Summoned by Monster Girls

Chapter 69 <3<3<3

I slept the sleep of the truly exhausted.

I woke twice during the night, but only for a brief few moments as one of the girls got up to leave the tent for a moment. I fell asleep again as soon as they tucked themselves back against me.

The pile that we slept in was warm and comfortable. The sweet scents of their hair surrounded me and the soft sensation of my girls was close at hand to soothe me back to sleep.

It wasn’t until my feet grew cold that I finally woke up.

Blinking slowly in the dim light that made it into the thick canvas tent, I stared up at the peaked ceiling. Based on the amount of light leaking in, it had to be around mid-morning of the next day; I wasn’t entirely sure what day it was, but it didn’t matter at the moment. I still had several days left with my girls before I had to return to Earth and deal with the reality of a job hunt again.

A stirring on my left side drew my attention down to where Kassandra lay nestled into my side.

My dwarf lamia had managed to steal all the covers from on top of me and wrapped her serpentine length around and inside of them, the only things peeking out were a bit of her coils, the curly mass of her red hair, and the hint of rounded bottom that was rubbing into my hip as she tucked her back into me.

“She’s such a blanket-hog.” A brief yawn punctuated Rieka’s soft words, and I turned to look down at my wolf-eared princess.

Rieka had shifted in her sleep as well. While she had started the night with her back to me, she had rolled over and tucked herself into the crook of my shoulder. Her long, platinum-blonde mane draped over my arm and the pillow while her sky-blue eyes gleamed up at me while her bare curves glowed softly in the dim light.

The wolf-eared woman blinked a few times and yawned again cutely, the tip of her tongue curling up like a dog’s for a moment while her canine ears laid back. Then she relaxed and nuzzled her cheek into my shoulder once more.

“Good morning, Rieka,” I rumbled, my voice husky from sleep. I cleared my throat quietly before continuing. “Sleep well?”

“Yeah, until Kass stole my blankets,” Rieka pouted cutely, sticking her tongue out at the sleeping dwarf lamia. “You?”

“Couldn’t sleep any more peacefully. I had my girls with me.” I punctuated the statement by shifting to press a kiss to Rieka’s forehead.

Her response was a happy groaning noise, and she rubbed her cheek against my shoulder some more. The hand that had rested on my chest began to stroke over my bare skin, toying with my chest hair lightly as she ran her fingers up and down.

“Love you, Liam,” Rieka murmured quietly.

My ears rang and my head cleared of the sleep fog suddenly at her words.

Rieka and I had been exchanging kisses and cuddles for a while now and I could tell she was developing feelings for me, but love? It wasn’t something I’d expected, or had the time to consider since our last conversation by the lake before we headed down into the ruins.

I studied my feelings and how they swirled in reaction to Rieka’s words while stroking her back for several long moments.

While I thought, Rieka shifted and buried her face in my shoulder. From the warmth emanating from her face, I could tell she was blushing and likely felt embarrassed for saying it out loud like that. The hand on my chest slowed and came to a rest on my stomach as I made my decision.

“Love you too, Rieka,” I spoke directly into one of her fluffy ears right before kissing the inner edge of it lightly.

Rieka stiffened in my arms for a moment before lifting her head to peek up at me through her bangs. I smiled down at her, making sure to let all my affection flow into the expression, and pressed another kiss to her forehead.

The happy stirring of her fluffy white tail with its charcoal-dusted tip was the only warning I got before Rieka lunged up onto my chest so she could get to my face. She then proceeded to cover it with enthusiastic kisses while giggling quietly.

Wrapping my right arm around her waist, I squeezed her to me and Rieka let out another happy groan. I could feel the furious stirring of her tail whipping against the back of my arm as well as the soft, warm curves of her hips against me.

A heat against my stomach confused me for a moment before I remembered that Rieka had gone to bed in nothing more than a chest wrap and a pair of thin, white panties. And I was feeling the warmth of what lay beneath those panties pressed against my abdomen, stirred up by her excitement.

Around the time I realized that, Rieka must have also made that mental connection because her kissing stopped and she drew back to stare down at me with wide eyes. A faint blush colored her pale cheeks, and she bit her bottom lip.

We stared at each other for several long moments; her searching my face and me letting her decide. I shifted slightly under her to ease a twinge in my back and Rieka let out a quiet moan, her hips grinding unconsciously for a moment before she stopped herself. The entire time, her tail continued to whip back and forth, portraying her excited and happy mood.

