Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 142

The devil resembling the past me took a few steps back.

"No. Stop."

I took a step forward. The corners of my lips curved upwards into a smirk.

"Enough is enough. Let's see what this |god slayer| is all about."

Echo, I can create abilities, right?


They had underestimated me. They didn't think I could create abilities. I decided on the most optimal one for this situation since they might try to seal any new abilities I gained.

First, I want to accelerate the speed of my thoughts without limits.

[Maximum allowable granted.]

It took me long enough to fully realize it. |Creator| was allowed me to directly engage with the system that overlaid this world. It wasn't omnipotent or anything but within the system, it might as well been.

With or without the Seed of Life, none of that mattered at the moment. Moreover, as much as I was a divine being, I wasn't a god, meaning |god slayer| was ineffective against me. It was as if that god purposefully died.

Still, there was a possibility that god faked his death or something.

Ah... I've been played. Whatever. I know what to do now.

Since if I didn't meet the requirements, I wouldn't be able to obtain certain abilities. Then it was no problem if I created abilities that didn't exist yet or was slightly different than ones that already existed. The requirements and effects would be solely mine to determine.

I wish create abilities that can compensate for |dedicated one| trait's weaknesses. Before that...

Re-attach secondary core as a separate entity.

Continue with secondary objectives.

Hide messages.

All this time I was talking with the devil, |dedicated one| was processing information separately on a dedicated soul core. It was completely worth it though, splitting off nearly all of my soul and forming a very special fey core containing a proxy soul core.

By doing so, the side effects of overusing it could be annulled temporarily, at least it wouldn't affect my consciousness. Should there ever be a corruption, I could just sever it.

However, it seemed to have evolved because of my action. It was now |dedicated will| capable of acting by itself to some extent. That was all well and whatnot but it was only a trait at the end of the day. I decided to keep it as a secondary core for now.

Anyway, this subspace was completely analyzed, or at least the outer layer. Hence I had my secondary core reverse my abilities that had been sealed.

Following that, I was able to have two abilities created. Well, technically, it was a total of four including the thought acceleration. Yet, three of them immediately merged into one, forming an absolute powerhouse.

That ultimate ability was [infinite dreams]. It was equivalent to forcing everything around me to become my personal subspace, granting me equivalent authority. The extent or the size of a dream world depending on my will. Of course, mana usage was determined on the size of the dream world, the authority I granted myself with, and the opposing will.

Vorte, thanks for the wisdom you've passed onto me. It's being put to good use. Welcome to my dream! I'm going to snatch this labyrinth for myself!

The other one was [soul indemnity]. As it stated, with activated, it affectively nullified the original |dedicated one| trait's side effect.

[Soul Indemnity] activated.

Though, the compensation for that was a mana sink, or maybe a mana tub? Well, it was on a level where I had to munch soul energy like popcorn. In addition, it was able to repair my soul. Perhaps that was why it was slurping up my mana like a mad lad. Thankfully, I had demons to use as my batteries.

Mister demons, thank you for your service. Your sacrifices weren't in vain! Hehehahah!!

I took another step forward.

[Infinite Dreams] activated.

My stats had returned. No, in fact, they had increased further.

For the first time ever, I had fully grasped |singularity|. At least, it was more than enough to turn the situation around.

"Before we end this, let me hear your name."

Black ominous cubes gathered in my palms.

"Don't come any closer..." Fear emanated from its eyes.

"Aren't you a god slayer? My name is Berry. Now, tell me your name, or perhaps do you prefer dying namelessly?"

In response, its demeanor shifted to that of a calm river. Its eyes glared at me with scorn.

"Time for me to get serious as well."

What, you weren't before?! Quick joking around.

An ominous sword staff of gold and black manifested in its hand. Calling it a sword staff was probably the best description I could give. The top half was a sword with a strangely designed hilt that resembled ancient clockwork while the bottom half was a fairly straightforward handle.

From the status, it was a fey weapon. Its stats weren't particularly important as with magical objects alike. The important parts were the abilities and traits.

