Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 150

While Smoothie and her group was sightseeing, they stayed at a luxury inn within the capital. The money came out of Kanoko's pocket. Well, she insisted. She wasn't poor in the least.

Vintelo and Mufy, despite being from this country, they had lost their belongings when they were captured so they were without a doubt penniless. They didn't even have their identification cards with them, not that anyone was actively requesting them. Since they were doing some work for me in Ataraxia, I decided to give them an advance pay so they could make little purchases here and there on their own.

The next day, I spent much of my time with Kanoko and Smoothie, wandering around the capital, trying out new foods and learning about the local culture. We not only visited museums, cathedrals, amphitheatres, but also tried all sort of things such as riding on lizards.

Knowing one of the effects of |dedicated will|, even when it wasn't fully on my main core, I couldn't help but feel the need to fulfill my duty.

Hence, on the morning after, I announced, "I'll be heading to the Federation to investigation some matter in a bit. Of all the nations, they are the most troublesome bunch."

"It's your work, isn't it. Will you be heading to the frontlines?" Kanoko asked, slightly concerned.

"Yes, but it's more like behind the enemy lines. They can't really attack me so I won't be in harm's way but if they try anything funny, I won't hesitate."

"It's hard to tell when you're serious."

"Really? Well, anyway, I'll have some good news for you once I return. Before then, please take care of Smoothie for me." I turned to smile at Smoothie who had a pouty frown on her face.

I guess I'm a failure as a parent?

To Smoothie, I was probably a bad parent, maybe even a workaholic. I never wanted to be a workaholic but that trait's side effect compelled me to work hard.

I'm trying my best so please forgive me. Just wait a bit longer.

Upon hearing me mention of "good news", Kanoko raised an eyebrow, "Good news? Could it be...?"

"I'll have you come by yourself. That's all I can say."

I could clearly see that Kanoko was excited to hear more yet I decided to hold back on that pivotal information regarding her sister. The reason was simple. I was selfish. I wanted to have her stay with Smoothie just a bit longer. If she was to meet her sister now, there was a chance things could change just like when Mera met her old friend. I didn't want that.

I wanted things to stay the same just a bit longer. But if things continued the way they were, everything could change.

My will wasn't strong enough to resist the system's influences.

God wants someone dedicated to serving... Looks like he really wasn't messing around when granting powerful traits. What a fool I am. It's too late to regret.

But you know what? You've underestimated me. I'm not going to be anyone's tool.

I'll be the one to have the last laugh.

The Federation of Josken was an union of three independent states. According to old records in the Imperial Capital's grand library, the Federation used to have seven states. Each state was governed by the leader of their respective clan. After warring among them for hundreds of years, four of the clans had perished, leaving only three dominant clans to rule the nation.

The capital of the Federation was Jordan located at approximately the centre of their country adjacent to the inner sea. If it wasn't for the extensive pollution to the environment around them, their country would have been a land of plenty. Likewise, surrounded by the ocean on nearly all sides, if it wasn't for the sea creatures mutating into excessively powerful monsters, they might have boasted the most powerful navy in the world.

Today, I came to visit Jordan, a metropolis of extraordinary magnitude. In terms of size, it was probably at least ten times the size of Rotask, the human nation's capital. However, the stark difference in technology and population density was extremely noticeable.

Magitech was rampant, or rather, everything was magitech with the majority of the city's functions being automatic or semi automatic. The city was like a living being itself to the point I would call beautiful if I could call it that. Speaking of magitech, I couldn't identify any reptilians who were directly fused with magitech like the way humans had merged the two together. It was very odd but perhaps they had good reasons.

As for their population, the reptilians as records had shown had rather low fertility rates which in turn severely affected the growth of their population.

On these streets, hardly any civilians could be seen. It was almost if everyone was practicing social distancing.

A city this big and hardly anyone living in it... It's kind of sad.

Even considering that a good chunk of their population lived underground, at best the total population between Rotask and Jordan was on the same level.

In this world, not many could see mana itself. This meant that hardly anyone could actually see the pollution manifesting as a dense layer of smog over the city and landscape. Though, despite local floras and faunas showing obvious signs of strange mutations, reptilians were extremely resilient to volatile mana and its by-products, showing no signs of illness.

In this country, no other races made a living here. It was just too unsafe.

The person I was looking for was the Grand Chancellor, Xtevis Zatrosk, an elderly lizard man. It really wasn't easy to find him when hardly anyone talked around here. I found the parliament building easily since it stood out from the others but it wasn't like people worked here all the time. He could be in another state for business matters or taking a vacation somewhere.

Instead of using my usual method of gathering information, this time I used [hypnosis] to extract all the information on Xtevis Zatrosk from an office clerk working in the parliament building. The information was stored digitally so all she had to do was retrieve it. Since it was quite convenient, I decided to retrieve some other important information as well.

"This sure made things quicker for me. Well, thanks for the information. Here's a ruby necklace for you." I stuffed a bribe in the breat pocket of the dazed office clerk.

While wandering around and searching for that stubbirn old lizard as Arknorl putted it, I siphoned the floating polluted mana from the air and ground.  

