Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 86 Rashid? Rosetta!

After Sharif finished speaking, everyone else on the field focused their attention on Liang En.

After all, for these professionals who specialize in ancient Egypt, whether a dead language like Ancient Egyptian in this world can be deciphered is closely related to their future, so they sincerely want to know what step Liang En has taken in this regard. .

"You are right. Ancient Egyptian language does look like pure hieroglyphics, but hieroglyphics will gradually evolve." After realizing that everyone was paying attention to him, Liang En said to the people present.

"But with the development of the times, those hieroglyphics will also change. For example, Chinese is an important example. The earliest Chinese was hieroglyphs, but as time progressed, they developed into ideograms."

"So in this case, I think that since the ancient Egyptian holy script has left a lot of hieroglyphics, it is very likely that it will develop into ideograms like Chinese."

"On the basis of this understanding, I compared the last remaining Coptic parts of the ancient Egyptian language to today, and then gradually deciphered the true meaning of these ancient Egyptian words——"

Liang En gave a rough explanation of his process of translating this language. Of course, he did not expect to be able to convince Sharif, who was worried about himself, but he hoped to make the people around him understand what he had done before.

Those present were all professionals in historical research, so everyone understood that although the view proposed by Liang En was inconsistent with tradition, it was at least reasonable from various principles.

"This is a very meaningful attempt." An expert on ancient Egyptian craftsmanship named Fines said, and then he looked at Sharif. "I don't know whether Mr. Liang's judgment is correct, but this is at least a breakthrough."

"For us, any conjecture should be allowed. Especially when we can't find any new valuable progress on the road of hieroglyphics in a short period of time, this new judgment angle is very useful even if it is wrong. value."

"As for you, Mr. Sharif, I don't know what the grudge is between you and Mr. Liang. But what I need to remind you is that on academic issues, we need to have enough evidence when opposing other people's opinions, and not just rely on our own guesses. "

Obviously, Mr. Fines still has a high reputation among the people who came to Egypt for this inspection. So after he said these words, everyone dispersed and went about their own business, and no one listened to Sharif's platitudes.

"We have to give him a taste of something powerful." Looking at Sharif walking away in despair among the crowd, Fan Meng walked to Liang En and whispered in Chinese. "Constant harassment like this is so annoying."

"How should we teach him a lesson? Put a sack in a sack and beat him, or throw him into the Nile River next to him." Liang En shook his head helplessly and said. "For us, unless we can get concrete evidence, it would seem that we are at a loss for words."

"Especially because although the other party is messing around, it looks like an academic discussion. So unless I can find academic evidence to support my point of view, there is really no good way."

"After all, this kind of academic problem can only be solved from an academic perspective, just like you can't knock over the opponent's debater with one punch in a debate competition."

When it was getting dark at night, everyone got together and chatted all over the place. It was at this time that everyone brought the topic to the history of the city of Rashid.

"Excuse me, why did you just say that this city has a name?" Just as Liang En and Fan Meng were sitting and listening to several scholars talking about the history of this city, they suddenly heard a somewhat familiar pronunciation, So he asked quickly.

"Ah, that's from the colonial era." Mr. Fines said seriously. "For the colonists, sometimes they couldn't pronounce the local place name, so they would find a similar pronunciation for convenience."

"In this case, the place called Rashid was naturally given a name by the British. It's called Rosetta - Mr. Liang, what are you doing?"

Fenes looked at Liang En in surprise, because after he said the word Rosetta, Liang En jumped up as if there were springs on his butt, and then quickly rushed towards the half he dug out just now. Stone tablet.

"I suddenly had an inspiration." Liang En confessed and rushed into the room where the previously excavated stone tablets were kept. Seeing this, Fan Meng followed him into the warehouse.

"Rosetta, it's actually Rosetta. I should have thought of it when I saw the first line of words on that stone tablet before." Liang En finally remembered the familiar feeling when he was translating just now.

Because the few sentences he translated from the stele before were actually the cornerstone of Champollion's study of ancient Egyptian, the first few sentences of the Rosetta Stone.

The reason why he didn't think of this at the first time was because when the original stele was excavated, there was no ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic text on the top, but only the Greek version.

After realizing this, Liang Encai discovered that the fragment of the monument he had found before was probably the upper half of the Rosetta Stone that had disappeared in the world he came from. At least it was very similar in size.

So while combining four [Detection (N)] into one [Detection (R)], he headed to the room that was used as a warehouse as quickly as possible and came to the edge of the half of the stone tablet.

"Brother, why did you come here while you were eating?" Liang En just walked to the stone tablet, and Fan Meng also ran into the room and asked. "The whole roasted lamb will be on the table soon."

"I just suddenly thought of something very important." Liang En said, taking out a strong flashlight and a small brush. "Can you tell from this stone what the wear marks on it mainly come from?"

"You can see part of it." As a soldier who has been on the front line for a long time, Fan Meng has a certain understanding of this kind of traces, so he quickly found some traces on the stone tablet.

"Except for the signs of weathering, there are not many signs of wear and tear on these stone tablets." Fan Meng said after carefully checking the top and bottom of the stone tablets.

"And this can only mean two things. Either the castle was built on the basis of an ancient temple, or the building materials came from elsewhere but were transported directly through the Nile River next to it - —”

"It should be the second type." Liang En said after thinking for a moment, because the Nile River has a fairly high sand content, so a large amount of sediment with humus will be deposited in places with slow flow rates such as the mouth of the river.

In this way, the location of the mouth of the Nile actually extends step by step towards the Mediterranean. In other words, during the years when these stone tablets were carved, this land by the sea was probably still under the sea.

Just as the two people talked to each other, the process of building this castle was gradually restored. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang En used the [Detection (R)] card on this half of the stone tablet.

In an instant, a light spot lit up in Liang's mind. The amazing thing is that this light spot is not far from where Liang En is now, in the small courtyard of the castle.

"It's okay, it's okay -" Looking at the position of these light spots, Liang En felt a lot more relaxed.

It seems that the people who built this castle did it relatively cleanly when they demolished the ancient Egyptian buildings, so they allowed the stone tablet to come here intact, without having to find a way to escape into the desert.

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