Summoned by Monster Girls

Chapter 22

“Two, four, one, five!” Cerebaton called out in rapid succession and I swung the practice sword to attack his shoulder, hip, shoulder and then thigh in the corresponding zones that he had called out. Cerebaton parried the swings with calm indifference despite the strength I was using.

We’d stepped up to full speed drills to end the night and Cerebaton was working me hard. I don’t know what sort of wood the practice swords were made out of, but despite the battering we were giving them, they didn’t appear damaged in the slightest though each blow echoed in the dark confines of the gazebo.

“Good, one, three, three, four.” Cerebaton chanted out the next combo and I struck automatically, focusing on the zones he designated and bringing my practice sword in to aim a strike in at each of those zones. The fact that I knew Cerebaton would find a way to block didn’t matter, I was focused on doing my best to get past those blocks and maintain good form.

This continued for another five minutes before Cerebaton called for a break.

“You are doing much better, Liam.” The Drago-look alike said with a broad smile, resting his practice sword on his shoulder.

“I feel like the stat boosts are helping me pick the basics up much faster.” I sighed, taking a deep drink from the water bottle that I’d brought with me.

“Not surprised, you boosted the whole set of stats the first time, then your mental stats to their second max later right?” I nodded in agreement to his question and Cerebaton grunted once, rubbing at the sculpted jaw of his disguise. “Yea, memorizing the patterns would be easier as a result. At least for human-shaped opponents. Once you memorize the angles of attack though, you can start adapting to non-human shapes as the weapon will feel more natural to you.”

“Wanted to ask about that. Any idea when it’ll unlock the next rank of Enhance Self? Do I need to max this one?” I shifted slightly and winced when a bruise on my thigh twinged where Cerebaton had gotten past an earlier block.

“Should be a threshold of SP acquired or spent. That’s what it was for me. You need to max at least one stat of those it measures, then hit a threshold. You can bypass the threshold by maxing all your stats, or just wait. Any reason you haven’t upped your physical stats to match?” Cerebaton answered with a shrug.

“Just wanted to give myself time to adjust to the first boost before adding another. Plus, I burnt through most of the SP I’d earned thus far doing that much. I wanna save up more before I spend anything else. Getting Shape-Shifting (Lesser) burned most of the spare that I’d built up thus far.” I glanced down at my right hand and focused intently for a moment.

My fingertips shimmered before shifting into razor-sharp claws of a hard, black material like those I’d seen on the Lady Valda previously. They weren’t very long, but they were quite sharp. My fingers also thickened a bit, as did my wrist. I hadn’t specifically thought about the supporting muscles and skeletal structure needed for the claws, but the ability clearly knew what was needed and worked to include it when I didn’t focus on suppressing it.

“Good, keep practicing and it will become second nature. You should start thinking about how you can include attacks and defenses with your body, as well as your weapon. I know you had considered a shield for your off hand, but I still think it would be better to leave that hand free to shift into what you need it to be. You can add a second weapon or armor that limb to take a hit.” Cerebaton said while he nodded to the claws on my hand. “You will shortly be coming up against the ‘wall’ for just shifting back and forth to increase your mastery of the skill. I know that once you rank it up again, you will not be able to earn mastery just from that, you will need to start using it in new and creative ways. Part of why I let my skill with it drop off. I had too many other things I needed to practice at the time.”

“Like what?”

“Magic, swordsmanship, law, and the business side of my job. The Shape-Shifting was a useful tool, but it wasn’t my main one. And just because it is the first one in your toolbox, doesn’t mean that it has to be the focus. Give it time and think about it. For now, it is good to focus on it as you grow and expand your skills. Once you improve more, you’ll have the opportunity to branch into new skills. Realize though, the cost of skills starts to expand exponentially as you get to higher ranks. It’s easy to dabble relatively cheaply, but you will need to have a plan.” Cerebaton went silent as he stared at his hand gripping the hilt of his practice sword for a long moment before he looked up with an inscrutable expression in his eyes.

“What is it?” I asked, keeping my practice sword on my shoulder and remaining wary. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d decided to just attack me mid-conversation during training.

