Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 1.1

“Gordon, I must say. This is your best idea yet.”

“Of course it is,” I told Dwain with a smirk. “All my ideas are fantastic.” 

Hamilt and Dwain both laughed at how plainly untrue that was. I stepped forward, my shoe scuffing the chalk line below me, and I scowled in annoyance. If only we had something more resilient. With a sigh, I drew the line over again and wiped up the chalk smear along the floor with a rag we’d hastily made from Dwain’s shirt. 

“Good enough,” I decided. With a flick of the wrist, the chalk was tossed to the side. I cracked my fingers. “Let’s do this.” A smile slipped across my face. My two lackeys had stupid grins of their own. “Hamilt, begin the chant.”

In a deep rhythmic voice, Hamilt began reading the strange otherworldly text from the open book in his hand. I only hoped his pronunciation would be good enough. Dwain meanwhile began to tap along the ritual drum and ring a small golden bell. Then, it was my turn.

“Oh, demons of the Under, we call upon your kin for a daughter of Lust.” I stepped into the circle and with a small knife, sliced the palm of my hand. Blood dripped out and into a small cup within the summoning pentagram. “Please accept this offering so that we may speak with thee.” Blood wasn’t the bodily fluid a succubus preferred, exactly, but we had read that they would still accept it. I flatly refused to debase myself by providing something else. 

We waited as Hamilt continued the chant. And then we waited some more. Eventually, after a long period of nothing happening, he stopped. 

“Knew it wouldn’t work,” Hamilt said after several seconds of silence. 

“Shut up, Hamilt. You probably just didn’t do the chant right.” I sneered at him. 


These two idiots were useless. Well, there was nothing to do now but figure out where we went wrong. I turned to walk out of the summoning circle, only to bump face-first into an invisible wall along the edge. My hands went up and felt along it. I was… trapped in the circle? That was strange. 

“You good, Gordon?” Hamilt asked.

My eyes searched the room around me but found no demon in sight. What was going on? The room temperature began to rise or at least felt like it did. Looking down at my arms, I noticed my skin reddening. 

“What --” A soul-rending headache tore through my forehead, and a high-pitched scream escaped me. I screamed and screamed as it pulsed, somehow finding my way to the ground and rolling around in pain. The last thing I heard was my friends rushing over, repeatedly asking me what was wrong followed by a feminine otherworldly chuckle. 


“... is why you don’t play with things you don’t understand. The two of you are lucky this is the worst that happened. You buffoons could have summoned a serious threat that might have torn apart the school. And I can assure you that being killed by such a demon would have been the least of your worries once one of our necromancers brought you back to life.”

I moaned and opened my eyes, my voice sounding strangely different to my ears. “Did we do it?” I mumbled out and sat up from the floor. 

“Fuck me, that was hot,” Dwain said. 

I looked across the room to find Hamilt, Dwain, and two teachers staring at me. Professor Yarev, who ran the boys’ dorm, stood next to my friends, while Professor Mars was near me inspecting the summoning circle I was still sat within. 

“Mars,” Professor Yarev said in a tone of warning.

“Don’t worry. I believe I’ve largely put together what’s happened here.” His hand brushed along the edge of the circle. 

“I’m…” I’d nearly blurted out horny but stopped myself. “...hungry.” I was feeling starved, yet more than anything, I really wanted to get myself off, and soon. I was mortified to find that a growing part of me wouldn’t mind playing with myself right there in front of all four of them. How could I have gotten so horny all of a sudden? How was it possible to even be this horny? 

“Oh, I bet you’re hungry,” Mars said with a grin. 

“I’d appreciate it if you could enlighten me of the situation, Mars,” Yarev said, clearly annoyed that the man hadn’t yet.

“From what I can tell, their story holds water. This little demon here is one of our students, Gordon Dirov.”

“Demon?” I looked around the room briefly once more before looking down. Two large, red, and naked breasts greeted me. “I’m a girl!” I shouted. My hands gently cupped them as I questioned the reality staring me in the face. Without much thought, one hand glided between my legs to find my manhood missing.

“Not just a girl,” Mars continued, “but a succubus. I suspect you, my dear, have some demonic ancestry in you. I doubt this shoddy circle would have done much without that. Perhaps we can find out more with a few tests in my lab. I could use a new creature to study.” His grin became malicious and I scooted back until I was pressed once more against an invisible boundary. I was still trapped. 

“Hmm.” Professor Yarev rubbed his chin in thought. “Well, demon or not, she’s still technically a student. You’ll have to find some other creature to satisfy you, Mars.” 

I sighed in relief. A succubus. Right, I could deal with this. I could get through this. My fingers traced along the curve of one of the small horns along my head. I could feel the peculiar sensation of small wings twitching along my back and my tail curling around my leg.  “So when can you change me back?” I asked them. 

Yarev and Mars looked to each other. “Change you back?” Yarev said. “You’re a demon. You have demon blood running through your veins now. There is no ‘changing you back.’”

“I’m -- I’m stuck like this?” My heart dropped through my chest at the declaration, and my breathing quickened as I came close to hyperventilating. 

“This will teach you not to meddle with things you don’t understand, girl.” Girl.

“No, no there’s got to be something I can do! There’s no way I’m going to be stuck as some… some…”

“Demonic harlot?” Yarev snorted. “Best of luck with that. In the meantime, you’ll be transferring rooms. I’d leave you here, but the other professors would complain when half of their students stopped doing their work.” 

