Strawberry Devil in a Fantasy World

Chapter 118

Following a detailed examination of her past memories, I found no indications of dealings with demons or dangerous entities. In fact, she was very clean in that aspect.

Her intelligence was quite high due to the influences from her special ability. However, intelligence didn't equate to mental age. Just as when I had incarnated here, my mental age was actually quite low despite retaining memories of my past.

Although I had inspected her memories, her personal feelings were her own. I couldn't exactly feel what she felt. Rather, it was like watching a movie playing before me. Because of that, I couldn't exactly understand all of her actions and thoughts.

Children being irrational sometimes was perfectly normal. Frankly, I used to be like that too.

In the end, I gleaned only a little from this whole thing, kind of disappointing. I did confirm how Smoothie was able to get a read on my traits and abilities back then. Her previous ability [soothsayer] and now [sage] were linked to the system in a way similar to [mystic eyes] that allowed one to see exactly details of others' abilities and traits among other things. It was an ability I didn't have, unfortunately. My [celestial eyes] ability wasn't equipped with such a function. At best, I could see what my own traits and abilities were capable of.

Whatever might be the case, I had her body fully scanned and understood, meaning I was now able to advance to phase two.

As a side note, my trait |dedicated one| was exceptionally powerful but not in a way that allowed emotions and feelings to be understood. It was more of a computational tool with some dangers associated when overused. Normally, the trait's passive effect was more than enough anyway.

"Now with all that out of the way, as a gift, a welcome gift, I'll grant you a physical body. Food and drinks are on me. Your secret is my secret." I smiled affectionately, observing that calm expression on her face as she slept.

As much as I would like a goodnight's sleep, the ideal conditions were not yet met. In order to satisfy all the parties, there were things I had to do first.

Just as my mind was about to drift, I refocused my attention onto Smoothie. Currently, her body was that of a plant fey being which meant her body was mostly plant matters. There were two options. Since I had never seen a sentient carnivorous plant with fully functioning digestive system, this option was a no go. This meant I really only had one option, to alter her biology from that of plant to animal.

There were risks. Her species name could change, and in the worst case scenario, her race could change. Whether she could still use fey magic after that was questionable since I planned on giving her a physical body. Theoretically, with my help, she should be able to regain a fey body as long as she had a fey core. Although I could always create fey cores, it wasn't like I could always recreate the abilities and traits.

There were more cons to a physical bodies than pros. Controlling physical body was relatively more difficult than a fey body. Bodily adjustments would be nearly impossible without my help. Then, there was healthcare. If she didn't care for it properly, she would fall ill and possibly die. Mortals were like that.

Personally, I'd prefer if she could learn to transform properly herself.

"Hmm... What if I build her body from scratch? She could use one body to eat and one body to live? I could just have the one she doesn't use in stasis. Let's go with that. As long as she has a fey core and she put in some effort, she should be able to master the physical body fairly soon. It might even help with her transformation, as long as she doesn't lose that ability."

Creating a physical body from scratch was immensely challenging, but not undoable with my current self especially with |dedicated one| still fully active. The first step was to create a template using a phantom body of Mera that I had copied after a thorough examination of her. Oblivious to the facts, Mera was none the wiser.

A breach of privacy? Never heard of it, never ever. Nope.

Another reason as to why I used Mera as a template was because elves were fairly close to humans in terms of their biological features. As a bonus, Mera was a female elf, the same as the current Smoothie.

Once I had adjusted the template to match that of Smoothie's current appearance, I began building her physical body. It was truly a daunting task, or it should have been if I didn't have both |creator| and |dedicated one|. With a template, the physical basically fully assembled itself with a single command from me. In fact, making those tiny adjustments, making sure blood vessels didn't pop or not enough tissues and things like that was the most aggravating part. One mistake and she might end up dying from internal bleeding or something.

"Phew! The next part... Attaching her fey core to the elf body. I wonder if she'll end up as an elf race in this body."

Normally a fey core was for fey beings only. However, in this instance if I was to anchor that fey core inside this elf body, it was more like a permanent possession than anything else. Perhaps, it was similar to the way demons sometimes possessed physical bodies.

"Whatever, creating a fey body is easy. If she doesn't like being in an elf body, I can just place her fey core back into a fey body. I'm so talented. Heheh..."

Unfortunately, without a fey core supporting a fey body, it returned to being merely lumps of organic matter while retaining Smoothie's bodily form.