“Liam…you have fought and killed monsters for your contracted and you told me how you stressed and fretted over the humanoid ones. Have you given thought to what might happen if your wards are ever challenged by bandits or those of a more…familiar shape?” Cerebaton asked gently, his intense eyes watching carefully. I had wanted to brush the question off, but his words reminded me of the kobolds. The fear, loathing, and worry about what I’d done came surging back. As well as the faint taste of vomit in my mouth from my reaction to killing them.

“I’ll do what I have to.” I bit out, shaking my head in an attempt to dislodge the thoughts. Cerebaton remained silent for several more moments as he considered me.

“Killing someone, especially an intelligent creature, is not easy. But the world your contracted come from is not a peaceful one from what you’ve told me. Do not hesitate or you may regret it. Trust in your girls to warn you if you were about to make a mistake.” He said after the silence stretched. “And if the burden of having to kill bothers you, I will listen as someone who has had to make that choice as well. It’s not an easy burden to bear.”

My eyes snapped up to meet him again and he nodded once. There was no judgment in his expression, just understanding. I wonder how many people Cerebaton’s had to fight and kill. He mentioned before that he’s been part of various engagements his entire life. People causing problems and trying to invade places…I can only imagine what he’s seen and had to do.

The idea that he’d seen war or conflict and was willing to listen if I needed to talk was surprisingly reassuring. With Kassandra and Rieka, I needed to be strong to protect them. And yes, I’ll admit I didn’t want to look weak in front of either of them. Cariad was a friend, but I also wanted to be strong in front of her too, call it toxic-male attitude or whatever but I didn’t want to take the chance of any of the girls I was close to thinking less of me.

Cerebaton was rapidly becoming someone I felt I could trust and thought of as a friend, a friend with a sadistic streak but still a friend. I wonder…Behind his stern expression and hard eyes, I thought I could see just a bit of the weight that taking lives had left on the big daemon. A ghost that clung to him like a cloak, weighing down those shoulders ever so slightly.

I was about to ask about what he’d seen in the past, what made him offer me the opportunity to talk, when the edges of my vision flashed with a dull, purple light before a message only I could see scrolled into view.

Rieka Coldeye has sent a non-urgent request for your presence regarding a discussion with her.

Transit? View summoning?

“I recognize that look.” Cerebaton chuckled, his serious expression dropping away into amusement. “You seem to have a knack for your contracts calling you during practice.” The big man glanced at the watch on his wrist before shrugging.

“It’s non-urgent…” I started to say but Cerebaton waved it off.

“Go, find out what they need. We were almost at time anyway. I will tidy things up for you here.” The daemon in human form held his hand out for the practice sword and I passed it over to him before mentally selecting the Transit option on the interface.

A moment of motion, sound, and color blending together and I landed in a well appointed room that reminded me of Kassandra’s personal room, though without the giant, round couch that she had. That and the color scheme included far more white and silver rather than the dark hardwoods and leather of Kassandra’s rooms.

“Liam, glad you could come by. I just wanted to have a private word with you.” Rieka’s voice drew my attention away from studying my surroundings and I turned in time to see the grinning wolf girl tuck something into a pouch at her waist. Probably the mana-infused metal she used to summon me. Still kinda weird to me that they have to use that rather than a mana pool like those anime or games had. Then again, what do I know? I can only shift my body around, not cast magic.

“Heya, Rieka. Sorry if I’m a bit of a mess, I was just wrapping up my sword training when your summon came through.” I gestured to my sweat-stained t-shirt and workout shorts by way of explanation.

“Oh, I’m sorry about that.” Rieka’s ears fell to either side and she frowned in regret while looking away. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your training, Liam. I had hoped you were already finished.”

“I was almost done anyway, so what’s up Rieka? Everything okay?” The depressed puppy look that she had going was enough to already have me moving towards her with my arms open to give her a hug. Rieka darted a glance up at my face again before accepting the hug with a small, happy sigh. I could feel the soft fuzz that decorated her platinum-blonde ears tickling my cheek as they perked up once more. The hug was quick and she was smiling again when we separated.

“Sorry about that, Liam. I was just…well it’s been an odd few days for me. I wanted to talk to you about what happened a couple of days ago.” Rieka gestured towards a pair of leather-covered chairs that sat near the fireplace, where a small fire crackled happily.

