Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Really, Really bad news, the war between the Brotherhood of Darkness and the Jedi has increased in ferociousness. The two forces are tearing at each other throats so much that each battle incorporates everyone around them, that also includes anyone connected to them, like the service corp, aka the Medical Corps or more importantly, me.

I've been drafted into a nasty little planet-wide battle as a battle medic. I can't say I'm happy about it, in fact, I nearly told them to stick it right up their ass but there have been disturbing stories about the Jedi imprisoning Jedi who goes against the Jedi teachings, just imagine what they would do to a failure like me that doesn't strictly believe in the light side or the masters that teach it.

It was totally unfair, the Jedi sent me out with only soldiers to protect me. What idiot thought it was a good idea to send out the magical force healer into a fight against magical dark side force users that specialised in killing?

A dark side user who bends the force to their own will, to damage and kill is stronger when it comes down to a fight, but the Jedi still thought it was a good idea to send me into the thick of battle with a team of grunts that literally can be one-shotted, at least I'm in command but that just means I can pick my death spot.

All of this and more I ponder as I get a ride to the front line, suddenly my mind is jolted out of its daydream of telling all of the Jedi to stuff it by an explosion that shakes the ship.

A goddamn Brotherhood of Darkness transport ship has rammed its way into the ship's docking port. Now hundreds of laser-firing warriors pour out of the ship followed by a couple of red lightsabers-wielding Brotherhood of Darkness members.

Instead of opening the shields and sucking all of the brotherhood of darkness out into the cold dead space the person in charge has met the attacking force with bodies, and one of those bodies so happens to be mine.

I enter the fight and instantly one of my so-called bodyguards gets wasted by a lucky shot. I dive to the ground, where a flurry of lights passes by where my head was just a second ago. Someone was targeting me and judging by how fast and accurate the laser shots were they were probably force sensitive. The force was used to predict what was going to happen, this made it possible to redirect blaster and fire back into the opponents. I swore under my breath as I had been slacking off my lightsaber training. I never thought a valuable healer would be put into this kind of situation.

I'm poorly equipped to fight back, I have my bearly used lightsaber and a blaster borrowed from the dead guard.

I didn't dare raise my head just in case the previous lucky shot was in fact skill. Instead, I used the chrome of the blaster to peer over my barricade.

Whoever was targeting me had a wickedly good shot, despite blasters having the worst accuracy, hot plasma hit my blaster causing it to fizzle and be unable to fire.

I couldn't hear a goddamn thing. Blaster fire, screams from the dying and the distinct sound of lightsabers cutting down......everything.

I can't understand what the Jedi want me to do. One swipe of a lightsaber and that was it, no coming back from that, What the hell do they expect a healer to do about that? Stupid Jedi don't know how to use the army properly. I should be held back, fixing what I can.

My guards are gone, some dead because they don't have precog abilities like force users, and some have just run away. I wish I could but the shithead with the blaster is most certainly targeting me.

I have little to work with but I have to "man up" and do something, doing nothing will get me killed. I tear the broken blaster apart using my telekinesis and meld parts together. A bodge job but it will do, I punt the blaster over my cover and marvel at the amazing shot that my nemesis pulls off causing the gun to fly at a different angle with a single shot. I close my eyes tight.

Blasters are plasma-based weapons, each one contains a massive amount of stored energy. When released all at once a wave of energy spills out like a mixture of fire and water and causes a compact explosion.

Fragments of metal rush from the now destroyed blaster and yet that wasn't what I had wanted. It was the secondary attack, the bright light. I had made a flash grenade and it didn't matter that my bomb didn't make it close to my attacker, the light would certainly do its job.

I began to move away from the cover only to get an inkling from the force to pick up a torn slab of metal. This saved me when I darted out of cover and somehow my attacker got a once-in-a-lifetime shot off that was blocked by the metal.

I've been enhancing my body through medicine and the force for many years now and with the help of some extra force ability I sprint as fast as a fox with its tail on fire, zig-zagging across the battlefield grabbing anything I could get my hands on that would defend me. The amazing shots from my attacker had deceased but that didn't mean I was going to stop. Staying here was not the answer, I dove through a hallway and waited.

The amount of pistol-wielding normies coming into my choke point hallway only to find that their weapons didn't fire was satisfying. A little bit of telekinesis to switch the safety on caused great confusion to spread on their face and an enormous smile to spread on mine.

I didn't spare them, they were here to kill and it would only cause difficulties if left alone. Each normie dropped to the floor, lifeless with only a burnt blaster hole in them. Aiming with a blaster was a problem but when you have this many attackers trying their hardest to pass a chokepoint then you couldn't miss.

A telltale red lightsaber appeared letting me know that a brotherhood of darkness had arrived, he was quickly dispatched. Using my stealth telekinesis I pulled the pin on some grenades that had fallen with the attacking dead normies. The explosion took the dark side user out, If it was just one explosion then there was a good chance the dark side user would have survived but I didn't leave it to chance and pulled all the pins. The explosion wiped out all the remaining enemies and turned the dead into blood porridge. They didn't see it coming.

Through the mass of smoke and raining gore sprinted a new brotherhood of darkness. I fired a shot from one of the many blasters I'd picked up and when that didn't work I threw the gun just like before. I didn't stay to see what the explosion and resulting light show did but popped into turbo lifts and got the hell out of there.

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