Start: Summon a Daji

Page 888

Qin Feng's team also came to the city at this time. The commander who led the team folded his right arm on his chest and bowed to the king. This is the highest etiquette.

Chi Na nodded slightly, and the commander waved his hand, motioning for everyone to follow.

Qin Feng just entered the city in a daze. When he entered the city, he raised his head and stared at the man. The figure was so tall and his eyes were so vicissitudes.

After entering the city, as a recruit, he entered the barracks with Dasha.

Each was given a weapon, either a sword or a scimitar, or a lance or an axe.

Night falls.

The recruits have gone through several hours of emergency training, mainly to train endurance, and as if hitting the enemy with a weapon, the seemingly simple training consumes a lot of physical energy.

Qin Feng was panting from exhaustion, but Sisha didn't even take a breath. Even after the instructor asked them to stop, he still wanted to take the initiative to continue training.

"Almost got it."

Qin Feng grabbed Sisha's arm, and whispered in his ear: "Our group of recruits is likely to be cannon fodder, and it is estimated that they are defending the city. It is useless to train so hard."

Sisha's eyes were puzzled, as if Qin Feng's words were difficult to understand, he nodded after a long time, put down the ax in his hand and stopped training.

Why did Qin Feng know it was a city defense battle?

Because the Turks and the Turks are very powerful, the two sides joined forces to attack. Even if China was called the wolf king and his subordinates were called the wolf tribe, they could not resist the powerful alliance of the other side.

Late at night.

Qin Feng was lying in a simple hut, several big men slept in one room, especially he was "lucky" to be assigned with Sisha.


Sisha snored like an electric drill, and Qin Feng yawned from the smelly feet of the comrades in arms next to him, and there was also the sound of grinding teeth that made people's teeth sore.

All kinds of quirks gathered together, making Qin Feng unable to sleep at all.

"I'm a god!"

Qin Feng tossed and turned, and even had the idea of ​​wanting to be a deserter!

When he learned that there was a huge gap between the enemy and us, he didn't want to be a deserter. Knowing that he and others might become cannon fodder, he still didn't want to be a deserter.

But on this unforgettable night, Qin Feng wanted to escape, not for anything else, just to escape the torture of these comrades in arms...

The first thousand and 360 chapters and five military doctors Tuya

In the middle of the night, Qin Feng fell asleep in a daze, but he was always vigilant. He didn't dare to sleep too hard in a city where danger could happen at any time.

In the early morning, Si foolishly looked out of the window, a small peach tree was quietly blooming peach blossoms outside the window.

Qin Feng couldn't help being surprised and said: "Do you like peach blossoms too?"

"Yes, I like it."

Sishahan nodded with a smile. This was the first time Qin Feng heard him speak, and he couldn't help joking: "So you can talk, so I thought you were dumb."

Sisha stopped talking again, just looked at the peach blossoms foolishly, if this picture was replaced by a young girl, a young girl in bloom quietly looking at the peach blossoms outside the window, how wonderful it would be.

It's a pity that he is a stupid big man with five big and three thick.

"Get up and train for me!"

A soldier came to the door and beat the gong to urge everyone to get up.

And so, the day of training begins.

Still wielding a sword, as for archery, it is impossible. Archery requires long-term accumulation of experience. The impression that archers give people in the game is that they often have low blood and low armor, giving people a feeling that they are not as good as melee fighters.

On the contrary, archers are the elites in the team. To pull such a heavy bow and maintain accuracy and precision, they need more strength than ordinary fighters, and they also need a certain amount of talent.

This is why, there are many fierce generals in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but few are accurate in archery.

"Chop! Stab! Chop!"

The instructor who took the lead in the training shouted slogans, and all recruits used wooden figures and scarecrows as training objects, and the training was also the simplest three moves.

The three moves seem simple, just three movements, but on the battlefield of tens of thousands of people, even martial arts moves are of little effect, unless they can reach a certain level, otherwise they are not as effective as "slashing", "stabbing" and "slashing". .

On this day, the training weapon Qin Feng was assigned was a sword, a rusty iron sword.

For some reason, Qin Feng feels like holding the sword like an arm, like the closest friend.

"Could it be that I have practiced swords before?"

Qin Feng tried his best to remember, but he couldn't remember that he had practiced swords before.

He didn't think about it any more, and continued to practice the movements. This time, he didn't feel so tired after retraining. On the contrary, the more he practiced, the more excited he felt.

