Strange talk live room

Chapter 1411 Heroes Meeting

This man's voice was dry, as if there was sand in his throat, and he looked quite miserable.

"Brother, why are you sleeping in the sand?" I was really curious about him.

"It's not that I want to sleep, I really don't have the strength." He leaned on me, without any strength at all, and his eyes were still slightly focused.

"Where are you going? Is it a long way?"

"Well, where else can we go? Not all people here are here, they all want the same place." The man grabbed my shoulder tightly with his remaining strength.

"Brother, you, you are also going to Queling Pond, right? Can you do me a favor? Take me with you."

Queling Pond!

This must be the place.

I looked embarrassed: "It's not that I don't want to take you, but I'm lost too."

The man quickly said: "No, it's okay, I, I know the way."

"That's great, I'll carry you."

I immediately picked him up.

He was light and weightless.

I can carry him with one hand and hold a black umbrella with the other.

Black umbrellas can resist wind and sand.

Otherwise, in this vast desert, I would be just like this person, with my body and face covered in sand.

"Thank you, thank you. Brother, I would have been gone for three days and three nights. If I hadn't met you."

The man lay on my back, full of gratitude.

"Brother, don't be so polite. I have to thank you too. We are helping each other." I walked quickly in the direction he said.

"We're here. There's water in the Queling Pond. I, I'll treat you."

"Okay, I won't be polite to you anymore. Brother, please stop talking and get more rest."

"You are such a good person"

In fact, I was mainly afraid that he would burp before he could reach his destination, and I would not even have a guide.

I carried him for a long time in the wind and sand.

There is still a vast expanse of yellow in front of me, as if it will never end.

This picture is really disappointing.

"Brother, do you really know the road?" I stopped and expressed my deep doubts.

"No, that's right. Queling Pond is far away and should be close soon." The man raised his head weakly, suddenly a little excited.

"Look, look there, there seems to be someone"

I squinted my eyes and looked in the direction he said. In the distance on the left front, there was indeed a vague shadow in the yellow sand.

It has been moving slowly, with a vague outline of a person.

"It really is."

I carried this old man on my back and sped up to catch up with the figure in front of me.

Gradually, I noticed that there were more and more people around me.

Near and far.

He was dressed similarly to this old man, with his whole body covered tightly and only his eyes exposed.

Some had their heads lowered, and some were wearing hats, heading in one direction against the yellow sand in the sky.

It shows that this guy is reliable.

However, there are differences between those people and him.

That is, they all have one or two swords in their hands, wrapped in cloth strips.

Hold it in your arms or carry it on your back, cherish it very much.

This guy is empty handed.


I carried him on my back and followed the crowd.

Queling Pond should be getting closer and closer, and the crowd is gradually gathering.

Constantly looking eyes fell on me through the yellow sand.

Of all the people, I was the only one who was dressed differently and holding an umbrella, which made me stand out.

But no one came up to ask.

Everyone moved in silence and in unison.

It didn't take long.

In the long yellow sand ahead, there is finally the outline of a building.

"Here, here!"

The dude on my back was super excited.

The same goes for the surrounding crowd. It is obvious that everyone's pace has accelerated.

Everyone braved the wind and sand and hurriedly quickened their pace.

The appearance of the building is becoming clearer and clearer.

It was a small town.

There should be an oasis inside. The sparse branches of several large trees stretched out over the wind-blocking wall.

It seems to be waving to passers-by.



Someone started running.

The door was pushed open, and the streets made of loess came into view.

Everyone ran in one after another.

I am no exception.

After everyone came in, someone intuitively closed the door, and Feng Sha was immediately locked out.

The sky above was still yellow.

There is no wind and sand in the town. Although the air is still dry, it is much better than outside.

I sat down by the wall and put down the old man who was guiding me.

"Finally here!" He looked at this not-busy loess street with tears in his eyes, and pulled off the mask, revealing his rough face.

"Is this the Queling Pond?" I put away my black umbrella, shook the sand off my body, and looked around curiously.

All the houses are made of loess, and only one building is three stories high, which stands out among the low-rise houses.

"This is not Queling Pond." The old man shook his head.

"No?! Are you going the wrong way?"

"You're right. If you want to get to Queling Pond, you have to pass this level first." The old man licked his chapped lips, "Let's find a place to drink some water first, and I'll tell you slowly."


I helped him up.

The people who came in with us also walked around the town one after another.

Most of these are taverns and blacksmith shops.

Many shirtless men were beating the red-hot iron embryos with hammers.

Some people went in to inquire about prices, while others took out their own swords for repairs.

We found a tavern and went in, asking for a bowl of water first.

The old man drank the pottery bowl in one go and took a long breath, as if he had come to life again.

Then he asked for another jar of wine.

"Brother, you're welcome. I'll repay you with this jar of wine for saving my life." He poured me wine. "Although I'm not rich, I can still afford a jar of wine."

"Then I'm welcome." He and I clinked our bowls and went to work.

It tastes better than expected, a bit like rice wine, with a hint of sweetness.

And what's amazing is that the wine seems to be able to moisturize the internal organs. After drinking a bowl of it, the dryness of rushing in the wind and sand disappears.

Very comfortable.

"By the way, brother, I still don't know what to call you?"

"I don't have a name. Just call me Lao Tie." He was a little embarrassed, "Brother, you are so powerful, you must be a famous swordsman."

"Huh? Lao Tie, that's a good title. My surname is Li, I'm not a swordsman, and I'm not famous." I smiled and waved my hand.

"It turns out that Brother Li, you are just like me, so you have to know Queling Pond." Lao Tie nodded.

"How to say?"

Lao Tie took a shallow sip to moisten his throat, as if he was reluctant to drink it.

"There is no one here who doesn't want to be a swordsman. You should know this, right?"

Although I didn't know, I nodded and listened to him continue.

"Swordsmen also have levels. Apprentice, swordsman, sword madman, swordsman, sword master, sword god. You should know that, right?"

I nodded again.

"The Sword God is the supreme being. This is everyone's ultimate dream. But if you want to become a Sword God, you must first be the best in swordsmanship. Secondly, and most importantly, you must be recognized by the bird spirit."

"The Centenary Heroes Conference is tonight. Defeat everyone and become the best in swordsmanship, and you will get clues to Quelingchi."

I said, "Brother, are you also here to attend the Heroes Association?"

Lao Tie scratched his head.

"I'm ashamed to say that I'm just a blacksmith."

"For people like us who are not even swordsmen, it would be nice to come to the Hero Society to see something."

"Sword God, that's unthinkable."

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