Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 102 Strange Book

"It seems that we can only keep this silver coin inside." Liang En made a decision after moving the probe closer and carefully observing the first item found after entering the place.

Because this thing is a very common silver horse sword coin from the Victorian era. The market price of the silver coin is up to 40 pounds. It can be said that it is a common commodity in the antique market and does not have much value.

And it is obviously not worth it to pry open those mahogany decorative panels left over from the Victorian era for something that is neither precious nor valuable.

"How did this thing fall in?" Fan Meng looked curious as he looked at the silver coin stuck between the wooden decorative board and the wall on the screen.

"There are indeed cracks in the decorative panel, but such a large silver coin cannot be stuck sideways in it like it is now. Other than that, I really can't find any place where such a silver coin can be stuck in."

"This decorative strip should have been replaced." After hearing Fan Meng's question, Liang En stood up and looked at the overall condition of these decorative wooden boards, and then pointed to the top of the decorative board.

"It's the thin wooden strip on the top of these decorative wooden boards." Liang En explained while pointing to the decorative strip.

"Apparently, some time after these wood decking was put in here, something deformed between the wood and the wall. It created a crack between the two."

"After discovering this, the owner of the house at the time added a piece of wood to block the crack, and at the same time added a new decoration to the upper edge of the decorative board."

Soon, Mr. Lewis, who was informed, came over and asked Liang En to help take a picture of the silver coin after understanding the situation.

For him, it was enough to be able to record the event and show it to others, without the pursuit of taking the thing out from behind the wooden decking.

In the following time, the three people found a series of small things like hairpins, rings and even pen tips scattered in the gaps of the wooden floor or under a piece of furniture.

Although Liang En and the others were not very satisfied with what they found, the Lewis couple were quite satisfied with the trophies they found.

Because in the eyes of the couple, these knick-knacks spanning more than 100 years fully illustrate the history of this house, which is why they asked Liang En to come over and search.

For these wealthy people, they need something interesting enough to talk about and show off. And the history of your own home is obviously a very good topic.

It took a full five hours for several people to explore the entire room. After completing this work, Liang En stood in the living room on the second floor and used a [Detection (N)] card.

After all, even if the employer is very satisfied with the search work, he still feels that the search work is a little lacking, so he hopes to find more things.

In an instant, a white light rose from the study room on the second floor, marking the item with the highest historical value in the entire building.

"There shouldn't be anything precious in the study." Seeing this reaction, Liang En frowned, because he remembered that Mr. Lewis had just said that because they had just moved here, they hadn't had time to put books in the cabinets in the study.

During the inspection just now, Liang En also determined that the books in the cabinets in the study room were hardcover books that were common from the 1920s to the 1960s, and the cabinets were also of a common type. They were not precious in themselves, nor were they What mezzanine.

"It seems that I must have overlooked something just now." After realizing this, Liang En immediately went to the study room and followed the white light to find a copy of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" on the bookshelf.

"A fairy tale book?" Liang En frowned. Of course he knew this book, because in both worlds, this book was a very famous fairy tale book.

After taking the book and checking it over and over, Liang En found that there was nothing special about this book, which was published in the 1930s.

The book itself, the cover and the spine are all very normal and are not significantly thicker than other places.

In other words, there shouldn't be a layer in this book like the Champollion scratch paper he found when he found the Hummingbird Pistol, so naturally there wouldn't be anything hidden.

In addition, Liang En also carefully checked whether there were any passwords in the book. He found that the book was clean. Except for the yellowing of the paper due to time and the initials of A.M.T on the title page, it looked like a new one. the difference.

"It's definitely not that this book is more precious." Liang En carefully looked at the issue number at the back of the book and checked it on his mobile phone before whispering. Because there are several books in the cabinet that are more precious than this one.

"But if it's not this, what could it be?" Liang En narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought. At the same time, he subconsciously touched the cover of the book with both hands, and suddenly found something wrong.

Under normal circumstances, the edges of these book covers should be very smooth because they have been processed. It will become rough unless it is severely worn.

But now the inside of the cover of this book is obviously a little rough, giving the impression that it has been rubbed on a polished, non-smooth stone. It is obviously different from the book cover on the back cover.

"Huh?" Liang En, realizing something was wrong, immediately started further observation and found that the leather on the cover of the book had obviously been peeled off and then glued back on.

"This is interesting -" Liang En thought. At this time, Pierce and Fan Meng discovered that Liang En had not come downstairs for a long time, so they came up to look for him.

"I found something interesting." Seeing the two companions who came upstairs to find him, Liang En raised the book in his hand and smiled, then said. "But we should ask the owner here about what to do next."

"Are you saying that there might be something interesting hidden in the cover of this book?" After listening to Liang En's analysis, Mr. Lewis asked while holding the copy of "Alice in Wonderland".

"I'm just saying it's possible. After all, this book is very new and has not been worn much. In this case, it seems a bit strange that the cover of the book was removed and then reinstalled. I think someone may have hidden something. thing."

"Mr. Lewis, do you know the origin of this book?" After Liang En finished speaking, Pierce suddenly asked, pointing to the book in Mr. Lewis's hand.

"Under normal circumstances, if we can know the origin of this book, such as where it was purchased and who it was purchased from, we can infer a lot of valuable information."

"We don't know the origin of this book." After exchanging a few opinions with her husband, Mrs. Lewis said to Liang En apologetically.

"We only know that the books have been here since we bought the house. We also asked the previous owner of the house at that time, but the previous owner said that these books were left by their predecessor."

"In other words, the origin of these books should be unclear." Liang En looked at the book helplessly and whispered. "We won't know what's hidden until we open the cover."

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