Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 154

"Smooooothie! How've you been!?"

"You're choking me!"

Apparently, my hug was a little too much for the little one. My training went remarkably well to the point I nearly crushed her with my overwhelming strength.

I gently loosened my hold but only to dig my nose into her lush hair to take in all that sweet strawberry scent.

"You smell so nice. Hahh..."

"Have you been training?"

"How did you guess?"

"I can feel it."

"Sorry, sorry, did I hurt you?"

I quickly released Smoothie and quickly looked over her to see if I gave her any bruise marks.

"That's not what I meant! But I'm glad you cared." She said bashfully.

"Hahah," I chuckled and puffed out my chest, "well, I've been working out! Mother strong! Super strong!"

"Working out? But you've always been ridiculously strong! I don't think you really need to exercise at all."

"It wasn't physical training per se, but more like honing my seventy two killing techniques!" I said while demonstrating my super hand chop.

"Eh. Really."

She didn't seem convinced with what she saw.

"Silly Smoothie, when you get to my level, a single chop can split mountains, and part heavens."

"What if it misses?"

"Then I just land another one."

In a time suspended state, even a single direct hit could be lethal depending on the execution. Those with physical bodies would die instantly even with only a light tap. Physical stats meant nothing. For beings without physical bodies, only spiritual stats mattered. Whoever could control their soul or consciousness more efficient and effectively would come out victorious.

Those sixty days weren't wasted. I was able to learn to remain in suspended time with the least amount of mana expenditure possible.

By the way, those sixty days were real time in the subspace.

"Mother," Smoothie shook her head, "Why do you try to become stronger? Aren't you powerful enough? No nation can stand against you. Are you trying to defeat someone? That demon perhaps?"

"Hmm... I can't say. It's nothing you have to worry about. Hey, since you don't need to sleep, let's go fishing together!"

It was night time currently and everyone else was asleep.

I caught a rumor of a fantastic fishing spot used by beastfolks just a bit off the east coast of Kingdom of Kor. Kingdom of Kor was one of the five kingdoms that formed the original Grusia Empire. It was situated to the northeast region and had a harmonious relationship with local merfolks and oceanic fey beings.

Night time fishing was supposed to be popular I heard. If one was to shine light on the surface of the ocean, all types of edible critters would gather. For that reason, I brought a traditional grill on our fishing expedition.

On a side note, I learned a bit of the beastfolk language while I was training in my subspace. Or rather, my secondary core forced it on me. Now I could speak somewhat fluently in their language.

Also, since I wasn't too certain of the exact location, I decided to charter a medium sized fishing trawler at a cheap cost. I figured it was better to rely on seasoned fishermen in these instances.

"Smoothie, how close are you to full transformation?" I asked, a bit worried that she might not be able to enjoy the exotic delicacies we'd catch and the fancy sauces I had prepared in advance.

"Almost there. Having a physical body really helped with the process. If you're concerned with my ability to eat, there's nothing to worry about. You've seen me eat during the banquet, didn't you?"

"Huh? Right. Of course, of course! Yes."

Thinking back, she was eating food just fine...

My mind was wandering too much back then and completely took no notice of it.

"You dummy!"

"What!? Isn't it a good thing you can eat just fine? I'm just a bit forgetful these days, that's all!"

"Hmmph!" She pouted with a glum expression.

A crew member had already casted a large net into the ocean. Seeing him waiting for us to shed some light, I called out to him, "One moment, Morak."

By the way, all the fishermen on this vessel had canine appearances. If the vessel ever sank, I supposed they might be decent swimmers.

"Take your time. It's 'portent to look after lil ones. We're in no hurry."

"Smoothie, come on, it's fishing time! This is no time to sulk. I'm sure you've put in lots of effort into it." Seeing her a bit down, I tried to console her with a soft tone.

After that, I took her by her hands and walked over to Morak.

"We're fine now. How much light is appropriate?"

"As much as you like."

