Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 71: Let me accompany you!

Chapter 71: Let me accompany you!

The first meeting of Arata and the first princess transpires under not-so-favorable conditions, as one could guess. After all, before Arata would never have made his way to the royal carriage, he had been shooed off by the guards responsible to escort the princess.

The ambush on Celine has been planned for a very long by an infamous criminal organization that mainly acts in the capital of Ranghaur and had been surviving through their vast amount of forces and some connection with the aristocrats, which couldn’t be brought up in the light.

The ambush was meant to kidnap the princess for her special eyes not for wealth since the organization can practically rival Albeck Duchy if they pile up to their last penny.

In the original plot, the number of ambushers weighed down the defense when suddenly a raven-haired boy appeared to help the Commander of the troops. On verge of death, the Commander just begged Arata to ensure Celine’s safety.

Arata didn’t have the strength to face the overwhelming battle so he chose to retreat and take Celine with him. Her maid argued first but seeing the scene outside she was left with no other option rather let her mistress go with some stranger.

That was the first time Celine was running in the shadows while holding the hand of a boy which made her feel independent. It was strange that at times of her possible death; Celine was feeling the most alive.

Arata was venturing into the capital since he wanted to buy some good ore for his blade which his countryside blacksmith requested. He never knew he would get stumbled into such a situation.

But he was a responsible teenager who never goes back on the words he gave to the dying man. So while holding Celine’s hand protectively, they kept on running and hiding from the ambushers for the whole night.

They took shelter at random places to avoid attention like in the society dump yard or at any abandoned buildings until the night sky was still in bloom.

During the time, Arata and Celine naturally conversed as the princess got to know that the boy was a student of Pristine Academy. What surprised her most was how he never flinched whenever she stared at him.

Despite knowing her name and her background he was casual to her like a friend and that made a deep impression in her heart.

How couldn’t she get interested in someone who for the first time in her life saw her not as a princess or a holder of such great possession, but rather just for what she was? f(r)eewebn(o)

And thus, since that day the journey of Celine following behind Arata commenced…

…or so should’ve.


“Are you fine, your highness?”

As Seth parted the door of the royal carriage he was greeted by the back of the woman who undoubtedly was the maid of the first princess who was currently shielding her lady with her life.

Hearing Seth’s voice, the older woman flinched before she cautiously turned her head.

There stood a young man whom the maid recognized as the eldest son of the Albeck family but to be on the safe side she peeked at the Commander standing just some meters behind Seth and saws him nod in affirmation.

Slowly the maid let go of her lady who was silent since ever.

“Aunt Valarie’s Generals were they?”

As Celine emerged from the shadows she asked in her usual tone but one could sense the slight astonishment blended in her voice when she raised such a query.

Seth nodded in response. He himself was highly impressed by how efficient and deadly these shadow generals whom his mother have trained.

Within minutes they turned the tides and annihilated more than two hundred ambushers despite only two of the Generals coming with Seth.

Despite their skill ranking below Tier 1, their mixed bloodline grants them the physical might that a human could only dream of. In normal circumstances, Seth couldn’t win against any one of them how much he trains.

Only through his skills and wits can he conquer these generals, only if that chance arises. As if now, these Generals are completely devoted to their mistress.

“I can’t see any injuries, but even so, I insist you take this healing potion. It will help recover your trauma as well.”

Seth offered a high healing potion which Anabelle left for him. Anabelle hadn’t created these; rather she just took normal potions and added the highest degree of healing components to them. Truly priceless.

Since there were many he decided to use it as a fish string for now. The bait would follow.

Celine checked the potion with her eyes and was left with no further words before she gulped down the content. The maid and the Knight Commander seemed restless when Celine acted so abruptly but they were aware of Celine’s skills. One of those who were trusted by the Majesty himself.

As Seth expected no words of gratitude were returned.

“I am forwarding to the western border of the capital, Your Highness. If you allow then I can accompany you for your further journey.”

“That won’t be possible, Lord Seth since we have to return to the palace right at this instance to avoid any other possible trap.”

The Knight Commander stepped forward as he passed his words which seemed borderline judgment. It ticked off Seth’s alter ego hearing such a tone but he knew it was his duty to keep the princess safe.

“I understand your concern, Commander but without my aide do you think you are in a position to face another ambush? And you can’t risk waiting here as well. Since there is a church on the outskirt, I would refer you to take Your Highness and teleport back to Cathedral.”

The Cathedral was half a kilometer away from the main palace so it seemed even more sensible to advance rather than to retreat. And the bulky man couldn’t ask Seth to accompany them back to the palace either.

Helplessly, the Knight Commander was about to direct his words when Celine walked forward and spoke in a stoic yet slightly appeased tone.

“I will be grateful, Seth.”

Seth suppressed his grin as he bowed slightly as responded in a sincere tone.

“I am honored, your highness.”


Near the western city border, inside the headquarters of the border security, there was built several cells under the ground to hold those who either seem suspicious or use fake means to enter the Capital.

Inside those cells, there could see a young handsome man in his teenage, currently sitting on a chair with irritation written over his face.

It was Arata who has been subdued by the border inspectors on suspicion of using a fake Id to enter the perimeters. The unfortunate part is that he didn’t bring his Student ID but even so, it was just too meaningless to hold him when he already has shown proof to be a civilian of Ranghaur.

“It just makes no sense! How long you guys will keep me here!”

“Shut up brat before I force your custody to the central authority.”

Arata instantly sealed his lips since he didn’t want to make things worse for himself.

Outside the cell, the prison superintendent grumbled before he continued to count his gold coins with an ecstatic smile spread on his lips.


A/N: - I hope the detailing is fine, right?

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