“Sure, what about it?” I asked, settling into one of the chairs while Rieka sat in the other. She took a moment to arrange her blue skirts around her before she looked me over intently, obviously taking the time to consider her words.

“I just…wanted to ask you to not mention that you met with my mother the other day. And not to mention that she was prying about me spending time with a ‘man that snuck past the guards’.” Rieka said after her moment of silent consideration.

“Okay…” I didn’t really have a problem not bringing it up, since it wasn’t exactly something that you would just drop into conversation, but I had a feeling that there was likely more to the issue than she was stating. The questioning tone I used was enough to prompt Rieka to start speaking again.

“I just don’t want Kassandra to worry about it.” She said quickly, biting her lip in concern.

“Why would Kassandra worry? I mean, I get it. Parents ask awkward questions and are generally nosy about who their kids spend time with. I can only imagine it being more of an issue for royalty after all. I have no problem keeping that quiet, I just don’t get why Kassandra would worry?”

“That’s not the big issue. I just…” Rieka frowned down at her hands before sighing and locking eyes with me. “Liam, I don’t want Kassandra to misunderstand why I summoned you without her around.”

“Okay? So just let her know it was to touch bases and check up on her.” I shrugged, still not quite getting what the problem was. I reflected at that moment that this had to be something to do with a cultural difference that I just wasn’t aware of. Given their choice of clothing and the environment was more akin to the medieval ages, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there was a difference here that I just wasn’t aware of.

“You aren’t getting it, Liam.” Rieka huffed, scowling in a fashion that would have been intimidating if it wasn’t for the fluffy tail that wrapped around her back to drape over her lap. A fluffy tail that she was carefully finger combing in her anxiety while it flopped slightly.

“I’m a guy, Rieka. I tend to not do so well with insinuations. Can you just throw it out there for me? Plainly? I don’t want to hurt anyone's feelings because I don’t know what is going on or if there is some kind of social expectation that I am not aware of.

“Look, I don’t want Kassandra to be jealous or misunderstand. She likes you.”

“Well yea, I can tell that much. I figured if she didn’t like me, she wouldn’t hug me so often. Let alone her attempts to tackle me in greeting.”

“Not just like, like. Kassandra fancies you, Liam.” Rieka growled, her icy-blue eyes flashing in irritation. “She’s got it bad for you, Liam. She’s always talking about you and I can guarantee that while she is affectionate with others, she’s never gotten as attached to someone as fast as she has to you.”

Rieka looked ready to continue her explanation when a loud thump came from the doorway and we both jumped in surprise.

“Rieka! How could you just say that!” Kassandra’s shout of protest preceded her as she burst into the room and slithered to confront the two of us.

“I guess that keeping it a secret doesn’t matter anymore.” I muttered, finally understanding what Rieka was saying. I shifted to stand, hoping to intercept the charging dwarf lamia and defuse the situation. The last thing I want is to make this more awkward. I thought before holding my arms wide and smiling down at the blushing redhead. “Hey Kass! How’s my favorite snuggle-noodle?”

The distraction worked surprisingly well. Kassandra shifted her attention from the anger directed at her friend to me instead. Thankfully, her eyes lit up in excitement as that anger shifted over to happiness, though her blush was still thick enough to hide most of the freckles she wore over her nose and sprinkled across the exposed part of her chest.

“Liam!” She bunched up for a moment before lunging at me like a striking snake.

Thankfully, I had the wherewithal to brace myself before her energetic greeting hit me. Since she was already moving at speed, if I hadn’t braced it was likely she’d have knocked me clean over and probably hurt one of us. Catching her around the waist, I pulled the dwarf lamia into a hug and turned to one side with her to help bleed off the momentum of her large body charging me. This had the effect of helping her wrap her coils around my legs and she reacted instinctively, squeezing with her tail as well as her arms.

“Thanks for defusing that, Liam.” Rieka sighed, a relieved look on her face. “I didn’t realize she was listening at the door…”

“I was coming to ask you about the assignment we had in our Runes class.” Kassandra’s voice was muffled as she had buried her face into my neck and was rubbing it back and forth furiously. “Then I heard you talking to someone because the door was cracked and well…sorry about bursting in like that. But I still can’t believe you told him!”