[Level 70 Fey (weapon);
Species: Pole Arm;
Physical: 499/499;
Spiritual: 499/499;
Traits: Tick Tock, Shapeshifter, Immemorial One, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Resistances, Immortality;
Abilities: Absolute Severance, Absolute Stasis, Chrono Gate, Dimensional Ripple;
Blessings: Chronodynamic;
Description: A divine instrument used for tuning.]

Huh... Interesting... Very interesting... But I wonder...

I could only smile at the harvest. Truly, it couldn't get any better.

If I can overcome this... It'll be mine!

I found treasure. Heheh...

Unlike Lightbringer, this was an artifact I'd love to get my hands on.

"I was given the name Ikebas. Mark my words. I will send you back if it's the last thing I do."

I shook my heads, "Couldn't you have slain the demon god? Never mind, you're under their control. Come at me."

My hands beckoned at Ikebas as I activated my |singularity| field.


In that instance, Ikebas disappeared from my sight.

"It won't work on me, silly."

There was a reason I activated |singularity| field. That was the only trait I had that had a chance when dealing with opponents capable manipulating time. Not only that, parallel existences would converge within my field effectively nullifying one of her unique traits. Though, normally, this trait's unique effect was completely useless to the point I hadn't even paid attention to it.

Strictly speaking, maintaining this |singularity| field under normal circumstances was impossible. Mana usage was one issue. It was only because that [infinite dreams] was activated that I could realize this unique effect. Otherwise it was as good as non-existent. Still, this field could only be extended up to one meter radius in my current state.

I parried and deflected barrages of attacks one after another that entered my singularity field. In my hands, I was using a double sided magic spear. Given that the moment her weapon leaves my field, another attack would be on its way, I had multiple of miniature round shields orbiting around me, blocking attacks left, right, and behind.

Cling! Cling cling... Cling...

A slew of jabs came from the front.



A side swipe came from behind.

I was able to parry it below.

Dodging meant nothing since the enemy was everywhere outside of my field while she refused to enter my field herself. As long as I stood firm and warded off the attacks, I would remain unharmed. Occasionally I had to dodge or side step a few attack but those were rather on the rare side.

...Cling... Clang, clung, cling...!

The battle between us was giving off the sound of bullet casings splattering from a machine gun.

Not all attacks could be blocked. Many had to be dodged.

Technically speaking, I could block all the attacks by just covering myself entirely. However, I wanted to her to keep attacking.

Unfortunately, I couldn't replicate nor use time oriented traits and abilities at the moment since I had yet to receive full authorization from the system. Just the capability to fend of temporal attacks was more than enough.

Ahh... Hurry... I don't want to become diced into a salad...

Though... I wonder if my combat skills are improving? Sparring like this isn't my style... Kuh.


A shockwave rippled through my field, shattering my weapon and shields like glass. It was probably some kind of ability or magic, was my guess.

Without giving me a break, the attacks were relentless as I generated another weapon to fend off her onslaught.

Explosions reverberated within my |singularity| field, each one more thunderous than the previous. As if things couldn't get any more, my weapons kept shattering despite the best defensive traits I had stacked on them. At some point, I decided to add doubled layered shields for protection, not that it'd make much difference.

That's a cheat weapon... Was what I thought.

Coupled with her ability to rewind time, none of my abilities could effectively trap her. Whether that weapon had any external mana sources was questionable, but I had to assume the worst. Same went for her stamina since she was a fey being like me. In other worlds, she could have infinite stamina.

Now to explain, |void| and |force| only operated on the spatial dimensions. Someone moving in the time dimension would absolutely feel none of the forces or restrictions placed on the physical. |Chaos| was completely useless here as well, obviously. None of the abilities and traits derived from either of these three were adequate when dealing with that cheat weapon. Honestly, if void barrier worked, I would have claimed my victory already.

Since I could neither observe nor directly interact with the time dimensions, or so I presumed that was where she hid, I had to remain on the defense while I trying to gain certain access through the system.

