Suddenly A Succubus

Chapter 6.3

Amara jumped to her feet, her eyes wide. "Nick. Nick! NICK!" She was bouncing up and down, unable to hold back her excitement.

Nick stood up next, fumbling with his shorts as he started to get dressed. "Oh, I see them. They're honestly bigger than I expected."

Amara followed his lead, quickly pulling on her shorts before grabbing her sports bra. She stared at it awkwardly, realizing she didn't know if she could still put it on.

"Nick, could you, um..." She held up her bra, flexing her wings.

He smirked as he nodded, and the two of them managed to get her properly dressed again, though it took quite a bit of creative thinking.

"They've got to be functional, right? They're huge! I wonder where I can..." Amara's voice trailed off, and soon she was staring at the observation deck that towered over the gymnastics area.

Nick followed her gaze, his own eyes growing wide with concern. "Absolutely not! You need to take this slow!"

She scrunched her face, glaring at Nick. She was at a crossroads, and one path was simply too enticing to pass up.

She lunged forward, dodging Nick as he tried to grab her, then ran for the staircase in the corner. At the top, she pivoted to face the open gym again, and watched as Nick stared up at her. He was breathing heavily, it looked like he had tried to run after her but didn't have the energy for it.

"Think about this, Amara. If you're not careful this could go really bad!" Nick shouted at her. "What if you break something? We have no idea if sex cures broken bones!"

"C'mon, where's your sense of adventure?" Amara climbed the railing, pivoting to the other side before steadying herself. Her tail wrapped tight around the middle bar, and she stretched her wings as far as she could.

The bones that formed the structure of her wings were black, while most of the skin in between was an incredibly dark red. The skin seemed to be incredibly thick, as light barely passed through them.

They extended much further than her arms, and when she flexed them, she could feel how strong they were. They looked quite similar to bat wings, only they came to a much sharper point where the new bones all converged. When she pulled them in close, she realized the points were actually solid bone that extended from the skin, and were identical to her horns, even just as sharp.

She opened them again, moving them up and down as she adjusted to how they felt. With a deep breath, she pushed them down hard, and almost threw herself backwards over the railing.

A huge smile was frozen on Amara's face. She looked down at Nick, then surveyed the area in front of her. "Alright Nick, what's the plan?"

Nick sighed in defeat. "If I can't talk you out of this, can you at least aim for the foam pit?" He pointed at the collection of colorful pointy cubes nearby, then moved towards it to get ready. "What if you just tried gliding first?"

Amara started shuffling back and forth, then clapped her hands together. Her tail still holding tight, she continued testing her wings.

Okay Amara, you can do this. You're just gonna learn how to fly real quick, no big deal. Keep your wings open, the bigger they are, the better.

She locked her eyes on the foam pit, slowly unwrapped her tail from the railing, and jumped.

Fear gripped her body as she surrendered control to her wings, and she fought the urge to pull her body into itself. She could sense the air around her, feel it as it pushed against her wings and kept her aloft. She couldn't help but look down, watching the floor beneath her as she passed over it.

Dozens of new sensations flooded her brain, and it was too much to process all at once. She felt like an advanced fighter jet, perfectly engineered to fly, but she had no idea how to translate the instruction manual.

She could tell that her wings were capable of making hundreds of small adjustments, but she couldn't tell them what to do. Her horns suddenly started buzzing, but the extra sensations only served to confuse her further. With each second, she moved closer to the foam pit, and she had no idea how to direct herself downward.

"You're overshooting! Aim down!" Nick shouted, running behind the pit.

After another few seconds, Amara approached the edge of the pit. If she didn't stop now, she would be heading straight for the far wall, and she had no idea how much that would hurt. In a panic, she pulled her arms and her wings around herself, falling out of the air and crashing into the pit.

Nick circled around, leaning over the pit. "You alright?"

Amara's wings opened, scattering foam everywhere as she scrambled to get out. "Nick! Did you see? I FLEW!"

Helping her get out, Nick sighed in relief when she finally stood up. "I'm just glad you're safe. I really don't want to have to test if you have supernatural healing."

Amara ran past him, and soon she was standing in the middle of the spring floor. "Okay, I'm past the impulse to jump off high places. Let's figure out how these things work!"

Nick walked over, taking a moment to run his hands over her wings before the two of them started running more technical tests. She started small and tried to practice fine motor control. Nick would hold his hands, and she would attempt to touch them with her wings as he moved his arms around.

She found that her wings could rotate quite a bit, and she practiced holding them at different angles to simulate different flight maneuvers. Though she felt a little silly, she also ran circles around the gym to practice using her wings while in motion.

Next, Nick suggested that she practice jumping. They started small, testing how high she could jump without her wings, and slowly moved up from there. She continually put more and more force into her jumps, pairing them with stronger wing thrusts, and managed to catch herself by surprise a few times. Though she never fell, she had to scramble to land after a few surprisingly high jumps.

Confident with her ability to get into the air, it was time to push into unknown territory. Standing over the foam pit, she took a deep breath, and launched herself as high as she could go, then tried to ascend a second time with another strong push.