Rieka’s hesitation faded away a moment later, and she gave a decisive nod.

Shifting back in her pose partially astride me, Rieka arched her back and pressed her chest out. The simple, white breast band was just a wrapping of cloth to support and cover her soft mounds. Even now, I could see the pert tips of her breasts poking against the thin material, a slightly darker pink evident through the white.

“Do you think I’m attractive?” Rieka purred quietly, running her hands up her ribs slowly to stroke the edge of her breast band. I could tell she was making an effort to be alluring, but my wolf-eared princess was still blushing faintly in embarrassment.

“Of course I do,” I rumbled in reply. Kassandra was still pinning down my left arm with her head, so I gently ran the back of my right hand over Rieka’s delicate tummy, getting a giggle of happiness from the wolf-eared woman.

Rieka looked like she was about to say something, her fingertips digging into the wrapping at her chest like she was about to strip it off, when Kassandra spoke up suddenly.

“Oh, just fuck him already, Rieka. No funny business in the tent.”

The dwarf lamia’s voice was gravelly with sleep and she rolled over a moment to glare at her friend with one slitted eye. My redheaded lover shifted that bleary glare to me as well. “Treat her right, Liam. I’ll make you regret it if you don’t,” Kassandra threatened halfheartedly before yawning, pulling her stolen blankets over her head, and then curling up into a tighter ball.

Both Rieka and I stared at Kassandra for a moment before Rieka began to giggle. I chuckled as well, and the noise got another grumble of protest from Kassandra.

“Come, Liam. Let’s take this outside. I did make Kass promise not to get up to anything inside the tent, so it is fair that she is kicking us out,” Rieka said, shooting me a smoldering look before climbing to her feet.

I watched as Rieka smoothly unbound her breast-band and let it fall to the ground by her pile of things. A moment later, she slid her panties down and dropped them next to it. Her fluffy tail draped down low to shield the sight of the treasure that lay between her legs, but the rounded shape of her tight butt still protruded from either side.

Rieka collected a spare blanket from her bag and then turned to shoot me another alluring look from the mouth of the tent, the light of the early day silhouetting her form and showing the hard peaks of her breasts sharply against the blue sky.

“Coming?” she husked before ducking through the tent flap in a flash of pale skin and light fur.

I shifted and rolled to my hands and knees. As soon as I had vacated the pile of blankets that was our bed, Kassandra wriggled over to steal my warm spot and began to snore quietly, only one cheek of her full bottom poking out of the covers now. I stopped to smile at my serpentine lover for a moment before moving to pursue my wolf-eared princess.

Stopping only long enough to mirror Rieka, I dropped my underwear on the pile of gear and followed after her. The open affection of my girls had banished my previous self-consciousness about my body and, with Rieka leading the way, I had no reason to hesitate in stepping out of the tent completely naked.

The early day sun bathed the world in a warm light. A slight breeze stirred the long grass of the clearing and made the trees rustle around us, sending dappled shadows out over the tent. They all conspired together to leave a slightly warm day perfectly comfortable against my bare skin.

A flash of movement to one side drew my attention.

I caught sight of Rieka flapping the blanket out over a patch of long grass that would act as a sort of cushion. The motion threw her arms wide, and I saw the soft curves of her breasts bounce and jiggle while she settled the blanket and smoothed it into place. At this angle, I could see her dark, pink nipples firmly capping those creamy mounds.

Rieka had picked a spot that was still within the line of the wardstones Kassandra had set before, so I just gave the clearing a quick scan to make sure nothing was nearby before I started towards her.

Not wanting my lover to think I was hesitating at all, because I sure as hell was not about to hesitate at this point, I dashed over and wrapped both arms around Rieka from behind, pulling her tight to my chest.

Rieka let out an eep and a giggle of surprise before nuzzling back against my chest and my neck, reaching up to press kisses to my throat while my arms pinned hers to her sides. My right arm wrapped just under her breasts and one big hand landed on top of her left breast, cupping it gently and drawing a moan of joy from the blonde. My left arm wrapped low around her stomach and cupped her right thigh, pulling her tight bottom back against me. I could feel the soft fur of her tail whipping back and forth as my growing erection pressed into Rieka’s back.