Hearing that, I turned to Smoothie, "Then, Smoothie, you go first. Get us lots of fishes to grill! I have plenty of spices and sauces to go. Why don't we have the crew members join us?"

Sure I paid the sailors for tonight already. All of their expenses should have been covered by me. But I felt bad if everyone else had to watch us eat delicious food with drools hanging at the corners of their mouths.

Normally, open fire wasn't permitted on the vessel but since I was a bit special, they allowed it.

"Don't mind us. We eat seafood every day." The captain, Kodat chimed in. "Tonight's reserved for our esteemed guests."

"Eh, how about some liquor?"

I had some extra strong distilled alcohol among the batches of strawberry wine stored in my subspace. They were certainly strong enough to be called strong liquor.

"Now we're talking!" Kodat grinned.

Getting drunk out in the sea... This'll be interesting!

While Smoothie was luring sea critters to the fishing net with Morak, I was entertaining the captain in the cabin. I took out three barrels of strong liquor, strawberry flavored.

There were five crews and a single captain on this vessel so I placed six wooden mugs and two cups along with plates onto a table. One of the mates poured the alcohol into all the mugs.

"What a peculiar aroma! This is a first for me." He laughed heartily before chugging down his share.

Some minutes later, one person rushed in and announced, "Great haul!"

"Ooh! Finally! Be right back!" I was the first to respond before running off to see the great haul for myself.

Within the net strewn across the deck were an assortment of fishes, slimy tentacles, and armored crustaceans.

"Well done, Smoothie! I'm so proud of you. Which one should we grill first?"

She pointed to the slimy tentacles first. It was a medium sized squid looking thing.

"Good eyes!" I gave her a thumbs up with a wink.

Obviously, Morak didn't understand my thumbs up due to culture differences but he seemed to have understood my intention.

"Good lady, we usually throw it back. The taste isn't something we land dwellers are accustomed to. The meat's texture is too chewy and slimy."

"Ah, is that so? We'll keep just one then."

"Aight, don't tell cap'n I didn't warn you."

After that, we picked out all the ones we'd like to grill. The fishermen kept the ones they'd take back to sell and remaining were thrown overboard.

"Smoothie, watch and learn. Me and my grilling techniques, I'm unbeatable!" I boasted proudly.

She nodded quickly and followed up with, "Mm! You're the best!"

"So quick to recognize talent! That's my daughter!"

"You know I'm just flattering you, right?" She stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Way to dampen my mood... Now I don't think I can pull it off anymore."

Seeing me sulk, she hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I'll give you a hug! You wanted one right?"

I tottered behind me and embraced me tightly.

It worked! Best parenting skill ever!

Meanwhile I was demonstrating my skills as a maestro of grilling, the Griller!

"Doo doo doo... doo da." I hummed happily.

I sprinkled salt and spices as I grilled the fishes. The temperature was controlled via fey magic. Unless my mind wandered off, my control was perfect. After all, my <mastery> stat wasn't over 900 for nothing.

"Good lady, something just doesn't feel right." Morak who had been watching over us murmured.



"Just tell me." I urged him.

"I'm going to be blunt. I can't feel the chefness."


"You're in a dress, celestial gown." Smoothie said.

Looking down at my outfit, it really did seem like I was out of place.

Right attire for the right occasion.

"Oh, so if I wore an apron, things should work out?"

Changing my outfit was instantaneous so it was done on the spot. It was just that recently I had no time to pay attention to my outfit. I picked the one I wore back when I was serving at a bar in Vera.


"Good lady, how did you do that?"

"Magic." I threw a playful wink at him.


That was his only reply. He didn't even blush to my slight disappointment.

Have I lost my charms? How sad...

"Alright, first batch is done. Carry them into the cabinet for me, won't you?"

"Smells really good."

"Go eat if you'd like."

I had Smoothie carry a plateful to where the captain and his crews were drinking merrily.

After she left, Morak commented, "It's as if we're the guests..."