I cringed as Dwain and Hamilt began to chuckle. With a word and gesture, Yarev indicated for Mars to disrupt the circle I stood within. Mars scuffed the chalk lines with his foot, and I immediately felt a difference in the room. It was as though an invisible pressure had been lifted from around me. I reached a hand outside to find myself unobstructed. 

“What happened to my clothes?”

Mars looked my naked body up and down, seeming to eye my small wings and tail which was still looped around my leg. “I believe they caught fire during your transformation,” he said. Hamilt and Dwain nodded with smiles and I scowled at them. I’d have to find a way to pay them back for leering at me later. 

I eyed the four of them as I edged out of the circle, feeling far more vulnerable than I ever had in my life. It was a weird feeling, to be so vulnerable and horny in front of four men. It was the sort of thing you might have fantasies about, but never put much actual thought into actually happening. Quickly, I slipped into my room, leaving the door open, and began tossing a few things out of my dresser. As I was about to begin slipping on some underwear, I looked back over. The four of them continued to watch me. Yarev seemed suspicious of me, but I could see a degree of lust in the eyes of the other three. I shivered. The door was wide open, and I could easily shut it. Why didn’t I want to?

I bent and slipped the underwear up my legs. It fit strangely - tight in some places and loose in others. It unfortunately awkwardly came up over my tail, which had to slip out through one of the legs. Next, I pulled up some baggy pants and tossed on a shirt that was a bit too large for me. I hated the way it rubbed against my small wings as I walked back out of the room. It made them itch, and my attempts at shifting them around did little to nothing. Hamilt and Dwain had looks of disappointment to see me clothed once more. I suppressed the urge to aggressively berate them in front of two teachers. If it weren’t for them, I’d have the two idiots already bowing at my feet for forgiveness. 

“Right, time to go, then.” Yarev grabbed the collar of my shirt and began pulling me towards the door.

“What about all my stuff?” I complained.

“You can pick up your trash from here later. We need to get to the girls’ dorm so that Esme can find somewhere to stick you.” 

“I… but…” 

“Shut up and move it, demon,” he scolded and shoved me forward out of the room and into the boys’ hallway. 

I would regret going to this school; I just knew it. Was the Ashes College of Dark Arts the worst place to become a demonic succubus? It was doubtful. There were a few magical schools that would have killed or banished me to the Under on the spot. Several, however, would have surely tried to find a way to help change me back. At Ashes, I worried about people trying to take advantage of me. It was a school full of the more nefarious individuals and families of the magical community. It was a school for practitioners of forbidden arts, where even the teachers couldn’t really be trusted. My family had gone to this school for several generations, and so I did as well. 

Yarev continued to drag me through the hall, and several boys peeked at us from their doorways. My face heated as they stared at me with blatantly lusty gazes, despite my clothing. Even with my wings and tail covered, it seemed there was no hiding what I was. My own lust was getting worse, and I was fearing how bad it might inevitably get. As we edged by several boys in the hall, I gripped the bottom of my shirt. At first, it was because of my nerves, but as they stared at my body, I unconsciously pulled it tighter against my breasts. I released the cloth in embarrassment as I realized what I was doing, and stared down towards the floor clutching my fists. What was I doing, letting them ogle me like that? The asses were asking to be hexed and strung up in the hallway for daring to look at me in such a way. It wasn’t like I wanted to show off to them, to present my breasts so they could see them and strip off my shirt, waiting for one of them to grab me and push me against the wall. His hand trailing down my side and into --

“ hear of any trouble from you, understand?” Yarev shook me. “Are you listening to me?” I looked up to him with wide embarrassed eyes and quickly nodded my head. “Don’t cause Esme any trouble.” He eyed me a moment and then mumbled under his breath, “This is why I hate succubi. Useless absentminded creatures who don’t listen to anything you say. Should just send her to the Under and summon something better in her place.”

I pouted and bit my tongue but ignored his raving. We made our way into the girls’ dorm and to Housemother Esme’s office. Yarev gave a knock, and a moment later it opened to reveal the short elderly Housemother. She eyed me down like a putrid roach in her tea. 

“Yarev,” she began calmly, turning her attention to him. “Why are you bringing some demon into my dorm?”

“This little Underspawn is unfortunately one of my students, one Gordon Dirov. As you can see, he’s rather unfit to stay in the boys' dorm tonight.”

“This seems like your problem to deal with, Yarev.”

“Oh come now, Esme. She has to go somewhere, and I don’t want her in my dorm bringing every professor in the school complaining to me later.” 

“So you bring the creature to me?” She looks to the professor as though ready to strike him down with lightning. “Stick it in the dungeons.” 

I stiffened, imagining for a moment all the horrors that lied down there. There were many stories about the school’s dungeons, none of them good. 

“She’s still a student.” After a moment he added a grumbled, “I’ll owe you a favor.”

The old lady’s scowl turned into a small twisted smile. “You should have just led with that, Yarev.”

He looked as though he’d just bitten into a rotting corpse. “Just deal with her. She’s your problem now.” With a quick turn, Yarev stormed off back the way we had come, somehow even more annoyed than his usual grumpy demeanor. 

A hand clamped down around my wrist like a viper, and I looked down into the old lady’s menacing eyes. 

I know, I know. I know what some of you are thinking. Don't I already have two other stories on here that I haven't completed? I've really enjoyed writing this one though, and in my defense, it's nearly complete! =3 I'm currently writing the last chapter.

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed the story so far! The next part of the chapter includes the promised smut. If you wanna read ahead, consider joining my Patreon, where you can read the 30k words I've completed while also supporting me as a writer! As always, I appreciate comments and ratings, and if you haven't yet, consider adding me to your follows. I'm planning to post more of this story every three days, currently.

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