Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 2.1

“It’s time to sleep,” Yulia declared.

She removed her arms from around me and got to her feet. The sounds of the creaking floor as she walked drifted toward the closet. I heard the closet door as it opened, and a moment later, she was walking back toward where we’d been cuddled up. Something plopped along the floor, and I looked over to it. Just a few feet away from me was now a large fluffy animal bed clearly designed for a large pet. It was made of a thick fur-like material, something I imagined was likely designed for a large dog or perhaps something a bit more exotic. It looked big enough even to fit a tiger. 

I looked over to Yulia with a scowl and opened my mouth, only to be interrupted. “Now now, don’t give me that look. It’s that or the floor. Your choice. Don’t worry, the bed's quite comfortable.”

“But…” I looked over to her bed, my desire clear upon my face.

“Don’t be silly, that’s my bed," she scolded. "Perhaps I’ll eventually allow you to sleep there.” She smiled. “If you’re good.” 

Her condescending smile had my anger steaming back up to a boil. I wanted to argue with her, but I knew it would do me no good. I’d just have to put up with it for tonight, I told myself. Tomorrow I’d figure out something else. 

I glanced over to my pile of clothes along the floor, and it occurred to me that I was still naked. It was strange how my nudity now bothered me so little that I failed to notice it. With a flick of her wand, Yulia cast a spell and my clothes disappeared once more, though I wasn’t sure to where this time. 

“Hey!” I said as I glanced around the room for it. “Those are mine. You can’t just take them!” 

“I’ll put them somewhere safe for you, how about that? If you do manage to find a way to become human again, you can have them back. In the morning, I’ll find something more... appropriate for you to wear.” She walked back into her closet and came out with a fluffy blanket. “Here,” she said as she tossed it onto the pet bed. 

More appropriate? “What’s wrong with my clothes?” 

“They look terrible, that’s what. Barely fitting for a boy, and completely indecent for a lady, even if you are a demon. They don’t even properly fit you.” She folded her arms up into a ‘this isn’t up for debate’ posture.

I glared back at her and growled. If it wasn’t for the power she held over me, I’d be tempted to try and tackle her to the floor. We’d see who was in control then. Instead, I sighed and slumped into the little bed. At least it was better than the floor, I thought. I gave one last glare her way as I curled up into it and wrapped the blanket over me. She smiled back as she slipped into her bed, still as naked as before. Part of me wondered why she had this thing in the first place. Did I want to know? Being curled up in this thing, even if it was surprisingly comfortable and big enough to mostly fit me, was humiliating. Humiliation was the intention, I expected. Had anyone else slept in this bed before me? Perhaps a different demon?

“Good girl,” she whispered over to me. I just shivered slightly in response. “I wonder if I should come up with some sort of cute name for you,” she pondered quietly. I didn’t bother saying anything. It struck me that she didn’t know who I was or even that I was a boy, and I thought it best to keep it that way. The less she knew about me, the easier things would be for me after I found a way to change back. 

As I laid there, I couldn’t help but reflect on how my life had changed so suddenly in just a single night. My thoughts drifted to the next few days ahead. I wasn’t looking forward to them, as I knew they were going to be full of trouble. There were a few different ways that people tended to treat the demons they contracted with, and it varied both on the type of demon and person contracting. Some people largely ignored them, treating demons as though they weren’t there or like a mere piece of furniture or tool. It was a good tactic against some of the more sly and sinister demons, assuming you had a solid enough contract with them. You could never be too careful with them. Some people liked demons they could be rough with or throw insults at. A less intelligent demon often worked best for that. And then there were the people who wanted a demon they could treat like a pet. Dangerous and intelligent pets, but pets all the same. I didn’t want to be a pet. I didn’t want to be a demon at all. 

I rolled over onto my other side, getting comfortable. Tomorrow, I’d search the library right after class. I would find something to fix this. I had to. 


The next morning, as I woke and began to stretch out, I realized I was still curled up in the large pet bed. I shot up out of it, tossing the blanket off of me, and looked down at myself with a scowl. Still a succubus, I thought with a dejected sigh as I stared down at my naked body and stretched out my small wings. I looked over to the real bed, to see that Yulia was still sleeping. What had I been thinking yesterday? Letting this girl boss me around and control me as though she owned me? Sleeping in this stupid bed? Magic or not, I must have been going mad. It was time I got out of here. 

I began to make my way quietly to the door when I realized I was still nude. Cursing to myself I started scanning the room once more for my clothing. Perhaps it was in the closet? My feet tiptoed over and stopped in front of the closet door. If I did it gently enough, maybe the door wouldn’t squeak like it did the day before. My hand slowly reached out towards the handle. 

“I see you’re up and ready to go,” a voice spoke from behind me.

I squeaked out and swerved around to find that Yulia had gotten up out of bed.

“Excited for the day, my little pet?” she asked as she gently straightened her blanket and made her bed. 

I scowled in anger. “I’m not your pet.” My arms folded as I glared up at her in defiance. “I’m getting my clothes and leaving.”

“Oh you are, are you?” she asked, still smiling condescendingly and walking toward me. Her red eyes seemed to glow in joy. If I could scowl any harder I was at that point. “You look so cute when you pout like that.” Her hand reached out to rub my cheek.