"This is annoying."

Think, think... Are there any substances that alters time? Time crystals...? No.

Maybe I should just run away? No... I'm greedy!

Several side objectives were near completion while the fight was ongoing. That was to say, the groundwork was completed and I could complete those objectives at a moment's notice.

In a sense, I had no need to hurry and leave. I was able to ascertain that Mera was safe. She seemed to be settling something personal and didn't require my assistance.

Meanwhile, my opponent was having a tough time against me.

I'll just see if I can slow you with water and ice? I doubted it. I have nothing to lose to experiment and gather data while I wait and obtain qualification.

As I thought that, the attacks that had bombarded me continously suddenly ceased.

"What's up? Why stop? Out of juice? So it's my turn?"

In reply to my leisure taunt, a voice sounded.

"Don't get so haughty, I'm just getting warmed up myself!"

"How peculiar... You wanted to kill me just to send me back? Well, to be blunt, I can go back any time. You could just send yourself back or surrender to me. I'm already amazed that you kept it up for so long."

The latter was my honest opinion.

For anyone to push me so far onto the defensive was unheard of. No, for an administrator like me, unless I wished for my own defeat, I couldn't be killed, well, aside from carelessness. Yet, if I was careless, I wouldn't have that |cautious tactician| trait on me.

I'm still waiting for authorization... What's taking so long? I want to create abilities to rival that cheater already! I directed a complaint at the second core, |dedicated will|. Since I hadn't installed a personality to it, it was really just a computational device at this point.


It was a tone dyed with anger. Still, I couldn't locate the speaker. It kind of reminded me of the times I conversed with Vorte and the voice from the sky earlier.


"Leave this world! Let me send you back."

While she was in a mood to chat, I decided to play around. I generated a few fish shaped water globs and had them swim around outside my field.

"No." I replied firmly.

Pretty fishes...

While I marveled at my own artistic creations, I couldn't help but reveal a delighted smile.

"Why? The other side needs you."

"I still have things to do here."

"Lingering attachment?"

Her voice had calmed down a bit.

"You could say that. By the way, I never asked. Why does the other side need me? I don't remember being special in any way. Wasn't I just an ordinary citizen?"

As we chatted, the fishes replicated and diversified. Soon enough, battle arena became like an splendid aquarium filled with blobs and globs of water in the shapes of sea creatures.

Heheh... I wonder if all this water will affect her fighting style. Probably not? Since she doesn't need to breathe...

What a troublesome opponent! I bet she's taking a break right now to recover mana from somewhere. How does this time thingy work anyway? I don't honestly don't get it.

Echo, can you please just grant me ability to manipulate time? I mean, only allowing me to use a simple countermeasure is a bit cheap, right?

[Insufficient qualification.]

Damn it! What a cheapskate!

I just want an easy win already! If I gather more data and level up, would I eventually be able to manipulate time?

[The possibility exists.]

"You..." She uttered.

"Me? Even if I returned, I'd have nothing to go on. I have no such memories. Sure I remember a few friends and a bit of knowledge here and there but most of my memories are too hazy. Right now, I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no memories nor attachments to that world. Hey, can't you think from my perspective a bit? You see, a stranger that looks like me wants to kill me with some strange reasons, telling me to return to that world? Absurd, right?"

"I... I see... Certainly you have a point... If you just go back, everything will make sense! I'll follow after you."

"Uh huh... If you really are me and I you, then why not just surrender and let me absorb your memories? It's not hard, is it? Nobody loses!"

"You can absorb memories? There's no such thing in this world...!"

"Nothing's impossible with me. You probably haven't seen my status either, not that I'd display it in enemy territory. I don't even know where that demon disappeared to. Just get on with it already. I have to go skin a wild rabbit after this, probably, maybe, and track down that voice."

Truly, I had no idea where that demon or demon god was lurking. I seriously doubted that one became a god but one could never be overly cautious.

Chapter was long. Posting frequency will return to normal. This entire part was strange and confusing but everything should make sense later on.

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