"Don't mind the details! Don't just stare, keep the fishes coming."

"On it."

He promptly returned to his duty.

There was another crew here as well but he was busy processing the catches. Someone had to clean and gut the fishes and it wasn't going to be me.


While cooking, I occasionally sent a few orbs of light to attract the sea critters in Smoothie's place. It seemed that she was enjoying fresh seafood. Whenever food ran out, she'd come for more.

Well, this is fine. Life isn't so bad here.

Things have finally quieted down.

I was taking a few bites here and there. Taste testing was an important job! It was the head chef's duty to check the food properly before sending it off.

Not bad.

At some point, Morak was swapped out with someone who had their bellies stuffed full of seafood.

As the night progressed, I noticed that we were drifting further and further into the deep ocean.

"Hey, aren't we a bit too far away? I can't see the harbor anymore."

"The wind has calmed. We'll wait for the wind to pick up before sailing back." The crew who just came out answered.

"Oh? No one here can use magic?"

"Lass, it's simple, there's no need. Our cap'n's drunk. By the time he's sober, the wind should pick up." He said confidently to reassure me.

Smoothie and I can fly... I guess I shouldn't be concerned with sailors. They know the sea better than me.

"Alright. By the way, how was the food?" I asked, a bit curious to hear their opinion.

"Honestly, in all my life, I've never had seafood that good. Mind you, the ingredients' the same so it must be you... You've opened my eyes. These spices, the royalty would pay a fortune for them! I don't think I'd ever have enough savings. Of course, I'm not asking you to sell them to me-" He took a glance at his mate, "I mean us, for cheap."

"I can't tell if you're complimenting my cooking or the spices I use... Which is it?"

He asked nervously, "Sorry, you're not royalty, are you? Seeing you've hid your status and all..."

"Not at all. Can't say if I'm not acquainted with a few though."

"Ahh... Never mind what I said earlier. Just a drunken fool's babble! Ahahaha..." He laughed.

You don't sound drunk at all. You sound more like an opportunist.

After grilling another batch, I decided to enter the cabin and join the party.

"Oho, our star's here! Come drink wif us!"

"Jak, you're drunk! Lay it off, won't you!?"

"What's your problem? Don't know how to treat a lady properly? That's why you're still a single!"

"Mate, that's uncalled for."

Sailors beings a rowdy bunch, was quite amusing.

"This lil lady, how 'bout it? I'd take her any day!" One of them said and grabbed Smoothie by the waist as she was pouring drink for him.

How dare you touch her...

Should I rip...

No. Stay calm...

"Ahaha! She's a beauty just like the fairies from ol' tales!"

Hey drunkard, my kid's the real deal!

"Oi, come 'ere, pour some for me. Don't hog'er for yourself."

She stuck a tongue out at me and went to the next person to pour some drinks.

Smoothie... Why are you doing this?

It didn't seem like anyone was harassing her. The touching part was a bit much but objectively speaking, they were just drunks. If I went berserk here, half the continent will sink so that was definitely a no go.

"Good lady, don't just stand there. Come join in." Morak called to me.

"Ah, one moment. Smoothie, come with me for a bit."

"Sorry guys, I'll be stepping out. Be right back."

Outside on the deck, I lead her to a quiet corner and face her.

"Mother, did you need something?"

"Ehh... Nothing really..."

"Were you jealous?"

"Is that what you were trying to accomplish?"

"Would you stop me if I tried to marry a sailor?"

"Of course! You hardly know them. Plus, how does mating between different races even work? I can't approve."

"Are you going to leave me alone for the rest of my life?" She glared at me with dead serious eyes.

"I can't mate with you."

"Why not? You can transform! I cannot transform into a male no matter how much I try! I'm a female by default by no fault of my own. If you're going to leave me like this, I rather find a partner who'll care for me even if for just a fleeting moment."

Looking around, to make sure no one would eavesdrop on our conversation, I casted a soundproof barrier around us.