Anchoring a fey core was simple matter to me. I made sure to carefully transplanted it into the new body along with her bodily mana otherwise she might experience waking paralysis. Once that was completely, I examined her one more time.

Her status showed that she was now an elf of the mortal race, nothing out of the usual. All of her abilities and traits remained, to my relief. Whether she could use them was a different story. If I had only transferred her soul, then she would definitely lose most if not all her traits and abilities.

Her physical stats had increased while her spiritual stats had decreased. That much was normal since she had a racial conversion.

After I was sure that there was no abnormalities with her status, I woke her up.

"Smoothie, how do you feel?"

"What... What happened?" She eyes told me she was still in a drowsy state.

"Hmm... Do any part of you feel unwell?"

"Heavy... and stiff..."

"Welcome to a physical body! You asked for it, and I granted that wish! Mother is amazing, right?" I grinned proudly. "Praise me!"

Although she was a bit shocked, she thanks me, "Thank you, Mother, you're amazing!"

"You're welcome," Then my expression turned serious, "That body is temporary. Please memorize everything you're feeling. That is what it means to have a physical body. You must take great care of it, okay?"

"Yes, I will!" She replied cheerfully, as if she had fully adjusted to her new body.

Children are sure fast to adapt.

"Um... Mother. Why am I an elf?"

"What did you want to be? A reo-ibano like Kanoko? Not happening. It's either that body or your fey body."

"No I mean..."

"I don't have any templates to work with, at least not here. Think about it this way, if I ever mess up with the time adjustment, you won't easily die from old age." I teased her while caressing her soft silky hair.

She's got such smooth hair... Who would have thought I was this talented at creation?

"Mother! How could you say that!" She pouted as usual, but I knew better after scanning through all her memories. In fact, she was probably a little too happy somewhere in her heart.

"Don't worry. If that body ever dies from old age, you'll be able to recreate your fey body. You know, that fey core is still with you. Normally that's impossible but I made the impossible possible. Let's not mind the details. It's chow time! Dress up and let's go eat!"

By the time we had arrived at the cafeteria, only one person had remained.

Looking our way, Kanoko raised her eyebrows and remarked, "That's quite the change."

"Haha, yeah, but it was a success. My daughter is now an elf!"

"Berry, you never cease to amaze me."


I had Blueberry prepare the still warm meal I had cooked to our table. Smoothie, being empty stomached she was, after one spoonful of curried rice, began gobbling everything presented to her.

"Slow down! You need to savor the food..." I said as I took away her bowl, but somehow she was now in tears.

"So good... So this is what eating is like..."

"Promise me to slow down, okay?"


It was only after she agreed that I gave back her bowl.

Why is she being such a handful...

While that thought crossed my mind, I saw Kanoko beaming me a smile that basically said the same thing.

"Uhh... Kanoko, by the way, how was the food?"


"I thought you'd like it a bit more."

"Oh? If you add in some liquor, perhaps I could review it again." She smiled dazzlingly. She certainly was in a good mood tonight.

"Never mind, maybe next time."

As much as I was curious to see what a drunk Kanoko was like, that wouldn't do with Smoothie around. That child would definitely want to try some. And, if she suffered any damages from alcohol poisoning, I'd be the one to fix her body.

Just as I was about to call it a night, I was reminded that my subspace didn't have that feature. It was in perpetual daylight but without a singular light source. That was when I decided to add in the day and night features.

"Euhhh..." Smoothie groaned, holding her head.

"Brain freeze? Smoothie, you have a physical body. I told you, go slow, take your time getting used to it."

The reactions were quite funny to see. At the same time, I had to monitor her health to insure she wouldn't just collapse randomly. No matter how confident I was in my ability, I couldn't be too relaxed.

After dinner, it was either to take a hot bath or go straight to sleep. Of course, I wasn't included in the latter activity.

"Oh right, Kanoko, if you're interested, would you like to have a hot bath?"

"That'd be nice."

"I want to come too!"

Within my mansion, I had a dedicated bathroom enough to fit all three of us. It was built when I was created this mansion, yet today was the first day it was being put fully to use. There was also a bathhouse in my subspace but that was for public use.

"Berry, I would like to speak with you in private later."

"Eh, sure. Business matter?"

She nodded.

"You're too serious! I invited you to my home to relax not for business things, you know?"

"I know. I'm sorry. I just can't help it."


Sorry to disappoint, but no bath scene.

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