Instead, she found herself flung downwards, thankfully crashing into the foam. After scrambling out, Nick pointed out that she hadn't retracted her wings to prepare for the second push, and they had caught too much air. She kept trying, and it took a few dozen attempts to figure out the right movements, then commit them to muscle memory.

Soon enough, she was able to reliably create a second round of lift with her wings. From here, it took another half hour to practice transitioning from ascending to gliding, but soon she felt confident enough for the main event.

Amara looked at Nick, then around the gym. "Alright, what's the plan?"

Nick joined her in looking around, examining the airspace. "Well, avoid anything hanging from the ceiling, and then... I dunno. We've moved way past my field of athletic expertise."

Nick moved away from the spring floor, clearing space for Amara. She identified her main threats, a series of hanging rings, then took a running start.

With a powerful thrust, she leapt into the air. She followed that up with another, and another, and continued to climb. She realized she was closer to the far wall than she wanted to be, and angled her wings back for another thrust.

Her forward momentum stopped, and she looked around as she hovered in midair. Looking down at Nick, she screamed with delight before changing direction. She started gliding around the gym, and she felt all the sensations from her first flight again, but this time she had the experience to navigate with them.

Her horns were resonating again, and she realized they were sensing the air currents around her. They stayed relatively quiet in certain corners, but in others she felt the air conditioning going. Inside, this information was only so helpful, but the ability to read subtle shifts in air currents and temperature would be invaluable whenever she flew outside.

After the first few circles, she cut through the center of the gym to change direction, and noticed that her tail was acting as a rudder. Its extra weight allowed her to adjust her angle quickly and reliably, just like when she was running earlier.

To finish things off, she decided to test her speed. She climbed as high as possible, then dove down, pulling up at the last second. The feeling was incredible, the air beneath her wings, blowing through her hair. The weight of this whole transformation felt like it had vanished in the last few hours, and in the air she felt more like herself than ever.

When she looked down, she saw Nick again, catching him in the middle of a big yawn. She flew by the clock one more time, realized how late it was, and decided to call it a night.

Landing next to Nick, she ran in and gave him a huge hug. Her arms and wings wrapped around him, and she accidentally picked him up in her excitement.

"Nick! Thank you so much for tonight! You were absolutely right about everything; I can't believe how much better I feel."

He gasped as Amara put him down, and the thought occurred that she might have been squeezing a little too tight.

"Hey, I just hate seeing you bummed out. I'm glad you're feeling better!" He smirked as he started putting on his regular clothes again. "So, how's flying? I gotta admit, this is the first change I've been a little jealous of."

Amara started gushing about what the experience had been like, and she shared every little detail about it while she got dressed. Her rambling stopped abruptly when she picked her shirt up.

"Did I just lose access to like, half my wardrobe?" She asked, giving her shirt to Nick.

He helped squeeze her wings through it, which was thankfully still possible given its open shoulders. The sweater, however, proved to be more challenging. Raising her arms high, she wrapped her wings and her tail around her torso as tight as she could, then Nick pulled her sweater over her head.

He stepped back, then failed to hold back a laugh.

"Is it really that bad?" She asked.

"You look like you're wearing 10 sweaters underneath some body armor." He moved closer, testing to see if she could reposition anything. "I honestly have no idea what to do about this. Maybe Tessa has some ideas?"

"I mean, we can ask, but she told me illusions aren't really her thing." Amara sighed, grabbing her bag before heading to the entrance.

Nick made one last lap around the gym, making sure everything had been reset, then turned off the lights. He locked the door as they left, and the two headed home.

As they left the building, the chill autumn wind picked up around them. Amara felt the breeze pass over her, when a curious thought appeared.

"Hey, take lookout for a sec?" She asked.

After Nick nodded in agreement, she pulled off her beanie and shook her hair loose, opening her horns to the world around her.

Ever since they'd appeared, she had never left the house with them uncovered. With everything she had felt flying, however, she was eager to feel what they could do.

As the breeze danced through her hair and over her horns, she discovered a connection with the wind she'd never felt before. She was acutely aware of its temperature, and she was able to sense slight changes in its speed and direction. These sensations, while they originated in her horns, were also traveling through her body, and she found herself instinctually making small adjustments with her tail and her wings.

When she looked away from the sky, she caught Nick smirking at her.

"Enjoying the weather?" He asked.

"It's so much more than that. I can feel the air, the wind... the sky is calling to me. Like I belong there."

"That's a beautiful sentiment, Amara, but think about the risks. Tessa warned us what could happen if the wrong people discovered you."

Nick pointed at some shapes turning a corner in front of them, and Amara quickly put her beanie back on. Once she'd fixed her hair, she pushed her hands into her pockets and sighed dramatically.

"Yeah, I know... I'll figure something out one day." She quietly daydreamed about soaring through the skies as they walked.

When they finally reached Amara's apartment, one last thought crossed her mind.

"Oh, by the way, what kind of porn do you like?" She asked, hugging him goodbye.

"Hmm, good question. I'm not too picky, but I think I tend to watch amateur stuff the most. It just feels a bit more real, more passionate. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason. Just curious!" Amara laughed at his answer, and the two waved goodbye for the night.

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