"Smoothie, isn't it a bit too early? I know you used to be an artificial intelligence but you should know at least that it's taboo for relatives to mate."

"So you read my memories, didn't you?"

"Yes. I only read it."

"So you know my mission?"

I nodded and added, "And you're reluctant to carry it out because you've been granted a soul, a living consciousness capable of experiencing the world."

"So you know that much already... Then I won't fool around anymore."

"We still have time."

"But you won't even let me experience the most basic things of all living beings enjoy. I want to try it once before my life is taken."

"Taken? By who?"

"By you or that person."

"That person?"

"The blessing on me is a temporary one. I don't know who he is but he gave me this blessing so I could live a fulfilling life, a short but fulfilling life. The mission I received... I rather not."

"That's probably god, or at least that's what I call him."

"You're mistaken."

"How so? No one is capable of giving blessings and allowing me to incarnate? If not god, then who? I'm pretty sure we saw the same god."

"It was the 'system'. Or rather, the system was using your preconception of god to generate that image. Since you're the base of my soul, his appearance should be more or less the same as the one you saw. There should be subtle differences if you carefully examined my memories, but you didn't, did you?"

The short answer was "no" but she already knew my personality too well.

"Wait, how can you be sure?"

"Let me finish. Remember I had [soothsayer]? It was an ability that connected to the system and allowed me to communicate. It wasn't perfect but more or less allowed me basic access. Once it evolved into the [sage] ability, I was able to confirm the truth of the matter."

"That would mean I had been speaking with god all this time!? This system... It can give blessings!? That's..."

"It's unnatural. Something doesn't add up."

I held my hands to pause her before she could shock me into another reality.

"Hold on just one moment. I have access to system as well. Let me confirm it myself."

If Smoothie was telling the truth then Echo should be able to answer my questions. My authority within the system should be much higher than Smoothie's.

Echo, can you give blessings?


That was one question down.

Can you alter your voice, and project images.


Then why are you projecting a feminine voice?

[It is based on your preconceived notion as what a "system voice" would sound like.]

Echo was dropping bombshells one after another without regards to my sanity.

Moving on...

Was it you who decided what I incarnated into?

[Partially. The desire from you was to become a "god". Simulations were generated to determine the greatest possibility for the desire to be realized. The fey race was determined to have the greatest probability to succeed. Due to several instances of foreign and internal interferences in the past, the probability of becoming a "god" has become unpredictable. Internal interferences are expected to occur in the near future.]

Huh? By internal, do you mean someone within the system?


I followed pretty much all of it. However, I wasn't exactly sure what these interferences were. There should be no foreign interferences coming from outside of the system. If there was a dimensional rift, it should have long closed. If my guess was correct, Smoothie probably counted as foreign interference.

As for the internal interferences, it could only mean someone with similar or greater authority than me within the system.

There isn't another system attached to you, is there?


Is there anyone with greater authority than me?


Is it an admin?


Who is it? It wasn't that self proclaim god, is it?

[Unauthorized to disclose.]

Kuh, useless when it matters. How about who has the highest authority, you or the other person?

[Unauthorized to disclose.]

Can you at least give me their location? We need a sit down talk.

[Unauthorized to disclose.]

Okay, sealed lips huh. Then how is it that you were able to send back my soul to my original body? Isn't that outside of the system?

[An third party has offered a solution.]

And you can't tell me about that third party, right?


That was the end of this question and answer session. I was only able to gleam a bit of information from Echo. Everything else was hidden from me.

The authority thing was just absurd. At this rate, I'd never learn the truth of things.

"Are you... Alright?" Smoothie asked.

"I'm fine, just a bit stressed. The system is quite obstinate when it comes to sharing information. But yes, I was able to confirm that the system was acting as a god."

"I see. Since we've been away long enough, we should head back."

"Good idea. We'll chat again when we get back."

Saying that, I removed the soundproof barrier around us.


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