Chi Na came to inspect the training ground. As soon as he appeared, everyone became excited, as if they wanted to show their best side.

In the eyes of everyone, China is the god in their hearts!

China patrolled silently, and finally selected dozens of people, including Qin Feng and Sisha. The two were so immersed in the training that they didn't even notice China's arrival.

"These people are all appointed and reused."

After China gave orders, he left the training ground.

Qin Feng put down his sword to take a breath, and found that many people around him were staring at him, their eyes seemed to be envious, what were they envious of?

Hearing the whispers of the people around him, he realized that Wang Jun China had come to promote himself and others just now.


Qin Feng thought to himself that he only planned to eat and wait to die, fish if he could fish, and fish if he could, so why was he promoted to a non-commissioned officer instead?

This is going the wrong way!

Forget it, let's continue training.

Qin Feng put aside his distracting thoughts and continued to practice swordsmanship wholeheartedly. If he practiced well, he might have a chance of surviving on the battlefield.

call out! !

A cold light flew from the side and rear. It turned out to be a recruit for training. The simple knife in his hand flew out for a while, and flew towards Qin Feng.


The people around shouted, Qin Feng subconsciously made a horizontal chop, and the flying Pu Dao was blocked, but as the saying goes, when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff their teeth, and the Pu Dao used for training is a knockout product. The split directly shattered a corner.

That corner flew towards Qin Feng, pierced into his shoulder, and blood flowed profusely immediately.

"Send it to the doctor!"

The instructor shouted, and quickly sent someone to send Qin Feng to the military doctor's office. Yes, the military has been equipped with military doctors since ancient times, but they can only perform some less serious treatments and bandages.

If you lose an arm or a leg or something, you can only resign yourself to fate.

Qin Feng endured the pain and was sent to a hut.

"Doctor Tuya, Doctor Tuya!"

The instructor pushed the hut away, and the people in the room frowned and said, "What? The enemy is attacking?"

"No, some recruits were injured during training."

The instructor smiled and catered, no matter in the military or civilians, the status of a doctor is very honorable.

Qin Feng took a closer look, and the so-called military doctor turned out to be a beautiful woman, with hair tied on her temples and her appearance, especially her buttocks were really big, which seemed to be good material for giving birth to a son.

For some reason, when he saw this military doctor, he always felt inexplicably kind and familiar.


Tuya put down the comb helplessly, and began to treat Qin Feng's wound. The wound was not serious, and the fragments were not pierced too deep. The main thing was to stop the bleeding.

As for the rusty iron sheet that might cause tetanus or something, there is no way but to resign to fate.

Qin Feng felt that this doctor named Tuya had a grumpy personality, not as gentle and virtuous as other women, but he was still very gentle when bandaging himself.

Just like many people, when working and when not working, they are completely in two states.

Dr. Tuya is very serious and dedicated when working!

"Thank you!"

Qin Feng thanked with a smile, Tuya waved his hand and said: "This is my duty, but you can also be injured during training. If the enemy attacks, you may be in danger."

Facing Tuya's undisguised contempt, Qin Feng didn't feel much annoyed, and didn't want to explain the origin of the wound, but just thanked him.

Tuya waved her hand impatiently: "Go, don't bother me anymore."

When Qin Feng was about to leave, Tuya shouted again: "Wait!"


Qin Feng was curious, did the other party have something to explain.

Tuya asked suspiciously: "Have we met somewhere?"

"It's strange to say that I have this feeling too, but I can't remember it."

Qin Feng scratched his head in embarrassment, Tuya frowned and said, "What's your name?"

"Salih (meaning wind in Mongolian language)"

Qin Feng answered truthfully, Tuya repeated it twice, but still couldn't remember anything, so he waved his hand and said: "Go, maybe I remember wrongly."

"should be."

Qin Feng thanked again, and then returned with the instructor. The instructor ordered: "Remember, you must be polite to Miss Tuya, you will inevitably be injured in a war, and once you are injured, you must rely on a military doctor like Miss Tuya to save us. Life."

Qin Feng nodded and asked, "What's Miss Tuya's full name?"

"Saren Tuya (meaning moon in Mongolian)"

When Qin Feng read this name, he felt very strange, maybe it was really an illusion just now.

The first thousand and 360 chapters of siege and defense

Time passed day after day, and Qin Feng spent the past few days under the boring training.

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