Still Defiant! SI-OC [Marvel/DC]

41: Breaking the World 2

41: Breaking the World 2

"I see..." a gloved fist clenched.

There was a moment when a tacit understanding passed through both of their eyes.

And thanks to that, despite the madness that plagued his unbalanced mind, Dr. Hall had a brief moment of clarity, one that made several questions arise in his mind. Who was this man in front of him? Why did the gravity around him seem to bend to allow him to fly in the air? Could he be another of Shield's experiments?

And above all, why the hell did he have a cape?

"Who are you?" he finally asked with clear curiosity.

Daniel didn't expect the man to speak again. In fact, he was prepared to start a fight immediately. But if there was one thing he had learned about the heroes from his previous life, it was that they all tended to have a very bad habit.

Hit first and ask questions later.

A habit Daniel didn't want to adopt. Many situations that could have ended differently always ended up getting complicated due to that kind of attitude. Of course, there were times when talking wasn't an option, and this had seemed like one of those moments at first.

"People call me Defiant, you could say I'm a hero," he finally said but without letting his guard down. Although he didn't know exactly what abilities the man in front of him had, from what he had seen so far, his destructive power couldn't be underestimated. If he was also responsible for the alterations in the planet's gravitational field, something that was undoubtedly more than likely, then this conflict could escalate too much, something Daniel had to avoid either by defeating him quickly or convincing him to surrender without a fight.

And since the possibility of doing the latter had now presented itself, he had to try to take advantage of it.

"A hero?" Dr. Hall blinked and looked at Daniel, confused, as if processing that word was difficult for him.

Then he looked at his appearance once more—a cape, a tight suit, and a recognizable symbol on his chest. Old memories from when he was a child came to his mind, memories of old superhero comics his parents bought him to keep him entertained.

"The world already changed, Hall, and it did so without you." Fury's words returned to him.

Was this what he was referring to?

"Ha... Haha... Hahahahaha."

Seeing him start to laugh like a maniac, Daniel sighed inwardly.

"I just want to make it clear that we can stop this here and now. No one else has to get hurt."

The laughter stopped, and Dr. Hall looked at him with absolute confidence in his eyes.

"Hurt? I think you don't understand. The power I now possess is unparalleled. Nothing in this world can harm me anymore. Nothing can stand against me! I've gone beyond humanity!" Energy glowed in his hands as the air rippled around him, causing strong winds to whip through the sky.

'Well, no one can say I didn't try,' Daniel thought as a serious expression formed on his face and his fists clenched.

The world around him slowed down as his perception speed accelerated, and without hesitation, he launched forward, breaking the sound barrier in an instant.

It was too fast; Dr. Hall couldn't see or perceive him with his normal senses. But even so, he raised his hand, intercepting the punch that was about to hit him in the face.

"Defiant, right? I suppose in this era, names like that are the norm. In that case, let me introduce myself."

Daniel grimaced as he felt the space around him begin to fluctuate. He looked at his fist, which had been blocked by an invisible wall of gravitational waves. This time he had put more force into his attack than in his first strike, and yet he still couldn't break through that barrier.

"From today, the world will know me as Graviton! The one who rules over gravity itself! And soon, the one who will rule over this world!" With his exclamation, the space around him twisted, invisible gravitational waves crashing toward Daniel like an unstoppable, omnipresent force.

His body flew backward uncontrollably for a moment; it felt as if a mountain had been thrown onto him, except this mountain was crushing him from all directions, and he couldn't strike it to get rid of it.

Gritting his teeth, he pushed his flight ability to its limits. The gravity around him began to distort, and Graviton looked at him in astonishment.

"I've increased the gravity impacting your body a thousandfold, and you're still alive? No, not just that, you're fighting against it, denying it! How is this possible?!"

With one final surge of his power, Daniel felt the weight that had been chaining him break, and without hesitation, he accelerated forward once more.

"In this world, nothing is impossible!" he said as he reached Graviton and struck with force, causing a powerful shockwave to be released.

Graviton's body was hurled through the skies, yet Daniel didn't relax because he felt that his attack had been blocked once again.

'Is it an automatic barrier? Or is there something more?' He had observed his enemy's eyes, on all the occasions he attacked him they couldn't even keep track of his movements.

If it was truly an automatic barrier, then he had only two options: attack so fast that the barrier couldn't deploy, or hit so hard that it wouldn't matter if the barrier was up.

