, driving him nearly mad...

With Martha's persuasion, Clark began to adapt to his abilities, at least no longer frightened by them. Under Jonathan's admonition, Clark started to hide his anomalies, becoming silent and often bullied verbally at school.

Until today, when Clark and his classmates were on a school bus crossing a bridge, the tires suddenly exploded, and the bus lost control. The driver, trying to avoid an oncoming car, instinctively turned the steering wheel sharply, sending the bus over the guardrail and into the water!

As the water flooded the bus and the classmates struggled helplessly, losing their last breaths of air, Clark couldn't hold back. He revealed his abilities, pushing the bus ashore and rescuing the drowning children...

The parents were relieved but also fearful, not understanding how Clark managed it. This fear of the unknown, even the protection of God, could not persuade them to dispel it, even though they should have been grateful to Clark for saving their children.

And Jonathan, seeing Clark in confusion, took him to the basement, pointing to the spaceship, revealing Clark's origin, and handing him what seemed to be the key to the spaceship...

But even after revealing Clark's origin, Jonathan still did not want Clark's anomaly exposed, knowing well the shock and fear an unknown alien's existence on Earth would bring to people's minds!

And more terrifying were the various means from humans that would follow! Therefore, Jonathan felt that even if someone died in front of Clark, even if that person was himself, Clark should not expose his abilities to save the other.

"Dad? Dad! Dad!!!" Just as Jonathan was lost in memories, Clark's calling voice echoed, initially hesitant, then incredulous, and finally with an excitement that couldn't be hidden! This was an excitement Jonathan had never felt from Clark before! He looked bewilderedly at Clark, only to see Clark pointing in the direction of the night sky.

Jonathan instinctively followed the direction of Clark's finger, and for a moment, he felt as if he had returned to twelve years ago.

A meteor-like fireball descended near Kent Farm, followed by a slight impact sound. Martha also came out of the house, and what happened in front of her also felt eerily familiar.

"Dad! Mom! The spaceship! It's a spaceship, not a meteor! I saw it clearly!" Before Jonathan and Martha could recover, Clark was already shouting and running towards the direction of the crash.

Jonathan and Martha, worried about Clark's safety, hurriedly followed. They soon saw Clark inspecting a spherical spacecraft, seemingly not yet finding a way to open it, until Jonathan and Martha approached.

With a "click," the spacecraft opened at that moment, and a loud cry echoed around, just like that night twelve years ago, the same empty environment, the same loud cry, the same unknown alien baby, making Jonathan and Martha's hearts tighten.


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