Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

I leant back in my chair staring at my armoured fat suit. That was the last time I would wear it. Bee in the public eye was dead and I had no reason to pretend to be the fat overlord of Bee's Gove.

My very public explosion from the living world was done on purpose, I was never on the Eden ship that was attacked. It had all been a carefully constructed ruse.

Using the phantoms borrowed from the current Sithlord to pilot the kamikaze ships I had manufactured a villain that couldn't be tracked. It wasn't how I planned to use the phantoms but it was better than an all-out war

It was a simple misdirection, and yet that was the easy part, now was the hard part.

It wasn't enough to fake my death, plenty of people have done the same. Taking a page from the Black Suns leader it was time I hurt myself and weakened myself in the short run but strengthened myself in the long run.

Dragging my chair forward I went to work with the most painful thing I had done, cutting up my empire.

It wasn't enough to die, I had to show the galaxy that my empire would take a hit, something that hadn't ever happened while I was around. This was the plan, I would lose control over certain parts of my empire and it would look like the vultures circling a corpse to take bites out of it.

I wanted to keep my part of the Galaxy a safe place but I would have to shrink it down a bit just to show that it was vulnerable. Then there were the many corporations under my wing. Some will have my tight grip relaxed and be taken advantage of and fall to the greedy and smart. The Hutts were going to have a party with those rare corporations I let loose.

The healing rooms and Food halls will look after them selfs, and the populous will fight tooth and nail to keep them. The big loss on my end will be the dissolvement of the Dyson swarms and the energy production that came with it. I set up competing companies that will compete to own the Dyson swarm energy company. The best thing is if done right then the competing companies will put my energy company into a deadlock, and when I'm ready, I can just pick it back up.

My biggest headache will be the trading routes that I own. Each one earns more than a planet's GDP for a year every day. Money like that causes smart men to become stupid, and stupid men to become brave. And there were a lot of stupid brave men who would risk their lives and others just to get a slice of this profitable pie.

I ponder what to do. With little fanfare, I do what my SithLord friend would do by doing nothing. One of the many things I've learned through the years is how to predict how individuals, corporations and governments will react to events. My trading routes were very valuable but the Hutt clan needed them and yet they weren't unified as one and they would lose control of the trading routes. And yet, I only had to last for twenty to forty years and wait for the current leader of the black suns to die of old age or if I was really lucky someone would waste him. Could the Hutt clan keep the trading routes, it was unlikely as every government would try their hardest to take it for themselves. And so by doing nothing, it would appear that the trading routes were defenceless and I was truly out of the picture.

Of course, this wouldn't happen overnight, and I would still rack in the cash and that cash would be used to complicate everything even more so. This was just the beginning, a good opportunity to disappear, and a perfect time for a working holiday.

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