Summoned by Monster Girls

Chapter 19

I stayed with Kassandra for another half hour before Rieka returned to check on her. Kassandra had fallen asleep with a smile on her face while curled up in my arms. I spent the time studying my interface and inspecting the new options that appeared. Rieka promised to check in with me if there were any problems and was in the middle of explaining the chaos that my entry had caused when I was sent back to Earth because the ‘timer’ ran out. The first time that had happened actually, as the girls normally sent me back manually.

Unfortunately, I left my clothes behind when I vanished off Kass’ sofa.

By the time that I made it back to Earth, both Cerebaton and Cariad had already left. I hadn’t expected them to hang around, so it wasn’t all that surprising. Landing bare ass on the wooden floor of the gazebo was really surprising though. I panicked a bit at what had happened until I made the connection that the mana for the summon must have run out.

Having to streak back to the apartment made me glad of two things. The first was the late hour, no one was around to see me. The second was that while my clothes got left behind in the other world, since I’d taken them off, my keys had not been. The fact that I landed on them when I fell over up in the gazebo was not my proudest moment, but it definitely ensured I didn’t leave them or my wallet behind.

It wasn’t until I got home and had a chance to think that I realized I could have sent a message to either of the daemon’s and they would have likely been able to get me some clothes. The fact that Cerebaton and Cariad seemed to take quite a bit of delight out of popping into existence without warning and vanishing just as mysteriously was something that I’d been getting used to after my practice sessions and the various meetings I’d had with them. Cerebaton seemed to take particular delight in finding ways to vanish like he was auditioning for the role of a bat-themed masked avenger.

As late as it was when I got back, I was still pretty wired from the mixture of adrenaline and relief that came from rushing to Kassandra’s aid and having to kick a door in. I was doing my best to not dwell on the lengthy snuggle I’d had with Kassandra to help bring her body temperature back up to a safe range.

Sitting in my dingy living room in a pair of workout shorts I’d grabbed off the floor of my room, I stared up at the ceiling and turned over what had occurred that night already. I’d nearly not been strong enough to carry Kassandra to where she could get warm again. I had been practicing as often as I could with my powers, but it almost hadn’t been enough.

But it was enough this time. I reminded myself. That and the memory of Kassandra clinging to me was enough to stave off the worst of the self recriminations. At least long enough to remember the system messages that had popped up and the changes to the powers available. I’d been reviewing them before I’d been sent back, but landing on my bare ass had driven that right out of my head. Can’t really complain, having to streak home would distract most folks. I really need to get that dimensional backpack ability or whatever, if only to ensure I never have to do that again. I thought while watching the shadows play over the popcorn ceiling of my living room.

Deciding that I should review the powers again so I could sleep on it, I closed my eyes and focused on the System interface that popped up. The available SP total in the corner now read seven hundred and twenty. Focusing on the ‘Powers’ tab had it opening up to display new information.

Just as when I’d finished allocating and spending the points of Enhance Self (Minor), the entry for Shape-Shifting (Minor) was now outlined in gold. The mastery bar for the power was now filled in and the word Mastered was printed over top of it. What was new though was the addition of a line linking the entry to another just below it.

Before now, the entry for the Body section of the ‘Powers’ tab had only Enhance Self (Minor) and Shape-Shifting (Minor). When I had finished off the minor rank Enhance Self, that one had linked directly to an improved version. Now, with the mastery of the first rank of Shape-Shifting, the tree expanded further downwards and also outwards. I could see four more distinct ranks to Shape-Shifting though I could only read the next one’s details. At least I was pretty sure that they were ranks of the base skill based on their position. In addition, I could tell that several entries branched off the main line of Shape-Shifting as well, but I couldn’t read them, they just were blank squares with a blur that resembled text but was unintelligible. So I studied what I could.

Shape-Shifting (Lesser) - Cost: 400 SP - User is able to draft moderate changes to the body: altering weight, adding natural armor, claws, fangs, and secondary features. Basic partial shift is limited to no more than twenty pounds of additional mass that may be added or removed. Unable to mix more than two animal’s features at a time.

“Twenty pounds…now that would give me some room to work with.” I muttered to myself as I reviewed the information once more. If I could cover my forearm with leathery hide for only five pounds, I could probably cover both and most of my chest for twenty. Or even shift an entire limb into something totally different. “Twenty pounds would be a good deal of extra muscle as well. I wonder if that was what tipped it over…Just drafting the extra mass into part of my regular body rather than shifting part of my body into something else? I had only really been focusing the full changes into other things rather than getting creative…”

I had to restrain the urge to select and purchase the upgrade immediately. Reviewing my other options confirmed that I still had the next rank of Enhance Self available. Checking the Mind and Spirit tabs showed the same as what I was seeing on the Body tab. There were entries here, divided into tiers that I could recognize, but none that were visible yet beyond fields that were filled with out of focus text that I could only hope would refine as time went. I could see two distinct groups in Mind and another two in Spirit.

