Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 61 Investment and Thesis

For nearly a month, Liang Endu did not open the business. On the one hand, he has not found any worthy and convenient targets during this period. On the other hand, there are a lot of things to deal with.

The most important thing is the liquid cash of about 1 million pounds lying on the account. Putting it on the company's account will only keep paying taxes, which will become less and less. Only by investing will you get enough value.

So since there was so much money in his account, Liang En tried his best to ask around through his relationship with his parents, trying to find a suitable investment opportunity to spend the money.

What he didn't expect was that after searching around, he unexpectedly discovered that the investment opportunity was right around him: there was a farm next to his home in his hometown of Baojian Town. The owner wanted to put his farm up for sale because he wanted to immigrate to Canada. farm.

After realizing that this was a good investment project, Liang En spent 720,000 pounds to buy the 86-acre farm and everything on it, and then continued to operate it as it was.

Different from the Liang En family's original farm, which was mainly planting, this farm is a livestock farm, mainly producing milk and dairy products, and has a license from the Food Standards Agency.

To be honest, if Liang En had not been a close acquaintance with the original farm owner and promised that the farm would not change its use, it would have been at least 10% more expensive for outsiders to buy the farm.

In addition, Liang En took advantage of this opportunity to deal with these matters at home and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the third paper on ancient Egyptian language translation.

Because some important cultural relics did not appear, Liang En could only make inferences bit by bit based on the pictures of the cultural relics that could be found now.

This is not a simple matter. Even if Liang En has knowledge about ancient Egyptian texts in his mind, it is still difficult to form a persuasive argument in the paper without enough unearthed cultural relics as evidence. Difficult things.

So under this situation, Liang En spent a whole month at home to come up with a paper related to ancient Egyptian translation that was barely self-explanatory.

Of course, he was able to complete this paper thanks to his previous papers on ancient Egyptian published in the "Journal of the British Archaeological Society" and his donation of the flag to the National Museum.

So he obtained permission from museums and libraries to easily view ancient Egyptian artifacts in the collection that were never publicly displayed.

"The next thing we have to see is the opinions of the experts." After sending the paper, which had been written for a month, via email, Liang En began to pray silently.

Because there are too many conjectures in this article compared to the previous two articles, the other party may not recognize the views proposed by Liang En in the paper.

What Liang En didn't know was that just after he sent this paper, the email manager of the "Journal of the British Archaeological Society" sent it to an email address in Paris, France, in accordance with the editor's prior request.

"Oh, our Mr. Liang has published a new paper." Dr. Louis, the curator of the Egyptian section of the Louvre Museum in France, received the paper immediately and opened it to read.

In fact, historians like him will basically not read research papers written by civilians like Liang En. Because it is difficult for civilians to do any decent research without sufficient knowledge and cultural relics support.

It's just that Louis is a rare exception, because he believes that since people have not deciphered the true meaning of ancient Egyptian texts for such a long time, it means that there should be problems with existing conjectures and text deciphering methods.

So for so many years, he persisted in checking every paper claiming to decipher ancient Egyptian texts, hoping to find some flash of genius.

Liang En's first paper attracted the doctor's attention, because in his opinion, although there were too many uncertainties and conjectures in the paper, Liang En proposed something that had never been proposed by anyone before. way of thinking.

The conjecture about the connection between ancient Egyptian and Coptic in the second paper made Dr. Louis even more energetic.

Because compared to the lack of universal theory in the first paper, the analysis of ancient Egyptian in the second paper has extended the rules that were previously limited to foreign names to the entire language.

Therefore, during this period, Dr. Louis, as an Egyptology scholar who has mastered Coptic, has been trying to translate ancient Egyptian according to the rules analyzed by Liang En before, and has achieved some success.

However, due to the lack of some information that could be used for comparison and verification, he could not confirm whether his translations were accurate.

Therefore, Dr. Louis, who hoped to get more information, sent a letter to the Journal of the British Archaeological Association, requesting them to send him a copy as soon as possible after receiving Liang En's new paper.

"What a genius idea." After reading Liang En's third and longest paper. Dr. Louis let out a long sigh and leaned on the back of his chair, then as quickly as possible he summoned a picture of the inscription engraved on the coffin and translated it.

Although this article lacks many key points due to the length of the paper, the lack of information, and Liang En himself carefully controlling the amount of knowledge released, Dr. Louis still found what he wanted.

"Inside this coffin is a priestess from the ancient Egyptian holy city of Thebes." Although it was not possible to recognize all the words on the coffin, some of the identified keywords had revealed many secrets.

It is well known that various tomb robbing activities have begun since ancient Egyptian pharaohs were mummified and placed in their tombs.

Therefore, even in an area like the Valley of the Kings, only one unexcavated imperial tomb can be found. Some of the tomb robbers of the imperial tombs were the guards of the imperial tombs and the workers who built the tombs.

Therefore, many mummies' coffins have had all traces of previous changes of hands erased when they were discovered by professionals, which naturally prevents archaeologists from obtaining a series of valuable information such as where cultural relics were found.

But now, after identifying the ancient Egyptian texts on the coffins, scholars can obtain some important information from the texts that was simply unavailable before.

"This is simply great!" After translating several short inscriptions in succession, Louis felt a little tired and dizzy. Obviously this means that he has overused his brain.

So he quickly stopped and picked up a glass of water next to him and took a few sips. Then he took a deep breath and picked up the landline phone next to him and dialed a few numbers.

"Dani, please help me immediately notify Dr. Andrew, Dr. Pierre and Professor Jacques in the Ancient Egypt Exhibition Hall, and ask them to come to my office immediately." Louis shouted loudly into the phone.

"Yes, Mr. Louis." A young female voice came from the phone. "But these gentlemen are busy with something right now. How should I inform them?"

"Just tell them that the secret of ancient Egyptian has been deciphered. We now have the key to the ancient Egyptian treasure house." Dr. Louis also calmed down at this time, and then explained.

"We will be busy for a long time, because the cultural relics in the collection alone are enough to keep us busy for several years."

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