Summon the Emperor System

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Thousands of enemy soldiers approach the

The next day.

Huangfu’s house was stolen, and a large amount of gold, silver, pearl and agate were all loaded on trucks and transported to the imperial palace one by one. Under the sun, I saw a huge motorcade on the official road outside the imperial city for hundreds of miles, like a long snake. .

This magnificent scene shocked the people all over the country!

The country copied Huangfu’s house and it was simply moving Jinshan Yinshan. No wonder that Huangfu and his son promised Zhao Hao a thousand carts of gold without hesitation when they were fighting. To them, a thousand carts of gold is like pulling out the hair of an old cow. Not itching is not worth mentioning.

When Li Tianba took power, the treasury was empty, and the huge treasury could be used to open up the cattle and sheep. As soon as Zhao Hao took power, the treasury was full!

With sufficient financial resources, Zhao Hao began to develop construction and expand his influence.

Building an imperial city, repairing an imperial capital, collecting troops and horses, recruiting good generals, and supporting the people, all of a sudden, made the whole country vigorous.

Diaolong Island.

In a gloomy area, there is a dense cluster of small earthen houses, and in the dark world without the sky, there are countless obscene figures moving around.

In the deepest part of the darkest atmosphere, there stands a building that looks like a devil’s claw sticking out from the ground, weird, eerie, terrifying!

The abyss ghost marsh, where birds and beasts are extinct, is the most unsuitable wasteland on Diaolong Island. The rudder of the Holy Sun Sect is hidden in this black bath. In this area, there are hundreds of thousands of sacred Japanese believers who have stolen resources, property, and treasures from the Shenlong Kingdom on Diaolong Island for many years, and they are constantly transporting them back to the Sun Kingdom.

“The four Brahma ghosts see the two princesses.”

“I heard that the princess and the Shenlong Nation were defeated, and we came to assist the two princesses on the order of the emperor.”

Two graceful bodies stood on the dimly lit palace, Sakura Noko and Sakura Xizi, who were called “Milkshake Sisters” by Zhao Hao.

Under the darkness, there stood four evil species that were more terrifying than ghosts.

These four people are the fearsome four ghosts of Brahma, from the evil way of the sun country, and powerful men with advanced war emperor realm cultivation.

The first person, called Huanji, is a weird woman in red who can only see the convex and concave figure, but the face is like a piece of white paper, and there is no facial features.

The second person, Dreaming Lady, was an ugly, hump-backed old woman with gray hair and wrinkled face.

The third person, the God of Plague, was a mysterious person with a black robe covering the top of his head to the soles of his feet, and his body was wicked and plagued.

The fourth person, the old man, has no flesh and blood body at all. There is a skeleton frame inside his clothes. When he speaks, his upper and lower jaws clashed.

“The little emperor Zhao Hao is not only fierce and cunning, but there are many mysterious strong people behind him. Don’t be careless of you four.” The milkshake sisters looked serious.

“Giggle.” A woman’s laughter floated from Illusion Ji’s lack of facial features: “Princess, in the face of endless evil, it’s useless to be fierce and cunning.”

The terrifying voice of the dream woman sounded: “The two princesses don’t worry, the four ghosts of our Brahma will come out of the mountain, and it will take up to a month to turn this little dragon kingdom into darkness and completely destroy this country.”

The plague **** spoke like a dead man: “Just wait and see our methods.”

“Quack…” Old White Bon kept beating his upper and lower frontal bones.

The evil laughter of a group of cows, ghosts and snakes, chattering in the dark world without seeing the sun…

There are rumors in the world that the four ghosts of Brahma will appear, and the world will be in chaos!


“The emperor, under the command of Lord Luban, the reconstruction of the imperial palace has been completed and the defense facilities have been completely perfected.”


“The construction of the imperial capital is completed, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the entire imperial city has been completely renewed.”


“Our army has reached 100,000, and the two generals Dian Wei Xuzhu are stepping up their training.”


“The Prime Minister issued a recruitment order and recruited dozens of patriotic people with profound knowledge or extraordinary strength.”


A good news keeps coming into the Palace of Jinluan, and the hundreds of officials of His Royal Highness talked, and all of them were happy. This is really a good sight.

In the hall, Zhao Hao dozed off on the throne with his hand on his chin.


At this moment, a soldier hurriedly ran into the main hall: “The emperor, the major event is not good. The army of the State of Pennsylvania has arrived hundreds of miles away from the imperial capital.”


Baiguan was shocked.

“What?” Zhao Hao slid his hand and almost knocked his chin on the gold table.

“Bing has come to take revenge this time. King Maori personally led the army. There are dozens of powerful generals in front of the army, and the army behind is densely packed with mountains and seas. The momentum is extremely large. It is estimated that… I am afraid that it will not be less than ten million.” The soldier said.


The civil and military officials were even more shocked.

“Ten thousand army!” Zhao Hao twitched his mouth and screamed inwardly: I’ll cut the grass!

Damn, he just recruited a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and the enemy’s tens of thousands of troops have already come to the city. This is really a feeling of subjugation at any time, and a good day is not allowed!

“The country of Binh has a population of 60 million, and this time the number of troops on the expedition is as many as 10 million. Then they are tantamount to an army of all over the country to crusade against our country.” Zhu Quandao, minister of the household department. In the world division, the Sun Country with a population of hundreds of millions is a medium-sized country, the Bin Country with a population of tens of millions is a small country, while the population on Diaolong Island is far less than 10 million, and the Shenlong Country is classified as one level lower than a small country. Weak country.

“The emperor, the enemy is a hundred times as large as ours. How can we resist this?” Luo Tie, the minister of the Ministry of War, looked very stern.

“Our country is in danger.” The head of the staff, Mr. Fan, sighed. This old scholar has a rather pessimistic character.

“What is there to be afraid of? Take up the sword and spear, step on the horse, and fight with them to the end.” Wu Yonggang, the secretary of the criminal ministry, said angrily, arrogantly, with a heroic face.

All of a sudden, His Royal Highness made a lot of noise. The country has just begun to rise, and it seems that it may declare its demise!

And Zhao Hao’s gods are as stable as Mount Tai, with a calm expression, just waiting for Zhao Hao to issue orders.

“Hahaha, good coming!”

Suddenly, Zhao Hao laughed. After being shocked, he quickly cheered up and stood up from the dragon seat and said loudly, “I’m just trying to try the newly built imperial city that is solid, profitable, and capable of destroying enemies! Aiqing, first follow me up to the city wall to explore the enemy’s situation.”

Seeing Zhao Hao walk out of the Golden Temple with domineering stride, all the officials were in awe, and I really had to admire that their emperor was really fearless! What is the concept of a tens of millions of troops? It is more than all the population on Diaolong Island, and it is a hundred times the strength of his Shenlong Kingdom!

The more powerful the enemy, the more excited Zhao Hao.

In history, there have been many cases where few wins and more. The battle of Guandu and the battle of Chibi were all 700,000 to 800,000. However, the disparity between the two sides was only ten times the strength, and the difference between the two sides was a hundred times the strength. The case of victory seems to have never been heard of. Today, he will create history, create miracles, and create myths!

Put all the power of the whole country to destroy me, right? Then, in this battle, I will demote your country and make you a weak country from a young age!

In this world, weak countries have no diplomacy, and weak countries have no rights. It is commonplace to be bullied and trampled by other neighboring countries. But Zhao Hao is the emperor and will never allow it! Those who bully the dignity of his country and trample on the land of his country, he not only wants to beat the opponent back, but keep hitting the opponent until no one is there, until he disappears on the map!

This is the real destruction of the country!

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