Recently, I hadn't been taking mana from the environment as I did when I was still a fey being. Those were good times. Now that I had some free time, even if it took a bit of work on my part, I decided to cleanse the city of mana pollution. This would undoubtedly help the locals but I didn't care. It was free energy for me to use to level up.

There was some leverages I could use against the Federation.

Now that I knew the locations of all the mana fountains, as part of my work, I could easily seal them permanently. However, if I sealed them, the Federation would undoubtedly try other methods of generating energy to power their cities and magitech ships.

One of the other leverages was an extension of the above. I'd cleanse their entire nation in a matter of days and drain all of their dirty energy thereby decapitating their military forces. This would give the perfect opportunity for the Empire to strike back. Of course, if wished for their annihilation, I'd support the Empire with state of the art military equipments through an intermediary.

Also, there was no need to worry that the Kingdom would enter war in their current state.

What else am I missing?

I had a lot to think about.

At last, when evening came, Xtevis returned to his home in a nearby town. Little did he know that I waiting for him at his doorstep.

"Good evening, Grand Chancellor Xtevis Zatrosk. I hope you had a wonderful day." I greeted him with the most radiant smile I could express.

Not missing a beat, he yelled with a panic-stricken voice, "Guards! Guards!"

A pause.

We waited.

No guards came.

There was only silence.

I chuckled, "Well, for you to be in such a mood merely in the presence of a visitor. You must have done something terrible, am I right?"

Despite having some troubles understanding his facial expressions, I could tell that fear had paralyzed him to the bones. He was standing perfectly still with not a breath escaping him.

"It's your home you know? Why don't we discuss our differences inside? I'm not here for your pitiful life. Come in."

No one else was home, luckily. Not!

Actually, I had his family members go out for dinner without him. A little mind tricks here and there wasn't particularly against any rules.

I sat the old guy on the sofa and eased his mind for a conversation.

"Let's have a chat. I'm not sure if you're aware but I'm a Mediator of this world, and also an administrator. I kindly ask you, the Grand Chancellor of the Federation of Josken, to call for a ceasefire on the eastern front."

"I cannot do that." He stated without any emotions.

"I have already sealed the Abyssal Gate within Grusia Empire permanently. If you wish for cultivatable land, I could cleanse your existing land."

"You think we could just let go centuries of hatred just for some land and energy? We have a bone to pick with them and you can't stop us."

"I am aware that you have demon collaborators within your ranks. Sadly, it seems you have been misinformed. By my will, I could collapse your country in days."

"If you think we're just going to take it face down, you've got another thing coming! We've been preparing for ages to defeat the likes of you. Demons, guardians, and even gods, we dare fight them to the bitter end! Now get out!" He spat fiercely.

Oh my, did my hypnosis work backfire on me? That went a little too smooth.

"Very well, I take it as your country's official declaration of war." I replied calmly with a devious smile as I made my way to the front door.

I knew he was afraid on the inside and that this was just his front to hide his fears. In his mind, he was probably calculating a billion scenarios trying to squirm his way out of this predicament.

It was too late for him.

With a little mind trick, you become an open book. It's too late to back out now. Ahaha, time for some cleanup.

I knew I was being a bit underhanded to provoke him and all that. This was just to make my job finish a bit faster.


A dagger passed through me and struck the door.

"Why so hasty? Your turn will come soon enough." Though, not by my hands.

That was the last I spoke to him.

Within ten days, the Federation of Josken had lost all of its core energy sources and was on the verge of complete paralysis.

Mana fountains had all been sealed and the country cleansed of all pollutions.

Twenty days later, taking advantage of the situation, the Empire of Grusia launched its greatest military operation in recent history against the Federation of Josken's armed forces. Unable to replenish mana to operate their magitechs, the Federation's armed forces resorted to suicide attacks from above in attempt to delay their enemy's rapid advances.

Countless magitech airships had fallen from the sky in a single battle.

As a last ditch effort, they brought out several weapons of mass destruction. Ironically, it was the guardian overseeing their country who stepped in to stop them. He was a high level guardian, a relatively ancient one, yet he lost his life nonetheless when he tried to contain one of the bombs. The other guardians on the scene were preoccupied with the demons attempting to interfere. At the end of this struggle, two guardians, five demons, and a hero vanished from this world on that battlefield. If those weapons of mass destruction had gone off as intended, millions of people would have likely perished in the aftermath.

Anyway, this was all just second hand information since I was elsewhere. It was only later that I came to watch the battles.

By the way, I saw Haelley on the frontline soaring through the sky. Since I last saw her in Vera, she had somehow evolved into her desired form, a young maiden with beautiful pearly white wings. It wasn't really a surprise seeing how much experience she was soaking up on the battlefield.

Following the collapse of the Federation, the Kingdom of Appallia's forces withdrew their remaining forces to their old border, relinquishing the vast land gained in recent wars. Whatever was moving behind the scene that caused them to withdraw, I was not clued in.

Congratulations, Haelley. Now, you don't need that contract anymore, do you? I'll do you a service and sever it permanently.

Of course, she didn't know about the movements of the human side. But soon enough, she would know of it.

You're surrounded by your kin, fortunate survivors of the lost kingdom, and now hardened warriors. I'm sure you'll be just fine.

I left a gift for you, the sweet roasted minotaur steak you so craved, in your room. Maybe we'll talk another time.

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