Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Deeper and deeper I go. Never before have I gone so deep into the Jedi temple. Coruscant is a planet with thousands of levels and I feel like I must have passed a good chunk of them. I've gone way past the holding cells the Jedi use for force users. The walls are no longer the clean metallic stone hybrid but dark dirty stone with thousands of years of grime.

Deeper still and the walls change to have hieroglyphs that I've seen before. When I was kidnapped and brought to the Brotherhood of Darkness temple the same carving was there. My questions were finally being answered. The Jedi, in their infinite wisdom, had built their temple on top of a Sith temple, a possible focal point for the dark side.

What were they thinking? The worst thing was that they knew this, I can't be the only one who has some knowledge of the ancient Sith, the Jedi must have information on the Sith.

I scan the walls with my tec and record the walls, I reach out with my senses and find.... nothing. No dark side energy infused in the stone, no lingering dark side ghosts or negative feelings that haunt the Sith temples and newly made Brotherhood of Darkness temples. The focus point is gone, I suppose if there can be an astroid dark side focal point then it can be moved but I don't like it. I know what is coming and I think this is why the Jedi lose, It's not just Anakin Skywalker's betrayal that causes the downfall of the Jedi but the Jedi master's inaction and superior complex that causes their downfall.

I want to start translating the text on the wall but first, I need to ask Yoda a few questions.

Yoda is meditating when I slide into his spacious room through the droids cleaning port. He senses me and doesn't like that I've let myself in, the annoyance rolls off his mind.

"I have questions that need to be answered" I ignore Yoda's hurps and get straight to why I'm there.

"Do you know that the Jedi have built their temple over a Sith temple"

"Old, the temple is" I pause to understand what Yoda just said, his mind was strong and wasn't under the influence of mind fuckery.

"You do know that the Sith build their temples on dark side focal points," I ask almost completely flabbergasted.

"Well informed, you are" he speaks in that broken grammar.

"Why would the Jedi do such an insane thing" I ask

Yoda chuckles, it's one of the few times that I don't know something and Yoda is eager to rub it in my face.

"Balance in the force, you need. The focal point was once of light but was corrupted by the dark side, now the light side turn it is" answers Yoda.

A short pause in the air as I try to piece my next words together without sounding arrogant. "Why would you stay at a temple that's corrupted by the dark side before it's cleansed

The answer Yoda gives is that they used a meditation area that performs rituals that neutralize dark side effects and artefacts.

This is when I plant the seed for the future "Doesn't the dark side interfere with the light side making it harder to use" I hope that Yoda remembers this conversation in the future when the Jedi become weaker and unable to see the future as clearly. Maybe they will get off their ass and leave the temple.

Yoda pauses like I did to think about the question and repercussions.

"At least you shouldn't train impressionable younglings here"

Yoda isn't chuckling now.

"Look, I have seen a couple of light side focal points in my travels that the Jedi can easily set up a temple and train their kids but this place is problematic"

Yoda slowly speaks up "Much you have given me to think about"

I sigh, Whenever I hear a person say that they will think about it, what I'm told is that they will do nothing until it's too late. However, Yoda might do something as he sees the reasons behind my words but this is the same guy who saw the darkness in Anakin Skywalker and still allowed his training.

It's fine, I won't push it too heavily. I've still got time to persuade Yoda to take positive actions, after all, there is still time before the clone war.

Instead, I will improve myself and use what I know about the future. I have a lot of work to do but I can't push too hard. From here on now subtlety is the key to success.

I need to work on both sides. Yoda and the light side, the Sith and the dark side. The problem with the Sith at the moment is that I don't have any foreknowledge of the current leaders of the Sith, not until Darth Plegius. The leader of the Sith at this time is Darth Gravid but in my opinion, Darth Gean will take over soon.

Darth Gravid is conflicted and is trying to incorporate the Jedi's teachings with the Sith. This is causing him problems as the two ways aren't easy to blend. If I was him I would abandon both and make something new. The problem is Darth Gravid's mind is breaking down and he has already destroyed some of the Sith Holocron cubes. There isn't any point in persuading a madman to travel the middle path and try to change the future, it's only a matter of time before the apprentice becomes the master.

I plan to stay near the Jedi temple and copy the library, learn from Yoda and every couple of years change my position within the temple to avoid detection.

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