Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 38 Lewis Chess Piece

Just when Liang En walked onto the beach, light rain began to fall in the sky. Although this kind of weather is very common for the UK, it still caused those tourists on the beach to leave the beach.

This is good news for Liang En. Although he has spent money to buy a license to dig on the island, he doesn't really want people to watch him while digging for treasure.

"According to records, those treasures should be hidden in a small stone room under the sand dunes." Liang En thought as he took out the thin steel drill he carried with him.

"In my original world, the chess pieces were found by the cows when the discoverer was herding them. This also means that the stone chamber is very close to the ground and there is a certain amount of vegetation covering it."

"If this is the case, then there are not many qualified places in this bay. It only takes a few hours to go through the whole place."

An hour later, Liang En used the probing stick in his hand to explore all the sand dunes in this small bay, and then locked his destination on three sand dunes.

Because in these three sand dunes, after inserting the probe stick for half a meter, you can clearly feel that there are some hard objects that are not small in size inside.

It was obviously not a good idea to dig up and check all three sand dunes, so in order to save time, Liang En directly used the [Detection (N)] card in his hand.

The first [Detection (N)] card was directly wasted, because after consuming this card, there was no response from the surrounding area, which meant that the hard object in the dune was probably just a big stone.

But when Liang En dragged his tools to the second sand dune and used the card, a small space that was less than 1m deep under his feet appeared in his mind, as well as the space located in that space. a point of light in.

"My luck is really good." After seeing this light spot, Liang En suddenly became excited, and at the same time a sense of surprise hit his heart. Because for him, this was the first national treasure he actively searched for after obtaining the golden finger.

After determining the location of the underground space, Liang En immediately took out a shovel and started digging. As the surface soil was removed bit by bit, some traces of human disturbance were slowly brought up by the shovel.

For example, Liang En found several shell fragments in this piece of soil. Considering that this sand dune is some distance from the sea and is seven or eight meters above the high tide sea level, the appearance of these shells here is naturally related to man-made activities.

Because the surrounding area was surrounded by sand, Liang En had to dig a hole large enough to bury at least one person to prevent the surrounding sand from sliding down around the target.

While he was digging the hole, the rain slowly stopped. Several tourists on the beach came over curiously and took a look at Liang En's work.

But because they were just digging holes during this period, the tourists only watched it for a while and then ran to the beach to play in the water.

Interestingly, a local old man watched Liang En digging there and persuaded him, telling him that many treasure hunters had brought metal detectors here before, but they found nothing. .

After thanking the old man, Liang En continued digging with the shovel. After all, in his impression, there were no metal objects in this batch of cultural relics, so the metal detector was naturally unlikely to find anything here.

Finally, after digging for nearly an hour, the shovel hit something hard. After further cleaning, a stone slab with artificial carving marks appeared at the bottom of the pit.

This stone slab is very roughly carved and has no patterns on it. It can even be said that the other party probably peeled off the stone from its original place and placed it directly here.

The moment he saw this slate, Liang En could feel his heart starting to beat violently. This was not because he thought this rough slate was valuable, but because this slate represented the things in his mind that came from another world. The memory of the world is also useful in this world.

After taking a few deep breaths to stabilize his emotions, Liang En began to dig down along the edge of the stone slab. Soon, he discovered that this should be a small ancient secret room.

The entire secret room is embedded in the sand dunes. In order to prevent the sand dunes from completely destroying the secret room, the people who built the secret room made the walls and ceiling of the secret room very thick.

Although the stone slab with a diameter of no more than 1m above the secret room could be pried open with force, considering the fragility of the cultural relics buried inside and the obviously weak walls of the surrounding secret room, Liang En decided to look for this one. The opening of the secret room.

After all, you can tell at a glance that this location is a treasure hiding place rather than a burial pit, so the people who put these things in back then will definitely make it easier for them to take out such treasures in the future without blocking the entrance.

Sure enough, after exploring around the secret room, Liang En found the door covered with a stone slab on the side of the secret room. But unlike what he had imagined before, this door pointed inland, not to the sea.

But after thinking about it seriously, he felt that the other party's approach was the right one. Because if the other party really wants to preserve these things, it is a wise idea to avoid the humid and high-salinity air from the ocean that is not conducive to preserving items.

Thinking of this, he once again observed the small sand dune under his feet, and then became more determined in this idea. Because although the height of this dune is not high, it is the farthest from the coastline among these dunes.

Next is the moment to open the secret room. Considering that these things in the past life were excavated in the early 19th century without special protection, they were completely preserved until the 21st century. Therefore, the preservation status of the things in the secret room should be very good. It is not It requires some special tools to open.

Thinking of this, Liang En forcefully moved away the big stone that was used as the door to the secret room, and then took out a low-light flashlight and shined it into the secret room.

There were a large number of white statues of different sizes placed in the secret room. After taking a brief look with a flashlight, he quickly reached in and grabbed the small statue that had been used as a signal point and was emitting light that only he could see.

In an instant, six cards, one silver, two bronze, and three black, appeared in Liang En's mind. But now he didn't care at all about the cards he got this time, but looked at the little statue in his hand.

The statue that appeared in his hand was of a noble woman wearing a robe, sitting on a high-backed chair, with a crown on her head. The special thing is that the right hand of this female statue is raised to cover her cheek, looking like she has a toothache.

That's right, what Liang En found now was the Isle of Lewis chess piece that was known as the British national treasure in his previous life, and the one he held in his hand was the most famous queen chess piece among them.

Of course, the chess piece's posture does not mean that she has a toothache. But in the ancient tradition, the gesture of covering the face with hands represents contemplation and is a symbol of wisdom.

And this also proves one thing from the side, that is, in the Middle Ages when this chess piece was made, royal women were not just vases, but were considered to be intelligent characters.

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