“It’s fine, Kass. I just didn’t want you to think I was trying to steal him from you and Liam wasn’t getting subtle. You should have heard him begging me to just say it straight…” Rieka teased lightly, the relieved look melting into one of mischief as her ears perked up and her tail wagged slightly in her lap. Kassandra glared at her friend for a moment before a wicked look stole the glare’s place.

“Steal him? You know we can easily share our Liam, he’s big enough for the both of us!” Kassandra giggled happily and leaned without releasing her hug, keeping her arms wrapped around my neck and leaving her in a position that was…suggestive to say the least while her hips wiggled back and forth slowly. “Mm, you smell like hard work, Liam.”

“Was doing training earlier. Sorry if I stink.” I stammered quickly.

“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind at all. But yea, like I was saying, there’s enough of Liam to share between us. Just don’t go trying to sneak time behind my back! Sharing is caring after all.” Kassandra wriggled her hips happily again while shooting a saucy wink at the now-blushing Rieka. The teasing was much better than the potential cat-fight that I had originally feared was coming, so I didn’t complain.

“Anyway!” Rieka was blushing heavily now. “Since Kass was spying, we might as well come clean.”

“Not possible, not if you are really having fun that is.” Kassandra immediately butted in with a saucy wink. “Never clean and definitely not quiet.”

I just stared down at the little minx that was wrapped around me like a particularly scaly turtleneck.

“Did you seriously just say that?”

“Oh come on, Liam.” Rieka spoke up while still blushing heavily. “We both know Kassandra well enough that we should have seen that coming a mile away. Don’t you dare!” The last part was directed at Kassandra as the grinning lamia opened her mouth to comment, only to just continue smirking instead.

“Anyway!” I said after another moment of awkward silence for two of the three people in the room. “Rieka, was there anything else you wanted to talk about?” I conveyed to the wolf-kin woman with my eyes that I agreed to her previous request not to bring up what had been said with her mother. Rieka nodded in agreement.

“Since Kass is here, we should talk about our plans for this coming weekend. I was hoping we could do an overnight trip, from the end of the week through the weekend.” Rieka said after a moment of consideration.

“Friday through Sunday? Yeah, I can do that. I should be able to get out of work early Friday, if not take the whole day off. I’ve got leave and I can call out sick if I have to. How far were you planning on going? Also, are you planning to let me go, Kass?”


“Fine.” I sighed and shifted to one side to make sure Kassandra’s tail didn’t get caught under me before settling onto the edge of the large chair that I had been sitting in. The lamia just giggled happily as I settled down and Rieka rolled her eyes at her friend.

“But yes, a day out, a day hunting and collecting, then back early on the last day of the weekend. Kass and I will be collecting several requests for supplies and hunting requests in the area and figure out exactly where we are heading. We just needed to confirm you were willing to come along for the whole trip before we buy supplies.”

“Yea, you two need me, I’ll be there.” My simple statement got a happy laugh out of Kassandra and a squeeze from the tail wrapped around my hips.

“Glad to know we can count on you to always look after us. We’ll make sure to have that pack ready for you too. You’ll have to carry your own bedroll after all.” Kassandra chirped while sharing a glance with Rieka.

“Bedroll? Why would I need that?” My brain immediately started to supply the reasons as to why I would need something to sleep on and I had to fight it down so I could listen to Rieka’s answer.

“Well, because we were expecting you to camp with us while we are out. It’ll be more efficient if we just preload the summon with enough mana to sustain the link that whole time. Plus, having you there while we camp will make sure we stay safe overnight too.” Rieka explained nervously, biting her lip as she waited to see what I would say.

“Ah, okay. That…well that makes sense. If you want me to stay to watch out for you, and it’s not going to cost you two extra, I don’t mind.”

“If you would rather sleep in your own bed, we can make it work, Liam.” Kassandra’s words were quiet and reserved, the change of which immediately drew my attention down to where she was snuggled to my chest. Her normally inquisitive brown eyes were now just worried and I gave her a tight hug to reassure her.

“I don’t mind at all, Kass. Besides, you need a snuggle buddy besides Rieka, right?” I teased, getting a quick smile out of the dwarf lamia and a laugh from both of them.

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