Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 The experiment was successful!

The diameter of HIV is about 120 nanometers, which is invisible to the naked eye and can only be seen with a microscope.

But at the moment.

With the help of the cell editor, Lu Li can clearly see HIV.

Under his watch.

HIV entered his body and wandered around until he encountered a special kind of cell called T cell.

T cell is an important immune cell of the human immune system.


Under Lu Li’s gaze, HIV enters the T cell directly, and then replicates. One becomes two, two becomes four, and the children and grandchildren will replicate.

Next, the replicated HIV got out of the T cells and continued to wander around.

As for the discarded T cell, it has already died.

“This is the scary thing about HIV.”

Lu Li couldn’t help but sighed.

The human body’s immune system is extremely important. Those invading microorganisms and viruses, cancer cells and senescent cells that have undergone mutations in the body are all eliminated by the immune system.

HIV directly kills immune cells and destroys the human immune system. In this way, when a virus invades, it can be unscrupulously destroyed.

To make a vivid analogy, the immune system is equivalent to computer anti-virus software. If a virus invades the computer, the anti-virus software will kill the virus. If the anti-virus software crashes and another virus invades, then properly kill your computer. .

Next, Lu Li continued to observe.

Finally, he discovered that macrophages had encountered HIV.

Macrophages are also a type of immune cell that can swallow bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, and other pathogens.


Macrophages can’t fight HIV either.

Lu Li saw with his own eyes that HIV entered the macrophages directly, and then began to replicate.

Of course, Lu Li is not simply watching a show. He is observing the dynamic changes of macrophages in detail and collecting data.

For him, this is a very rigorous experiment.

His attitude towards experiments is very serious.

He was completely immersed in it, almost forgetting the passage of time.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

Bell Bell Bell.

The phone rang.

Lu Li picked up his mobile phone and found that it was Senior Sister Qin Wei who was calling, so he connected the phone and asked, “Senior Sister, what’s the matter?”

“I want to go to the movies, so go with me.”

Qin Wei’s voice trembled a little.

“Excuse me, I’m doing a very important experiment. I can’t go today. I may not be able to go in the next few days. When I’m done with this, I will stay with you.”

Lu Li is now thinking about experimental things, and directly refuses the invitation of the senior sister.

“Okay, then you should be busy.”

Qin Wei hung up the phone, then looked at Durex who was holding in her left hand, with a big embarrassment written on her face.

“Wow haha……”

Seeing this scene, Zhou Jingjing, who was standing on the side, couldn’t help but laugh out a pig cry.

She gave Qin Wei a plan and asked Qin Wei to call Lu Li to go to the movies. After watching the movie, she went shopping. She was hungry after shopping. When she was hungry, she would go to barbecue. After the barbecue, it was twelve in the evening. There was too much order, at this time, the school dormitory was closed, and then… it was logical to go to the hotel to open the room, and then… everything was just right.

Qin Wei also thought it was pretty reliable, even Durex bought it for Lu Li.


Qin Wei finally plucked up the courage to call Lu Li to watch a movie, but was directly rejected.

She was almost laughing to death.

For the next two weeks, Lu Li was completely immersed in the experiment.

Although he has been doing experiments in his own cells, he has always stayed in the laboratory when doing experiments in order to cover his eyes and has hardly left.

In the past two weeks, Lu Li observed in detail the process of HIV invading immune cells such as macrophages and T cells tens of thousands of times.

Then directly modify the genes of the macrophages.

If genetically modified macrophages are still not an opponent of HIV.

Then modify it again.

Anyway, he only loses one cell at a time.

And he can control the division of cells. No matter how many cells are lost, they can be quickly replenished. As for replenishing the material and energy needed by the cells, they can make up for it after eating.

In general, he can not only observe the movement of HIV in the body in detail, but also easily edit the genes of macrophages, and has unlimited opportunities for trial and error… These three conditions are the dreams of other scientists. I want to have it.

In the laboratory.

Lu Li stuffed a few pieces of chocolate into his mouth to replenish energy and sugar, and then continued to concentrate on the experiment.

“The 29357th gene editing… failed!”

“The 33572th gene editing… failed!”

“The 47221th gene editing… Haha! It’s a success! This gene-edited macrophage can beat HIV. As long as it encounters HIV, it will swallow HIV and decompose HIV, but This is not enough. I have to memorize the genetic code of this macrophage, and then improve it so that it can recognize those HIV-infected cells. After the recognition is successful, those cells will be swallowed and destroyed.”

“The 53321th gene editing… failed!”

“The 65324th gene editing… succeeded! Finally succeeded! This gene-edited macrophage can not only identify and eliminate HIV, but also identify and eliminate those cells infected with HIV.”

Lu Li couldn’t help but smiled and exclaimed.

He firmly remembered the genetic code of this macrophage.

Next, he only needs to use this set of genetic codes as a standard, in the laboratory, using single-base gene editing technology to perform gene editing on other macrophages, and then conduct related experiments.

If the experiment goes well, he can officially announce that he has overcome AIDS.

At this moment, Lu Li was so excited.

That’s AIDS.

It has been raging for decades, and the number of infected people is nearly 40 million, but human beings have nothing to do with AIDS!


He was conquered!

After a while, Lu Li’s mood calmed down, using the phone screen as a mirror, looked at his face, and then said to himself: “Who is this handsome guy I saw? He’s so handsome!”

Well, this is just for self-entertainment.

In fact, after two weeks of not taking care of his hair and beard, his charm has declined a bit.

“It’s time to go back to the dormitory. Shave your beard first, then get a haircut, so that your face will return to perfection.”

Lu Li smiled and left the laboratory. However, as soon as he walked out of the laboratory, he suddenly remembered something. For two weeks, he let the HIV raging in his body without taking any notice. Now he is inside his body. The number of HIV has reached a terrifying level.

If it is an ordinary person, there is so much HIV in the body, I am afraid that it has been panic all day long.

But for Lu Li, this is not a problem at all.

It’s just HIV.

As soon as Lu Li thought, the HIV in his body was broken down into atoms.

(Fifth more… I checked a lot of information, and I was dizzy, and I just finished writing now. In addition, the V collection of this book is very poor, only 3,600. According to the current rules, dividing by 3 is the true V collection. , That is to say, only 1200V is available… Having said so much, I actually want to tell everyone that this type of book is very small and can only rely on the support of the big guys I like… Well, please support.)*

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