Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 128

I would like to say that intelligence gathering had been progressing smoothly in Formere, the elven capital city.

For some strange reason, I was having terrible luck track down the one I was looking for. In other worlds, I still didn't know where that fake guardian was.

Mera who was only too eager to finally get her turn as she began supplying me with detailed information regarding Formere. Strictly speaking, the information she had was outdated. However, because elves weren't the type to develop their nation very rapidly and likewise generally lived slow lives, the information provided was fairly accurate.

In any case, I planned to gather as much information as I could before the end of the Selection Tournament. If I tried to multitask too much, I might blunder somewhere and cause irreversible damage.

Oh right, I still have to visit the Highlander Emperor, hopefully soon. I should probably visit the leader of the Federation as well. Can't have a negotiation about the war with only one side.

Now that the Abyssal Gate was no more, it couldn't be used as a reason for war. Obviously, there was no reason why the reptilians would believe the other side. But with witness testimony from someone like me, they should at least call for a temporary ceasefire. As a bonus, I was hoping to restore some desolate lands in the Federation if they should choose to have a peace treaty.

Normally, healing the land should be a job for the inhabitants, be it heroes, demons, or guardians. In the case of the Abyssal Gate, since it was something only I could resolve, I had a duty to see to the end of it. Likewise could be said about the wastelands in the Federation. However, I would give them a stern warning about preserving their land should I assist them in restoring their land to their former splendor.

On the fourth day of the Selection Tournament, I began to notice disturbances among the resistance factions. The intelligence department under the Hero King was also aware of the same however the Hero King chose not to act at this time.

Interesting...Not. He's more obedient than I expected. Perhaps he knows I'm holding onto his life? Or, maybe he has other cards to play? I don't know what goes on in his head.

The power ranking of each of the six heroes was gradually being revealed.

The one from the resistance faction was likely to remain in second place. In terms of appearance, I would say he was slightly above average. With tanned skin and dark hair, he was typical of the native populace. In terms of strength, I would say he was a remarkable warrior. His name was Atosh, probably. His weapons of choice were two large scimitars. Since I wasn't a martial artist, I couldn't say much about his fighting style other than it was quick paced, and kind of clunky.

Tying also in second place was that crimson haired guy, Gabriel. His strikes were heavy, apparently, and he also employed elemental magic as part of his combat kit making him something like a magic swordsman. Though, he still seemed to lack any resolve even after making it this far.

Currently sitting in the first place was a charismatic fellow, Waburne. His charisma had allowed him easily gained the support of the populace. Extravagant armor, beautiful sword and shield, plus flashy elemental magic, there was no way the crowd wouldn't favor him over the others. Those favored by the crowd naturally had the upper hand when it came to heroes. Knowing that, one's wealth certainly played a role in this tournament.

The other three heroes were powerful in their own ways. All I could say was that one on one duels on an open field wasn't everyone's forte. Perhaps they would shine more in team battles.

Speaking of which, there were no female heroes among the six. It kind of felt a bit unbalanced.

Thing were getting hectic in the human capital city on the evening of the fourth day. Based on my own observations, a total of fifteen heroes were present, including the Hero King. As for the country's intelligence department, they recorded something like over twenty heroes in Rotask. That was of course because a few suspicious individuals were able to hide their status using magic items or otherwise had unique traits.

Strangely enough, I found a hooded hero pretending to be a civilian. He was somehow able to create a fake status to fool the guards and operatives. It was difficult to tell which faction he was from nor his intent since he had only showed up on the fourth day. There really was no information about this individual prior. Since I was a bit curious about this individual, I decided to observe him closely while I had dinner.

"Anyone up for strawberry shortcake?"

Sure there were tons of variety of foods here in Rotask, but I felt that occasionally trying my specialty would be refreshing. After all, for the past four days, three days for Kanoko, we had been eating nothing but local cuisine. Excuses aside, sweet foods were relatively expensive so I was thinking of being a bit thrifty on that end.

"Yes, yes! Me!" Smoothie raised her hands like an overexcited elementary school student.

"I'm fine with it." Kanoko nodded.

Three of us sat around a round table inside the inn. We had just finished our dinner provided by the inn in the dining area, so naturally it was dessert time.

By the way, Blackberry was standing because she was acting as a maid. It wasn't like she could tire from standing.

"Here it comes!" Just like that, I created three large slices of strawberry shortcake, with plates and forks. As a special service, I had a small jar of strawberry syrup and drizzled it on each slice of cake as artistically as I could.


A few onlookers were dazzled by this magical moment. However, I paid them no attention.

"Dig in!"

Smoothie was the first to dig in, like a glutton.

"You know, Berry, I don't think I'll ever get used to how you create things out of thin air."

"Want to know my secret?" I beamed a dangerous smile.

"Ehh... No thanks, that might ruin my appetite."

"Good. Eat! If you want seconds, just ask. I have plenty to go around." I paused, then added, "Oh right, your drink."

We had successfully brewed the perfect strawberry wine for Kanoko. Since I liked the flavor as well, I had them permanently stored in my [creation] database. That way, even if the recipe was ever lost, I could replicate it perfectly.

A glass of strawberry wine appeared before her. Normally I would have just created a bottle of wine, but since we were in public, I created proper wine glass for the occasion. After that, it was a glass of wine for me, and fruit juice for the kid.

"That's very thoughtful of you."

To Kanoko's approving remark, I agreed readily with, "Yes! I'm a very thoughtful person!"

Immediately after that, Smoothie asked for seconds.

Coincidentally, that lone hero with the fake status was making his way towards this inn. He was apparently searching for a place to stay. While he did, he was quite vigilant of his surroundings, checking frequently the presence of hidden operatives. He wore a dirty brown mantle with a hood that covered most of his face. His efforts were praiseworthy but his actions were too noticeable. If he just acted a bit more normal, I wouldn't have bothered checking his status remotely. Regardless, he was being trailed by one operative.

Technically speaking, the three of us were being monitored as well, four if the maid could be counted. I personally didn't mind since they would only get a glimpse of my power.

Minutes later, the hero pretending to be a civilian found his way into our inn.

Given the location of the inn, he either knew the city's layout or had amazing luck because outsiders would likely never find this place. Seriously, I had quite the trouble locating an inn with rooms open in the city. Although there were a few open rooms in the slums district, I was too concerned with sanitations and hospitality of those places. Now, whether by design or something else, this inn we were currently could only be accessed via back alleyway that ran between buildings structured like a maze. If it wasn't for my three dimensional tactical sight, even I could get lost.

"Tonight's special."

That was his order after securing a room to stay.

He sat on a stool facing the bar. Moments later, the bartender slipped him a glass of strong alcohol.

This man extruded a dangerous yet slovenly aura, like someone who had just returned from hell, not one befitting a hero. His facial hair hadn't been shaved for a week or two, but his eyes were filled with desire and resolution. He wasn't that old, but perhaps because he hadn't cleaned himself recently he seemed more aged then he actually was.  

With my eyes, I could see hidden in his pocket were weapons powered by mana used by the military. It was something like a pistol.

I wonder if he's a retired soldier? A chat wouldn't hurt.

"I want to have a chat with that guy over there. Be right back."

"Okay." Smoothie nodded.

Kanoko shrugged and said, "Sure, I don't mind."

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