“Cute --” I smacked her hand away from me. Deciding to try and reign in my anger before I did something regretful, I walked past her to plop down onto her bed several feet away. “Give me back my clothes,” I demanded after sitting down and crossing my legs. I needed to be defiant and gain some amount of control or she’d walk all over me. Yet I also couldn’t go too far or she’d feel the need to resort to using magic. 

She brushed her chin with her thumb. “Alright, we can play things this way this morning.” She went into her closet and came back out a bit later with two bundles of clothes. One looked to be a short and frilly dress that was red and white colors. The other seemed like a plain pair of grey trousers on top of a shirt that I couldn’t really see. 

I eyed her suspiciously as she moved to her dresser and set them on top of it. 

“You want a choice in what to wear? Well, I’ll give you one this morning. Pick,” she commanded as she stepped away from them. 

With a scowl still across my face, I moved to see what “choices” she’d laid out for me. Ignoring the frilly disaster, I looked to the trousers. They seemed to be femininely cut, and I suspected that they were a pair that belonged to Yulia, as she certainly hadn’t gone anywhere to get them for me specifically. The material appeared stretchy, so I supposed it was possible they would fit, though I wondered how well. Some type of necklace sat on top of it, and I moved it to the side onto the frilly dress to get a better look at the shorts and the shirt beneath. 

“No no,” Yulia spoke up from behind me. “If you want that outfit, you get the collar as well.”

“Collar?” I muttered. 

I looked once more at the necklace. It indeed was a collar, a choker with the name “Silar” stamped into a decorative metal plate. I expected it was Yulia’s family name, which would explain a fair bit about the girl. The Silars had wealth, and they were definitely full of themselves. 

“I’m not wearing that,” I said as I turned to meet her eyes. I hoped my firm tone would prevent any argument. 

She smirked and said, “Well, I suppose you’d better wear the other outfit.” 

For a moment, my sight drifted to the dress. “No. I’m wearing my clothes.” I stomped my way past her, and toward the closet. I wouldn't play this game. She made no move to stop me, simply standing by and watching, yet as my hand reached out to open the closet door once again, her words made me pause. 

“If you go in there and start shuffling through my things, there will be consequences.” My hand gripped the door but didn’t open it. As if emboldened by my indecision, she continued, “You won’t find your things in there. You won’t find them anywhere.” My grip tightened. “You can of course choose to go to class naked. I’m sure the other students would love it.” 

She had me in a bind. Skipping a day of class would be doable, but if I couldn’t leave the room, I couldn’t find a way to change back. I needed to be able to leave, which unfortunately meant following her rules for now. 

With a defeated sigh, I turned back around. I didn’t meet her eyes as I made my way back to the dresser and the two sets of clothes. Looking between them once more, I eyed the small collar. 

“What’s it do?” I asked. 

“The choker? Not a whole lot, magically speaking. Once you put it on, only a Silar, like myself, can take it off. The benefit of course is that no one will dare to mess with you so long as the name is clearly visible.”

It was clear she wanted me to put on the collar. It was the tradeoff for not having to wear such a cute and frilly dress. I knew how bad of an idea that would be, however. Even if the collar itself didn’t do much of anything, it would still be a symbol of my submission. Could I wear the dress despite how humiliating it would be?

I turned back to the annoying girl. “Can’t you just give me back my stuff? What would I need to do to get them back?”

She smiled and seemed to consider it for the briefest of moments before saying, “Sorry, but this is the bed you’ve made for yourself this morning.” Was that supposed to be a joke? “Plus, as I’ve said, your appearance reflects on me. I can’t have you going around in such a sorry state. This is the best you’re going to get. Now make your choice. I’ve got classes to attend.”

I turned back to the clothes and bit my lip. There was only really one choice, as much as I hated it. My hand reached out and picked up the dress. With a sigh, I slowly slipped it over my head and struggled slightly as it slid down my back. With it on, I looked down to see that it was a rather low-cut dress and was quite short despite how much taller Yulia was than me. The back was fairly open, letting my wings free to the open air. Grumpily, I looked back to the girl who looked quite satisfied. 

“Very cute,” she said as she began to circle around me.

“What about shoes and underwear?”

“What’s a succubus need with underwear?” She smirked. “I don’t think most of my shoes will fit you. Although…” 

She moved back to her closet and came back out with a pair of sandals. Tossing them to the floor, I slipped my feet into them. I found them to be a tad small but thought they would work. I wondered, would I need to buy some temporary shoes? No no, I was going to find a way to fix this before that became an issue, today if I was lucky enough. I was sure of it. 

“You look so cute like that,” Yulia muttered. “You wanna play some before you leave?” 

I shuddered at the thought of being forced between her legs once more, and my cheeks reddened as I realized it was a shudder in anticipation rather than of fear or some other emotion. Still, I turned my nose up at her, not meeting her eyes as she continued to look me up and down. 

“I’ll pass.” 

Turning, I made my way to the door. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, and her lips whispered into my ear, “Are you certain? You may want to if you want to last the day.”

Shrugging her off, I gave her a quick scowl before saying, “I’ll be fine. What do you take me for?” 

I didn’t feel as satisfied as I had last night, yet I was sure I’d be fine. How hard could it be to last a day as a succubus without sex? I wasn’t some fool that couldn’t control themselves and their urges. With that thought firmly in mind, I left out the door without another word.


Chapter 2 hype! Hope you've enjoyed the story so far. As always, comments, ratings, and such are welcome. And if you want a link to my patreon, check out the previous chapters.

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