Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 132: Chimerafied Conflict

Adrian sat leaned back in his chair at Rave U, eyelids heavy like he was barely paying attention. But if you thought that, you didn’t know Adrian. His mind? Racing at light speed. Plans, schemes, deeper moves than just lectures and formulas. Across the room, Nason Valrath was doing his thing on the holo-board, mapping out complicated mana and dark energy resonances, looking like the genius high elf he was. Next to him, More, the half-elf, was neck-deep in theory, eyes glued to her data, locked in. But Adrian? He wasn’t about that study life. He had bigger things going on, deeper truths he was tapping into.

“Yo, you sure the dean’s got this under control?” Nason asked, his voice just low enough so More couldn’t hear. He paused, mid-formula, his sharp instincts picking up on the vibe.

Adrian’s half-closed eyes snapped open, a smirk twisting his lips. “Control? Man, Vaelfhaer’s a puppet, bruh. Ain’t no control—just strings.” He flicked his wrist, watching as the live feed from his wristband projected onto his desk. The dean’s office came into view, Georgina 4, stationed at the door, ready for the incoming storm.

“See, this is bigger than some classroom theory. I ain’t here to play student games. We’re talking dark energy manipulation, Nason. You know what happens when we sync our stamina, mana, and dark matter into one? You create power that can tear through reality itself, bro. Aura ain’t just energy—it’s control of the fabric of space. You seen what I’ve been working on in the lab. That Chimerafication tech? It’s not just experiments anymore. We on a whole new level.”

Nason nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing. “Yeah, you told me before—dark energy’s created by the non-reaction of normal matter to dark matter, right? Like, when the two don’t mix, that’s when you can fuse them with our mana and stamina.”

“Exactly. And when we do that, we can push aura into the physical plane,” Adrian added, tapping his temple, his grin growing. “We ain’t just talking element manipulation anymore. I’m talking about molecular transmutation, reality warping—changing the rules of physics on a whim. And that’s what I’m getting ready to show these fools.”

More finally looked up, raising a brow. “Aura’s more versatile than mana. It’s stronger. But what’s your angle here? You gonna teach us how to warp reality just to win some street war?”

Adrian chuckled, a deep, sinister sound. “Nah. This is about domination. We unlock our auras, we become untouchable. The Seraphi Pact? We own this place, and Vaelfhaer, the clones, Ennuy—none of them can stop us.”

The feed flickered, zooming in on the dean’s office where Ennuy Null, the half-incubus, half-vampire, swaggered into the room. Adrian’s grin widened. Georgina’s clones, or what used to be her clones, were ready, stationed around the office like shadows. But these weren’t just regular clones. They’d been Chimerafied—modified with the DNA of ancient beasts, turned into lethal weapons under Adrian’s control.

“Yo, watch this,” Adrian muttered to Nason and More, leaning forward.

Ennuy stepped into the office, already catching the weird vibe in the air. He wasn’t some green rookie—he knew when something was about to pop off. But he played it cool, leaning back in the chair opposite the dean’s desk, smirking at the nervous sweat beading on Vaelfhaer’s forehead.

“Yo, you good, dean? You look like you seen a ghost,” Ennuy said, his tone mocking as he stretched, his aura starting to leak out, dark, seductive energy swirling around him.

But then the door slammed shut behind him, hard. Ennuy’s head snapped to the side, eyes narrowing as Georgina 4 stepped in front of the door, her eyes glowing with that eerie, cold light.

“You serious?” Ennuy muttered, cracking his neck, his muscles tense. “This a trap? Really?”

Without another word, Georgina 4 moved. She wasn’t just fast—she was different now. Enhanced. Her limbs shifted, almost like they were made of metal and flesh fused together. She blurred toward Ennuy, her hand shifting into a razor-sharp claw, aiming straight for his chest.

Ennuy barely dodged her first attack, her hand morphing into a blade that sliced the air where his chest had been. "Tch, so this what it’s about?"

But Ennuy was quicker. His aura exploded out of him like a black wave, filling the room with a heavy, oppressive darkness. His form shifted, demonic wings bursting from his back as his eyes glowed crimson. In his hand, his soul weapon appeared—a wicked, jagged scythe dripping with the energy of the void.

"You ain’t Georgina anymore, are you?" Ennuy growled, his voice deeper now, twisted with his demonic power. He swiped again, forcing Georgina 4 back.


Georgina’s claw clashed with his scythe, sparks flying. But before Ennuy could counter, another clone jumped from the shadows, a vibro-dagger flashing as she went for his flank.

“Y’all just don’t learn, huh?” Ennuy growled, spinning the scythe in a deadly arc, knocking the dagger away before blasting both clones back with a shockwave of dark energy.

But they weren’t done. Georgina 4 shook off the attack like it was nothing, her vibro-glock in hand now, firing off rounds that vibrated at a frequency designed to cut through even magical defenses. Ennuy dodged, but a few rounds grazed his wings, drawing blood.

“Modified, huh? That all you got?” Ennuy taunted, eyes glowing brighter as he tapped into his demonic side. His aura thickened, twisting the very air around him as the dark energy fueled his power. He raised his scythe, slashing downward, the blade cutting through the fabric of reality itself, sending a shockwave that distorted the room.

But Georgina 4 and her clones had been Chimerafied. They adapted, their forms shifting grotesquely, becoming more monstrous, more dangerous. One clone sprouted wings of fire, another’s arms elongated into serpent-like appendages that lashed out at Ennuy.

“You think that’ll stop me?” Ennuy muttered, narrowing his eyes.

The clones rushed him again, faster and stronger this time, their attacks more coordinated, more vicious. But Ennuy wasn’t backing down. He spun his scythe, deflecting strikes, dodging claws, and countering with dark energy blasts. But he was getting worn down. Blood dripped from his wounds, his breathing heavy as the clones closed in.

“Enough of this,” Ennuy snarled, his aura flaring up again. He swung his scythe in a wide arc, cutting through two clones in one move. But there were more. Too many.

He had to get out. Fast.

Ennuy backed up, eyes locked on the window. With a surge of energy, he smashed through the glass, his wings spreading wide as he dove into the open air. Bullets followed him, but he was already gone, flying high into the night sky, blood trailing from his wounds as he escaped.

Back in the classroom, Adrian leaned back, watching the aftermath on his wristband feed, satisfied. More and Nason exchanged glances, impressed but silent.

“Your little experiment worked,” More muttered, folding her arms, her tone skeptical. “But you sure this is gonna hold up?”

Adrian shrugged, grinning. “This was just the warm-up. We unlock our auras fully? We’ll rewrite the whole damn game.” His eyes gleamed with a twisted excitement. “Ain’t nobody ready for what’s coming.”

Nason chuckled darkly, shaking his head. “Bro, you’re playing with fire.”

Adrian smirked. “Nah. I am the fire. And I’m about to burn this whole place down.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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