“I’m only going to ask once to be sure, Rieka,” I rasped in her ear before nibbling the fluffy tip. The nip drew another long moan out of my lover-to-be, and she nodded a moment later to indicate she was listening. “You are a princess. You deserve more than just a tumble out in the grass like this. If you want to wait until we have the bed you deserve, then—”

“No,” Rieka cut me off, a low growl of desire in her throat. “No, I do not want to wait, Liam. I want you here and now. I want to feel free beneath the sky. I’ve spent my entire life as a princess. For now, I just want to be a woman in love with a man.” Her voice was full of need and she ground her soft bottom back against me. Her tail shifted to one side so that the pert cheeks of her bottom could sandwich the underside of my cock, and I groaned in response this time.

“As you wish, Rieka,” I growled in her ear and nipped her ear again. Rieka let out another low moan. She wriggled a bit to get her arms free so her hands could come up to thread through my hair and pull me down and into her neck so that I could nibble, kiss, and bite there too.

Rieka was smaller than I was. Both my girls stood shorter than me on average, but Rieka wasn’t nearly as bad as Kassandra. Thankfully, I had the strength to spare to lift my wolf-eared princess up and hold her tightly against my chest while I laid sucking kisses and nips across her neck and shoulder. Each nibble and bite drew another quiet yelp of pleasure or a moan of arousal from her. I could already feel Rieka’s nipple digging into my right palm, hard as a bit of metal.

“Liam,” Rieka panted hotly, tugging at my hair to pull me up to where our lips could meet in an ardent kiss. There was no reason for me to resist the desires of my wolf-eared princess, and I met her lips with mine.

The kiss was long and deep, our tongues meeting and dancing in midair. I’d half expected to have to contend with morning breath, given how long we’d been asleep, but my princess tasted sweet.

The surprising taste of her lips gave me an idea, and I pushed on Shape-Shifting slightly, urging it to change the glands in my mouth that produced saliva.

A moment later, Rieka moaned happily and dove deeper into the kiss, her tongue probing my mouth for several long seconds.

“How?” she panted after we separated to breathe.

“Shape-shifter, remember?” I teased and stuck my tongue out at her while pushing on the Shape-Shifting again.

My tongue grew longer and Rieka’s eyes widened as my tongue stretched out between us and lightly booping the tip of her nose before I retracted it once more.

“I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet, but good to know. I meant the taste!” she giggled. I just shrugged with a smirk.

“Your lips tasted sweet, and I didn’t want you to deal with morning breath. Does it bother you?” Rieka shook her head furiously in denial.

“No! I just wondered. I snatched a sweet out of my bag, but I couldn’t figure out how you did that. It’s handy!”

“I’m handy in many ways,” I husked, leaning in to nuzzle her nose lightly while squeezing her left breast gently. Rieka moaned sharply into the motion and ground her hips back against me.

“Oh, Liam… I want you to take me like this, helpless and in midair. That would be so hot…” Rieka murmured in my ear before nipping sharply at my earlobe as she wiggled up.

Her writhing achieved her goal as my member finally slipped down between us and slid between Rieka’s legs before coming up to slap wetly against her sex with a quiet plap. Rieka moaned sharply in response to my shaft hitting her secret place, and I groaned at the wet heat pressed down on me.

“Is this how you want our first time to be? You at my mercy?” I ground out into one of her pointed ears. Rieka nodded, her hips gyrating as she tried to shift my shaft so that I slipped into her while she gripped my hair with both hands.

“Yes, fuck me like this. Displayed for the world to see, a princess taken and pleased in a field, rather than a perfumed bed,” Rieka moaned. “You can have me on the ground later. I’ll bend happily before you so that you can mount me, but right now I want to feel the sun on my face and breeze on my skin like this, Liam.”

Gods, hearing her beg like that was hot.

I shifted slightly, leaning back to counterbalance her slight weight and Rieka whined in protest, nearly slamming her back into my chest to maintain contact. Until, that is, she realized this angle put her clit directly in contact with my shaft and she began to grind furiously. Her arms shifted down to cling to mine while I shifted my grip slightly.

Just as I was about to adjust and thrust into her, I hesitated. Rieka must have noticed it and twisted to shoot me an alluring grin over her shoulder. The nips and bites on her neck and shoulder were beginning to color slightly as the hickies darkened. The sight of them sent a thrill through my body. My cock hardened even further, pressing up against her wet heat and making my princess moan.

“Don’t worry about it, Liam. Take me, claim your pleasure from my body, and then mark me with your seed,” she moaned hotly, writhing in my arms and grinding on my shaft.