Whatever the answer was, there was only one way to find out.

Graviton forcibly stopped his movement in mid-air once more and looked toward Daniel with a frown. His blurry figure was rapidly approaching, and if it weren't for the fact that he could now sense everything around him thanks to the gravitational waves covering the entire space, he wouldn't have been able to keep track of him.

“Nothing can oppose me!” Power flowed through his body like electricity, and with blind fury, he propelled himself forward, facing the so-called hero who had decided to stand in his way.

In a fraction of a second, their figures collided, and a blinding light flooded the sky as a powerful shockwave extended for dozens of kilometers around.

Windows and glass shattered, powerful gusts of wind uprooted trees and sent debris flying, the waters of the Potomac River churned, beginning to form waves that lashed against its banks—Washington, D.C., and its surroundings were shaken in an instant.


Carol moved at super speed, and to her eyes, the entire world slowed down, allowing her to clearly see how chaos was forming around her. Her hand stretched out, pierced through the metal, and ripped off the door of a car that had started to fly through the air, split in half.

She then pulled out the woman who had been inside and placed her over her shoulder along with five other people.

She needed more space. Her gaze searched the surroundings until she spotted a bus that seemed relatively empty and undamaged. Moving quickly, she headed toward it, forcibly opening its doors.

In blurred movements, dozens of people appeared inside without knowing what was happening, and before they could react, the bus flew through the air until it safely reached outside of Washington, D.C.

Carol repeated this action a dozen more times, whether by using other large vehicles or simply stacking civilians on her shoulders, getting as many people as she could out of the path of the destruction that was growing larger by the second.

Frowning, she watched as entire buildings began to be torn from their foundations, and without hesitation, she dove into them, rushing people out as quickly as possible.

‘What the hell is going on?’ She took a fraction of a second to glance in Daniel's direction.

High in the sky, formed by an ever-growing mass of debris, a chaotic battlefield had been created, resembling a cyclone that grew uncontrollably, extending far beyond the sky over Washington.

Carol watched as Daniel's figure moved through the massive cyclone at high speed, closely followed by a figure that seemed to be protected by an invisible force field.

Every time their bodies collided, space seemed to fluctuate, and the shockwaves produced extended even into the city.

She saw one of the buildings that had been torn from the ground being used as a massive projectile, flying toward Daniel, who passed through it easily, only to be hit head-on by two more buildings, which shattered upon impact as if a dozen high-powered explosives had detonated against them simultaneously.

Carol felt her breath catch for a moment.

Then she saw him emerge from the cloud of dust and continue fighting as if nothing had happened.

With a sigh of relief, she couldn't help but shake her head. She was worrying too much; she needed to focus. She stopped looking in his direction and sped up again, ready to continue getting people out of harm's way.


Things were getting complicated. Daniel wiped some of the blood dripping from his nose as he watched more and more debris begin to rise due to Graviton's powers.

‘I need to get him out of the city.’ Not just out of the city—he needed to take him far away from any landmass he could affect.

Fortunately, they were near the East Coast, so the path to the ocean was clear.

Dodging a dozen cars, Daniel flew through the air, reaching Graviton in an instant. The man braced for another clash between them, but this time, Daniel didn’t strike. Instead, he tackled him, holding him tightly in a powerful embrace.

"Let me go!" Graviton growled as he felt his body being squeezed, unleashing a powerful repelling wave that crushed everything in its path.

Daniel gritted his teeth, forcing himself to resist the repelling force as best he could, but the gravity wave still made him release Graviton, and his body was sent flying backward with great force.

"Your power is incredible, but you are nothing compared to me! And I will let the world witness it!" Graviton extended his powers even further, the cyclone in the sky amplifying in size, covering the entire East Coast in a matter of seconds.

‘Not enough,’ he thought, frowning at the debris he had attracted into the sky. He needed something denser.

With an idea in mind, he looked toward the ground below and a smile formed on his lips as he stretched out one of his hands. His power extended, and with absurd ease, something was ripped from the earth and quickly ascended into the sky.

Daniel shook his head, clearing the disorientation caused by the repelling wave, and looked at Graviton with a frown. Noticing what he was doing, he glanced down, only to widen his eyes as he saw a massive chunk of land flying toward him at high speed.

