Strange talk live room

Chapter 1457 Ten Palaces of Yama

The evil spirit surged!

The long knife, which was as small as an eyelash compared to the monster, suddenly expanded.

It turned into a huge guillotine hanging over the monster's head and fell with a crash.

The monster moved its body and grabbed me with its big hands like five-fingered mountains.

However, the finger missed the top of my head.

The giant knife has already cut it.

The body and head are separated.

The monster's body was still in a squatting position, but its head had rolled down with a rumble.

Overwhelm a large mass of blood-red fleas.

There was even a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

Then, it turned into ashes.

The sky was filled with black ash.

I held a black umbrella and landed slowly.

The long sword returns to its sheath.

I kept moving forward.

The black ash was gradually blown away by the wind.

Outside the dark forest, sure enough, there is another safe hut.

I quickly ran in and rested for a while.

Then, he lit three super resentful spirit talismans and set off again.

Ahead is a black mist that cannot be blown away by the wind.

I didn't hesitate and strode in.

Even with Xiao Hei around, the scene inside was still dark and very dim.

He walked forward cautiously.

In the field of vision, a large hall gradually appeared.

I walked over quickly and found that this hall was exactly the same as the Hall of the King of Hell in Fengdu City.

There is actually a Palace of Hell in the Shura Field? !

After looking around, I walked in.

The hall was tall, dark, and empty.

There is no judge, and there is no bull-headed horse-faced person.

However, behind the koan sat a figure wearing a gorgeous dark-patterned official uniform.

His face couldn't be seen clearly, only the outline of his body.

Very tall and motionless, like a majestic sculpture.

"King Yama?"

I suddenly remembered that in the Palace of Hell in the city, the chair behind the koan was empty.

The Lord of Hell moved his office to Shura Field. Why?

I was filled with doubts.

After standing in the center of the hall for a while, the figure behind the koan still didn't respond, so I boldly stepped forward and got closer.

The dark lines on the official uniform are clearly visible, but its face is still unclear, as if it was obscured by a black mist.


Standing on the other side of the koan, I tentatively spoke.

The other party still had no response.

"Maybe it really is a sculpture?"

Looking around unconsciously, I suddenly noticed something was wrong with the floor under my feet.

Move your feet.

I saw part of the twenty-eight constellations chart.

"Only part of it. Is there more than one Palace of Hell here?"

Thinking of this, I exited the hall and looked around.

Sure enough, another Yama Palace was discovered.

The situation inside is the same as the first hall. There is no bull-headed horse-faced judge, only a tall, motionless figure sitting behind the koan.

A part of the constellation diagram is carved on the ground.

"More than two."

I continued to search, and in this black mist, I found ten palaces of the King of Hell.

"All the ten palaces of Yama are gathered."

All the patterns on the floor of the hall are put together to form a complete picture of the twenty-eight constellations.

The main hall is arranged in a circle with an open space in the middle.

If there is a lotus pattern on the open space, then the whole will be aligned with the astrolabe.

Thinking of this, I walked around the hall and walked towards the center.

When I walked to the back, I saw several iron chains extending from the back of the hall and spreading to the center of the open space.

Every hall is like this.

And all the chains come together at one point in the center.

Like a blooming lotus.


All right.

I followed the chain to the center.

There was a thick black mist, like a stamen wrapped in a flower.

The end is here.

I slowed down and put Xiao Hei into the black umbrella.

Carefully approaching the black mist, there was a faint figure inside.

Familiar and strange.

My heart jumped.

Dad said that you can find him by following the twenty-eight stars.

Now, I've reached the end.

The person inside, is it him?

I stood in front of the black fog and could reach out and touch the figures inside.

But I haven't taken action yet.

I looked at the figure silently, and I could feel him staring at me.

"My child, you are finally here."

a long time.

A low and familiar voice came from the black fog.

My heart skipped a beat.


The black fog gradually dissipated, and a mature and vicissitudes of face appeared in front of me.


He smiled.

He is still as unshaven and unshaven as before.

But his body was wrapped in chains, like thick and heavy shackles.

"Smelly old man!"

"How much debt do you owe to others to run so far!"

My mood was complicated, and I choked on thousands of words for a long time, but in the end I just snorted coldly.

"You have grown up and matured."

The old man looked at me lovingly, his smile becoming more and more pleased.

"I'm not a child from Tianshan. Of course I will grow up!" I sat down next to him. "What's wrong with you to make you look like this?"

"You have come this far, so you must have known that something happened in the underworld." The old man's smile faded and he regained his composure slightly.

I said with a dark face: "I don't know, isn't the underworld still functioning normally?"

"On the surface, it is operating normally, but in fact it is at the end of its life. The Ten Palaces of Yama are guarding here, and there is no one to manage Fengdu City. Many ghosts from the underworld took the opportunity to escape to the human world." The old man sighed.

"What needs ten Yamas to guard it together?" I was a little surprised.

The old man narrowed his eyes, his expression became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "The source of all evil!"

"This is?"

"Wherever there is yin, there is yang, where there is good there is evil, one ebbs and the other grows. Darkness and evil cannot be completely eliminated, they can only be suppressed."

"A hundred years ago, someone made a deal with the devil and unleashed the source of all evil."

"If the ten kings of hell hadn't suppressed them together, they would have succeeded."

"Once the source of all evil flows into the human world, the world will become a purgatory."

I continued to ask: "But what does this have to do with the twenty-eight constellations?"

"The Ten Palaces of Hell can only use the power of the twenty-eight stars to suppress it for a period of time. If all the power can be gathered, the source of all evil can be sealed again."

"Then what does this have to do with you? Why do you want to get involved in this muddy water? Don't tell me what you are doing for the sake of saving the world."

The old man smiled.

"It's really not for the common people in the world. I don't have such a big plan."

He paused and looked at me with soft eyes.

"It's for you, my son."

I was startled and my heart was shaken: "For me? I don't know these things at all. If you hadn't left clues, how could I have collected the twenty-eight constellations?"

"Because of your past life."

"Who was I in my previous life?"

"This answer needs to be solved by yourself."

"How do I figure it out?"

"The four images merge into one, the dust has settled, and everything has its own answer."

The stinky old man actually cheated.

"But I only have three elephants in my hand now."

"It doesn't matter, you cut off the chains first and place the astrolabe in the center of the formation, so no one can touch these three images. Then, feel free to go find the last image."

I looked at him and said, "The four images merge into one, and the source of all evil is sealed again. Can you be saved?"

"Of course I don't have to sit and guard the formation then." He nodded slightly, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"still have a question."

I looked at him with a serious expression.

"Where's my mother?"

"When you end all this and I get out of trouble, I can take you to find her."

"Is she also in the underworld?"

"That's right."

"Why doesn't she stay with you?"

"What a good place for you to be as a Shura? It's enough for me to bear all the suffering alone."

"Oh, really?" I suddenly laughed coldly.

"Since you are so great, then just sacrifice yourself to seal the heart of the formation!"

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