I waffled on it for another ten or so minutes before deciding to commit. Shape-Shifting had shown itself useful on several occasions, and being able to add the extra fifteen pounds over what I had now would only help. I would need to get more creative with the use of it to keep it growing, and I knew how to go about doing that.

Selecting Shape-Shifting (Lesser) and activating it got another message to pop up from the system.

New power acquired.

System will begin applying changes.

It is advised that Traveler rests to expedite this process.

Mastery 0/1000

That left me with another three hundred and twenty points. I reviewed the options again and nothing new had shown up, so I decided to try and push the creative envelope. It only took a moment to review Enhance Self (Lesser) and do some math before deciding on a plan.

Enhance Self (Lesser) - Cost: 50 SP - Increase personal stats by 5 points. These points can be spread out after, up to a maximum of ten points per stat beyond (Minor) effects.

May be selected multiple times.

If the previous tier was not fully exploited, that opportunity is not lost. Previous tier will become unavailable once max points are allotted from it.

Since I had another three hundred points to spend, I tapped Enhance Self (Lesser) six times before navigating to my stats screen. I already had an idea of what I wanted to do with the thirty points I had to spend now. I could either spread them around like I’d done the first time, or concentrate them in a way that would hopefully help me grow quicker.

Being able to add up to twenty pounds of additional mass would hold my physical stats for now. What I needed was more intelligence and creativity, so I slotted ten points each into the Willpower, Mental Acuity, and Wisdom. If I was lucky, these would help me get more flexible in how I applied the ability and help the mastery bar grow to get to the next rank, which was where it started to branch out more.

With that done, I reviewed my stats one more time before confirming the points expenditure.

Name - Liam Cosgrave

Strength - 18

Agility - 16

Fortitude - 21

Willpower - 30

Mental Acuity - 28

Wisdom - 26

“Brain is my biggest muscle for once.” I chuckled before opening my eyes. I waited a moment while the ceiling spun around me as the System started making the changes to my body and mind that would enhance my stats. Only when the world stopped twitching did I rise and head to bed. I knew I needed sleep to be able to function for work tomorrow. I fired off a quick message to both Cariad and Cerebaton to let them know everything was okay and that I was back.

It is nice that they are doing so much to help out and keep in touch. They could have easily been far more hands off if the daemon’s wanted to. The DSR doesn’t seem like it normally gets into the day to day with their Travelers after all.

That was the last thought to cross my mind as exhaustion snatched me up as soon as I crawled into bed. I passed out just as the pillow touched my face.


The increase in willpower was useful, since it was one of the only things that kept me from bitching out Dutcher the next morning.

“That’s just how it is, Liam. Matheson called off, so I need you to pick up the slack.” The chubby idiot gave me a grin that I’m sure he thought was endearing, but really just made me want to punch him in the throat.

“And why is it that I have to load both my share of trucks, and his?” I asked carefully, doing my best to not yell at the pompous idiot as he rolled along next to me while I walked to my dock and dropped my lunch bag on the small plywood table by the gate.

“Because I know you can do it, Liam. You are the hardest worker on the dock here and I don’t think anyone else would be able to pull this off.” Dutcher’s voice was honey sweet with compliments, but the daggers in his piggy eyes told me it was anything but. “Senior management will be doing a walk-through of the docks today and I want to make sure everything is just right. If we have drivers in here complaining their trucks are late, we are all going to look bad.”

You mean you are going to look bad. I thought but didn’t say. Instead, I put my newly increased wisdom to use before offering a compromise.

“I don’t know, Dutcher. I might be able to pull this off as a one time thing, but I don’t think I could sustain it. There needs to be a better solution in the future. Also, I’ve been dying for some vacation time actually, but haven’t settled on the days yet.”

“You pull this off and I’ll make sure you get the time off you need, Liam.” Dutcher’s smile was probably supposed to be genial, but all I could see was greed in those eyes. He was lying through his teeth, I could just feel it. Also, I didn’t miss that he ignored the idea of having a better idea for the future.

“Can you tell me why we don’t just divide up Matheson’s workload so that we split the trucks between the others here? I know we have like eight docks, and seven guys can split the trucks easily.” I suggested, hoping to at least get his tiny mind working on a solution that wasn’t ‘dump it all on one unfortunate peon’.

“They couldn’t keep up with my hardest worker. I know you can do it, Liam. Besides, you’re neighbors with Matheson. It’ll be easier for you to hop over and work on that trailer while the others focus on keeping their area’s neat for when the supervisors are here.” Dutcher continued to slather on compliments like he was dishing up ice-cream, I didn’t need my increased mental skills to know he was sounding a bit desperate and I had to wonder if he’d already tried this on some of the other loaders and been told to pound sand.

Ultimately, it was the temptation presented by Dutcher promising the time off that convinced me. I just had to hope he delivered on the time off request. For a brief moment, I toyed with the idea of just quitting if Dutcher didn’t keep his word. It would be so satisfying to throw in his face, but I had to be realistic. That would be a bad call. I didn’t have the savings to do something like that.