"That’s it!" He tried to move, ready to dodge, but at that moment, Graviton looked at him, activating his power over him and momentarily increasing the gravity on his body, interrupting his ability to fly and preventing Daniel from escaping the attack.

Frustrated in his attempt to escape, Daniel gritted his teeth and, without hesitation crossed his arms in front of him, receiving the impact head on, a thunderous sound filling the skies.

"Let’s see if you can withstand this!" Controlling all the debris around him, Graviton stretched out both hands and began to gather it all in one place, gradually forming a massive sphere with Daniel trapped at its center.


A few moments earlier...

On the ground, Carol, who had been tirelessly saving people, barely noticed in time what was happening. With her accelerated perception, she saw in slow motion as Theodore Roosevelt Island and Little Island began to be ripped from the ground.

As if that weren't concerning enough, with her telescopic vision, she could see how the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge was about to be taken along with they.

A bridge full of vehicles and people.

‘I won't be able to save them all,’ a realization struck her as she sped toward the site.

She saw the bridge beginning to be torn from its foundations, and without her being able to help it, indecision filled her.

Who should she save first? There were too many people—people who had started fleeing from Washington when the disaster began, clogging nearby bridges and roads, clogging the very bridge that was about to be hit by two islands.

‘Come on, think, you can figure this out.’

She reached the bridge, still with her perception accelerated, and then took a deep breath. She had never really tried something like what she was planning. If she failed, many people would die, but if she didn’t try, she wouldn’t be able to save them all anyway.

‘I can do this,’ she told herself. Not as a question, but as a statement.

Soon, she arrived at the middle of the bridge, exhaled the breath she had been holding, and looked down, noticing how Roosevelt Island was rapidly approaching, rising at great speed even to her accelerated perception.

Fortunately, the bridge was above the island and not on it; otherwise, this plan would have failed before it even started.

Without waiting any longer, she raised both arms, positioning herself in a lifting stance, and using her flight ability, she created an artificial point of support to begin exerting force. She then started to lift the entire structure onto her shoulders.

Where normal physics dictated that the bridge should collapse under its own weight, Carol’s power extended from the point of contact, enveloping the entire structure and telling physics to fuck off.


It was much easier than she expected. Carol thought it would weigh more, that she would have to exert a lot of effort, but instead, she almost casually lifted the entire structure onto her shoulders without a single drop of sweat falling from her brow.

She couldn’t help but smile as she began to ascend into the air, lifting the entire nearly kilometer-long bridge with her. Then, she raised both hands, holding the entire weight with just her arms. She was almost tempted to start juggling it, but fortunately, she remembered there were still people on the bridge and resisted the temptation.

She wondered if this was how Daniel felt when he lifted that building.

For the residents of Washington and the surrounding areas, the day had already been crazy enough. The end of the world seemed to have started over their heads, and they would have been much more terrified and panicked if it weren’t for the fact that, since it all began, a blurry figure moving faster than the wind had been tirelessly saving the lives of countless citizens.

Many thought it was Defiant; after all, no other hero was publicly known to move like that. Others, who had been watching the battle in the skies from farther away, realized that this couldn’t be the case. Unless Defiant had gained the ability to clone himself, there was likely someone else helping.

All these were theories and speculations until a figure soared through the skies carrying a bridge over her head.

Carol soon arrived above Glover Archbold Park.

“This place should do,” she thought, hoping people wouldn’t be too angry about the crushed trees. But she had no other choice—there weren’t many nearby places where she could set something so large, and if she left it in the water, she wasn’t sure the bridge would float with so much weight on it.

Carefully, Carol landed, ready to place the bridge on the ground and rush back to continue helping. But before she could, the sound of a camera flash reached her ears just as a white light struck the visor of her helmet, causing her to blink in confusion.

She looked up to see a girl about 12 years old staring at her with wide eyes, holding a pink camera with flower stickers in her hands.

Uh, shouldn’t this kid be running away from here?

Though puzzled, Carol wasn’t like Daniel—she didn’t care at all if people noticed her or not. She quickly set the bridge down, ensuring it didn’t crush anyone, and flew over it to check if anyone needed to be taken to a hospital. The people on the bridge got out of their vehicles, pointing at her in the air with amazement. She could even hear thanks among their cheers.

‘It seems like no one’s injured enough to need a hospital.’ Sure, there were some cuts and bruises here and there, but nothing really concerning, so in her eyes, this could be counted as a resounding success.