Her gyrations were such that Rieka actually managed to catch the head of my cock in the opening of her sweet box. She was so wet that I slid right in, aided by her body weight and the angle. There was no resistance at all until our thighs met again.

Rieka let out a loud squeal of pleasure, her whole body trembling while her sex gripped at my shaft like it was trying to strangle me. The angle was delicious, and I drove deep into her, but I knew I could go deeper. Because of the positioning, it didn’t allow me to get fully seated in her body from behind like this. But it was enough to get started.

Whimpering joyfully at the sensation, Rieka clung to me with her body sharply bowed while I began to bounce her in my lap midair. The range of motion was small, but each thrust of my hips brought her entire weight down on my shaft with a sharp slap of flesh meeting and a jolt of sensation as she squeezed me sharply, hanging helplessly in my arms.

I held her there like that, displayed as proudly as any flag to the blue sky and the surrounding forest, and fucked Rieka like I owned her.

I knew that I could have used Shape-Shifting to alter my body to make this position more comfortable and to get deeper, but I wanted to hang on to that for later. For now, I was happy to please her with my body as I’d always had it.

Rieka moaned loudly, squeaking sharply with each blow of my hips as I bodily lifted her up and down my cock. I pummeled her ass with my crotch and teased her captured nipple. But she really lit up when I bit down on her left shoulder while buried to the root in her.

Shrieking in pleasure, Rieka came hard around me. Her sex tightened even more and her whole body convulsed while my teeth dug into her shoulder and left a bruise marking her soft body as claimed. As her sex pulsed around me, I had to fight the urge to fill her up right there.

I had so much more that I wanted to do with my wolf-eared princess.

I pumped my hips a few more times to continue stimulating my lover through her climax. Her juices dripped down our joined crotches and spattered into the grass at our feet.

“Liam…” Rieka moaned softly, a full-body twitch wracking her before she could continue. “Gods and gold, that was glorious… more?” Rieka said the last part in a slightly begging tone, and I smothered a laugh.

My princess shifted slightly to pout at me out of one eye and squeezed down on my shaft with her sex. A calculating expression surged onto her face and Rieka’s pout morphed into a grin.

“Let me down, Liam?”

“Why?” I rumbled in her ear, pulling her tightly against my chest and giving my hips another pump. Rieka moaned sharply and clung to me, her sex squeezing tight once more.

“You gave me the pleasure I asked for, so I will return it to you. Let me please you with my mouth?”

The thought of the platinum-haired princess submissively on her knees in front of me set my mind afire, and I almost complied without thinking.

I hadn’t had any problem supporting her slight weight in this acrobatic bit of midair sex, and I had a devious idea that would ensure my wolf-eared princess enjoyed this as much as I would.

“I have a better idea. Up you go!” I whispered hotly into her ear before lifting her up and off my cock.

Rieka squeaked in surprise as I shifted my grip on her hips and spun her about so that she was hanging upside down with her face in my crotch and hers pointed up at me like some perverse chalice of allure. The motion sent a billow of her unique scent into my face, the smell of herbs and ozone thick in the air as well as that musky tang of an aroused woman.

“Liam, what is thi—ooh!” Rieka protested at first before I bent down and thrust my tongue out to run over her clit. The tangy flavor of her sex coated my tongue, and I smirked as her tail began wagging furiously when she realized her position and my plan.

A moment later, Rieka’s lips wrapped around my cock and she began to bob slowly, slurping at my shaft in an earnest, though inexperienced, attempt to please me. The fact she was willing to do so made my heart sing and I dove into lapping at her puffy sex with gusto.

Rieka’s legs wrapped around my head to help support herself, but my arms around her waist and hips ensured she would not fall. The only thing that interfered with the entire moment was when her tail would occasionally bap me in the face when her wagging got too enthusiastic.

I bathed her sex with licks and kisses, elongating my tongue to dive into her honey-pot every so often. This would elicit a squeak of surprise or a vibrating groan of pleasure that made my cock stiffen in her mouth. In return, Rieka suckled, licked, kissed, and nuzzled my shaft and balls with the messy enthusiasm of someone learning what felt good and happy to apply the knowledge as she gained it.

This continued for several minutes and Rieka climaxed again, sending a squirt of juices up into the air like the most sexual of fountains while she squealed and gagged on my shaft.

