Strange talk live room

Chapter 1425 Focus on your feet

"What kind of existence is that?" Lao Tie was stunned.

"First of all, you must not be human, right? Humans don't live for hundreds of years." I said directly, "It's not like ghosts, it seems like they grew directly from this world."

"What do you mean?" Lao Tie was even more confused.

"So you don't even know." I nodded, "Have you never thought about what kind of world this is? Who are you?"

"What world? Who am I?" Lao Tie thought with blank eyes, "I am Lao Tie. I have known since I became conscious that everything in this world exists because of the Sword God."

"Everyone is the same. There is only one thing on their mind, and that is to become a sword god."

“It’s like, that’s what we’re here for.

I asked again: "How many sword gods have you produced in total over so long?"

"How many?" Lao Tie thought hard, "It goes without saying this time. The last time the heroes met, the winner was not decided. The last time."

His eyes suddenly widened in horror.

"How come I don't have any memory of the last time?"

"But obviously, there has been a hero association since ancient times."

"What's the matter?"

Lao Tie held his head.

"Don't be afraid. Maybe you will have the answer when you get to Queling Pond." I patted his shoulder to comfort him.

Lao Tie looked at me, then at the other people walking in the wind and sand of the desert, and nervously clenched the scrap metal sword in his hand.

The wind blew past my ears.

The sand kept getting into my clothes.

The yellow sand filled the sky, and all figures seemed unreal.

No one knows exactly where Queling Pond is.

But it is impossible to give up.

As Lao Tie said, they exist just to become sword gods.

No matter how high the price is, it is impossible to give up.


Everyone trudged forward in the wind and sand.

There is no sun in the sky, only yellow sand blown up by the wind.

I don’t know how long I’ve been gone.

Someone is dying.

He was a swordsman who had been seriously injured in the Heroes Association before.

The desert environment is so harsh that they cannot hold on for long.

All the life in his eyes disappeared.

The disciple wiped away his tears, silently buried him in the yellow sand, and continued to move forward against the wind and sand.

The road ahead is long.

People kept falling.

Que Lingchi didn't even show any signs of appearing.

Despair gradually spreads.

The town has long since disappeared into the yellow sand, and it is impossible to look back.

Moving forward becomes a numbing instinct.


keep going forward.

There are fewer and fewer people in the yellow sand.

The fallen people were buried in the sand, as if they had never appeared.

"Can we really find Quelingchi?" Lao Tie couldn't hold on any longer, his lips were pale and chapped, and his expression was desolate.

"Believe in yourself, you can do it." I encouraged.

"Actually, I shouldn't have such illusions. I'm only qualified to be a blacksmith and spend my whole life in front of the furnace." Lao Tie's eyes were filled with sadness.

"Don't be discouraged so quickly. If it were that easy to find, then everyone would really be a sword god." I opened my black umbrella to shield him from the wind and sand.

The physical pain is getting better, but the inner suffering is still the same.

"I know it's not that easy, but keep going south. How far is it to the south?" Lao Tie's eyes were filled with confusion.

"I don't know how far it is, but I believe it."


"Doing good deeds without asking for reward."

"We do what we have to do and leave the rest to God."

Lao Tie was stunned and murmured my words again, seeming to have an epiphany.

"Maybe I shouldn't think so much."

"The more you think about it, the more painful it becomes."

"It might be easier to focus on your feet."

Lao Tie looked away from his surroundings and focused on one place, which was the front.

He took a long breath and slowed down.

We gradually fell behind the queue.

But Lao Tie didn't seem anxious.

His heart slowly calmed down.

At this time, he suddenly found that the surroundings had become quiet.

The sound of wind and sand became far away.

The desert is endless and vast.

He felt as if his chest was opening as well.

I was so busy on the road before that I never noticed that the desert is also very beautiful.

Lao Tie walked slowly and suddenly showed a smile.

"found it!"

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

We looked over immediately.

I saw someone in front of me deviated from the original direction and rushed to the right.

There, on the horizon of the desert.

There is a misty shadow.

Trees, water.

It was an oasis.

"found it!"

"found it!"

"The Queling Pond is right there!"

The man was so happy that he rolled over and climbed up.

Someone ran after him.

There were also people who stood hesitantly and carefully looked at the misty shadow.

"A mirage." I shook my head, "It's just a shadow on the horizon. If they go there, they will never find the Bird Spirit Pond."

Lao Tie just sighed, said nothing, and continued walking forward.

Some people saw him leaving and followed him.

Some people stayed where they were and walked back.

Slowly, the originally mighty and huge team became smaller and smaller.

I paid special attention.

The ones who are still there are the boss lady, Lingxiao Sword, Gale Wind Sword, as well as a few swordsmen and poor people who showed up at the Heroes Meeting.

The owner of the flying sword must be among them.

I remained calm.

The rest of the people were silent and kept moving forward.

Between heaven and earth, there is only the sound of wind and sand.

"Brother Li, did you hear anything?" Suddenly, Lao Tie's eyes moved slightly and he stopped.


"The sound of water flowing."

"Where is it? I didn't hear it." There was only the sound of wind in my ears, and I looked around.

"It's just in front, not far away." Lao Tie's eyes became clearer and clearer.

"Then let's keep walking. After we finish walking the way we should, we will reach the end." I had an intuition that his feeling should be right.


Lao Tie nodded and continued walking with me.

I don’t know if other people heard our conversation and moved on.

"Actually, I now hope that everyone can find Queling Pond." Lao Tie said as he walked.

"Why? Aren't you afraid that others will compete with you for the Sword God?"

"Perhaps the sword god in everyone's heart is different. As the great swordsman said, the Tao is in one's own heart."

"Then have you gained enlightenment?"

"I have no idea."

The old man stopped again.

Without his words, even I heard the gurgling sound of water.

The umbrella canopy is raised.

I saw an oasis.

A true oasis.

Dense green leaves swayed in the wind, and clear pool water gurgled.

The fresh and moist air blows in your face.

"Is it really Quelingchi?"

Everyone stopped in unison.

Rubbed his eyes.

The oasis has not disappeared, nor is it as ethereal as the mirage on the shore.

It's really, really clear, right in front of us.

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