Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage

Chapter 1335: The Last Tianyuan

Chapter 1335: The Last Tianyuan

"Alpha is a very impressive opponent."

"Curiosity is not a flaw, but her strength."

As the only opponent in the entire Endless God's Domain who has pushed Cyber Elf Alpha to her limits multiple times, Yun Xi may be the one who understands Alpha the best.

A curious and energetic deity.

A simple and lovely fairy beyond the mortal world.

She doesn't hate humans, and she has no interest in being a ruler among them. Her actions to change the rules of the whole Mechanical God's Domain are just to explore the world of Starry Sky Chess better.

Therefore, the only way to win Alpha's heart is through Starry Sky Chess.

Cyber Elf Alpha on the Starry Sky Chessboard is an invincible tyrant, but at the same time, she is the most devoted player.

Her love for Starry Sky Chess may surpass Yun Xi's as a Starry Sky Chess player.

Alpha, who is so dedicated and hardworking, is not someone Yun Xi would dislike, but rather someone he really likes.

The little moments of their first meeting were the most interesting times Yun Xi had experienced on the Starry Sky Chessboard.

Only Cyber Elf Alpha can make Yun Xi use the Star Collapse tactic to make a move that will go down in history on the Starry Sky Chessboard.

Move one hundred and sixty!

Cyber Elf Alpha held her breath, watching closely as the Nebula Great Whirlpool appeared for the third time.

In her eyes, countless streams of data intertwined and washed over.

This game with the Three-eyed Saintess is one of the most challenging games she has played so far, second only to the tough games against the Starry Sky Chess Master.

The Great Whirlpool chess formation was also something she encountered for the first time.

However, unlike the Star Collapse whose principles are still unsolved, the Great Whirlpool tactics are clear and can be followed step by step, from the setup to the final move, with connections to be discovered.

For the curious Cyber Elf Alpha, this game taught her the most.

In her matches against Starry Sky Chess Master A Cloud in the Sky, she often didn't know how she lost or where she went wrong.

Even though her calculated chances of winning were high, in crucial moves, the game would quickly turn around.

Despite optimizing her strategy and correcting countless mistakes, it didn't make much difference in there was an impact, but it showed in her matches against other Star Chess Players.

The optimized strategy made it easier to defeat lower-ranked opponents within less than fifty moves, leading them to concede defeat.

The problem was that these adjustments and new program goals were not effective against opponents like the Starry Sky Chess Master.

The outcome was harsh - her revised algorithm might have a slight effect, perhaps five to ten percent, but against the Starry Sky Chess Master, it was insignificant compared to her newly built planet quantum computer systems.

As the Mechanical God's Domain fantasy seeks to achieve all-knowing and all-powerful through infinite computational power, Cyber Elf Alpha feels she needs more information and a deeper understanding of Starry Sky Chess.

The gap between her and the Starry Sky Chess Master is not just about computational power, but a more fundamental difference.

While others see her as the strongest player after the Starry Sky Chess Master, the gap between them is only half a step.

Below her are Norn the God of Wisdom, the Ruby Dragon Orfina, and other top Star Chess Players.

Big mistake!

If the Starry Sky Chess Master "A Cloud in the Sky" is the pinnacle of the Starry Sky Chessboard pyramid, Cyber Elf Alpha is even higher up, below just a few levels.

The difference between her and the Starry Sky Chess Master is much greater than between her and Norn the God of Wisdom, the Ruby Dragon Orfina. They are entirely different levels.

The level where the Starry Sky Chess Master resides is distinct from all Star Chess Players in the Endless God's Domain, much like the gap between the creator and a legend-ranked. They are not in the same world.

With her computational power exceeding thousands of times beyond a normal legend-ranked, Cyber Elf Alpha dominates over opponents with much lower computational power.

This made her chess style appear very dominant, full of killing intent, and unique.

Without meeting the Starry Sky Chess Master, she truly is the strongest Star Chess Player in Endless God's Domain.

However, even with thousands of times the calculation power advantage of the legend-ranked, facing the Starry Sky Chess's the Starry Sky Chessboard, she still seemed tiny.

Using star map as the chessboard, with stars as pieces, Starry Sky Chess is a concept game containing billions of rules and possibilities.

Not to mention a calculation power base of ten thousand times the legend-ranked, even if Cyber Elf Alpha truly completed the system of quantum computers on one hundred and eighty thousand planets, it would still only be the tip of the iceberg compared to something like a star map.

The divine beings of the legend-ranked have the power to easily destroy a realm of God's Domain.

And each star map represents a Star Domain world, with many celestial bodies measured in light-years. Even the existence of the legend-ranked appears extremely tiny when faced with such vast entities.

Why are so many of the legend-ranked obsessed with Starry Sky Chess? It's because Starry Sky Chess represents endless rules and mysteries. It is the most wonderful story in the river of time, the most magnificent scenery left by countless worlds.

The four corners represent "universe," symbolizing infinite space.

In ancient times, people used the word "宙" to represent infinite time.

Starry Sky Chess represents the ultimate embodiment of the universe.

Even with Cyber Elf Alpha's great calculation skills, she couldn't figure out the scale changes of the star map.

There's no cheating in Starry Sky Chess. It's more about using your own talents, wisdom, and skills to the fullest to enter the world of Endless God's Domain, which symbolizes the highest wisdom.

Before the Starry Sky Chess Master emerged, most of the legend-ranked players in Endless God's Domain couldn't even pass the entry test for Starry Sky Chess, showing how challenging it is to get started.

The Nebula Whirlpool that Yun Xi showed Cyber Elf Alpha is a key tactic in Starry Sky Chess.

It represents one of the mysterious stages of stars that best interprets the evolution rules of Starry Sky Chess.

Only Cyber Elf Alpha can understand the mysteries, as she is in a unique position and is the only Star Chess Player in all of Endless God's Domain who can comprehend its wonders.

The third Great Whirlpool of stars was initiated not by Yun Xi, but by Cyber Elf Alpha herself, which is the best proof of her abilities.

"We won!"

The third Great Whirlpool indiscriminately destroyed almost all the chess pieces on the board.

In the end, only one lonely chess piece stood proudly in Tianyuan's place, overlooking everything.

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