Daniel would surely be staring at her with his mouth open when he found out.

Remembering him, she quickly turned her gaze in his direction, and her happiness turned into shock and bewilderment at what had happened in the short time she had diverted her attention.

There, in the sky, rising above the clouds, a planetoid of unknown circumference had formed, and within it, she could hear Daniel's heart beginning to beat erratically.


Daniel gritted his teeth, feeling his bones creak as the earth around him compressed with increasing force.

He had underestimated his enemy’s cunning, and now he was being crushed between what were surely hundreds of thousands or even millions of tons of debris—he didn’t know; he’d never had a fucking island thrown at his face to be able to calculate it.

Worst of all, he could feel the gravity around him increasing the pressure with every passing moment, making it much harder for him to escape.

‘Well, if I didn’t have claustrophobia before, this will surely give it to me.’

 He felt three of his ribs crush at the same time his left foot broke.

He needed to get out of this prison.

His core activated, and his wounds, as if they had never existed, healed in an instant. He felt his tired muscles regain strength, even gaining a little more than they had before.

‘It’s not enough,’ he needed more power.

Outside the sphere.

Graviton frowned as he felt the entire structure tremble slightly at Daniel’s attempts to break free.

"Impressive," he couldn’t help but say in awe; he hadn’t expected this hero to last so long in his gravitational prison.

“I have to admit that your strength is truly incredible, but no matter how much you have, it’s nothing compared to mine!” Graviton tightened his hands even more, causing the enormous sphere to suddenly compress to half its size in an instant.

Inside, Daniel spat out blood, every bone in his body broke at the same time that his internal organs collapsed.. For a moment, his vision swam, and then, in less than a second, his shattered and crushed body swelled up again, his bones returning to their original shape and his organs being reconstructed.

He felt his strength increase once more and, without hesitation, tried to carve a path through the debris. The entire sphere shook, but Daniel still couldn’t escape it.

‘Uh, this might take a bit longer than I expected.’


‘Impossible, no living organism could survive such pressure.’ Outside the sphere, Graviton looked on with disbelief as the prison began to tremble once again, despite he had increased the gravitational power within it dozens of times.

Maybe he needed more mass? He looked down, ready to rip out a larger piece, but that thought was interrupted when he felt the gravitational field around him shifting. Something was approaching him rapidly—well, this time he wasn’t going to be caught by surprise.

With every second that had passed since he awakened, Dr. Hall felt his control over his powers increasing as his body adapted to the overwhelming energy within him.

Something that could have sent him flying at the start now didn’t even make him stagger, and to prove it, he easily blocked the incoming attack, despite the shockwave shaking everything in the sky and clearing part of the enormous cyclone that had been forming.

The man looked at his new attacker and couldn’t help but sneer upon noticing it was another costumed figure.

“And who are you supposed to be?” he asked, seeing Carol. The girl seemed quite angry as she didn’t even respond but continued attacking relentlessly, causing the winds in the sky to begin forming a vortex.

Graviton frowned as he felt his gravitational shield beginning to fluctuate. The woman’s blows felt even more forceful than those of the man he had imprisoned.

Carol was quite frustrated seeing how her enemy didn’t even take a step back. How the hell had Daniel been making him bounce from side to side in the sky?

“Well, don’t say anything, it doesn’t matter. In the end, everyone will share the same fate; everyone will bow before me!” Graviton pointed one of his hands at Carol, causing the girl to stop mid-strike as her body began to be pulled downward forcibly. The gravity on her increased tens of thousands of times in an instant, catching her by surprise, and before she could avoid it, she fell straight to the ground, sinking into the earth without stopping.

Graviton watched this with satisfaction.

The woman felt different from the man despite both wearing the same symbol and attire. While Defiant seemed to be defying gravity with his flight and strength, she appeared to be working against it using nothing but sheer force. This difference, though not very obvious, made Graviton think of different ways to deal with them.

“That should keep her down until you die,” he said, looking at the sphere as he began to increase the gravitational pressure within it once more, causing its size to shrink again to half by forcefully compressing its mass.


Feeling your eyeballs burst was not something Daniel was prepared for. If there had been any oxygen in his lungs, he would have screamed, but there wasn’t, as they had also been crushed along with the rest of his body.

The pain was unimaginable for a second that stretched into eternity due to his superhuman thought speed, and then his brain was also crushed, and the pain ceased to matter.

