Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 73: I am thankful to you~

Chapter 73: I am thankful to you~

Celine was in a serious dilemma.

Her eyes were not only a curse but a blessing as well as they gave her abilities to foresee things that advanced skills or human perception could only think of.

Soul energy detection was one of those advantages in which Celine had confidence. Despite not having the complete potential of her eyes unlocked, Celine knew she could more or less detect any living creature by their soul signature within a certain proximity.

Yet, right now facing this blue-eyed teenage girl in front, Celine can only frown and ask herself whether she has gone sloppy to not notice her.

No, she hasn’t. Celine might have been shaken up a little because of the ambush but she still had the surety. She has checked this backyard of the church twice before entering inside yet she failed.

That meant only one thing,

‘This girl…is an anomaly….’

Call it saving her ego, Celine had no other theory to determine how come this raven-haired girl could surpass all the security provided and skip over her detection to be present here.

She was either too strong to hide her presence or simply carries god-tier luck.

And sensing how the girl was suppressing her Soul-energy, Celine was leaning on the prior option.

“Never thought President would have such taste…”

Celine narrowed her gaze not in complaint but thought about whom this girl could be calling, ‘President.’

Celine didn’t interact with many people and the knowledge she had of Seth could only think of him. Thankfully the girl in front affirmed her doubts.

“I have seen you at the party. Trying to be all clingy with something which doesn’t belong to you, is rather dangerous for your health princess~”

There were not many parties Celine attended. Finger countable. And the way the flow of conversation has been laid, Celine knew about what part of the celebration this girl was talking about.

Though Celine felt a huge lump in her throat weighing due to the girl’s intimidation, she remained composed and didn’t let her eyes off from the girl for once.

“And does that something belongs to you?”

Hearing the princess’ crisp voice, Anabelle frowned deeply since she never thought considering her nature that the princess would continue the conversation.

Anabelle was aware of Celine’s personality and if the blond girl in front was speaking such boldly about something meant only one thing…

With her eyes still remaining emotionless, Anabelle breezed her way from the branch of the massive tree before she stood just before the girl.

“Don’t you dare go near him, princess. I won’t ask twice.”

It was the first time Celine felt this sensation. What was it…yes.


She feared the girl who held the potential to kill Celine anytime she wants. Her instincts screamed to run away and hide from this entity or accept whatever demand she was raising. Apart from her eyes, Celine had nothing to boast about so affirming with the girl seemed the best possible retort for her.


“What if I say no?” freew ebnov el

Despite knowing how this girl, who managed to get past such high inspection, can eradicate her existence, Celine had a strong gut feeling that the girl won’t harm her. Maybe because of her position as the first princess or maybe something else, but she knows it.

And the reaction Celine got from the girl was worth disagreeing with the threat.

With her gaze narrowed and evident fury building inside of her, Anabelle fought the urge to implicate physical damage in order to make her point clear. Or maybe end this problematic creature right here?

But again, she knew Seth needed this princess and he clearly had stated last time they saw each other that to not hurt anyone because of him. Anabelle could only grit her teeth and accept the refusal thinking of Seth.

But not like she would let the girl enjoy her win just like this.

“You know, people think by nature I am a healer but I assure you, I think of nothing before eradicating any factor which can come in between my life with my beloved. You won’t know when I will infiltrate that gold bird house of yours and put an end to each and everything the first princess holds dear.”

With her breath caught in her throat Celine expressionlessly could only stand there and hear the threat which made her scalp cold in anxiety. In, normal circumstances, Celine would have tagged such a threat as nonsense, but right now she was overwhelmed with Anabelle’s presence to stutter a single syllable.

Anabelle liked the reaction she got. For the final push, she leaned forward and whispered in a frosty tone. freewebnovel.c om

“For starters, how about that maid who came with you?’

Celine’s eyes widened as for the first time during this whole exchange she showed any kind of reaction hearing such malice toward one of the dearest people Celine has.

Anabelle liked what she saw as at last the princess seemed to understand what she tried to convey. But soon Celine’s shocked and horrified expression took a turn as a small grin curled her lips, making Anabelle frown for some reason.

Turning her head toward the girl, Celine spoke in ever stoic voice yet there was a tinge of amusement blended in it.

“Now I have more of a strong urge to know Seth better. Whoever you are, I am thankful to you.”

Saying so, Celine walked forward leaving an enraged Anabelle behind but soon the latter detected someone approaching.

Clenching her fist she decided to retreat since she didn’t want to make a scene here and end up killing the princess.

Turning her head toward Celine’s direction, Anabelle murmured to herself as she disappeared in thin air.

‘Celine Bernford…I will remember this day…’


[Seth’s Pov]

After crossing the western border I told the coachman to stop by the nearest forest which was not so far from the capital.

While I was travelling, I made contact with the soldier in-charge and paid the remaining sum to keep the protagonist locked up until tomorrow, to prevent any chance encounter of his with the princess.

The protagonist's halo is so compelling that I was not ready to take any chance and let those eyes on Celine slip away. Call me obsessive, but I can’t afford Celine against me.

The reason I was in the jungle when I primarily decided to visit the nearby city was because of a single reason.

The rewards of the Vault.

What Serena gave them to me, it seemed, the Vault granted me and her one artifact each. I intended to give the necklace to her only if I don’t find any meaningful use to it.

After all, the vault grants reward according to the candidates who passed the trials.

In the story, Arata got an artifact to keep his powers in control and helped him channel that potential in the best possible to way to shape the protagonist according to his awakened ability.

Being the reincarnation of the Thunder Emperor, Arata had a lot to digest for which he was not completely prepared. At that time the ring helped him with the trouble and didn’t let his body crumble into pieces just upon awakening.

Now the plot has shifted and the protagonist have no artifact to control his future awakening which should have happened in some weeks after he would have heard Serena’s death.

But now Serena most probably wouldn’t die because I never tortured her. Relatively, I got on good terms with her, but that isn’t the main concern.

I need Arata for the upcoming Catastrophe since despite having a such foolish attitude, he was a pretty decent warrior, or to say, he holds the capability to single-handedly massacre the whole academy once he awakens and gets up to decent growth. Me included.

I had ways to keep him in check but first I need to test these artifacts out….

‘It’s been long since I have felt so excited about something…’


A/N:- Don’t complain why Seth helping Arata since…you will now.

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