Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I'm ten years old, I think. It's hard to know for sure as there are four different dates. It doesn't help that Coruscant has a different orbit time than my home planet. Still, I'm probably close to ten if not past it.

I'm at the age when initiates get their apprenticeship and become padawans. I've worked really hard for this moment, not to get a master but to avoid it.

I practice every day like every initiative but I use my abilities to their fullest. The control aspects of force powers had an interesting ability that allowed the user to achieve their best results to date for the individual, Force Enlightenment.

Right now I'm using force enlightenment to boost my strongest ability, telekinesis, while in the kitchen. As usual, the droids are busy at work using the area to its full productivity but unlike when I first entered here, I no longer need to be at the preparation table to create my meals. Knives are chopping, sauces are stirred, and peppers are stuffed, all by the power of telekinesis.

I'm able to pass my limits by

achieving my best results every time and then modifying my ability until it becomes better, then rinse and repeat. This alone would get me noticed by a master but I've also practised Force stealth, an ability that does what it says on the tin. With this, I have been passed by for apprenticeship by the masters. They think I'm weak in the force and refused to teach me. but unknown to them I've practised force enlightenment, telekinesis and force stealth to such a degree that a unique ability has formed. I'm able to use very weak telekinesis while disguising my force ability. In short, I can force move objects without other force users realising. At the moment I can only move items the size and weight of a coin but I hope this ability will grow. With these skills, I hope to be passed by and accepted into the Service Corps where I won't be forced to fight.

The self-chopping knife stops and fresh new diced ingredients float to the pot with a dash of pepper and a knob of butter I wait for the vegetable to sweat and bring out their aroma and flavour. I look over to the oven and find my spiced buns ready. The door opens on its own and the searing hot pan drifts out filling the room with a sweet addictive smell.

My meal is a simple risotto with what I can say is the closest rendition of cinnamon buns I can find, with lashings of cream cheese icing. I shovel down my food as I've made plans and need to be somewhere as soon as possible.

I'm at the age where no one looks at me out of curiosity if I leave the Jedi temple. They think I'm a padawan on a mission, which I use to the fullest.

My mission today is to make a nice bit of credit, I've made a deal with an old timmer to enter a gambling ring and use my force powers. The spilt is 90/10 to me. If you think it's unJedi to do these things then what can I say apart from "I'm still going to do it"

I stand beside my fake grandpa and manipulate the dice in my favour. I of course use my undetectable force telekinesis to roll a winning number just in case there is somehow force-aware security. Grandpa makes the rolls, and I adjust the dice and profit for both of us. We have to be careful not to win all the time but a few well-placed losses keep the heat off of us.

When we have cleaned up and earned ourselves a substantial amount of credits we part ways. Grandpa is going to use his credits on his actual granddaughter to improve her education and maybe get a better placement on one of Coruscant's five thousand layers.

I, on the other hand, spend my credits on droid parts. I get a great deal on scrapper yard parts. I pay a fee to enter broken down or obsolete warships that are ready to be recycled and take what I want. Each time I pay I have a limited amount of time to gather what I want but using the force to strengthen my body and guide me through the maze of crushed corridors I'm able to find some juicy parts. This is by far the most cost-effective way to use my credits.

I can skip past the competition at neck-breaking speeds while pushing my wagon. I scoop up a language processing unit from an unlucky destroyed protocol droid, and into the wagon it goes. I pass by an intact cleaning droid, It's trapped by crumpled metal but it still trying to clean the mess of the now defunct starship. In the wagon it goes. I prize open a turbo-lift and gut the components I want using my telekinesis. The components are useful but I don't

need to be gentle with them.

As I go deeper I find better things. I don't need to be careful when moving caved-in ceilings or be wary of sharp things as I have the force with me. An average team of scavengers have to be careful, plan their movement and remove debris just so they can keep their life from the many things a sloppy scavenger would die from. And now I was surrounded with loot to such a degree that I was spoilt for choice. What catches my eye the most is the sign beside a door, the cross of healing that anyone with half a brain understood.

My greed flickers a little daring to hope what I might find. In my mind I was sceptical. I couldn't believe that the scraping yard wouldn't have gone and picked this area clean before opening it to the public scrappers. The doors are easy to open, I don't even have to open any panels, I just use the force to flip a switch behind the panel and the door slides open.

What awaited me was a treasure trove of class one medical droids, four to be exact, three stationary medical droids that are fixed to the wall and a hover nurse. I wanted them all but their large size meant I had to discard my loot up to this point. That day I went overboard and spent more credits making a further three runs. My thoughts were simple, if the scrapping yard didn't collect the medical droids then they might not have collected anything from the engine room.

I was right but the worst thing about being first as a scrapper in a fresh new area is choosing what to take. I decided to only take the thing that wasn't bolted down for ease of looting. As I was studying droids, that's what I took the most.

I got a load of second-class engineering droids, the aforementioned medical droids, a couple of third-class science droids, a navigation droid and a downright silly amount of service droids. Every single one of them was sent to the Jedi temple under my nickname. There were other things I picked up like energy weapons such as blasters. I think the ship must have been attacked judging by some of the torn walls but their loss was my gain.

I can't wait to start tinkering.

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