For a moment, Daniel thought he had passed out. Everything was dark, there was no sensation left, his six senses had disappeared.

It reminded him of death.

“Ah… so this is how it was.” He had forgotten, the way he had died in his first life.

Even when he had the chance to delve into his memories in this second life, he had unconsciously chosen not to out of fear.

Yes, he had been quite afraid of death, hadn’t he?

But if there was something he feared even more than death itself, it was dying without achieving anything.

Without being anything.

“I’m sorry, but I still have a lot to do, you know? My journey has just begun. I don’t know many people I’d like to meet yet, there’s still so much I want to achieve, so much worth living for. Maybe we’ll meet again later if I’m unlucky, but that day is not today,” Daniel said, giving a smile to the pale-skinned woman who had suddenly appeared before him.

She returned his gaze with clear curiosity in her dark eyes. After all, it had been a while since a mortal had escaped her embrace without her being able to stop it.

“Bye bye,” Daniel cheerfully waved as the dark space he had been in cracked and his reality changed once again. his body, which had turned into an unrecognizable paste of flesh, inflated again, filling his tattered suit as if nothing had happened.

Finally, his crushed eyeballs grew back into their sockets, and a pair of blue irises glowed with fury, as if his gaze could penetrate through his prison.


“That should have been enough,” Graviton lowered his hand, looking at the spherical prison he had compressed to the size of a car. Its density had increased so much that even the space-time around it was beginning to be affected by its mere existence, and if he continued to exert more pressure on it and compressed its mass further, he might end up creating a black hole.

In fact, the matter it was originally made from had already transformed into an ultra-dense material that remained stable only thanks to his gravitational power; otherwise, it would have started to deform and collapse.

“The power to destroy the world in my hands,” he couldn’t help but smile, feeling that all his dreams and desires were one step away from becoming reality.

It was at that moment that a crackling sound was heard.

“Eh?” Taken out of his delirium, Dr. Hall looked at the sphere with confusion, his mind refusing to believe what his ears were hearing and even what his gravitational sixth sense was telling him…

Crack! Crack!! Crack!!!

“I-impossible!” Graviton exclaimed, looking in disbelief as cracks began to spread relentlessly across the surface of the sphere, crimson liquid flowing through them like small waterfalls. Panicking, he raised both hands, ready to activate his powers once more, but he was a second too late.


The roar echoed through the skies, reverberating around the world, rumbling through the oceans, and vibrating through the earth. In every corner of the planet, every living being shook. Some fell to their knees, while others managed to remain shakily on their feet, but regardless of who they were, the same thought and sensation overwhelmed them.

The world was breaking apart.

Graviton staggered back, feeling sweat sliding down his forehead. He watched in stunned silence as his gravitational prison exploded from within, breaking into pieces like an egg hatching a new life. At the same time, the crimson liquid spread through the air, creating a red mist from which a figure began to emerge.

His tattered cape billowed in the wind, his bloodied hair dripped with crimson liquid, and his cold, emotionless blue eyes stared at him as if they could pierce through his soul in an instant.

“H-how is—”

“How is it that I’m still alive?” Daniel cut off his words with a smile spreading across his lips, then cracked his neck, the sound resonating through the area as he began to stretch his body.

“Don’t you remember what I said before? Although to be more precise, I need to correct it a bit.”

Daniel took a deep breath and looked at the sky, savoring the feeling of freedom like never before.

“What I actually meant to say is that, in this world, nothing is impossible... for me.”

As those last words fell, his figure disappeared. Graviton’s pupils contracted as his gravitational sense kicked into full gear.

He would block the next attack and show this hero that all resistance was futile, that no one in this world could defeat him.

Or at least that’s what he thought until Daniel’s fist hit him in the face.

With a hypersonic explosion, Graviton’s body was sent flying toward the Atlantic Ocean.

Daniel looked at his steaming fist. Uh, that must have loosened one or two teeth, right?

Well, he deserved it for trying to crush him to death.

As Daniel mentally gloat, he heard an explosion below him. He turned his gaze to see the ground being overturned and a cloud of dust rising. A familiar figure navigated through the debris, heading directly toward him.