I had to pull her off at last, though. I knew my climax was coming, and I wanted the first load I gave her to go inside her sweet sex. The imagery she’d painted before of being mounted was stuck in my mind and I wanted that.

Apparently, Rieka wanted it too. As soon as I lifted her up and off my cock, she kissed the tip one last time in parting before helping scramble down from my grip and onto the blanket finally.

Posing with her hips up and back arched, Rieka’s tail whipped back and forth furiously as she bent forward and spread her legs to show her sex to me. Moisture dewed her full lower lips and her pert butt-cheeks jiggled enticingly as she swayed.

“Come and claim me, Liam!” Rieka moaned hotly, shooting a needy look over her shoulder. “You have toyed with me and marked me. Teased me and pleased me. Now… now you need to seed me.”

The husky desire in her voice drew me like a magnet draws iron filings. Her smaller body looked so ripe and sexy there, spread on the blanket like some kind of goddess of the wild, descended on a woodsman for an afternoon of pleasure.

I knew that this wouldn’t be the only time I got to sample my wolf-eared princess, but I still wanted to savor her.

Kneeling behind her, I knee walked forward until the tip of my spit-slicked cock bumped against her blushing flower.

Rieka moaned hotly at the sensation and rolled her hips again, presenting her sex to me and bobbing her hips to try to catch my tip.

I let her wriggle and flex against me for a moment, trying to capture me, before I thrust forward and buried myself in one smooth motion.

Rieka shrieked in pleasure, her tail bushing out as her back arched in pleasure when our hips met with a wet smack.

The echo of her scream of joy bounced throughout the valley, setting a small flock of birds to flight before it vanished into echoes.

“Take me, Liam?” Rieka begged when it became obvious that I was waiting on something. I just smirked down at her and slowly settled my hands onto her slender waist, sliding them down to grab her firm hips.

Using my grip on her, I slowly drew her forward and off my shaft. Rieka moaned in disappointment as my shaft left her until only the head remained inside. I leaned over top of her and growled deep in my throat. The rumble of noise from within my chest made Rieka shudder and moan, her hips bobbing to draw me back in but only succeeding in catching an inch of my shaft before I stopped her.

“Mine,” I rumbled to finish off the deep growl. My wolf-eared princess nodded furiously.

“Yours, all yours!”

I nipped the tip of first her right ear, then her left. The sensations sent a shiver of pleasure down her body and she clenched on me before I leaned back and used my grip on her hips to begin pumping into her.

I started slowly. Our initial coupling had proved that either Rieka didn’t have a hymen, or had broken it somehow in the past. So I didn’t need to hesitate for fear of hurting her. But I wanted to give her a chance to acclimate to the position before I gave her all that I had.

My lover’s secret garden accepted my rough plowing without hesitation. It gripped and pulled at me like it was trying to hold me captive within her wet heat. I could feel her body shaking underneath me as she met my pumping hips with her own joyous thrusts to accept my shaft.

Rieka moaned loudly as I bent low enough to bite the side of her neck again, leaving behind another coloring bruise to claim her.

The realization that the marks I’d left on her pale skin would be obvious to anyone who saw her–unless she wore a very high-necked shirt–sent a thrill down my spine.

Those marks would show to any observer that I had claimed my princess.

That thrill was the last pebble to start the avalanche of my climax.

The steady pounding I was giving Rieka’s pert bottom abruptly picked up in speed to a rapid clapping of bodies meeting.

Rieka keened happily, her face buried in the blanket while she clung on with her hands and used the leverage to push back against me.

The hot squirt of her juices and the tightening of her sex around me signaled her own climax only seconds before mine rumbled over me.

My vision whited out as my entire body contracted. I felt my balls jerk as I shot rope after rope of my cream deep into Rieka. Each contraction expelling a hot load of seed, and each burning blast triggering another moan or yip of joy from my lover.

As all things are prone to, my climax eventually came to an end and my vision returned to normal.

I slumped down over top of Rieka, pressing her to the blanket and getting a contented groan from my lover. Shifting my grip on her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and guided us onto our side in a sweaty heap. My cock slid out of her sex in the process, unleashing a small gush of my cream and Rieka moaned.

The two of us lay on the grass in the sun and just cuddled into each other, savoring the moment and the peace of the mountainside.

“Gods above! I think they might have heard you two fucking back in Juneau!” Kassandra’s grumpy voice echoed from inside the tent a moment later.

Rieka and I shared a glance before both of us burst into laughter, joined a moment later by Kassandra.

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