Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 18 Raiders

"What happened? Why did we set off overnight?" After hearing what old Pierce said, Liang En and Pierce suddenly became nervous.

Not to mention that their original plan was to leave after lunch tomorrow, just leaving overnight was a risky thing in itself.

After all, only old Pierce is the only one among them who can drive. But now that old Pierce is almost 50 years old, and they have been busy all day long, it is not suitable for driving at night from all aspects.

"You guys eat first and talk while you eat." Old Pierce said, handing the burgers and drinks in the plastic bags to Liang En and Pierce respectively, while talking about what he just discovered in the German-style fast food restaurant.

It turned out that after leaving the reservoir area just now, old Pierce went straight to the nearest fast food restaurant to buy some simple food to satisfy his hunger temporarily. As a result, I unexpectedly saw a group of far-right guys having dinner in that restaurant.

These people are very easy to recognize in Germany because they are the only ones in this country who openly wear clothing with the German crisp logo of World War II.

After discovering these troublesome guys, Old Pierce naturally shrank into a corner to avoid being discovered by them.

Fortunately, this group of people were also discussing something enthusiastically while eating at that time. In addition, there were not many diners in the restaurant, so Old Pierce easily overheard what these people were talking about.

"Those far-right people know about this auction, so they are planning to set up checkpoints nearby to extort money." Old Pierce said to the two young people eating.

"But it will take time for them to mobilize manpower, so if we leave now, we should be able to break through the siege with our loot this time."

Although these guys only said they wanted to extort money, but with the notorious reputation of this group of people, no one believed that they were limited to extorting money instead of doing something more egregious.

Therefore, for Liang En and others, for the safety of their lives and property, they must do something to solve this problem.

"Then should we notify others?" After swallowing the mouthful of burger in his mouth, Liang En asked Old Pierce.

"You can quietly inform the Balkan people in the warehouse in front later, but forget about the others." Old Pierce said after thinking for a while.

"Because it can be judged from the conversations of those people that the other party has an insider in our group, so in order to avoid alerting them, we'd better be cautious."

As for the old Pierce, he himself believed in the attitude of being kind to others and helping others whenever he could. So I am happy to lend a helping hand to others when I can.

In addition, there is an advantage to informing others at this time, that is, you can have someone to share the firepower with when running away, which can reduce a lot of chasing troops.

"Understood -" Liang En nodded and waited for the three of them to finish dinner and rest for a while. Under the cover of darkness, he quietly approached the three Balkans who were cleaning the warehouse, and then informed them of the news.

"Thank you so much." The blond guy in the lead thanked Liang En in broken German, and then gave him his phone number and the frequency of the walkie-talkie.

"We need half an hour to pack up. After half an hour, you decide the departure time, then call me and tell me, and we will leave from here together."

This group of people is a group of Slovenians who have been doing business in buying and selling antiques and antiques in Austria. But this time, after hearing about the warehouse auction here, I drove here from Austria in the south.

Obviously, they are also targeted by the German far-right forces. So when they heard that this group of people was going to attack them, they would rather give up some of their interests and leave this dangerous area as soon as possible.

40 minutes later, Liang En and the others got into the truck after taking a nap, called the group of Slovenians, and then started the truck.

Soon, the two container trucks started moving, and then quickly rushed out of the gate of the warehouse area one after the other and plunged into the darkness.

Because this place is very remote, almost all the street lights on the roadside are broken. But even so, old Pierce still gave full throttle, and the same was true for the car behind him.

The two cars gradually accelerated on the dark street and soon exceeded 50 kilometers per hour.

This speed is of course very slow on the highway, because most highways in Germany have no speed limit, but on such a dilapidated and unlit road, this speed is already very fast, and can even be said to be dangerous.

"At this speed, it only takes us seven or eight minutes to leave this warehouse area and enter the city." After taking a look at the speedometer, Liang En turned his head and asked Pierce beside him.

"By the way, Pierce, where do you think those guys would choose to intercept us if they really want to intercept us for robbery?"

"It should be at the fork in the road two thousand meters away." Looking at the electronic map updated in real time on his phone, Pierce said nervously.

"Because once we pass the fork in the road, we can go directly onto the highway. Once we get on the highway and blend into the traffic, it will be difficult for the other party to find our whereabouts."

"So the other party will definitely cut us off at that critical point and make us stop. If we don't stop, they will use some dangerous driving methods on the highway to force us to stop."

Having said this, Liang En looked helplessly at the car he was riding in. Because in Germany, there is no toll on highways for vehicles under 12 tons.

But the problem is that their car obviously weighs more than 12 tons, so it is easy to be targeted when they stop at the toll station to deal with the problem.

The two-kilometer journey passed in an instant, and at that fork in the road, they saw two pickup trucks, which are rare in Europe, blocking the intersection. At the same time, there were two people wearing blue coats and waving red lights in their hands. flashlight.

"These people are newcomers, not police, so don't worry about them now and just rush over." After seeing at a glance that the other party was not a police officer, Liang En shouted into the intercom in the car, and the two trucks accelerated and rushed past almost at the same time. This level.

"The other party is catching up now -" Looking in the rearview mirror, Pierce shouted loudly. Sure enough, the other party did not give up after they did not stop Liang En and the others, but prepared to follow them to the highway to attack.

"It seems that we can only find a way to get rid of these guys on the highway." Liang En muttered quietly, but in his heart he was glad that Germany did not have a complete surveillance system in public places like China.

Without monitoring, he felt that the special abilities he had in his hands could just solve the problems he was facing now.

Soon, Liang En and the others stopped in front of the toll booth at the highway intersection. Just when they were about to go through the toll-related procedures, the two pickup trucks arrogantly passed the toll station and stopped at the parking waiting area a little in front of the toll station.

"Should we call the police now?" Pierce asked nervously after watching the people in the two cars roll down their windows and give them the middle finger.

"The police are called, what next?" Old Pierce said, holding the steering wheel. "If we wait where we are, the far-right group will definitely come and attack us. In this way, not only will we be in danger, but we will also be in danger to the toll collectors."

"And if we leave, the situation will be no different than now. Because the police will definitely find us after those guys."

"Then what should we do?"

"Don't worry, the situation is not that bad." Liang En said with a serious face, "My sixth sense tells me that we will definitely not encounter any danger next and we can go home safely."

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