Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Time flows, and years go by. It's difficult to pay attention to a galaxy of adventures to piece out what I will expect, but in the meantime, there are interesting events worth mentioning.

My hyperspace routes that hover around The Grove and the ones I've cleaned up bring in huge cash. Having more would be great but I hope I can get hyperspace routes covering from one side of the galaxy to the other. Imagine the trade and cash people will willingly spend if they only have to deal with one owner. Gone will be the days of paying off multiple governments, individuals, organisations and businesses, one payment and you can get where you want to go with ease. Merchants will happily take detours and the long way around if they aren't hassled by different hands outstretched for their piece of cash.

This is why I'm funding huge amounts of wealth to different Pathfinder companies so they can find me my hyperspace routes. The Corellian Run was a super-hyper route that started at Coruscant passed core system worlds and ended at Lamaredd, it was highly profitable but it had to share the cash with numerous worlds, i want something like that but without the sharing.

The Hutt clan with my recommendation also decided to join the rush for Hyperspace routes but they are cheap and disorganised. The Hutts will probably fail as fighting and backstabbing is a norm in their clan. Each Hutt member likes to take the easy way to gain cash and will take another Hutt property if they are weak.

Several other events happened as they always do but some stood out more than usual. There was a convocation of the force that unified several force religions, it was ultimately boring and didn't hold my attention.

The Rod of Seasons was stolen by the children of the Open Hand. A silly secret organisation that believed that the force was better off without force users tampering with it. The silly group didn't even know that their reverend mother was a force user herself.

An ambush done by the Graf family grabbed my attention. The galaxy had thousands of ambushes every single day but this one stood out because the Graf family had attacked a subgroup of the Path of the Open Hand called Children of the Open Hand. The children tried to steal an artefact called Jedi Tears and they were betrayed by their reverend mother, information was given to the Graf family so it was easier to kill the members of the children.

I wouldn't be interested in anything a cult like the Path of the Open Hand did but they had been very active over a single year trying to collect artifacts. They didn't seem to care how the force-sensitive religions saw them, instead, it seemed like they were in a rush to achieve something. To be honest I was a little stumped, the artefacts were of no use to them as they weren't force sensitive... except for their leader.

The Artifacts were a wild card in the galaxy, I've seen many but still didn't know how or what they did. Most of the time Artifacts looked like normal items ready to be used by a select few people.

Then there were a couple of terrorist attacks and some peace talks between warring planets that succeeded with a marriage to my surprise. However, the path of the open hand had a surprise for all the force users in the galaxy by using the blue beasts on planet X. By using some artefacts they were able to control the blue beast that they called the nameless. I didn't know that they could be tamed. I, myself had a pair that went through genetic testing and probing but no combination of tests and drugs could control them. Still, many things were learnt from them like their muscle structure. It was tight and flexible which allowed amazing explosive power. Other species held more attention to me like the billion-year-old Exogorth slugs but their massive size made it hard to scan them and their sentience made it impossible to get deep reading. Imagine getting stomach acid samples when the regeneration and toughness of the skin couldn't be pierced.

That was what held my attention for many years, experimentation on many things that I tried to copy using my force healing abilities. It was difficult as not all the species in this galaxy were silicon base but I took advantage where I could. That was my days as I hired and fired teams to do the work a single person would take thousands of lifetimes. I pushed them in certain directions and let them go before they could complete their work. I would hire different teams and make them do work that they had zero clue what it was for. I alone would combine the knowledge and take it for myself to exploit as I see fit. I did all of this to make sure that the benefits would never fall into the empire's hands. I had to make sure that anything that would improve me wouldn't improve Palpatine, after all, if my memory serves me well, Emperor Sidious was just a clone that caused the galaxy to fall on its knees for forty years, imagine what the real Palpitine could do with my years of life and experience. I wasn't willing to give that dark side user any chance if I could help it. It got especially real when I recognised a name that would hold great trouble, wealth, power and then major destruction. According to my calculation, in the year 350ish BBY, the Trade Federation was founded.

Confronted with the knowledge of a future profitable business I bought up what I could at a good price when they were weak. They would soon explode in power and have their own standard army when the Neimoidian species started to run it. It was better to hold some power over the future bad guys.

The Trade Federation are really big bastards. Instead of competing, dealing and supporting their business they work in the outer rim of the galaxy placing trade embargos on isolated planets making them sign incredibly unfair trade contracts, and if any of the planets stand up for them selfs the Trade Federation bribe the courts to waste time and whittle the planet's resources, and then counter sue.

They have even tried it with some of the planets that were in my hyperspace routes, they quickly retreated when a small army of lawyers and droids fought them in court. They knew what they were doing was illegal but with enough time and counter suing they would win or wear down their opponents. However, like any bully they quickly back down when they are challenged, to the Trade Federation it's all about cost and effort. They are willing to spend a little lawyer money to gain big monopoly trade money but not battle in court against good lawyers when it would cost them and they would probably lose.

Still, the Trade Federation made big money and many trades that caused their coffers to swell. It was a dirty business but easy and profitable. I would have incorporated them into my fleet of transporting cargo ships to increase profits but I knew that in the future the Trade Federation would go under the command of Darth Sidious. It's better to keep my eye on them so I can win later. However, that isn't the only thing I'm keeping my eye on. There are three other points of interest that I have to quietly probe.

The first was the Jedi, they would have major problems in the future that I hope my secret mis-givens and casually guarded worries to Yoda would help.

Seconded was the planet Naboo, the home planet to Palpatine, the future Empire of the galaxy but that wasn't all. Naboo was also the home planet to the wife of Anakin Skywalker. It was still too early to do anything about that but it was always on my mind.

But the third interest had just surfaced on the estimated year 80BBY.

The Sith were having a very uneventful time with the masters and apprenticeship. My friend Darth Vectivus had an apprentice called Darth Gravid who went mad trying to combine the teachings of the Jedi and Sith and was ultimately killed by Darth Gean, she would lose her position to Darth Guile and this continued to Darth Tenebrous but it was when Darth Tenebrous acquired his apprentice called Darth Plagueis did my ears rise and I put my long-awaited plans into action.

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