Staring at the empty trailer already backed to my dock, I gave it one last think before agreeing. I could bust tail and get all six trucks loaded that would come out of these docks today, though I’d be dead on my feet tonight. Since I didn’t have training with Cerebaton until tomorrow, and I just had the upgrade to my Shape-Shifting power, I was fairly certain I could do this. Especially if I started using the trick of adding more muscle mass to my body so I could lift more in one go.

“Okay fine, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Good man, Liam!”


I managed to get all the trucks loaded, but it wiped me out something fierce as a result. I’d never maintained that level of exertion for that long before and my entire body was sore by the end of the day. Getting home and feeling like someone had scooped my guts out with a teaspoon had me messaging Cariad for information while sprawling on the couch and waiting for my arms to stop hurting.

I’m just glad I don’t have to hold my hands out like I’m typing, I can just…message with my brain using the System. I grumbled internally as I navigated to the messaging system and sent off my question. Cariad was quick to respond, as usual.


Hey, I think I overdid it at work today. Do you know if this Shape-Shifting power has any side effects for overuse?


Oh, yes! Like any power from the System, it has a point where you can overdraw it. Those lines can stretch with time and practice though. Think of it like a new muscle that you are working out. What did you do?


Recently upgraded to the next rank and it gave me more mass to play with. Put it into use at work today to boost my bodily strength and I’m feeling beat.


I’m just theorizing here, but it is likely that the additional mass might have put more strain on your body, especially when you removed it. Your muscles produce lactic acid when they are overworked and that is slowly processed out. If you added a large amount of additional muscle mass and then worked them hard all day but removed them before that could be processed, it put extra strain on your normal tissue.


That makes a surprising amount of sense. I hadn’t had time to experiment with the changes or see what else can be done, I just slapped on the extra muscle so I could do the work I needed to. It didn’t push the Mastery up by much, only about twenty points.


Remember what Cerebaton told you. Mastery is about being creative with the powers, not just using them over and over again. You need to experiment and explore more, find unique ways to combine the ideas. You’ll still make gains for a while doing the same thing, but creativity is rewarded.


I would happily experiment more, I just have to get them to stop hurting.


I would recommend a hot bath and early bed. Make sure to stretch really well before bed too so you don’t wake up stiff.


Already the plan. I just need to motivate myself to do it now rather than stay on the couch.


Just think about how impressed your contracted girls will be when you show off the new power this weekend. You seem rather attached to those girls, so that should help motivate you!

I smirked at that message and thought about it. The mental image of Kassandra’s intelligent, brown eyes opening wide in surprise as I showed off the increased options I had for my abilities would be rather pleasant. Though the memory of her cuddling into me and her naked chest against mine was even more pleasant of a distraction. Shaking that thought off, I responded to Cariad.


Just the one this weekend. Rieka needs to take care of personal stuff, but Kassandra sounded like she wanted to get some practice in for her magic so she wanted to work with me on that. I have a feeling I’m going to be relegated to being nothing more than a heater while the cold blooded girl works on her ice magic.


Oh woe be upon you, a cute girl cuddling up with you while you get to watch her do magic. :P

The little smiley face at the end of Cariad’s message made me laugh, which actually set off a cramp of protest in my abdomen that hurt a surprising amount.


There are far worse fates, for sure. Are you going to swing by practice tomorrow with Cerebaton? Make sure he’s not bullying me too much without you around?


Probably. I want to hear all about what happened to Kassandra, it sounds like things aren’t just simple with your girls. Remember that you aren’t from their society though, be careful not to judge actions too harshly until you have the full story.


Anyone who pulls tricks that could endanger someone’s life like that deserves to be punished. Whether that is by me or by the school administration will be seen. I’m rather protective of them after all.


A blind man could see that. Go rest up and remember to stretch! I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Liam.


Night Cari. Have a good one.

Opening my eyes to banish the System interface, I spent another half an hour laying on the couch just turning over the strange events that were happening in my mind. Life was definitely more odd than it had ever been to this point, but it was also more interesting than ever too. Deciding that Cariad’s suggestion of a hot bath was probably a good one, I got my creaky self up and moving.

To be honest, the bath was hardly relaxing. I kept imagining sharing it with a certain redheaded dwarf lamia and the happy noises she’d make in the hot water. The fact the tub was so small meant that we’d be cuddling up again. Normally I wouldn’t let myself daydream about things like this, but it did help keep any worries at bay about her condition.

Taking a bath gave me an idea though and I ended up spending another hour making a list of a few different skills I wanted to learn that might come in handy in the future. While knowing how to sharpen a sword wouldn’t help me in a fight, the knowledge would ensure my gear was properly maintained and it would be one less thing the girls would have to take care of for me. And that was only one example that I scribbled down on the yellow legal pad I kept my grocery lists on.

I still had the occasional worry about Kassandra and Rieka’s current state, but during my list making, I spotted the runic tattoos on my left arm again. The same tattoo’s that had appeared when I’d bonded with the girls weeks ago. Rubbing my thumb over the one that was for Kassandra, I swore I could feel a sense of contentment from it, and that went a good deal further to helping me relax enough to sleep when I finally went to bed.

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