Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 55 Harvest and Militia Training Camp

"This is the reward you deserve." Early the next morning, Butler Robuchon from the Earl's Palace met with Liang En and the others in a private room in a coffee shop. As soon as they met, the butler pushed a large check across the table.

"200,000 euros, does this seem to be more than what you promised before?" After taking a look at the number on the check, Liang En looked at the butler opposite and asked.

Because before this, the Earl's Mansion had clearly stated a reward of 150,000 euros for this mission, so Liang En was a little confused as to why the Earl's side would pay an extra 50,000 euros.

"This extra 50,000 yuan is an extra reward given to you by the count." Butler Robuchon said seriously.

"Because what you are doing now has solved a problem that has troubled us for decades for the family and recovered the missing family member. Therefore, His Excellency the Earl feels that he should give you a large reward to express his gratitude."

“In addition, our count also asked me to tell you that the wealth you found earlier involves more people than we previously imagined, so we may not be able to calculate the true value of those things until after Christmas—— "

"It's okay. Just give me the money when you have calculated these things clearly." Liang En shook his hand and said with a smile.

According to the news he saw on the gold bars before, this money involves at least 20 to 30 hereditary noble families. Therefore, trying to figure out the relationship after more than a hundred years is definitely not something that can be done in a short time.

To give the simplest example, some nobles have died out, but there are many heirs to their wealth. So who to give this money to is a big question.

"Thank you for your understanding." After hearing what Liang En said, Butler Lubuchon nodded slightly to him again to express his gratitude for his understanding. After the two sides chatted for a while, the steward left.

"We made a fortune this time." After the butler left, Pierce's eyes shone with excitement. Although he will only get 1/10 of the money according to the agreement, making 20,000 euros in less than a week is definitely not a small amount.

"Yes, I did make a fortune." After putting away the check, Liang En asked Pierce. "By the way, what should we do next? Do you have any new information?"

"There are some jobs, but they're not very good." Pierce said as he sent a list to Liang En.

"Work like these warehouse auctions or clean-ups are purely physical work. I don't think it's worthwhile for us to do these jobs. Of course, if there are really no alternatives, then this job is acceptable."

"How about this job of exploring the Home Guard training base?" After going through all the lists of these jobs, Liang En asked, pointing to one of them.

"This makes me a little hesitant, because this place was abandoned after the end of World War II, and it is also located in the East End of London." Pierce said after glancing at the message on his phone.

"During World War II, this base was located in the eastern suburbs of London. However, after the end of World War II, the base was completely abandoned and was included in the urban area as the city gradually developed."

"Then starting in the 1970s, that area gradually became a so-called blighted area. Until this year, some people began to buy up all that land and prepare to develop new real estate."

"In other words, if there is anything valuable in there, it should have been taken away?" Listen to Pierce's description. Liang En also realized why he hesitated.

The so-called declining communities are places like downtown Detroit, so those unemployed people with empty pockets have a high probability of looting all valuable things.

"Yes, but it's not without its merits to search there," Pierce said. "Because if you want to go in and search, you only have to pay £150, and we can take what we want from inside and we don't have to clean up the rubbish."

"Then this is it." Liang En tapped the screen of his phone with his fingertips and said, "At least compared to other places, this base is the most cost-effective."

That afternoon, Liang En and the others took a plane back to London. After resting for a night, they drove to the training base at the edge of the city that had been turned into a construction site early the next morning.

It is said to be a training base, but most of the empty fields that were originally part of the training base have been built, so the only places they can really explore are a three-story main building and a two-story annex building on the side.

After paying 150 pounds in cash to the person who opened the door, Liang En and the others walked into the courtyard, which was not that big.

"It doesn't look like the situation here is good." Liang En blurted out as he looked at a building with no doors or windows, only an empty door frame and garbage all over the yard.

"Based on the money we paid before, the situation here is considered normal." Pierce is in a better mood. After all, he has more experience in this industry than Liang En, so he has been mentally prepared before.

After a brief discussion, Liang En and the others decided to start the metal detector search from the yard. Because compared to the inside of the building, which had obviously been searched several times, the situation in the yard was much better.

"I have a reaction here." According to the assignment, two people were responsible for searching half of the yard. As a result, Pierce was lucky and found some underground metal reactions first.

This thing was not buried deeply. The two people dug down only five or six centimeters with a small shovel and felt that the shovel hit something hard. Then they began to clean up the soil above it little by little with that place as the center of the circle.

As the soil was gradually cleared, the metal objects previously covered by the soil gradually revealed their true appearance. It was a round, rusty metal can the size of an adult's fist. There are still black paint residues on the surface of the round can in many places.

"I know what this is." The first time he saw this thing, Pierce recognized its true identity. "This should be a canister for a gas mask."

Sure enough, after taking out the jar and turning it over, Liang En found that the bottom of the jar was densely covered with small holes, which were probably used to allow air to enter the jar.

"Before World War II, the British stockpiled a total of 87 million gas masks. The Germans had only 9 million. Because the British military believed at that time that the enemy would use the air force to drop a large number of poison gas bombs on the British mainland once war broke out."

"So as soon as World War II broke out, the British Air Defense Committee issued gas masks to everyone and asked everyone to carry them with them. For example, there is an old gas mask in the attic of my house."

"You British people were so happy back then." Liang En sighed after hearing what Pierce said.

At this time, he thought of the ancestors of China in those days, not many even front-line soldiers had these things, and they even had to dip their own urine in a towel to fight the enemy in the poisonous gas of the RB Japs.

"You should say they are British, but I am Irish." Pierce shook his head. "Compared to the upstart Germany, Britain, which has plundered the world for hundreds of years, has much deeper background in all aspects than we imagined."

"Of course, this is also a good thing for us. Because it means we can find more valuable things here."

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