Carol emerged from the cloud of dust in clear panic. Although it was less than a few seconds, it felt like hours to her as she struggled to overcome the gravitational powers affecting her body. It didn't help that in those fractions of time, she had sunk thousands of meters underground where sunlight couldn’t reach. Although she didn't lose her strength, she could feel herself tiring more quickly, something that only worsened as her body continued to plunge deeper into the Earth's crust, where the increasing density added even more weight over her entire body than she was already fighting in the first place.

If she had continued like this, she would have ended up crashing into the planet's core at any moment.

Of course, she resisted, and by using her flight power at maximum capacity, she began to stop her descent, reaching the point where she started to rise, ready to return to the surface once again, even in less time than it took her to sink.

Until she heard Daniel's heart stop completely.

Normally, Daniel's regeneration was so fast that Carol wouldn't even notice when he was injured, even with her superhuman perception at play. But this time was different; Daniel had taken a bit longer to regenerate and reform his body due to the crushing pressure that had been confining him in the ultra-dense gravitational prison. It was an extra delay of just a second, but a second was almost an eternity to the perception of a Kryptonian under a yellow sun.

Carol almost felt her own heart stop at that moment. The first thing that came to her mind was disbelief, followed by denial, and it was in denial that she remained as her body began to be pulled downward once again.

She simply refused to believe it. It was impossible, completely unreal. Her mind spiraled into a million excuses, searching for a plausible reason to set her body in motion and keep ascending, but unable to find any, she just let herself be dragged deeper and deeper. She didn't even care anymore what might happen if she really collided with the planet's core.

Then she heard a roar that traveled even to the most inhospitable depths of the world.

Her eardrums buzzed; for a moment, she thought she had gone deaf until she heard it.

A familiar heartbeat.

no, it was not like before, it was more powerful, more stronger.

At the same time, the gravitational pull on her body vanished, and for a second, she believed she was floating on a cloud.

Then she reacted and, without hesitation, began flying toward the surface at maximum speed.

"Daniel!" In her panic, she completely forgot she wasn’t supposed to call him by his name when he was in disguise.

She saw his figure in the sky, and without thinking, she crashed into him, wrapping him in her arms.

“Oh God, I thought you—” Carol couldn’t finish the sentence.

“It’s okay, calm down,” Daniel soothed her, seeing how distressed she was. He could guess why she was in such a state. He hadn't wanted her to worry so much, but he couldn't help it; Graviton turned out to be much more troublesome than he had imagined.

He looked at her appearance. Though her suit wasn’t as damaged as his, it was clear she had still taken some hits. At the same time, the helmet she wore had a cracked visor and parts of its structure dented. He’d have to build her a new one unless Lara had more stored in the Fortress.

Carol sighed in relief at the comforting pats on her back, then looked at him closely, her eyes widening in shock at his condition. Blood nearly covered him entirely, and his suit was torn in multiple places. Although she couldn’t see any wounds on him, she had no doubt it was his blood.

“You—!” He cut her off before she could say more.

“Listen, this isn’t over yet, and I need you to do something for me.”

Daniel then pointed to the traces of blood that remained, either suspended in the sky or falling in slow motion toward the ground in the form of droplets.

After all, they had been speaking at super speed from the start.

“That’s my blood. I don't want it hanging around so anyone can get some of it.” While breaking through Graviton’s prison, Daniel had broken his bones several more times, and as a result, he had bled more liters of blood than a body his size should possess.

When he broke free, all that blood did too, exploding into billions of tiny droplets.

Most of it formed a red mist that lingered in the air, but the larger drops had already begun to fall to the ground.

Carol looked at the red mist surrounding them. With her superhuman vision, she could see each tiny droplet with perfect clarity. She bit her lip, not needing Daniel to explain in detail to understand what he wanted her to do. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t have minded, but right now…

“Please, do this for me.” Daniel didn’t usually like using that tone with her, but he had no choice. He could hear Graviton recovering from his previous attack and needed to go after him soon.

Hearing him almost whisper in her ear, Carol could feel her face flush.

“I-if you ask like that…”

“Perfect! In that case, I’ll leave it in your hands.” He gave her a strong hug before taking off at super speed in an instant.

Carol blinked and looked at Daniel’s blurry figure, confused. Maybe it was just her imagination, but for some reason, she felt like he had become stronger and faster.

Shaking her head, she focused. She needed to finish the favor he asked quickly so she could go after him.

“I guess I’ll just freeze everything.” Remembering what Daniel did when she faced Greg, she took a deep breath and began using her freeze breath.

She'd finish this in a blink of an eye.





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